Chapter 16 – Peace – Part 2


Melissa waited in a dark alley. The cold sunk deep into her bones. She understood what she was risking, but it had to be done.

“Little p****.” A sickening tone gripped her heart tightly, like a scab that refused to heal. “I knew you’d come back.”

Ensley walked toward Melissa with a big smile on his face and with two armed guards.

“Where have you been? You’re such a bad girl.” Ensley sang. “After we kept you safe for years. You got the slip on our guards… Are you ready to go home?”

Melissa shook. The man before her had, up until this point, only visited her in nightmares.

“I got your email.” She admitted. “You promised you’d leave Ashner alone if I willingly returned to you.”

“That’s the deal,” Ensley smirked casually. “I was honestly surprised you went to him of all people… He did rape you after all…”

Melissa raised an eyebrow. “Look, enough with the games… I’m here… Do whatever you want to me… Just leave him alone…”

“A deal is a deal.” Ensley complied and lifted his hands. Both his guards lowered their weapons. “Just know that I got some fresh blood joining White Water… They need to be initiated properly… And you’re going to be the girl that does that for them…”

Melissa’s eyes widened, her heart raced, and her body trembled, but she recalled Ashner’s face when he learned that the whole world was against him.

Melissa inhaled slowly.

“Do whatever you want to me… Just keep your end… Leave him alone…”

Ensley studied the blonde. He bit his lip.

She was cute but not hot like his current girlfriend.

He laughed sarcastically.

“You little p****… The only thing that impressed me about you was how tight you were after five men had their turns with you… You did rock my world back then… But the past is the past…”

“What are you saying?” Melissa questioned him.

“I’m saying that you’re well past your biological clock… You’re an ugly bitch that isn’t worthy of my big, beautiful c***… So I’ll be taking you back… And Ashner will deal with the consequences… He did rape you after all.”

Melissa shook… She had been fooled…

Ensley stepped towards her. He just about danced with excitement. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t f*** you… Consider yourself a pity f***…”

Melissa stopped shaking…

“Ensley… I learned something when I lived with Ashner…”

“You lived with your rapist? You got some issues, little p****.”

“I learned… That I don’t have to be afraid.”

Melissa drew her Glock 19. It was tucked behind her back, between her pants.

She aimed it at Ensley’s chest and fired.

He tumbled backward when the round hit his chest.

The blast of the round startled his guards.

Melissa quickly aimed her weapon to her right and fired, nailing his guard’s head, splattering his brain matter against the wall of an abandoned Olive Garden.

“HOLY S***!” The second guard aimed his assault rifle at her.

Melissa fired again, blasting him in his head.

The second guard’s body locked up, and then he tumbled backward.

“F****** bitch!” Ensley roared.

Melissa rushed forward, eager to end his life as her handgun aligned with his head, the echo of gunfire ran across the alley.

Her left hand was hit in the wrist. Before she sensed the pain of losing her hand, she cussed in her mind since she didn’t pull the trigger in time.

Melissa’s hand and gun flung to her side.

A second bullet flew across the city, and this one nailed her knee.

Melissa fell to her knees.

The pain settled, but she didn’t scream. Instead, she crawled towards her gun. She still had one hand. Melissa wanted to finish the job.

Ensley’s foot kicked her handgun away.

“That wasn’t very smart, Melissa.” He mocked. Ensley ripped his shirt, revealing that he wore a Kevlar vest. The bullet didn’t pierce his skin, but it did knock the wind out of him. “Now, why would you shoot me and kill my guards? You’re just being a toxic little p****.”

“F*** you.” She managed. The pain was overwhelming, but she refused to be afraid.

Ensley tapped his headpiece. “Angel, thanks for the support. If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead… Let’s go bowling later… We can grab a beer and bang afterward… Yeah, yeah, I love you too.” Ensley moved his finger away from his ear.

“Melissa… You know what has to happen now.” Ensley reached for a knife he kept in a sheath. It had gold and silver designs. “Don’t be a bitch. I mean, you did shoot me.”

Melissa fought her pain, and she was losing blood quickly.

Ensley fiddled with the knife and stepped towards her with a hum.

His knife pierced between her ribs, digging deep into her heart.

Melissa sensed a new type of pain. She studied Ensley and started giggling.

“What’s so funny?” Ensley asked. “I wanna laugh too.”

“You better shave that hair around your asshole.” Melissa managed slowly. “The people that love me are not going to let this go… They’re going to f*** you so hard. If that hair is in the way, it’ll only bother them.”

“You just got hotter,” Ensley admitted. “I hate when a bitch whines and complains when she’s dying… You got some hard ovaries, mmm, it’s a shame I couldn’t have my round two with you.”

Ensley whipped out his dick. “Here’s a little reward for being such a bad-ass.”

Melissa giggled again as her body grew colder. “You’re… So… Small…” She closed her eyes, her mind relived her life, from the worst moments to the last four months. The days she spent clinging to Ashner, kissing Lina, and teasing Risa… The love she had for all of them… And the love they had given her… She smiled… The last four months of her life were the best she ever had…

Her soul was released from her flesh.

“F****** liar.” Ensley zipped his little jalapeno back into his pants. “You’re gonna miss my dick.”

He pulled the knife out of her chest and wiped it clean on her clothes. As he skipped away, ignoring his dead men, he reached for his phone and made a quick call.

“Hey, Iris.”


Iris hung up her phone. Her high heels tapped against the floor, and her skirt made most of her new employees glance away, blushing.

“Come this way.” One of the managers urged as he unlocked a door for her. “This used to be the former owner’s office, we still keep it clean, but we keep it locked.”

“That’s fine.” Iris dabbled with her fingernails. “Just open it.”

“Of course… You own sixty percent now… Anything you want, we’ll do.”

He opened the door.

“Leave… I want everyone on this floor to leave.” She ordered.

“Okay.” The manager left her and gave his orders to everyone on that floor.

Iris studied the pictures of Ashner and his father. They were scattered all around the office.

She grazed the desk. Sure enough, it was clean.

Iris sat down on her new seat. Fully satisfied with her accomplishment.

Her eyes went to a young Ashner, from the days he was truly happy… Before he was in the military. When he was in high school.

Iris’s body melted. She stood and took her panties off.

She grabbed his picture and put it on the desk in front of her. Her p**** rubbed against the table’s corner.

Forward and backward, faster and faster. She kept eye contact with Ashner. Her body burned up, lust overtook her mind, and her p**** throbbed with his picture…

She came squirting her juices on the table. The orgasm was so intense she tumbled on the seat.

Iris giggled. “We’re both kings… And the board is life… What will you do now? My love.”

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