Zombie’s POV 8

Hours passed with no progress. The only achievement he made in all this time was finding out more parts of the camp. Roderick wondered why everyone was allowed to go everywhere. 
Soon Roderick realized they were going to be in this camp till they were cured. After the treatment, patients were sent to another safe place.
But time was running out for him. If he couldn’t do till midnight what Adam had said, then he would die.
He did not know how he would die because he was dead already. Maybe he was going to disappear out of blue or scatter into fragments. Whatever was going to happen wasn’t very pleasing.
Strolling in sunlight made heated his body, so he did not mind the scorching sunlight fall on his skin. Small temperature sensors which were no bigger than CCTV cameras were everywhere around him.
He had no idea what he was going to do in the night if he couldn’t find the prisoners till sundown.
Did these people kill those captives? Roderick couldn’t help but think so again and again.
A while later, he somehow stumbled to where Raphael was.
It was the only chance he could get to know about the prisoners. But he had to be careful because a single doubtful question by him could light suspicion in Raphael’s mind.
“Mr. Raphael.” Roderick called him, “Thank you for saving me.”
“Nevermind. This is what we do.” Raphael was humble.
“I was wondering what would have happened to the zombies who attack humans.”
“We either burn them or bury them by separating their body parts. I think you didn’t notice it when we did it after rescuing you.”
“I was traumatized.” Roderick felt uncomfortable while lying to such a good man. But Raphael wasn’t noticing his lie, so it was fine. “What do you do with other zombies?”
“So these doctors and scientists have made you curious?” Raphael asked.
Hell yeah. “Not much.”
“Then let it be because you should watch out on what you are asking about.” Smile vanished from Raphael’s face. 
A tiny device in his shirt pocket beeped.
“Stress signal from Lieutenant.” Raphael whispered and rushed to an officer near him.
He is alive? Goddamn it!
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