Chapter 13 – Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing

Sigh. In the end, I guess everything is because of the fact that I have no talent. This talk made me sad again and I started staring at the bowl of rice in front of me. My mother notices my mood and smacks my father on the back of his head.


“Eat your food and don’t talk when you are chewing your food!” My mother yells at him. It is a little funny because she will probably say the same thing to my brother and sister in a few years time. I know that my mother is just trying to cheer me up anyway.

“Shi er, don’t feel sad anymore. I will pick out some techniques for you to learn from the library later. You should continue using the method your father taught you to increase the amount of qi you have for now. We will get some spirit stones for you to increase your cultivation later.” My mother gently says with a smile. “Now eat your food!” she snaps.

After dinner, I return to my room and check out the skill I had received.

(System, why is a martial art from Earth in this world?) I ask curiously.

[Beep!] [The martial arts on Earth are divided into external and internal martial arts. Internal martial arts are martial arts that would utilize some kind of inner force, spiritual force, or qi. As a result, internal martial arts would require the manipulation of such forces and its form is made to drive these forces in a direction. This is why Ying Yue could draw out the qi from the spirit stone as executing the Drill punch, which is a fundamental technique, creates a flow in the body and eventually draw out qi from the spirit stone which is held.]

 (You mean there was qi on Earth? As far as I can remember, the state of Qin of the six warring period taught the hand form and weapon form of the <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing> to all of their soldiers, and their soldiers were reputed to be the strongest among the six states because of it. It was also rumoured that the internal exercises of the Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing was a secret of the royal family and it was eventually lost.)

[Beep!] [It is the same the Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing from earth however you have not acquired the complete technique.]

(What! I did not acquire the complete technique? Did you drop your memory chip somewhere on the way back!? )

[Host, I do not have a system chip nor do I require a memory to function. You did not acquire the complete technique because Ying Yue did not know the complete technique. She was only taught the first internal exercise of the technique and the River Sword form.]

(So I can only inherit things that they know? Aren’t you supposed to be a cheat system given by God?!)

[Beep!] [Host, I am a system given by God, but I am not a cheat system and I cannot create things out of thin air for you.]

(Yea yea, I already know that. System, I learnt the Staff Intent form of the <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing> when I was on earth, can you pull it out from my memories since you say that they are the same technique?)

[Beep!] [Scanning Host Memories…] [Found Staff Intent form of the <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing>] [Extracting…] [Combining with the current <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing>…Successful!]

[Beep!] [If host would like to master the current <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing>, please give the command.]

(Inherit <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing>!)

I start to get a terrible headache and it feels like my brain is splitting apart, but I can clearly recall information about the <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing> in my mind. The <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing> is a complicated technique, worthy of being the secret technique of a big and powerful family like the Ying Family.

The Six Harmonies refer to each of spiritual realm that one should achieve in order to become a powerhouse.

The first is the body and mind combining so that you can freely move your body as you wish.

The second is the mind and intent combining so that you can be clear of what you should do and what you should react.

The third is intent and qi combining so that you can drive your qi quickly and easily.

The forth is qi and the divine combining so that you will be able to utilize the powers of the heavens.

The fifth is the combining of spirit and movement so that you will be able to manipulate the powers of the heavens.

The sixth is the movement and emptiness combining.

On the other hand, the eight methods are Chi, Bone, Shape, Follow, Rise, Return, Retain and Conceal. These are the most basic fundamentals of combat, and the only internal exercise that Ying Yue learnt was the standing meditation.

The River Sword form is a straight sword form that was suitable for both boys and girls and it taught the basics of wielding a sword properly and how to use it in combat. On earth, I had learnt the Staff Intent form as this form was taught to students who just joined and only after they have learnt the staff, would they proceed on to the weapon forms. Girls would learn the sword as it was light and classy while boys would learn the sabre which is heavy and powerful. I finished learning the Staff Intent form but had to drop out due to school so I did not learn the sabre form.

After a few minutes, the headache subsided and the system beeped me.

[Beep!] [Host has mastered the standing meditation and River Sword form of the <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing>!]

I try running the standing meditation and after clearing my mind and focusing on the movement of the qi in my body, I can clearly feel the qi in my body but it is not moving. It resembles like how I feel there are tons of food in my stomach after eating too much and it feels disgusting and unnatural.

I try moving the qi around according to the exercise but as I have never moved the qi in my body around my body before, I had to use a bit of force to force in the direction it should move towards. After barely finishing a cycle, I feel like my qi is cleaner than before but it has reduced by a tiny bit.

I opened my eyes and breathe out some turbid air and see my mother looking at me, sitting my bed with my sister in her arms.

“What internal exercise are you learning?” She asked in a stern voice. I get a little scared and worried as she sounds a little angry right now. Should I tell her the truth? But what if she asks me how I learnt the Ying family’s secret technique?

My mother brows furrow and she does not wait for my reply and says “You should not randomly learn internal exercises or cultivation techniques. An internal exercise will polish your qi and it requires great effort and time to master, while a cultivation technique will affect your future prospects in cultivation. Furthermore learning a flawed cultivation technique or internal exercise could lead to dire consequence. Now tell me where you picked up this internal exercise.” She said in a serious tone.

I can only feel concern from her and I know that she is going to take the stick and start beating me if I keep it a secret so I tell her what happened in the Ying estate but not about the system.

“I met a little girl after the disciple selection and I taught her how I cultivate, she taught me this internal exercise in exchange. It is called the standing meditation.”

Upon hearing the words “standing meditation”, her eyes loosened and she makes a thinking expression. “The standing meditation is part of the <Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing>. It is only the first exercise and will not take too long to master and it is not a bad exercise. However, you should stop using the exercise once you get a better internal exercise.”

After finishing talking, she stood up and told me with a gentle face, “dinner time is already over but I kept some food for you. You should head downstairs now and ask the servants to heat up the food for you and eat your dinner.”

She then walks away while holding my sister, who is blabbering “brooddeerr”, ”bruuddeerr” and starts spitting. Then claps her hand and she goes “uwaahhh” on her own.

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