chapter 15 – enemy of my enemy – part 2


The cold faded the further south they went. First, the snow melted, and then the three removed their thick clothes, opting for thinner sweaters.

“How is it so warm?” Risa asked as she removed her top from the backseat. She wore a tank top underneath.

“We’re getting closer to the equator. Even in the winter, it doesn’t get that cold.”

Risa raised her eyebrow. “I understand.”

No, she doesn’t.

“We’re almost there.” Ashner was directing Wong. They passed by several low-class homes, each a few miles away from each other.

“Who is this Evaristo?” Risa asked.

“He was a sergeant when we joined. For a while, he trained Ashner, Gio, and me. But he left before we deployed.”

“Is he a friend?”

“Not really.” Wong turned the steering wheel deeper into the mountains. “He was a bit of a conspiracy nut and loved computers… He once told me he only joined the military to prove some things… Whatever that meant is still a mystery to me.”

A few miles into the woods, through dense vegetation and slowing down when the ignored roads became too rough, they finally arrived.

“We’re here.” Ashner pointed at a run-down mobile home. The group helped themselves out of Wong’s car and stretched. “Just take him as he is… War sometimes changes people… But in Evaristo’s case, I think he was always missing a screw in his head.”

“He can’t be that bad.” Risa shrugged right before a rifle round broke the stretching session.

Ashner tackled Risa behind the van. Wong took cover and reached for his sidearm as his rear-view mirror shattered from a bullet.

“Who are you, and what do you want!” The man yelled. “I don’t have money!”

He lives alone in a tiny property. Of course, he’s broke.

“Evaristo! It’s me! Ashner!” Even screaming out his name, Risa focused on Ashner’s hand as he reached for his piece.

Another round was fired. This time it hit the body of the van.

“Ashner, if he puts one more bullet in my car, I’m going to start firing back.”

“SHOW YOURSELF!” Evaristo ordered.

Ashner sighed and slowly lifted himself up, Wong tried to stop him, but Ashner shook his head.

“It’s me!” Ashner took a step towards the man. “I’m here… Remember me?”

Evaristo had heavy Native American features and was a bit older than the rest of the group. In his hands, he held a SCAR-H with smoke emitting from its barrel. He used a tree that led to his door as a brace to fire his weapon.

Ashner took a step forward. Evaristo aimed his weapon at Ashner’s head.

Risa readied a combat knife, and Wong aimed his sidearm at his old Sergeant.

Ashner waved his hand, telling them to stop.

Something’s wrong…

Evaristo’s white shirt had faded to a brownish-yellow around his chest. And his jeans were torn. He also sported a full, unkempt beard.

His obsession with finding his brother has brought him this far… He hasn’t showered in weeks, maybe longer, his eyes are bloodshot, and his muscle mass has decreased… Menu, show me his mental status.

The blue menu popped up.

Target is Insane – XP Required to Cure – 300XP

Losing his brother brought him this far… I should’ve checked in on him months ago…


Trying to talk to him in this mental state won’t help… Menu, heal him.


Evaristo shook his head as the power took effect. Almost like someone had forced reality to settle into his mind again.

“Evaristo?” Ashner took a step forward. As he did, Evaristo focused on his sight, keeping the reticle on Ashner’s head. “It’s me.”

“Ashner?” Evaristo’s vision and mind cleared. He lowered his weapon. “I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“It’s okay. Are you willing to talk now?” Ashner’s group lowered their weapons.

“Yeah…” Evaristo studied his front yard, he had left it unkempt, and it only now started bothering him. “Come inside… And excuse the mess.”

Ashner smiled.

The menu can cure mental illnesses… That’s honestly the most impressive thing about it to me…

Wong holstered his sidearm, and Risa moved her hand away from her combat knife.

“Did you use the menu?” Wong asked.

“Yes, the menu flat out called him insane… But I cured him.”

“I’m curious about the long-term effects of your power on the human psyche. Even Melissa flipped a switch when you used your power on her… She adapted quickly with the group also… My guess is that was her personality before her trauma… It’s also why she’s so interested in you… You did cure her right after you hugged her… Maybe in her mind, she thinks you’re responsible… And she’s not wrong…”

That explains a lot.

Ashner walked into the mobile house first. It was tiny and cluttered with newspapers, dozens of computers, each turned on with random algorithms running through them. And an evidence board, with pictures of Evaristo’s brother, some high-level military officials, and some that he surmised were part of his platoon and their families. The pictures were scattered around the home and pinned directly into the wooden walls.

He’s been working hard… I don’t have siblings, so I can’t imagine how hard this has to be for him.

Evaristo put his weapon on top of a computer. Ashner studied the desks. Everywhere he glanced, a gun or knife was there. Sort of like he was waiting for someone to attack him.

“Do you mind giving me a few minutes?” Evaristo turned to the group, embarrassed with a guilty glance. “I don’t smell all that well.”

