Chapter 34 – Monster King


The tiger’s claw whacks Zhuge Pang’s shield so hard that Zhuge Pang stumbles backwards from the force while the tiger uses the recoil to bounce backwards, avoiding Ding Sha’s lightning fast stab.

“Damn! Everyone be careful! Just one hit and he has caused my arm to be slightly numb!” Zhuge Pang warns the group.

“Heheheh…I will use your blood to cleanse this damned technique that is burning my soul away!” the tiger roars as he has become aware that he is stronger than most us. The qi around the tiger becomes thicker, and his claws extend outwards and become sharper.

Mo Di fires an arrow at him but the tiger vanishes and the arrows miss. Suddenly Zhao Keng swings his spear and a loud collision sounds out.


Zhao Keng parries the tiger’s slash as the tiger appears at the side of Mo Di. “

“You’re not too bad spearman.” The tiger grins and they exchange more strikes.


“STILL!” Sima Di yells out as he slams his palms on the ground. White lines appear on the ground and they eventually form a formation which causes the tiger’s movement to slow down.

“HAHAHAHAHA! An imprisonment formation? You puny cultivator who has only formed his meridians want to imprison me? HAHAHAHAHA” The tiger laughs out loud as he continues to parry Zhao Keng’s strikes.

“DRAGON KICK!” Liu Kang who somehow appears at the tiger’s side yells out as he executes a powerful kick at the tiger. Liu Kang’s leg now resembles a dragon that is formed out of fire and is a spectacle to behold.


The tiger is unable to defend against both the Zhao Keng’s spear strikes and Liu Kang’s kick decides to take the kick and is kicked out of the formation, towards Judge Tang’s current position.

Judge Tang has been preparing a sword strike and his sword is already bright white. As the tiger is flying towards him, he lunges toward the tiger and stabs out.


“Lightning Pierce!” Judge Tang yells out as he stabs towards the tiger.

The tiger has his body flipped right now and as he sees the sword stabbing towards him, he twists his body and uses his left hand to swipe at the sword.

“Tiger Slash!” the tiger yells as he performs a supersonic slash and parries the sword. Judge Tang and the tiger fly in opposite directions due to the force. Then a few seconds later, a loud crack at where the parry happened sounded out.

Watching them fight makes my blood boil. I wish I could participate in this fight but it is clear that all I could be is a burden. Earlier the tiger mentioned that Sima Di is already in the meridian forming realm. That means that everyone should be in the realm as well and Judge Cui might even be in the Core Formation realm. A Qi flow cultivation would only be cannon fodder even if I am invincible in the realm of qi flow.

The tiger eventually falls on the ground and starts rolling so he does not take much damage and quickly stands up to recover. His right claw is ruined and he is bleeding black blood.

“HAHAHAHAHA. It has been such a long time since I have been hurt. If only those damned humans did not put this soul curse on me which has weakened me, all of you would be dead already!” the tiger laughs. It does not seem like he is fighting at full power yet he is already a difficult opponent for the group.

The qi around the tiger starts to whirl and the tiger right hand stops bleeding. “Get ready! I’m getting stronger now!” the tiger yells and starts laughing. His muscles become harder and his fur comes coarser. He is now about 20cm taller and his body will make bodybuilders feel ashamed at theirs. What 6 pack abs? This darn tiger has 12 pack abs right now.

“I’m done!” Sima Di suddenly shouts and he performs a number of complex hand signs and then pushes out his palms towards the tiger and shout “Slow!”

Judge Cui then appears on top of the tiger and the length of his sword is wider and longer due to his qi, creating a qi blade. He slashes towards with tiger with a shout “HAH!”

The tiger raises both his arms to defend against the strike and the impact creates a strong explosion that almost blows me off my feet. Everyone else seems to be fine…

The tiger relied on his thick fur and skin to block Judge Cui’s strike and pulls his arms backwards so Judge Cui falls close to him and then delivers a headbutt to Judge Cui, sending Judge Cui flying back.

The tiger then hunches and leaps toward Judge Cui who is now dazed in the air in an attempt to kill Judge Cui but Zhuge Pang uses Instant Blink and stops the tiger’s attack with his shield, but ends up flying towards Judge Cui, knocking him further and causing more damage but at least Judge Cui is not killed.

Mo Di’s charged arrow which he has been charging since his last arrow is finally released and pierces the tiger’s left leg, impeding his movements. Sima Di’s slow curse also finally shows an effect on the tiger and it is further pushed into the ground as the gravity around him has slowly been increasing. Ding Sha finally arrives with Liu Kang as they try to deliver a combo slash and elbow strike to the tiger but the tiger executes the <Tiger roar> technique!


Liu Kang and Ding Sha are blown back by the roar and everyone stumbles a few steps backwards. I land on my behind and my eardrums are blown. I cannot hear anything right now as blood trickles down from my ears.

Judge Tang is the first to recover and he dashes towards the tiger to grab it’s attention as he noticed the tiger gave me a glance.

He probably just realized that I am just hiding at the back and not fighting at all and was wondering what I was doing. Will the tiger be surprised when it realizes that I am just watching instead of charging up a super powerful move? I mean, the only super powerful move is the <Onerous Blow>, and I should probably charge it just in case he decides to lunge at me. I start moving the qi in my body and moving them towards my right fist.


Judge Tang and the tiger are exchanging numerous powerful blows right now and every exchange they make send their legs or arms flailing backwards in the air due to the force. More and more people recover from the roar and they start to move towards the tiger and Judge Tang so they can help take down the tiger.

Liu Kang is the first one to reach them and with he starts off with a powerful Dragon Fist. Each and every attack creates a fiery dragon on his fists which burst into flames upon impact. Eventually, Sima Di joins the fight with his short sword but his attacks do not cause much damage, instead it seems to be super annoying, like a housefly that constantly will not buzz off.

Eventually, the tiger realises he cannot defend against so many attacks and tries to escape by jumping backwards but he jumps into Zhao Keng’s spear who manages to tear his shoulder apart. Zhuge Pang who was busy moving Judge Cui further away eventually came back and used his shield to bash the tiger a few times.

As the tiger is pummelled by the shield, his eyes turn red and he knows that he cannot win anymore. His red eyes turn towards me…

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