Chapter 10 – Desire and Regret

{[Leaders carry the wounds of every mistake they make, every life they lose becomes a scar that cuts deep into their soul…]}

“So, how was it?” Gio and Wong asked Alex the obvious question. Ashner drove the mini-van towards their destination. They had used their money to buy a van to transport the gold. He didn’t have any markings on it, and its windows were too dark to gaze inside it.

“One of them kept forcing me to call her mistress,” Alex admitted. “It didn’t feel right since I already have a master.”

“Which one?” Gio asked eagerly, Wong was pretending not to be interested, but everyone determined he was.

“The short Asian one.”

“That has to be Lucy from Aqua corp.” Gio googled her and showed the group her picture.

“Yes, that’s her.”

“I’m so jealous. But all five of them at once is ridiculous.” Gio put his phone away. “Not to mention Ashner pimped you out for money.”

“I’m happy to serve him any way I can.” Alex smiled. “Those girls tried to get me to join their companies, but I refused.”

“That power is no joke. Hey, will it work if you use it on a girl with the intention of making her fall for a guy of your choosing?”

“No, it only works on me. But I have to admit, your world has lots of odd customs.”

“Like what?” Gio teased.

“I wasn’t aware having hot candle wax dripped on your body was something arousing to the women of this world.” Ashner’s eyes became deeper like he had just survived a battle. “And this thing they did… I don’t understand why they would name it after a salad… And nothing was tossed.”

Gio and Wong laughed so hard their sides started hurting.

“And that’s where we end this conversation.” Ashner stepped in.

“I take it back. That’s not something I would enjoy.” Gio admitted as Ashner parked the car.

“We’re here already?” Risa and Lina glanced out the window. They were deep in the woods. In front of them was a crumbling building that was slowly being overwhelmed by nature.

Four stories high, with rusted emergency stares and a parking lot covered in wild grass.

“Where are we?” Gio asked as the group stepped out of the car.

“I bought an abandoned mine. This building is about forty years old, and the machinery to smelt metals should still be inside this old place. Granted, I can’t guarantee that they work, or that they’re even safe.”

“So you’re planning on actually mining?” Wong tapped his clipboard. He had a habit of writing notes wherever he went. Especially in the other world. “Or is this just a veil?”

“I was hoping to use it, but it’s also to avoid suspicion.” Ashner walked towards the building. “I lied to everyone and told them this was my property, but I bought it for almost three million… Apparently, I got it at a steal.”

“It’s more like a gamble… Then again, anything we do at this point is.”

The group entered the old building. Dust was everywhere. Most of the equipment had rusted into itself, or its gears had dried up.

“We should recover our losses in time. Not to mention we need to use the money we earn to fix this place up. For now, we’re still too far behind.” Lina wasn’t pleased with the filth inside the building. Alex and Risa didn’t care. “So we have another issue. We don’t have employees, and we can’t run a business without them for long. Even with Alex’s power, we can’t risk losing the only edge we hold over the world.”

“And what’s that?” Gio asked as he flicked the lights on.

“The key to the other world… That’s how we obtain wealth, and that’s how we raise our status in this world. And it’s not something we can ever reveal to anyone… Nor is it something we can ever recreate. If we lose the key, then we lose everything.”

“I understand.” Wong and Gio nodded.

“I don’t understand.” Alex shook his arms.

“It means we can’t have anyone we don’t trust inside this building, if our secret gets out into the world. There’s a very good chance we’re going to be hunted down and killed.” Ashner showed the group the key, which he kept on his chest, wrapped around a leather string. “This is power, and with power comes the threat of death… I won’t order any of you, but it’s needless to say, we need to protect the key above all else… And that’s why I decide who should become the figurehead of the company.”

Both the soldiers glanced at the obvious choice.

“Alex. Congratulations, I choose you.”

Lina’s eyebrow raised.

Alex pivoted his head towards everyone. “Why me? I don’t have a clue how to be a figurehead… Master, I will make mistakes.”

“That’s perfectly fine.” Ashner smiled. “I’m choosing you for two reasons. First, your power to seduce. I saw it first hand. So if the secret is to get out, you can manipulate a woman into keeping her mouth shut with your power. Second, illusions. As long as you’re in this company, you can trick the minds of people. You’re essentially built for this job. So having you in a position of power is a smart move.”

“Master, I’m limited to the illusions I can create.”

“That’s right. I haven’t wasted my XP on you yet. Menu, show Alex’s skills.”

The menu popped up.

Illusion Sub Powers –

Admiration – Level 5 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Adoration – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Aesthetic Appreciation – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Amusement – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Anticipation – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Anger – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Anxiety – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Awe – Level 3 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Awkwardness – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Boredom – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Calmness – Level 2 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Confusion – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Craving – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Disgust – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Empathetic – Level 4 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Envy – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Excitement – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Fear – Level 4 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Interest – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Joy – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Love – Level 6 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Lust – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Nostalgia – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Pity – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Relief – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Romance – Level 2 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Sadness – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Shame – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Satisfaction – Level 5 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Surprise – Level 0 – XP Required 5 Per Level

Trust – Level 3 – XP Required 5 Per Level

It’s 50XP to max out one trait.

“Menu, max out admiration, awe, confusion, joy, satisfaction, and trust.” Asner sighed, accepted this was going to be pricey.


Menu, show me all his maxed-out stats.

Admiration – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Adoration – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Awe – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Confusion – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Interest – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Joy – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Lust – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Satisfaction – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Trust – Level 10 – Maxed Out

Alex’s eyes shifted from a bright red to a blood red. The whole group witnessed the change.

“My power.” Alex patted his chest. “It’s surging.”

“Now, you should have no issues dealing with people if we get a surprise welcome.”

Alex evaluated the inside of the factory. It was filthier than their old apartment.

“Ashner.” Lina crossed her arms, “Why do you insist on using your power on us. It would be smarter if you used it on yourself.”

“That may be true, and I’ll get around to doing that… Eventually.”

Gio and Wong glanced at Lina. They rationalized what was going through Ashner’s mind. And why he didn’t want to improve himself. The slaves didn’t understand.

