B4 — 34. Ambush!

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1: Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Future Supervillain!)

2. Jason (Our Supervillainess’ #1!)

9:12 a.m. October 26th, Monday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event). Day 139.

Events: Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out! Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (39 days away).

Breakfast concluded with an energetic buzz of conversation and clinking silverware. Rhea’s heart still fluttered with the anticipation of the day ahead, her mind and heart swirling with thoughts of her upcoming adventure with Jason’s mom. Shae, happily munching on the last of her toast, had settled into her new family with surprising ease.

As they prepared to leave the table, the door to the outside breakfast area swung open, and in walked Annila, dressed in a casual yet practical outfit perfect for a wilderness adventure. 

The thirty-eight-year-old wore a pair of sturdy hiking boots, khaki cargo shorts with plenty of pockets, and a lightweight, breathable jacket over a fitted T-shirt. Despite her age, the Grandmaster looked no older than twenty-five. An expensive camera hung from her neck like a battle ax in Rhea’s eyes, and her amber irises sparkled with excitement. Her thick blue hair was pulled into a ponytail, and she exuded an aura of boundless energy.

“Rhea!” she called out, her voice filled with warmth and a skip in her step. “I’m here to whisk you away for our camping trip. Are you ready for some fun?”

Rhea smiled and waved, resigning herself to whatever would come. Ready for war, Girls? I know I’m probably being overdramatic, but this is a big deal!

Stomach knotting, which was not a good feeling after eating, Rhea cleared her throat and jumped up. “Hi, Annila! I’m ready. Just need to grab a few things. You’re, uh, a lot—huh?”

Before Rhea could say more, Annila turned her attention to Christie, who was just finishing her coffee. To everyone’s surprise, Annila moved forward and enveloped Christie in a warm hug. Rhea could see the shock on her mom’s face, her cup frozen halfway to her lips.

“Annila, this is…unexpected,” she mumbled with a cautious smile spreading across her face. “But more than welcome. It’s good to see you.”

Annila laughed, stepping back and placing her hands on her hips. “I know, right? I’ve had a bit of a change of heart. I had a talk with Jason, Kate, and your overly forgiving husband recently, which helped open my eyes on a few points. I’m sorry for being a Jinx to you all this time, Christie. I should have forgiven you earlier. The Ultra War was hard on everyone, and you sacrificed enough. Plus, it’s awkward to stay bitter when both of our children are dating. Isn’t that weird?”

Christie’s surprise melted away as she shot a look toward Rhea, making her turn away on instinct; it wasn’t like she did anything wrong! “I’d agree it was unexpected. Keith called it when they were kids, you know. He always said they’d end up together.”

Annila chuckled, catching Amira’s gaze as she glanced up from her phone. “My best friend always was the smartest one in the group. And he was right. I’m sorry for holding onto that for so long.”

A bit of relief came to her mother’s voice. “Apology accepted, Annila. It’s nice to be on speaking terms again. Now…does that mean I’ll be allowed to join you for the surprise show?”

Rhea’s mind buzzed. I can’t believe this is happening! Mom and Annila making up? Jason’s family is really—

“Hold up!” she choked, spotting Amira’s twinkling smirk; something nefarious was afoot! “What do you mean, ‘does that mean you can come,’ Mom? First, Annila’s super early, and now you’re coming? What in the spooked Tangla am I missing?”

Nova nudged Rhea’s leg with her nose, tail wagging and looking between her mom and Jason’s mom. No! she internally growled. You knew what they were planning?! Alice, you, too?

Mya and Lulu looked as stunned as she was. The impish bun’s smile said it all as Alice jumped up and down beside Annila; she no doubt heard it with her big ears at some point and filled Nova in on it.

The air outside the breakfast area felt cool against Rhea’s flushed cheeks as she looked between her mom and Annila, trying to piece together the surprise they were hinting at. Shae sipped her berry drink, her eyes wide with curiosity as the two women exchanged knowing smiles.

Annila turned to Christie with a playful grin. “Shall we reveal what Keith has been cooking up after hearing Jason’s story? The place is empty right now,” she said, glancing around. “We’ve still got a bit of time before the clock strikes for our prince and princess to meet.”