“It’s your home.” Wong sat down on one of his seats. “We’re not going to go anywhere, Sergeant.”

“I’m not your Sergeant anymore,” Evaristo commented as he paced towards the bathroom.

“His insanity is gone, and now he’s aware of his clothes, smell, and the environment he created for himself… Your power is amazing.”

“It’s costly as well… Killing gives me power… It’s not something I enjoy…”

“None of us do, but Ensley did, even when we fought in the war… But he was a coward when we were pinned down…”

“He only acts like he’s hot s*** when he holds the advantage.” Ashner studied the computers. “Do you know what all these programs are doing?”

“Not a clue.” Wong shrugged. “I never took an interest in computers… But I’m sure this is all to find his little brother. Can your menu find him?”

“Menu, find David.”

The menu popped up, but nothing happened.


The shower turned off, and after a few minutes, Evaristo emerged, sporting new and clean clothes. He also shaved and put his hair back in a ponytail.

“You look like s***,” Evaristo spoke to Ashner.

“I had a run-in with Ensley,” Ashner admitted.

“Ensley? He joined around the same time I did… Never cared for him…”

He handed Wong a few hundred dollar bills. “That’s as an apology for putting a few bullets in your ride.”

“Thanks.” Wong shoved them into his wallet. “We’re square now.”

“Then let’s talk… Why are you here, Ashner… I hired you because I was desperate, but that doesn’t make us friends… I know what you did to that woman…”

“Is that what you believe?” Wong crossed his arms. “What if I were to tell you someone framed Ashner?”

“Framed him? Nah, I heard he was caught in the act… Pants off and all…”

Ashner’s gaze went to the floor. His heart stung him.

“He was framed… Ensley did a thorough job ensuring he went to jail… He’s the CEO of White Water.”

“White Water? Those assholes get away with a lot of dirty crap. From what I gathered, they’re directly responsible for the civil unrest in Yemen and the civil war that erupted in Pakistan… Ensley huh, yeah, he was always sketchy…” Evaristo popped his knuckle as he focused on Ashner. “I honestly don’t know why you’re defending Ashner. You were the smartest guy in our platoon.”

“Still am… And it’s simple.” Wong leaned back. “It’s because he’s innocent.”

Evaristo studied Ashner, who was still focusing on the carpet.

“Fine, I’ll take your word for it… Ashner never did strike me as that kind of man… So do you mind telling me why you three arrived at my front door? What do you need?”

“We want to hire you,” Wong smirked, taking full control of the conversation since he grasped Evaristo’s words wounded Ashner. “Hack into White Water’s personal files, gain access to every mission, every member, and every political party that hired them and for what reason… We want every dirty little secret, and we’ll pay you.”

“Are you out of your mind!” Evaristo stood up and reached for a soda can. “White Water isn’t military, but it has a security system that’s just as complicated as the army… It’ll take better equipment than I can ever afford, and it’ll take several hackers and honestly several weeks…”

“So you did attempt to hack their systems.” Wong raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, that’s why I know how hard it is to hack. I’d need access to the right equipment and programs… Just attempting this will cost thousands of dollars…”

“We can pay,” Ashner muttered, still annoyed. “Whatever it costs, we’ll pay it, and we’ll pay you.”

I’m sick and tired of being treated like crap by everyone, and I hate how everyone assumes I’m the asshole.

“Taking down White Water and getting paid for it… You’re aware the government isn’t on our side… If they catch wind of what we’re attempting to do, we’re all going to jail…”

“Can you do it without us getting caught?”

Evaristo smiled. “With the right equipment and my team, then yes… But we’re going to need a lot… Right down to a secluded building where we can work.” Evaristo popped his knuckle again.

“Do it, and I want you to focus on one person in particular, the CEO. His name is Ensley… Take him down at all costs.”

“Alright.” Evaristo extended his hand. “Deal?”

Ashner gripped his hand hard and shook it.

“Then call me when you find a place. Until then, I’ll make a list of things we need to obtain. I have a friend you should talk to before you… He’s heavily involved in the black market… Technology and weapons, he’s going to have most of the things I need…” Evaristo scratched his head, then asked. “You don’t have to pay me, on the condition that I get to keep the equipment… I can use it to find David.”

“That’s fine, and it’s not like I can use it…”

Evaristo nodded, then sipped on his soda. “I’m not certain if you committed the crime or not, but you’ve changed… You’re not as happy-go-lucky as you used to be… But then again, I also changed… But I hate corruption, and I’m more than willing to help you if we can bring justice to the victims of White Water.”

Ashner nodded.

The three left the run-down mobile home and made their way to the van.

“Is it really this simple?” Risa asked. “In my world, justice is brought about with violence.”

“Our world used to be like that…” Wong nuzzled the bullet wound on his passenger’s side. “But senseless violence only brings about more senseless violence… Sometimes it’s needed, but if we can avoid a situation where people end up dead for no reason, then let’s do that.”