“Lina.” Ashner continued. “As skilled as Alex is when it comes to manipulating people with his lust and illusions. He doesn’t hold a candle to you in sheer wit. So I want you to become his assistant while we’re here. People in business tend to be… cunning.”

Lina nodded, still conflicted with Ashner’s odd choice. He had limited XP points. But then again, she wanted him to waste it all on her people.

“As you wish, master.” She submitted.

“What about me?” Risa asked eagerly, she reminded Ashner of a puppy, but she had cat ears that pointed straight up.

“For now, I don’t have a position that suits you.”

Her ears came down.

“We’re still in the infancy of our business. And we’re in debt. A lot of debt.” The group, excluding Wong, gave him an odd gaze.

“I lied about owning land with gold. Instead, I used that money they lent us to buy this property. As long as we provide gold, then in time, we’ll recover and even get a new place to live.” Ashner sighed. “We’re also currently homeless, I was hoping we could sleep with the elves, or we can stay here… But it’s filthy here.”

“Master.” Lina’s eyes were sharp. “What about the arrangement you made with my people?”

“I haven’t forgotten them. We’re not completely out of money. In fact, I have about three thousand dollars left. That should be more than enough.”

Lina crossed her arms. “Very well, so what do we do about this place?”

Ashner handed her a broom. “We clean.”


Ashner and Wong focused upstairs, where the manager more than likely overwatched the company. It was covered in old cupboards and hundreds of folders. Whoever used to work here didn’t bother clearing their inventory. They even left behind chairs and tables, most of which had rotted away.

Wong gave his report. “Twenty-three broken or cracked windows, only one-fifth of the building has proper plumbing, and most of the machinery here is scrap metal. Just fixing this place up will cost us as much or more than the price we spent to obtain this building.”

“Even with the gold we currently have, we more than likely only have enough to pay off about half our debt.”

“Then we need to go back into the other world and obtain more gold.”

“That can wait until we finish up here. Just because we got the other companies to agree to keep their distance, a smart corporate head will scout out their investment anyway.”


The menu popped up.

“That’s odd.” Ashner glanced at Wong. “My XP just shot up.”

“Cleaning gives you XP?”

“No… The elves on the other side, they must’ve killed a monster.”

Wong put his notebook down. “Then they’re doing what they can to obtain more gold.”

“It just dawned on me. They can die at any time over there.”

“Yes, but if it’s their time, that’s out of your control… I know I haven’t brought her up, but… Any word on Iris?”

Ashner almost dropped his broom, but he recovered himself. “No… She didn’t force me to pay child support legally. If anything, it’s just a verbal agreement… It’s what she wanted… I also didn’t tell her I was leaving the city…”

“She’s going to throw a fit when she catches on.” Wong teased.

“Let her… After the crap she put me through, I think it’s about time.” Ashner kept sweeping. “It’s not like I can see my boy anyway.”

“Ashner, if things had gone smoothly, what would you be doing right now? I know you loved the military, but you were always planning to leave it.”

Ashner stayed silent for a little while. A world forbidden to him was something he hated digging into… But lately, it was easier.

“I was hoping Iris, and I got married. I would’ve taken my 60 percent and broken away from the main company. I wanted to start my own enterprise… As crazy as this sounds. I would’ve focused on creating American-like anime.”

“Gio would’ve hopped on that idea quicker than a moth to the flame.”

“I’m not as obsessed as he is over it. And I honestly haven’t seen any lately… But his passion made me realize the potential… I know you wanted to be a surgeon, but I was hoping we could at least stay in the same city… I wanted to raise my son the way my father raised me… With actions and respect… With dedication and love… Firm and passionate with everything I did… And eventually, he might join me… Or go off and do whatever made him happy… But that’s just a wandering dream of mine… I can’t even be a father because Iris doesn’t want me there… And that hurts more than the glares I get from people who know my crime…”

“You didn’t commit that crime… Yet you act like you’re redeeming yourself from it.”

Ashner recalled Melissa… So yeah, in a way, he was redeeming himself.


Lina was out of breath, she wasn’t slacking off, but she wasn’t as fit as Risa or Alex. She was delicate. The stress was depressing her, which was affecting her health.

Alex ran across the building sweeping as fast as possible, and Risa spent her time using torn pieces of clothes to dust the desks that were still intact.

“Gio.” Alex found him moving a destroyed desk. He was taking out anything he deemed worthless or broken. Gio put the table down. He was strong, his arms were massive, and his chest was defined and cut. “I may be out of place asking… But has Ashner always been so… Depressed?”

“No.” Gio leaned against the wall. He glanced around and caught both Risa and Lina eavesdropping. Slaves didn’t pry into the past of their masters. “He used to be full of life. When we were privates, he was the one that urged both Wong and me to go out on random adventures. Sometimes we found ourselves in abandoned train stations, other times we spent days in the middle of the mountains and other times we were just driving across the country… You may not know this… But he has good instincts and a quick mind… Even when we fought in the war, he would on occasion take command, and that pissed Ensley off…”

“Who’s Ensley?” Asked Alex.

“The man that broke Ashner… Someone who I would happily give up my left nut to be locked in a room with…” Gio rubbed his knuckles. “He framed Ashner for a crime he didn’t commit. That’s why he’s so distant and quiet.”

Risa’s eyes sharpened.

“Anywho, out of the three of us… I’m the odd one out.” Gio admitted. “Ashner has amazing leadership skills and a strong resolve. Wong has brains for days and an excellent perception of the world around him… Then there’s me, I’m just their weird friend. On occasion, they rely on me, and honestly, that makes me happy.”

The three were still curious and wanted to ask more questions, but Ashner and Wong walked down towards them from the old stairway. Immediately the three went back to work, keeping silent.

“It’s time to go,” Ashner spoke to the group. “I have a promise to keep.”


“My God’s.” Alex spun the object in his hands, amazed at its surreal design and its sheer perfection… “Your world does create the most amazing things… This is a broom of the highest quality… What is the name of this establishment?”