Rhea’s heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with possibilities. What did Dad plan? Was this some plot to get Annila and Mom to make up? It would be like him…

She shifted on her feet, glancing between her mom and Annila with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. “Okay, okay, can you guys stop drawing it out? What’s the surprise already?”

Her mom clapped her hands, clearly happy she could join, a wide grin spreading across her face. “Well, Sweetie, before you head out on your trip with Annila, your dad wanted to make sure the air was cleared. So, he set up a surprise battle between you and Jason. We’ve heard about the bet.”

Rhea’s stomach flipped. “A battle—now?! Why didn’t he just tell me directly? Jason texted me like…this morning!”

Annila giggled, holding up her camera with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Because my son doesn’t know! Your dad wanted all the cards stacked against him. A surprise for both of you! A victory for the parents!”

She snapped a picture, capturing Rhea’s swirling eyes and shocked expression. “This one’s for the scrapbook—the day ‘The Battle to Date Rhea’ took place! Get ready, girls. Battle hard and make my son prove he’s got what it takes because Rhea, you have him wound up tighter than a Spoink trying to impress his crush!”

Rhea’s face burned, her chest tightening and her belly cramping with the sudden pressure. But at the same time, a smile tugged at her lips. This was exactly what she wanted—a chance to see how powerful Jason had become… How powerful he’d become for her.

She picked up Shae, cradling her newest teammate against her chest; the Ralts’ pink eyes peeked out from her thick bangs. “Looks like you’ll get to have your first fight, Shae—and the same day you hatched! None of your big sisters even did that. How do you feel about your first big battle?”

Shae blinked up at her before smiling, jumping out of her arms, and landing on the grass to chase Alice around as if she were a monster. “Ra-ra! Raaaa!”

“Nee! Ne-ne-ne!”

“Lopunny! Lop!”

Alice cried in fake fright as the two quirky girls joined forces to play their own game. Rhea could feel their anticipation, though. Nova and Mya slapped paws, joking with one another about the battle to come. It would be four versus four.

“Pwe-pwe,” Nova boasted, puffing up her chest and flicking her tail while winking up at her. “Pwe.”

“Mawile. Maw-maw,” her steely girl returned, slamming her fist into her palm and making Amira chuckle.

Rhea frowned, her brow creasing as she interpreted their response. “No, not five versus four. It’s four versus four—Lulu can’t battle. Erika made that pretty clear.”

Lulu paused in her chase, eyes going big as she turned around to stare up at her, the rest of her Pokemon following her plea.


Rhea hesitated, but Annila placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder to draw her attention. She took a few quick pictures of her girls and said, “Don’t worry, Rhea. If things get too intense, Franky will be there to stop anything bad from happening. When my son talked to me, he said he wanted you to give it your all, but he was worried you’d have too big of a heart for that and wouldn’t want anyone getting hurt.”

She pulled her camera away, pulling Rhea against her chest into a strong hug. “My son’s serious about you, Rhea, and I can see why… So don’t meet him halfway.”

Upon drawing away, the Grandmaster Water Specialist gave her the most motherly look she’d seen on the woman. “I want to see the young woman my son sees rather than the troublemaking little lonely girl I watched grow up. So give it your all.”

Heart swelling at the encouragement, Rhea set her brow and nodded. “Alright. I’ll do my best. You heard that, Lulu? Let’s show Jason what we’ve got!” Lulu teleported onto her head, cheering loudly. “Let’s go grab our backpack. Uh, how are we supposed to get there?”

Annila winked and took out a Master Ball before tossing it to the side to reveal a two-meter-tall Starmie that spun in the air. “Stella will get us there just fine, so don’t you worry. It may take us four jumps, unlike Ms. Rocket’s monster of a mother who can teleport across the region in a single Move, but don’t underestimate a Grandmaster!”

Amira chuckled and set down her cup of tea. “I’m sure my mother would love to hear you call her a monster. She enjoys playing on her reputation and acting silly. Don’t worry about me and Lori, Rhea. It will be a good opportunity for us to grow closer. So make sure to put Jason through the crucible.”

“Sure thing!” Rhea chimed, turning on her heels to run upstairs to gather her pack and leaving her mom, Amira, and Annila to chat. “Be right back!”