“I don’t believe you’re making the right call, Wong. Violence must be met with violence…” She studied Ashner. “Ashner?”

“Wong’s right. We can’t beat them if we attack them head-on…” Ashner opened the door for her. “Justice is nothing more than a conflicting ideal. We can pretend we’re going about it the right way, but there is no right way… It’s straightforward. Someone was hurt, then we find a way to get payback… Doesn’t that mean revenge and justice are essentially the same thing? I don’t know… What I do know is I won’t stand back and do nothing.”

“I don’t agree.” Risa tapped on her combat knife.

Ashner’s phone rang just as she finished his sentence. He tapped the answer key.

“Hey, Gio.” Ashner put him on speaker.

“Alex and I found something interesting.” Gio’s voice echoed clearly.

“What did you find?”

“Don’t freak out, but they bugged us, even went as far as setting up a computer in our attic… Don’t worry, cause Alex’s power also affects cameras and microphones… And they also planted some high-grade plastic explosives around the building.”

“WHAT! GET OUT OF THERE!” Wong roared.

“Hey! I told you not to panic. Remember, I tried to become an EOD.”

“I remember you flunked out.” Wong retaliated.

“Details, anyway, I took the liberty of disarming them, except for the primers. They seemed to be hooked to some kind of computer system. So if they do go off, nothing will blow up.”

“That was stupid!” Wong rolled his eyes. “Why did you take that risk!”

“Because I knew you would never let me do it. And we don’t need a bomb squad there.”

Wong paced around his van, pissed off.

“This works for us.” Ashner smiled. “Ensley was stupid enough to leave a computer that links directly to his company.”

Wong smirked.

“I think we found where our hackers are going to work.”


Ensley spun the cylinder on his revolver. He waited patiently in his office with Angel lounging on a leather couch. Her hair was a mess, and sweat ran down her neck.

The door to his office opened, and the tapping of heels closed the distance.

“Don’t you ever knock?” Ensley asked.

“It smells like sex in here.” The woman whiffed the air and studied Angel, who was very amused with her new katana sword.

“When you have to bang, then you bang.” Ensley put his Ruger Blackhawk on his desk, which also had some sweat on it. “I have to ask, what did Ashner do to you? Iris, you hate him so much you’re pop a hate lady boner.”

She scoffed. “Some things are better left unsaid.” Iris fiddled with her hair. Ensley checked her out. She was a nice piece of meat… But she wasn’t a woman he wanted to take by force… Since she still had her uses… At least for the moment…

“My eyes are up here,” Iris warned while she fiddled with her nails. “Did you set up the live feed and the bombs?”

“They were set up on the first day, and I have my guys keeping an eye on the cameras. So far, those p****** haven’t found them.” Ensley flexed his muscles. After the day he had, he was more than ready to crash out. “And Melissa is nowhere to be found. I’m starting to think you used me.”

“She’s around. Just be patient.” She frisked Ensley’s jawline. “Bitches always return to their masters.”

Ensley giggled. “You’re more of an animal than I am.”

“We’re nothing alike, Ensley.” She pulled a dagger out from her purse and stabbed it on his table. It shimmered with its gold and silver handle. At its handle’s tip lay a clear marble. “I have Mike wrapped around my little finger. All I had to do was f*** him a few times… Now we’re in business… White Water will protect our metal miners in certain parts of the world… With less than adequate human rights laws that heavily favor profit over lives… Sometimes terrorists or what they like to call themselves ‘freedom fighters’ attack our work progress. But with your group and our resources, we can help each other.”

“This deal is more for you. At the end of the day, you’ll be taking home billions.” Ensley licked his lips. “Sweeten the deal, Iris.”

“You killed one of Ashner’s friends. That lack of self-control makes me question your sanity… Then again, even a brute has their uses.”

“You’re not sweetening the deal.” Ensley teased with a bright smile.

“You brute… Fine, five percent of all monthly profits from the areas you’re protecting will go directly to you, on top of what we’re paying you… With that, you’ll be able to afford more equipment and weapons…”

“Iris, you’re so sweet it’s going to get me hard.”

“You’re also a pig.” She rolled her eyes. “I have a plan in motion that’ll force Ashner into the spotlight. He’ll have no choice but to give up his sixty percent. His portion will collapse, and my company will take over its remnants. So I’ll own sixty percent, Mike will own forty, and you’ll serve as our main source of security… Everybody wins.”

“What’s your plan to deal with him?”

“A crowd is easily swayed if you know how to play with their emotions…. Never underestimate the power of hatred… It’s deadlier than any bullet, blade, or blunt object… Let me deal with him. Just sit back and enjoy the show.”

“You’re twisted. But that’s what I like about you.” Ensley licked his lips. “Want to stay a little and have some fun?”

“No. Brutes, don’t get me off.” She took a step back. “Fulfill your end. Or everything falls apart.”

Ensley grabbed the knife. “Gladly.”

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