“It’s called ‘The Dollar Store.’ And you’re holding a cheap broom.” Alex focused on the aisle. “In our world, this broom would go for five… no maybe seven or eight gold pieces…”

Alex dug through random items and grabbed a plunger, completely oblivious to what it was. He presumed it was some kind of weapon. Wong lectured him, at the same time, Gio stuck Wong’s side with another one.

“Idiots.” Ashner shook his head. Off in the distance, Lina was gathering clothes. They had enough money to buy the entire stock.

Risa kept to Ashner’s side. Often glaring at people that looked suspicious, unaware the attention she brought was due to her own beauty.

“Master.” Risa held her sword. “Does this place sell draki oil? It’s for my sword. I want to keep it properly maintained.”

“My world doesn’t have anything called draki.”

“Risa nodded. But her gaze was distant and even a little sad.

“What’s wrong?”

“You chose Alex and Lina to run your company… I feel like I don’t have any true worth to you… Your world is peaceful, so my sword isn’t needed…”

“This world is anything but peaceful… I did notice that sword isn’t suited for you… So I’ll make sure to get you a better one, a weapon that suits your style of fighting.”


The menu popped up once more, catching Ashner off guard.

“It seems the elves are killing monsters.” Risa raised her eyebrow. “The ones bound to me killed something. I got the XP.”

She was conflicted and almost seemed a little jealous.

“I can stay behind and kill anything you want. If I can’t serve you in this world, I’ll serve you in the other one.”

“No,” Ashner replied quickly.

“Why not?” Risa retaliated, forgetting her place.

“Because.” Ashner sighed… “I can hear you weeping at night…”

Risa’s face flustered. When she recalled her dead friends and family, it always made her cry… The cat-girl didn’t want to bother anyone, so she would only cry in the middle of the night.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry.”

Alex rushed next to the two and grabbed Ashner’s arm.

“That person.”

Ashner raised his eyebrow.

“He followed us here… I caught a whiff of him again.”

“That’s impossible. We moved states away.” Alex gave him a serious glance. “But we can investigate if you want.”

Risa reached for her sword and kept it ready as the three walked across the store, going aisle to aisle quickly.

“There!” Alex pointed towards the exit.

A figure cloaked in a gray sweater skipped out of the store in the distance.

They rushed out into the sea of people. In the middle of rush hour, thousands of people walked to their destinations. In the chaos, Risa clung to Ashner’s arm. But it was no use.

Alex stepped back into the store, away from the crowd. “I lost his scent.”

Ashner didn’t blame him. “Let me know if you smell him again… This person followed us… So they’re a threat… Risa, if things get serious, don’t hesitate to attack.”

“As you command.” She smiled. Finally, he had found some worth in her.


“This is worth more gold than we gave you.” The queen evaluated everything the group had brought back. From clothes, medicine, water, food, snacks, cleaning and cooking utensils, bed covers, and even toys for the children. “You’ve exceeded my expectations.”

Ashner shook his head. “Truthfully, this was the best we could muster with our current situation.”

“It won’t do us much good in the long run,” Lina added. She was standing behind her older sister with an angry gaze.

“Don’t disrespect our guests,” Elana warned. “Just because you’re my sister doesn’t mean I’ll permit such childish behavior.”

Lina rushed away, deeper into the castle.

“Why is she upset?” Asked the queen.

“She wants me to bring all of your people into my world… It’s just not possible.”

“The Dead God’s power is worrying her.”

“Alex told me about him… The more souls he devours, the stronger he becomes.”

“Yes, his strength manifests in monsters. So eradicating his essence weakens him. At one time, all the demi’s and humans lived side by side. We were fighting and destroying the spawns of the Dead God. It was a desperate time, one where we struggled just to survive. It’s not that much different from now, except we feared monsters, not each other.”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? Your forefathers have nothing to do with this world. Don’t waste your apologies on the problems caused by others… If this world unites and faces the real threat, we can keep the Dead God fragmented… I believe this world will unite again… Lina doesn’t… She’s seeking a way to escape.”

In the distance, Gio was playing with the child elves, handing them cheap toys. From soccer balls to action figures. No matter where he went, the children followed.

“Do demi’s have cities?” Ashner asked.

“No… At one time, the north was filled with them… Now we’re only a fraction of what we once were. Where does this curiosity come from?”

“I desire gold, but I don’t want to trade with the humans of this world… I haven’t met a single decent one here… So I was hoping I could trade with demi’s.”

“I would proceed with caution. You’re still a human. Venturing north is almost a guaranteed death sentence.”

“I can’t seem to help the right people in this world,” Ashner admitted.

“You’ve helped us, and we are eternally grateful.” The queen bowed. “Your doctor has healed my sick, and Gio is beloved by most of my people… Then again there’s you. Ashner… My people call you ‘The Broken.’”

“Why that name?”

“Elves are sensitive to depression. It lingers like the aura of death… And it not only follows you, but it seeps out of your very soul… The amount of pain you carry would easily overwhelm and kill an elf… So to us, you’re broken…”

“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult.”

“I cannot say either…” The queen bowed. “I wish you could’ve seen the world before slavery became commonplace… This world was filled with ambition and love… Maybe one day demi’s will create a new city…”

“Maybe… As always, if it’s possible, I’ll help you.”


Gio walked into the queen’s chambers. They had gone back and forth so many times the elves were used to it. The queen’s guards were no longer cautious around Gio. Out of the three, he was the only one who truly went out of his way to befriend every elf he met.

Wong was too busy with his work to exchange pleasantries, and Ashner kept to himself for the most part. Even with his new look, his aura made him a pariah.

Gio was armed with two computer batteries since he hadn’t figured out how to bring electricity into this world. He had to compromise.

The queen wore a nightgown that stretched around her wide hips and large chest. The guys hadn’t bothered buying the elves fancy bras and panties. They weren’t being rude.

They were just guys.

The light blue hair and purple eyes of the queen were surreal to Gio. Her ears pointed back, and her voice was both mature and seductive. Gio had walked in wearing his own pajamas, a comfortable shirt that said “NANI?” and Gundam Wing pants. The queen didn’t admit it, but she adored when he wore thinner clothes. It always made his muscles pop… Even if elves were attracted to strong magic users, some were attracted to brute power… Elana was one of those women.

