Choice Can Kill 9

After hours of walk, he feels fresh breeze hit his face. He was delighted to find that there was exit after the turn.
Another wizard was standing near the exit. He looked very much different than the last one. The wizard looked like a human whose every body part was different from one another. He appeared as if he was a human made with a broken china plate joined together by pieces of every colour possible.

“You came here without my knowledge. I can’t let you go out.” Wizard spoke.
“Please let me go. I was here to return the locket. I gave it to your friend.”
“You gave it to a wizard?” he asked.
“Yes.” Roderick answered, “I gave it to D’Agata.”
“I am D’Agata and it was my locket. You gave it to wrong wizard. He will misuse it.”
“Please let me go. He has cursed me that I’ll die if I sleep. I don’t want to die and get eaten by these monsters.” Roderick sobbed like a girl.
Monsters licked their lips by imagining tears.
“Even though I am Wizard of Possibility, I can’t take his curse back. But since he is my enemy, I can give you a boon.”
“What do you want?” Wizard asked.
“Please let me out of here.” He begged. S***! I could have said don’t make me fall asleep.
“Granted. But I won’t let you out this easily. I am confined here so I haven’t done my duty since ages.”

“You will have to fulfill a wish of first person who helps you. Then only you’ll wake up, alive, next day. Keep in mind. You must complete the task before midnight or you’ll die. Where will you wake up and how? I don’t know.” Wizard said.
How can this be a boon? You just made me a goddamn genie. I must fulfill wish of my helper to stay alive?
“Will I ever get out of the cycle if I fall asleep?” Roderick asked.
“It is boon for a reason.” Wizard smiled, “Just remember to please your helper somehow.”
A light blinded him and he ran out from the tent.
He was out. Was this dream or what? He asked himself and went in Spencer’s tent again. Neither there was locket not Spencer himself. There were just some maps and archaeological books.
“Hey Roderick.” Drake peeked in the tent, “Have you seen Spencer?”
Roderick stood up and stumbled on something. Drake caught him before he could fall.
“What happened to you? You look red.”
“Forest allergies.” Roderick said.

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For the entire day, people were searching for Spencer in the forest. Roderick sat in his tent, telling everyone that he was sick.
He did not want Drake to tell him to come and help in finding Spencer. Drake already had helped him.
Drake came in his tent in the evening, “No sign of Spencer. This archaeology trip is turning into a nightmare. Are you alright now?”
“Yeah. Medicines are working.” Roderick said.
“Can you make coffee if you are fine?”
This was what Roderick wanted to hear.
“Sure I can.” He stood up with a burst of energy. Then he went to the campfire with kettle.
“This coffee is good, Roderick.” Roderick heard Drake saying.

Good, now all I need to do is not to sleep.

Only allowed on

He drank the coffee as much as he could and started to play horror movies in his mobile phone. Coffee and scare will never let me sleep. He was confident with his plan. He was glad for bringing a memory card filled with movies.
Evil Dead.
The Thing.
He watched all three while charging his phone in the meantime. His neck hurt and his eyes were burning.
I can do this forever….or can I?
He was watching a scene of The Shining later. He saw Danny write REDRUM on the door. Camera zoomed into Mrs. Torrance’s face. Now the words had turned into SPENCER.
Wait! This was not in the movie. S***! I am dreaming.
Roderick forced his eyes open. Then he realized he was in a pit.

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