Today, she’d finally see how powerful Jason had become…for her.

Rhea dashed up the stairs to her hotel room, her heart pounding, her nerves causing Butterfree to swarm in her stomach. Her Pokémon followed close behind, their enthusiasm palpable.

Alice bounced with each step, her pink eyes gleaming with determination. Nova kept pace, her ears perked up and tail swishing with every chirp. Shae, new to the team but eager to prove herself, rode on Nova’s back, her pink eyes wide with adventure while looking at everything. Mya, ever the stoic and adamant one, jogged along with a steady gait, while Lulu floated effortlessly beside her, her cosmic body shimmering with excitement. 

As they entered the room, Rhea’s gaze swept across the space, taking in the luxurious surroundings. The plush carpet, the elegant furniture, and the large windows offering a breathtaking view of the Gym section of the city reminded her of how blessed she was. She quickly gathered her backpack, stuffing it with essentials and double-checking her supplies.

Her mind buzzed with thoughts of the upcoming battle against Jason. She knew his Pokémon well enough at this point: Raboot, Buddy Bonded Pikachu, Breloom, and Galarian Linoone.

Each had its strengths and weaknesses, and she needed to strategize carefully with what little time she had if she was going to give her boyfriend what he wanted—well, maybe they’d break up because he lost?

Rhea had to sit down on the bed as her stomach knotted. Don’t think about that! Just do what he asked… Breathe. Trust he’s planned everything out… But against Lulu? Freaking, Lulu, who just did that insane Night Shade against Erika’s Pokemon? Yikes… Focus! You can do it, Jason! Show me what you’ve got!

Sunny is quick and versatile, and his Pikachu has some nasty tricks with being a Buddy Pokemon, having so many Moves and Abilities… Yeah, Ash’s Pikachu is his dad, so that’s not concerning. Breloom is strong with those fighting moves, and depending on his abilities. Mmmgm! Yeah, that could be rough. His Galarian Linoone is a speedy menace…crafty, too. Who will he start with? She pondered, mentally reviewing her options.

“Maybe he’ll start with Sunny to get an early advantage with speed; plus he’s Jason’s Starter,” she mused aloud, her Pokémon listening attentively. “We need to counter that. Mya, you’re our tank, but Fire is not the best match-up there.”


“No, I know you’ve been training to bait out Fire Pokemon like Amber, but that’s with Alice as your support in Double Battles. Nova is the best choice since you’re the most versatile. Flareon, Glaceon, and Vaporeon give you some good swaps.”

“Pwe?” Her Eevee hopped up on the bed beside her, a calculating, thoughtful look in her eyes. “Pwe-pwe?”

“Ooh. Yeah, I don’t know,” she mumbled in return, rubbing her chin and looking at her bag between her legs. “Can you swap to multiple forms? If he’s looking for us to go as hard as we can, it should be allowed, but…we also need to consider our energy use.”

“Nee… Ne-ne.”

Rhea forced a smile and rubbed her droopy cloud Pokemon. “I’m not trying to tell you not to join because of what happened against Erika, puffy-butt. I’m saying we have to be careful because Jason knows we’re a powerhouse to be reckoned with. He also knows you girls take a lot of Fortitude to keep in the game. I don’t think multiple evolutions is going to be the play for Nova is all I’m saying. As much Fortitude as I have, multiple swaps get costly.”

“Pwe. Pwe.”


Nova nodded. “Pwe. Pwe?”


Lulu and Shae watched their three big sisters go back and forth, and Rhea sighed while listening intently to their intentions and concerns. She crossed her legs and dropped back onto the made bed to stare up at the fancy curved ceiling.

“Mhm. Vaporeon to counter Sunny would get slammed by Bolt. We could bait out Bolt with it to bring Bolt closer to our side, swap to Alice, and keep him pinned on our side of the field so he couldn’t return. Mmm… Even with Quick Moves, Alice should be able to match him in order to lock him down. Yeah, the start is going to be a—wait.”