“You enter a queen’s chambers so casually. Last time we talked, you promised to bring an offering.”

“Your highness,” He bowed and opened up his backpack. Bringing out cheddar popcorn, pop tarts, and chocolates. “Will these suffice?”

Elana had no clue what any of that was. She simply nodded and slid on her bed, giving Gio room to sit next to her. They had finished Gio’s favorite series, so he brought a few new DVDs.

“This Re Zero brought a debate among my people.” The queen admitted. “I have told them the story orally, and they are very divided over the two love interests… Rem, and Emilia.”

Gio giggled, “so it begins.”

“I understand the desire to chase a woman that you fancy, as any man should… But when a woman confesses her undying love to you, with such dedication and unshaken resolve… Why would any man reject that? Rem shows the qualities of a proper woman… Going so far as staying by his side after her rejection.”

“You seem to like Rem more than Emilia.”

“Well, of course… Not that I don’t see Emilia’s point of view. I, too, am burdened by the struggles of royal politics. Duty and kingdom come first… Even so… Since I was a little child, I adored love stories, even for a long-life being like myself… Love is rare and fleeting. When you find it, enjoy every moment of it… Or it’ll pass by, and you’ll be left alone in your sorrow.”

“So… You truly are a Rem fan?”

“But of course! Any proper lady would choose her, which left me baffled since some of my subjects side with Emilia.”

Gio rolled on the bed, giggling.

“What did you call this entertainment again?”

“I call it culture.”

“Ashner brought my people home. Wong cared for my sick. And you bring light to my kin.”

Gio tilted his head. That statement caught him off guard. “Light?”

“Yes, dear Gio.” The queen smiled delightfully. “This war has killed many of my kin, but not by blade or arrow… But by our own sadness, a sorrow so deep, our tears can only suppress it so much… You three are gifts from the Innovative God…”

Gio giggled and leaned back, pressing his shoulders against the pillows on the queen’s bed. He had personally brought them to her, and she adored them. “I always assumed I was the most worthless of us all… Ashner and Wong are always dedicated, and honestly, I’m just having fun.”

“A world without laughter… Without light… Without dreams… Becomes colder than ice and darker than a night without stars to guide us…” Elana nudged her head on Gio’s arm. She was making him blush. Her shirt did nothing to cover up the weight and shape of her chest. Easily double D, maybe larger. Her hourglass figure only made her more seductive. But it wasn’t just her body. “That isn’t a world worth living in… You showed us a light that eases our depression…”

Their eyes met. Gio’s brown and Elana’s purple eyes. Their pupils dilated, and their hearts raced.

“I…” The queen spoke. “Want to try that thing you called chocolate.”

Gio smiled. “As you wish.”


Ashner found Wong, cleaning his medical supplies. Even if he didn’t use them all, he was tenacious when it came to keeping them sterilized.

“You’re leering.” He commented.

“I’m sorry,” he stepped closer to his friend. Lena was sitting down in front of Wong. Her eyes met Ashner’s. She gave him a slight glare. “What’s the verdict with the locals?”

“This isn’t like our old war where one glance at the locals and we got a general idea, like tuberculosis, AIDs, or malaria. Now we’re dealing with a whole new species. Elves are relatively the same as us, except.”


“Well, they have an abnormal amount of white blood cells, and their bodies don’t seem to dispose of their older cells, blood or otherwise. Instead, they seem to rejuvenate every cell in their body. Kind of like the Turritopis dohrnii.”

“Lay off the Latin, please.”

“It’s also known as the immortal jellyfish. It can essentially live forever, but it can still be killed. But when it comes to elves, that’s a whole other field, one that I have no experience with. But from what I gathered, their bodies fend off illnesses better than humans, which makes this whole endeavor much more confusing… Since most of her citizens were sick.”

“It’s sadness.” Lina butted in. “When despair overtakes our lives, we become sick and die.”

“Hmmm.” Wong tapped his notebook. “So that’s the secret to your long life. An overly powerful immune system that relies heavily on your mental state. Even in our world, multiple studies have shown that keeping a positive attitude and a happy lifestyle does play a huge factor in human health… Of course, I can be wrong, but I believe that might be a big reason your kind live for so long.”

“Not that we’ll live that long anyway…” Lina glared at Ashner, now impatient. “Please, let us go into your world.”

Ashner shook his head. Wong just observed her as she got angrier and more desperate.

“Let’s talk about that tomorrow.”

Irritated, she scoffed and paced off deeper into the kingdom.

“She’s going to bring trouble,” Wong warned.

“I’ll keep her in check.”


Or so Ashner presumed.

One Slave has Died.

Thirteen Slaves Remain.

The menu had woken up Ashner. The words cut him deep like a sharp knife inching closer and closer to his heart.

“What happened? Menu, show me who died.”

The menu spun, showing a name.

Aria has Died.

“How did she die?” Ashner launched himself out of bed, quickly putting on his gear.

The menu didn’t reply.

“F***!” Ashner grabbed his M4 carbine, locked and loaded it. “Are we under attack?”

The warrior rushed deeper into the castle.

We’re not under attack. It’s too quiet. So what’s going on?


My XP just rose… Are those girls fighting monsters?

“Wong! Gio!” Ashner rushed past several castle rooms, most of them were run down and had crumbled, but where they kept their sick, stocked their food, and weapons were near the queen’s chambers. That’s where Wong and Gio were.

Both fully armored up, talking to the queen. Around Elana were two royal guards, sporting full body armor, a handful of handmaidens, and several citizens. Gio had taken it upon himself to cook for the queen and her citizens. He drew a crowd larger than he anticipated.

“What’s wrong?” Asked the queen.

“One of my slaves just died. Where are your people?”

Elana raised her eyebrow. “They’re right here, and no one is permitted to leave.”

“No, one of them died.”


It happened again.

Elana debated it for a few seconds, then glanced at her handmaidens. “Bring all the elves with the slave crests.” Immediately the women rushed deeper into the castle.

