Devil’s Advocate 11

Roderick sat on the chair, watching every move of the receptionist. On several occasions, their eyes met, making Roderick feel uncomfortable. Constant ramble from the mirror worsened his frustration.
The receptionist closed the file and picked a key from the wall. He squinted to see whether or not Roderick had his eye on him. His eyes fell on Roderick pointing his finger at the noisy mirror.
Receptionist devil put the key in his pocket and left for the washroom.
“How dare you to lie with us?” the lawyer was furious after ten minutes of their time got wasted because of Chopyk.
Every other devil in that group had curses for Chopyk. When all of them were done cursing him, they remembered they had a hearing to attend. 
“I will file a case on you for impersonation.” Lawyer threatened Chopyk then they walked for the reception room.
“Wait. Don’t do it.” Chopyk pleaded, but the attorney was in no mood to listen. Chopyk followed them with constant begging of forgiveness till they reached to the re-registration room. 
The receptionist wasn’t in his table. 
“Where did he go?” an impatient devil glanced at a clock on the wall. Less than five minutes were remaining for expiry of their re-registration ultimatum.
A minute later Roderick came, patting dust off his clothes. He went towards the mirror and removed the cloth off it while the surprised devils looked at him with disbelief.
“What is a human doing here?” devils talked to each other.
Chopyk reached to Roderick and whispered, “Your plan backfired. They are here.”
“Don’t worry. I have knocked out the receptionist.” Roderick smirked.
“Did he see your face?” Chopyk was concerned.
“Maybe not.”
“You are not sure?”
“I am sure about one thing. We are going to get in court quicker than these red bastards.”
“Don’t curse our breed!”
“We humans curse entirety of our breed for one man’s bad actions.” Roderick said.
“Leave all this.”
Clock on the wall rang, and a devil came there with a notebook in his hand. He glanced at the empty counter. Then at Roderick.
“Chopyk.” Devil said and walked. The trio followed the devil till he led them to the hearing room where Isolda as well as Bartholomew were already present. Chopyk gave them a look of disgust, whereas Roderick tried to avoid eye contact with them. Doing so, he saw the judge on his table. He was the only one who had not stared at Roderick. Maybe pending cases were his issues than a human in a place reserved for just devils.
“Roderick.” Chopyk caught his arm and made him sit on a chair where he sat with his feet dangling five feet above the floor.
Dorfaw.” The judge called somebody.
“Hey, wasn’t this our turn?” Chopyk elbowed Roderick’s arm.
“Looks like the damn receptionist had re-registered his name before we arrived here.”
Dorfaw came forward in the jury box resembling to a cage. 
“State your complaint.” Judge said.
“I….I….I….w….a….a….n….t …to….file….a….” the devil struggled to speak.
“Speak fast.” Judge looked at the clock on wall.
“Why are you even here?”
Roderick sat there, impatient for the duration. Still, he was not done explaining what problem he had. Isolda and Bartholomew were yawning in the corner.
“Why didn’t he hire a lawyer?” Judge lost his cool.
“Who would?” a random devil spoke, “Listen to him.”
“What is wrong with his tongue?”
“You sentenced his tongue to be burnt.” A guard said, “Don’t you remember him?”
“No.” Judge said.
“I think he wants to sue you because he thinks he was unfairly punished.” Roderick caught everyone’s attention by saying so. He noticed devils around nodding in agreement.
Even the judge thought for a while.
“Do you know sign language?” Judge glared at him.
Devil nod.
“And have you brought someone who can interpret your sign language to me?” asked the judge.
Devil shook his head sideways.
“Do we have a volunteer for it among us?” Judge looked at the crowd.
Nobody bother bothered to raise their hands.
“Case dismissed.” Judge hammered the table, “Get him out and call this divorce case with witnesses.”
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