She pulled her hair to the side as Shae climbed onto her chest to look at her, pointing at herself. “What can you do? Hmm… Maybe I should start with you, Shae. It could throw Jason off since he doesn’t even know about you. You’ve got killer Abilities to dodge… A Double Battle! Yeah, we should make it a Double Battle since you have Ally Switch!” she chimed, an idea forming in her mind as she grinned and pushed herself up.


Her Pokemon giggled at her question.

“Yes, you can do that, Shae. Disable, Destiny Bond, Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp, Mean Look—Misty Terrain for Mya! Yeah, and Shadow Sneak for a quick escape to attack at someone’s back… You’re a menace, Shae!”

The little girl threw her hands in the air with a cute cry. “Raaaa!”

“Haha. I know you don’t know much about battles, but I like your enthusiasm. What was my mom thinking when breeding you… And, of course, your mom is Alizée, Diantha’s Gardevoir. Encore, as well?” Rhea brought her up to nuzzle her face, making the Ralts giggle. “You’re going to be an absolute legend. Jason better watch out because just because you’re a newborn doesn’t mean you can’t cause a lot of trouble for him.”


Her Pokemon cheered their newest baby sister, causing the girl’s face to light up.

“Yeah, let’s see if we can stop by a TM store real quick before we leave because we need to get you Protect! Hehehehe. Jason better be ready, because he’s about to get everything he’s asked for, and the best part, Shae…is that your Moves are so weak right now that they’ll hardly cost me anything. You’re our secret weapon!”


Getting up and placing the roaring Feeling Pokemon on her head, she threw on her backpack and left the hotel to meet with her mom and Annila. Amira had already left for mysterious places when she made it back, and to her excitement, Annila agreed to stop off at the giant mall they’d visited last week. After that, it was time to meet her knight, only she’d take a note from Sabrina in the Mystery Doors of the Magical Lands—she was the villainess of this story!

* — * — *

Jason stood at the top of a rocky mountain cliff, gazing out over the breathtaking expanse of Sable National Park. The lush valley below stretched out in a tapestry of vibrant greens, the dense forests interspersed with glistening streams that wound their way toward a massive lake shimmering in the distance.

Flocks of Pidgeotto and Fearow soared overhead, their calls echoing through the crisp morning air. The sight of a majestic Dragonite and packs of graceful Butterfree added to the beauty of the scene, and he couldn’t help but snap a picture, knowing his mother would love it. He took a deep breath and lowered the camera she’d given him after their personal talk yesterday, savoring the thin, cool air at this elevation.

I’m trying, Mom. I know it’s a little weird that your kids and your best friend’s kids are dating, but what can I say… You were the one who always teased me about having a cute blonde going out with me all the time, having fun in the woods. It’s your fault! Well…at least a little, but maybe I’m just saying that to tickle her… I always saw how beautiful she was… In every way.

He scratched his cheek, feeling the scruff that had built up over the days, and took out his phone to stare at Rhea’s grinning, pajama-wearing background. She’d actually come out to talk to him and help settle his thumping heart in Fuchsia.

Rhea really is too perfect. A shiver and lump formed in his throat upon remembering the moment they first kissed, which linked to the moment she’d tackled him to the ground and draped him in her golden hair to lock eyes with him. I have to win… It’s not a want. Rhea could never be a want… I need her.

His Pokémon were gathered around him, each taking in the view in their own way. Sunny stood with his arms crossed, trying to look cool but failing to hide his twitching ear, Attempting not to think about Alice. The cute and teasing bun had been poking his brain lately, which had Blitz snickering.

The black and white-furred Galarian Linoone was patting his team captain, passing a few snickering words to him, which soon had the Raboot raging. It wasn’t long until Sunny was chasing his buddy across the cliff.

Bolt was perched on his shoulder, his salt-and-pepper Pikachu trying to groom his own ears, his strategic and cool-headed mouse’s tail flicking with excitement. He had a little ritual he did in the morning, and if his tail tingled when he stuck it in the air, then luck was on their side.

Maru, their Breloom powerhouse, leaned against a nearby rock, his eyes closed as he soaked in the sun. He was all chill until the battle came, and then he was a whirlwind. His team was growing so fast that even Kate was sending him messages to stop, or he might catch up to her, and she didn’t want to be a lame big sister who couldn’t beat her annoying little bro.