“Ashner?” Alex was sitting down among the elves. Even among them, the girls flocked to him. To his side sat Risa. She was helping herself to some chips.

“Where’s Lina?”

Nobody answered.

Elana shook her head, irritated. “Don’t tell me she ventured into the hell-hounds domain.”


“Nasty creatures. Fast with fangs that can easily bend steel, they’re capable of casting fire magic. They’re territorial. On occasion, they venture past their home, and it’s how we obtained as much gold as we have… If she means to get more, then she must be leading an expedition into the cave.”

As she finished her sentence, two of her handmaidens returned.

“Lina’s quarters are empty. She left with ten of our kin.”

“Did she at least take warriors with her?”

“… Just two, the rest were volunteers…”

“That child!” She dug her nails into her palms. “She’s going to get herself killed… Ezazle, gather our men. We’re going after them!”

The guard next to her nodded.

“Wait!” Wong butted in, “Your people are in no condition to venture outside these walls. Most of them are still recovering. Going after them is unwise.”

“What do you suggest, doctor?”

Wong glanced back at Ashner, waiting for him to make the decision.

“We’ll go after them.” Ashner was double-checking his gear.

“No.” Ezazle’s ears shot up, he puffed up his chest, and he inhaled deeply. “We can’t trust outsiders for something like this.”

“Then your people will die.” Ashner retaliated casually.

“Arrogant human, we’ve survived just fine without you.”

“I saved your people, and we’ve been tending to them since we arrived. Don’t argue with me. Just obey.”

The elf sized up Ashner, reaching for his blade.

He wasn’t the only one. Warrior elves readied themselves to fight.

The SAW fired into the air stopping all aggression from both sides.

Gio casually lowered his weapon. All eyes were on him.

“Ashner, I know you’re stressed out, but stop being a dick…” Ashner nodded. “And calm down, Ezazle… I’m going with them.”

The elf relaxed, but his face was the very picture of worry and doubt. “Gio… You’re the only one of the three I truly trust… Why should we stay?”

Gio smiled. “Because Ashner and Wong are the smartest men I know, if they go, we’ll save your people.”

The elves backed off, aware they were still licking their wounds.

The queen smirked.

Gio inhaled slowly. “Ashner, what’s the plan?”

“Alex, can you track her down?”

Alex inhaled through his nose, focusing on her personal aroma… Once he found it, he nodded.

“Good, Wong, Gio, and I will act as the spearhead, Risa. You’ll protect Alex, and if possible, provide us support.”

The cat-girl stood up and readied herself.


“We need to hurry.” Ashner’s voice was commanding, firm but also held some level of concern.

“Wong.” Ezazle stepped forward. “Can I at least lead you towards the hell-hounds territory?”

Wong nodded. “Just there, then you turn tail and come back home.”

“On my honor.” The elf bowed. “Follow me.”


The six rushed past the Forest of Fear. Once they passed the dense vegetation, the sunlight above gave the endless world light. Even in full gear, Gio, Ashner, and Wong were able to keep a fast pace. Alex was the only one who would slow down.

Taking a few seconds to catch Lina’s scent and his breath.



“Princess!” The elf’s hand reached for Lina, his body covered in blood and burns. “Please, run!”

Hell-hounds jumped on him, devouring his flesh with teeth as sharp as talons. Lina glanced away as he screamed.

She had climbed on the limestone’s edge, finding a good place to stand her ground. Below her, dozens of hounds circled her. Each black with red eyes exposed ribs with a beating heart which pulsed red flames as their hearts raced.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” Lina’s body shook. Somewhere in the battle, she had lost her sword. Littered on the cave’s floor lay the bodies of her friends. Elves who were skilled enough to fight, but none of them had ever gone into a dungeon… “I did this to you…”

The hounds jumped towards her, slipping on the limestone and collapsing below her. Each time they hopped, their claws dug into the wall leaving deep scars on the stone.

In Lena’s hand, she held a small satchel filled with a measly thirty gold coins. Her tears ran down her face. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” Lena’s jaw shook as the hounds fired their fire at her. She pushed against the wall of the cave. The fire passed by her. Enough for her to sense its heat, but not enough to harm her.

Her leg throbbed, a hound managed to bite her ankle, taking some of her flesh. It was by sheer adrenaline that she had managed to climb to her position.

“This wouldn’t have happened if he let us go into his world…” Her tears ran down her face… “No… He would’ve done it. Why did I rush things? I was so stupid!”

Her mind took her to happier days when she was a little girl. Lina’s father came to her mind. He would always pick her up and carry her piggyback style. Often rushing through the forest, his black hair, scent, and the hardness of his muscles gave her younger self endless comfort.

“Father…” He was also one of the first to lead an expedition against the humans that rebelled when the slave crest was starting to enslave all demi’s. Humanity had finally started fighting back, so he led thousands of elves against them. “You told me… You would never leave me… You lied…”

The hounds barked and growled from below.

“You died… Mother couldn’t handle the sorrow it brought her, and she soon followed, leaving Elana in charge of us… You left us behind. I was alone for so long… Cold… Sad… I needed you…”

The hounds below roared.

“SHUT UP!” Her hands came to her head and wrapped around her green hair. “Just shut up… I don’t want this… I never did… I wanna go home… I wanna be warm… I want to be safe…”

The hounds jumped towards her, digging their claws into the wall, then jumped again, adapting to their environment. They would never let their prey go.

Lina took in the sight. These monsters don’t hunt down people. They only attack when they’re provoked. And she had kicked the hornet’s nest.

“And now I get to die… The Dead God will still devour me after all… I never told anyone, but every moment I’m here… I’m afraid… That’s why I desperately wanted to escape… I’m powerless against humanity… And the only humans that ever wanted to help me… I never trusted them… I didn’t even really respect them… It was just me trying to find an angle for my own benefit…”

Her body shook as the hounds below leaped towards her. They were almost on top of her.

“They weren’t that bad after all… And your world was full of so much life… For the first time in my life, I wasn’t afraid… I wanted to bring that to everyone… For a princess…”

A hound’s claw gripped the ledge Lena was on. She stood and pushed her body against the limestone wall.

