Chapter 1 Betrayal

“I’m sorry, Tim. I think we should give each other some space.” When Tim heard this, he felt the rush of cold blood rise towards his head.

He experienced the unwanted goosebumps next as the entirety of his being tried to reject what he had just heard.

It was a suffocating feeling and one that Tim would most definitely remember in the eons that he would exist starting from this fated evening.

“But… Andrea… we can still work this out. Please let’s talk. Talk to me, please! Tell me what’s wrong?!” Tim panicked and his tears were hanging on the edge of his eyes already.

He tried to sniff the pain away but that has only shown how weak he was right now.

“I gotta go, Tim.”

“BEEP…” Andrea hang up before Tim could even say his nay on what had just transpired.

“An… drea…” a pitiful sob came from the young man who had his world broken in pieces just like that.

Tim and Andrea had been going out for more than 4 years already and he could not accept the fact that upon their freshman year in college, something so unexpected like this happened.

“Nooo… Please! Come back! Andrea!” The 18 year old Tim could not anymore hold the deluge of emotions that ate at his heart.

And for the few times that he could remember, he cried his soul out once again.

“Is what they say true? Is it because of somebody else? You’ve fallen out of love because you met someone better than me? Is that it?!”

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“F*** YOU!”

“F*** ALL OF YOU!” The usually good-natured boy swore like he had never sworn in the past.

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If before he disdained on speaking such crass words and had made a conscious effort to not stoop so low like most of his friends on campus did but tonight,

the profanity Tim uttered would have made a noisy alcoholic blush to shame. He recalled the rumors about his girlfriend and almost slapped his face hard for his stupidity.

He had chosen to trust in love and it seemed like he only got utterly betrayed in the end.

Although there were still some good faithful girls out there but luck was not on Tim’s side as his first love was apparently a shameless turncoat in the flesh.

“F*** THIS S***!” Tim cursed how life shattered his dreams. Oh… it would have been so perfect.

He and Andrea would have graduated from the university together, get a stable job, create a company of their own perhaps, marry before 30, get a couple of kids later, live their lives happily ever after and finally grow old in the years that may follow.

Alas, it appeared like fate had once again blessed its cruel joke on the hapless mortals beneath its lofty station.

“ANDREA!” Tim wept alone and did not know how long he cried to tend his broken heart at the moment. After an indeterminate amount of time, he slept with dried tears on his cheeks.

He did not realize that at this time, he would never wake up the same after this experience. Tim died with his heart broken in pieces.

In this moment where mortals can taste of death in the unconscious, a familiar line echoed in the room.

“System initializing…







System successfully installed!”

- my thoughts:
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