Jason tossed a purple Poke Ball with an M on it up and down in the air, a small smirk on his lips while internally speaking to their newest Gentle-natured member.

Kind of Christie to give me the honor of bonding with you, Serenade. It’s nice having two Pokemon with parents from Ash. It makes it easier for a reunion! Rest up a bit longer. I know it’s been a rough few days of training.

Jason’s thoughts wandered to the hiking and camping trip he’d just finished with Rhea’s dad. The older man had been a tough but fair mentor, pushing him to his limits while offering invaluable advice and support to crush his daughter, which was kind of funny when he thought about it.

After days of grueling training and intense battles, Jason felt more confident than ever. He glanced over at Keith, the blond man was packing up their tent with practiced ease, a small smile playing on his lips.

Franky, Keith’s Gengar, was floating in the air, his wide, sinister grin aimed at him as if keeping a deadly secret. He caught Jason’s eye and gave him a knowing wink, his laughter fading away with his shadowy body.

Franky will be Franky…but that looks. He thinks he’s slick, but something’s going on.


Yeah, try to get it out of him, Bolt.

“Pika-pi! Pika?”

Jason grinned at the obvious question, his eyes shining with hope. “Yup. I’ll get you your own unique cap when we get to Celadon.”


He hopped down to find Franky, and Jason turned his attention to Keith as he pulled out his hair band to retie his man-bun. “Thanks for all the pointers, Keith. I feel like I’ve learned so much in such a short time.”

Keith straightened up, his gaze shifting to the Master Ball in Jason’s hand. “You did great, Jason. I’m glad your dad was able to join us for a day. I swear, your mom almost took my head off when she saw the state I had you in!”

“No way,” he scoffed. “She was all snickers and jokes when I talked with her, but I can believe she’s a raging Tauros when she sees red. How do you think I did overall? Do I stand a chance?”

The man stretched out and yawned while observing the magnificent view below. “You’ve got enough potential to keep up with Rhea with how hard you’ve pushed your Fortitude, and she’s focusing a lot on her internal Aura aptitude, which is fine and all. It does give you a chance to show her what serious pure team training can do, though. Your newest member there is a good girl, as well.”

Jason nodded, his grip tightening around the Master Ball. “I will. Let Christie know that I’m grateful for all the support she’s given me…for trusting me with her. I know eggs from Legendary-tier Trainers’ Pokemon are beyond priceless. She’s so calming, as well. She makes Sunny act a bit more like a captain,” he said with a laugh, shifting to see his rabbit squeezing the life out of Blitz in a headlock.

Keith’s expression softened, and he walked over to clap a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “You’ve earned it, man. I don’t think Rhea suspects that you asked me to train you myself. And remember, it’s not just about power. My daughter certainly is a monster when it comes to her Fortitude, but her Pokemon require a lot of it in return. It’s about the bond you share with your Pokémon, as well. That’s what makes the real difference.”

Jason looked around at his Pokémon, feeling a surge of affection and pride. They had been through so much together in Kalos, and they were more than just his team, they were a part of his family. He took another deep breath, the thin air filling his lungs and clearing his mind.

“Ready to head back down?” Keith asked, slinging his backpack over one shoulder and pointing at a large clearing beside the vast Sable Lake below. “I’ve got a bit of a surprise waiting for you down there, and conserve your strength. It’s the final test before you’re free of me.”

Jason chuckled, a determined smile spreading across his face. “Yeah. Let’s do this… I’ve put my everything into getting stronger over the last few months… To reach Gold-tier. Thanks for pushing me the extra mile.”

Keith looked at his raised hand for a moment before shaking it, his face showing a tad more emotion than usual. “It’s for my daughter, right? How can a father refuse that?”

Jason took a deep breath, steeling himself for the descent. The path down the mountain was steep and treacherous, but the crisp morning air and the breathtaking scenery provided a sense of calm and focus. His Pokémon followed closely, each step bringing them closer to the clearing Keith had pointed out.

The blond led the way, his movements sure and steady. Jason’s mind twisted with anticipation, every step increasing the weight of the final test. Keith was always unpredictable, so this had to be tough because yesterday, he’d left him halfway up the side of a cliff and was told to reach the top for dinner.