The hell-hound brought itself up. It slowly walked towards the girl, elven blood dripping off its razor-sharp teeth.

“I’m a loser.”

“RISA, TAKE IT DOWN!” Ashner’s voice echoed through the cave.

In a flash, Risa’s sword dug deep into the hell-hound’s heart. It howled and turned to black smoke then dropped a few coins.


Below the roar of thunder radiated across the cave. Risa and Lina were above the battle. They both glanced down and witnessed the one-sided slaughter.

Lina’s eyes widened. She had appraised what Ashner was capable of on his own, but three humans with those types of weapons, fighting coordinated and in sync, it was ridiculous. She rationalized that those three were capable of eradicating her people in a manner of minutes if they wanted to…


“CLEAR!” Ashner reloaded his carbine. To his side, Gio was reloading his SAW while Wong aimed his weapon deeper into the cave. They were each wearing night-vision goggles and fighting to catch their breath.

“They’re magnificent,” Lina admitted.

Risa glared at the elf. Lina immediately submitted, ashamed of her actions. “Are you the only one alive?”


“I see.” Her glare faded, recalling her own fallen tribe. She reached her hand out to the elf. “Wipe your tears… We’re getting you home.”

Lina obeyed and grabbed Risa’s arm. The cat-girl used her power to bring them both down.

The three humans gave a sigh of relief when they gawked at her.

“Are you wounded?” Wong asked.

“Thank God, I thought we lost you.” Gio smiled happily.

“You’re safe now,” Ashner reassured.

These were the last words she expected. “Why did you come after me?” Lina asked.

The three gave her a confused gaze. Gio tilted his head, and Ashner raised one eyebrow.

“You should’ve left me.”

“Never.” Ashner shook his head and grabbed her shoulder. “No matter what happens or what situation you find yourself in. You won’t get left behind. No one gets left behind.”

Lina’s heart sparkled with an unfamiliar warmth… For a second, the image of her father returned to her. She shook it off.

“Ashner!” Alex screamed. “We have a problem!”

From the cave entrance, dozens upon dozens of hell-hounds entered, they rushed in towards the group.

Gio, Wong, and Alex engaged. Gunning down the hounds.

Lina’s heart dropped. The gunfire must have drawn them all back into the cave.

“ASHNER!” Gio screamed between his bursts. “WE’RE GOING TO RUN OUT OF AMMO!”

“IT’S A PINCER ATTACK!” Wong focused his shots. Even with overwhelming firepower, they were terribly outnumbered.


Ashner reached for his chest, grabbed a grenade, and tossed it. “FLASH GRENADE OUT! COVER YOUR EYES!”

The grenade lit up the room, blinding some of the hounds. “We’re out of options! Everyone, deeper into the cave, we’re destroying the heart of the dungeon!”

“Wong, ready the next flash, toss it when the hounds recover!”


Gio and Alex unloaded a few more rounds into the hounds who were dazed from the flash grenade. As Ashner grabbed Lina, he picked her up piggyback style. Despite her large chest, she was very light. Ashner’s hands wrapped around her thighs and held her tightly as he rushed forward.

Risa pushed ahead, cutting down stray hounds. Behind him, another flash blinded their enemies. And gunfire continued.


“Which way to the heart of the dungeon?” Wong asked as he tossed a spent magazine and reloaded a new one.

“That way!” Lina pointed ahead, she was able to sense mana, and that’s where it was emitting from.

“Push forward and watch your corners!” Ashner didn’t have a gun in hand. Lina was his priority. As much as the elf despised humanity, something about Ashner brought a fond memory to her mind. The same comfort that her father gave her. For a second, her heart fluttered.

“LAST FLASH!” Wong tossed it, blinding the large group of hell-hounds. Everyone was running red on ammo.

The group entered a large room through a tight opening in the cave, unlike the lake where the large slime was. This one was similar to an auditorium, with large pillars that served as guides towards the heart of the cave.


“Where’s the heart?!” Wong urged.

“That way.” Lina pointed ahead. In the center of the auditorium slept a massive hell-hound. It was easily five times larger than the ones behind them, with tusks coming out of its mouth and metal protecting its head, eyes, and limbs.

“That’s a Dire hell-hound.” Risa managed between her breaths. “We can’t kill that…”

She’s scared. I won’t have her face it in that case.

“We don’t have a choice. Once the heart dies, then all the monsters in this dungeon die with it…” Ashner handed Lina to Risa. Both the girls were petrified, but the Dire was sleeping. “Gio, Wong, Alex. Use that corridor as a death funnel. I’ll kill the Dire hound.”

“Have you gone mad?” Lina’s eyes widened.

Gio fell prone and pushed the butt-stock of the light machine gun against his shoulder. He had fired it so much it was already starting to bruise. Wong took a knee next to Gio and handed Alex his remaining nine-millimeter magazines.

“End it quickly!” Gio unloaded his rounds as the hounds rushed towards them like a horde of angry ants.


“Lina, protect Risa.” Ashner sprinted towards the Dire hell-hound.

Passing by dozens of seats made of stone, Ashner fired a few rounds at some stray hell-hounds. These had small horns on their heads. He caught that they dropped more than just gold.

The commotion made the Dire open its glowing red eyes.

Ashner dashed between the stone seats and used one to prone his weapon. He forced himself to take relaxed breaths. As he exhaled, he pulled the trigger, nailing its heart.

The Dire roared, a scream so powerful the auditorium crumbled. His nods cracked, Ashner pushed them aside. The fire from the pillars gave enough light.

Inhaling deeply, the Dire created flames in-between its teeth. Then it exhaled. Ashner took cover behind the stone seats, which quickly crumbled under the heat of its attack.

When the flames ceased, Ashner rushed towards another section of the auditorium, using the seats as cover.

If its core is anything like the slime’s, it’s going to take several 5.56 rounds to destroy. Slow and steady, I can kill it.

The Dire leaped towards Ashner, destroying the stone seats and steps with its armored claws.

Ashner nearly avoided a lethal blow by sliding to his side. As he tumbled, he unloaded a barrage of bullets. A handful of them struck the Dire’s heart.

The monster roared in pain. It lifted its armored paw and swiped down, destroying more seats, and launched Ashner away from the cover of the stones. He tumbled and rolled on the cold dirt.

Despite the pain and the blood going down his head from the makeshift shrapnel the monster had created. Ashner focused his aim again, firing at its heart. The rounds nailed their target.

You’re big, but that only makes you a bigger target, and that heart of yours is too easy to hit.

Red flames wrapped around its heart, and from its exposed stomach, five hell-hounds with horns emerged, each one rushed towards Ashner, surrounding him.


A sword found its way between the ribs of one of the hell-hounds. It yelped and turned to smoke. It was Risa.

She pulled her sword out and struck down another hound. Ashner took this chance to shoot down the remaining small fry.


Ashner reached for his last magazine. In the distance, the gunfire of the SAW died out. Gio’s weapon ran dry.

We’re spread too thin. I have to kill it right now.

The Dire inhaled.

Once more, gathering flames between its teeth.

Perfect, while it does that, it can’t attack with its claws.

“Risa, distract it!” Ashner reached for his chest.

Risa used her power, dashing straight towards the Dire’s heart. She was almost as fast as a bullet. Her sword connected with the monster’s heart and shattered. Her eyes widened when she registered that she lost her main weapon. The heart started cracking with spiderweb-like cracks.

The Dire’s eyes met hers. She used her power and dashed far away from its line of sight. It was just the moment Ashner needed.

He rushed towards the Dire, tossing two grenades. They got stuck in between its ribs. The Dire stalked him as he slid behind some stone seats that still remained intact. Then the grenades exploded.

The hell-hound roared. Its flames became light tinder’s before he was able to unleash its attack.

The auditorium shook from the grenades.

Is it over?

The Dire’s claws destroyed the seats next to Ashner.

It’s still alive?

A burst of light flashed brightly. At the furthest end of the auditorium, Lina used her power, blinding the hell-hound’s leader.

The monster lunged towards Ashner, trying to bite him. Ashner dodged and rolled underneath the Dire. Its heart was directly above him. He switched his weapon from single fire to burst and held the trigger.

Fragments of the Dire’s heart shattered around Ashner, its body fell on top of him but slowly turned to black mist, and then gold rained on him, so much he had to dig his way out of the pile.


“Master!” Lina pointed towards the center of the auditorium, where a crystal grew out from the ground. “Kill it!”

Ashner aimed at the heart and pulled the trigger. The heart exploded, leaving black blood.


Immediately all the hell-hounds turned to black mist and died.

Ashner fell on his ass, exhausted from the battle. Risa walked up towards him, showing him her shattered sword. Lina hesitantly paced towards him, keeping her head low.

“F*** YEAH!” Gio’s loud voice echoed across the dungeon. “WHO’S THE BOSS! I’M THE BOSS! WHERE’S THE FINAL FANTASY TEN VICTORY SONG WHEN YOU NEED IT!”

Gio sang it loudly.

Lina stopped next to Ashner, her head down on the floor. She was tolerating the pain in her ankle.

The elf didn’t have enough words to thank him before she said anything. Ashner spoke first. “Let’s get you home.”


Ashner carried the elf back home. The group was almost completely out of ammo, but they had survived, so they were all in high spirits.

All except Lina.

The queen waited for her younger sister. Once their eyes met, Elana’s face became vicious.

“What were you thinking?” She demanded.

“I wanted all of us to enter Ashner’s world… But in order to do that, he needs XP. Slaves can pass on XP gathered from killing monsters to him… I figured if I killed enough of them, then we could leave this world and go into his… I took ten elves with me. Only one was his slave… They all died.”

The echo of a slap ran across the kingdom. The queen’s hand burned red. Lina grazed her cheek.

One teardrop ran down her face.


Lina’s head came down low.

“WHAT’S IN YOUR HAND!” Lina held her bag with thirty pieces of gold. She lifted it up, but the queen smacked it out of her hands, the gold coins scattered across the stone floor. “TEN LIVES! TEN LASHES! YOU WON’T DIE FOR YOUR STUPIDITY. INSTEAD, YOU’LL CARRY THE SHAME ON YOUR BODY UNTIL THE DAY YOU ENTER THE ETERNAL FOREST!”

Lina walked towards the closest wall. She pinned her hands on it, accepting her punishment without so much as a peek of retaliation. She undid the buttons on her shirt, and it fell down. The elf exposed her chest to her people. Gio, Wong, and Alex glanced away, each blushing.

One of the royal guards, Ezazle, carried a whip. He glanced at the queen one more time, just to make sure this was her absolute decision. She nodded. He took a step towards Lina.

Ashner walked between them, blood still dried on his head.

“Ashner?” Ezazle’s eyes rose up, and his ears came down. After he had successfully rescued Lina, he held a whole new level of respect for him. “What are you doing?”

“I’m stepping in…” Lina’s eyes met Ashner’s confused and conflicted with his resolve.

“Ashner.” The queen stepped forward. “I’m aware you don’t know our customs, so I’ll forgive your ignorance just this once… Why are you protecting her? Her actions could’ve very easily caused your demise.”

“It’s my fault…” Ashner admitted. “I should’ve caught the signs early on, she was desperate, and I gave her half-answers. I never bothered truly talking to her, or making some kind of plan… I was too focused on my life on the other side that I neglected her feelings… Plus… I’m her master. Her actions were a direct result of my ignorance…”

“Ashner.” Elana tilted her head and ran her fingers through her hair. “A queen’s orders are absolute. If you want to take the lashes for her, then I won’t stop you… Just know, that ‘slave’ of my little sister didn’t respect you, she didn’t trust you, for a three-hundred-year-old elf her actions were no different than that of a child… Do you still wish to take the lashes for her? Even with that knowledge?”

“Of course.”

The queen’s eyebrows and ears came up. “Very well… As much as it pains me to harm the man who not only saved my sister, but also destroyed the nest of monsters that threatened my kin… You’ll take ten lashes.”

“No!” Lina rushed towards Ashner, forgetting her exposed chest. She grabbed his chest plate. “I screwed up. Let me take the punishment.”