His Pokémon returned to their Poke Balls when they reached the bottom, conserving their energy for whatever challenge lay ahead. The path was lined with towering trees, their leaves a mix of vibrant autumn colors. The ground was covered in a thick carpet of their fallen soldiers, their bodies crunched under their boots.

The scent of pine and earth filled the air, mingling with the faint aroma of wildflowers. Jason kept his gaze fixed on the distant lake, its surface sparkling like a thousand diamonds in the morning sun. They’d hiked quite a distance through Sable National Park to reach what he assumed must be a sacred spot for seasoned Trainers.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached the clearing. The rocky lakeside stretched out before them, the massive expanse of Sable Lake shimmering under the sunlight. Keith stopped and turned to face him, a knowing smile tugging at his lips.

“Is the final test going to involve water?” Jason asked, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of a challenge. “I can see why it would.”

Keith chuckled, shaking his head. “Not exactly, but you’ll see soon enough.” He checked his phone, then his watch, and looked up at Jason with a half-smile. “Your final test isn’t with me.”

Jason’s heart skipped a beat, his mind racing with possibilities. “Is it going to be Mom again? She’s always got a knack for surprise endings—and immortalizing the shock with a photo,” he laughed.

Keith’s smile widened, and he pointed to a distant raised rock, its surface catching the light. “That’s your position. You’ll be battling from there.”

Jason squinted, spotting another similar raised rocky surface about the distance of a full Gym away. His heart pounded in his chest, the realization dawning on him. It was a battle, but if not with Keith, who? His father? Rhea’s father was always the unpredictable type.

Stretching out, Jason tried to hide his nerves. “I had a sneaking suspicion it wasn’t going to be you who was my final test after my parents showed up. Wait… Did Kate come back from Paldea without me knowing? Sabin?!”

Keith’s expression remained inscrutable as he took a few steps back. “You’re right. It’s not me, and definitely not my son or your sister, with the good time they’re having together overseas. But I think you’ll find this challenge quite fitting.”

Jason’s words died in his throat as a flash of rainbow lights erupted beside them on a small rise, the colors swirling and converging into a single point. His breath caught in his chest as the light faded, revealing a figure he wasn’t prepared to see.

Gold caught the sunlight like a halo on the opposite rocky platform, a flowy blue dress pressing against her legs and a thin belt wrapped around her thin waist showing her ready Poke Balls—his coral-eyed girlfriend was his final test.

Her determined gaze locked onto his with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine, bringing him back to the time she’d laid atop him. However, this time her cadence was totally different—confident, poised, and ready for battle. She looked like a warrior goddess, ready to cast judgment.

The sight of her took Jason’s breath away. No, this wasn’t fair! He wasn’t ready! She was everything he had worked so hard for, everything he had trained to reach, yet the universe often struck when you least expected it. His heart swelled with a mix of pride, love, and a rekindled resolve. This was the final test Keith had prepared for him—a battle with the person who mattered most.

Rhea raised her hand in a wave, a sweet yet vicious small smile playing on her lips that his girlfriend had perfected. “Ready to see what we’re made of, Monkey Butt? I sure am!”

Jason’s lips curled into a grin, his nerves giving way to a surge of excitement. “Always, Honeypot. Let’s give it our all.”

He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he stepped onto his designated rock, her doing the same. His mother, father, Christie, and Keith stood off to the side, Franky’s sinister frame floating out of the rock between Rhea and him. Jason’s Pokemon were bouncing on their toes in their Poke Balls, and Bolt rested on his shoulder, sending his strength through their bond.

This was it—the culmination of everything he had worked for. He would show Rhea just how far he had come, and he would fight with everything he had to prove himself worthy of her.

“Let’s do this!” he called out, his voice echoing across the clearing.

Rhea’s smiling voice returned his call as Lulu roared atop her head—a challenge. “Give me everything you’ve got, Jason. I’m not holding back… I’m not holding back anything!”

“Lulu and Nova’s transformations, huh? Good.”

The air crackled with anticipation as they prepared for the battle of their lives, and he could feel the bond between them growing stronger than ever. He didn’t need to date or see other women to know this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with… No one else could ever compare.

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