Ashner pushed her aside and gave her back her shirt.

“Lina… I don’t remember asking for your opinion…”

The elf’s ears shot up. She took a step back as Ashner removed his gear. He didn’t wear a military uniform. Just it’s armor. When he took his shirt off, she blushed. He was fit and cut from years of training and fighting. Not just that, his body was covered in scars.

Ashner put his hands against the wall, Ezazle hesitated, but his resolve returned once the queen nodded at him.

The whip hit Ashner. Blood rolled down his back.

Lina glanced away.

“Don’t you dare look away,” warned the queen. Lina’s gaze returned to Ashner. She flinched with each lash until it was finally over.

Ashner didn’t bother putting his shirt back on. Instead, he walked straight towards Wong’s makeshift medical room. As he did, Lina reached out towards him, but no words came to her… She brought her head down.


The moonlight shined above. Lina had finally gathered her nerves and found herself in front of Ashner’s quarters after Wong had wrapped up her ankle.

She knocked on the door.

Ashner opened the door, with Risa by his side. The aroma of Wong’s ointment was strong. Lina found herself blushing since he was still shirtless.

“What’s wrong?”

She recalled everything he had done for her. She inhaled and screamed out her true emotions.

“Why! You don’t treat me like a slave. If anything, you treat me like a distant friend. So why! WHY DID YOU SCAR YOUR BODY FOR ME!”

The flickering of multiple torches gave more definition to his body. Ashner was covered in so many scars. Five more wouldn’t make a dent.

“Get over yourself.” Ashner tilted his head back. Risa relaxed and moved her hand away from her sword. “I’m not an idiot. I can see it in your eyes. In the way you move and act. You need me but you despise me… I’ve seen it a million times in my world… But the hate you harbor for me is because you can’t forgive humanity. Even if I had no part to play with the destruction of this world. You still see them in me.”

Lina’s ears came down, and she cocooned into herself. Being talked down by a human was irritating, especially since he read her like a book.

“Then why?” She managed.

“You honestly believe you’re the only person in this world, any world, that made a bad call and got people around them killed?” Ashner crossed his arms. “I carry the scars of my dead comrades wherever I go. They’re wounds you can never see. But they’re there. This was obviously the first time you screwed up this badly… So… I don’t think you should carry a physical wound to remind you of your mistake… Instead, I’ll carry it for you… As your master.”

Lina stayed silent. Her resolve and composure were broken.

She was nothing more than a failure.

A loser in her own eyes.

“Don’t lose yourself,” Ashner warned. This made her ears come up a little. “If fear consumes the hope you have inside. Lean on me, and I’ll cast all those doubts aside.”

Ashner turned around and walked back into his room, and closed the door, leaving Lena and Risa alone in the hallway.

“… I understand why you’re so dedicated to him now…” Lena’s ears came up. Confidence returned to her once more. “I’m sorry… I didn’t trust you… I didn’t trust anyone that wasn’t an elf… Yet you saved me…”

“I only followed his orders… Elf.” Risa’s ear’s faced back, her eyes shifted, like a lion ready to kill its prey. “He’s quick to forgive, even lets disrespectful remarks slide… But I don’t… If you put his life in danger again. I will kill you… If you can’t handle that, then stay in our world…”

Lina bowed. This made Risa’s ears return to normal. “I vow on the lives of my forefathers and on the Eternal Forest… I will dedicate myself as devoutly as you do to him…”

Risa scoffed, but elves like all demi’s hold their vows as dearly as a mother holds their newborn child.


“My people will gather the gold in the cave,” Elana reassured Ashner. “From what Gio told me, you were running low on something called ammunition and needed to escape. But now that the dungeon is destroyed, it’s safe to venture in there… I know it’s not much, but we will do that for you.”

“That’s more than enough for me… I’m returning to my world. We’re still in the process of creating our own secure source of income.” Ashner wore a thin shirt, one provided by the elves. His wounds were still bad, so he needed to wait some time to let them heal. He considered wasting XP to heal himself, but he ruled against it. Gaining XP was rare and always risky. Wasting it on himself was almost laughable.

“As for my sister.”

Ashner brought his hand up.

“I’m not upset with her… I’m also not upset with you… For now, we will continue to help each other… I intend to keep our arrangement going as long as possible… But unfortunately, I can’t fulfill her desires, even after destroying that dungeon. I can only bring eight of you.”

“My desire isn’t for my people to enter your world. That was my sisters.” Her eyes went left, “speaking of her.”

Lina wore a duffle bag, carrying a huge portion of gold.

“Master…” Her voice was submissive.

“It’s Ashner.” He corrected.

“I’m aware I don’t deserve to ask anything… But if you would have me… Please allow me to continue serving you in your world…”


Her head and eyes came up quickly. Risa glared at Lina. The cat-girl was aware that Ashner wouldn’t hold a grudge, but her eyes were making it very clear that Lina would not manipulate Ashner. Not that Lina intended to do that.

“Just knock it off with your attitude.” Ashner turned around and walked into the white room. Lina, Alex, and Risa followed behind.


The group entered Ashner’s world. They were inside the old factory.

“Home sweet home.” Ashner dropped his gear next to the door.

Gio and Wong walked in behind them. Each was carrying a duffle bag filled with gold.

Alex sniffed the air and immediately reached for his sidearm. He aimed it forward.

Risa reached for her combat knife.

Waiting for them was a hooded figure wearing a gray sweater.

“It’s the stalker!” Alex pulled his hammer back, and Risa pulled her dagger out from its sheath.

The intruder pulled her hoodie back, revealing their face.

Ashner stepped back, petrified.

Lina’s eyes met his. This was a side of him she had never identified before. His body shook violently, and his heartbeat and breathing accelerated.

Wong grabbed Alex’s hand and forced his handgun away. Gio gripped Risa’s arm, ensuring she wouldn’t attack.

“Hello, Ashner.” Her voice was distant and empty.



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Autret Astrid
2 years ago

Thanks for the chapter !

Crystal Hahn
5 years ago

Loving this so far ^_^

6 years ago

Gracias por el capítulo 🙂

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