Chapter 3 – Slave

{[Your desires and shames shape your soul.]}

The city was smaller than Ashner presumed. Their homes were made of mud bricks, asphalt roofs and fireplaces were commonplace. Ashner tuned in to the splashing of water running under his feet.

They have a sewer system.

Furthermore, the horned horses pulled carriages. The city did have roads made of broken stones and cement. This world had similarities to Ashner’s, minus one thing.

“Hurry it up!” An older man screamed at a young slave. The boy had cat ears and even a single tail. The child hesitated, so the man slapped him.

So that’s how it is.

Ashner focused on another part of the city. A woman walked hand in hand with two fit demi-men.

Their bodies were that of seasoned bodybuilders.

One had rabbit ears, and the other had two horns growing out of his head.

A few meters behind him walked a woman, with a demi behind her. They both carried groceries in a basket. The demi held a smile and happily brought his pace up to keep up with her.

So some are treated better than others.

All eyes came to Ashner. His armor made him stand out like a flame in the bleak of night. Gossip followed, from both humans and demi’s.

“He must be one of those eastern warriors.”

“Is he a demi?”

“He carries an odd blunt weapon.”

Ashner keened in their curiosity.

At least they don’t seem hostile.

“Stop right there!” Two men, dawned in heavy armor, excluding their headpieces, rushed towards Ashner. Each was carrying a sword and a round shield.

I spoke too soon.

Ashner’s finger flipped the safety switch on his weapon.

“Remove your helmet, traveler.”

Ashner moved his hand away from his trigger, letting his weapon hang on the sling around his neck. He reached for his headpiece and removed it from his head, showing his ears clearly to the guards.

“You’re one of us,” the guard’s tone shifted to one more relaxed, “keep your helmet off while in the city.”

“Very well.” Ashner clipped it to his gear. “I’m new to this town, are there customs or laws I need to follow while I’m here?”

The guards glanced at each other. The question wasn’t something out of the ordinary since he obviously didn’t look like he belonged there.

“The same as anywhere else, don’t hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it, and don’t steal.”

Ashner glanced at a group of slaves. They were carrying firewood. “What about the laws involving them? Where I’m from, we have no slaves.”

“Don’t harm them unless their master approves. They’re property, so they should be treated as such.”

“Hmmm, I see.”

Footsteps walked towards him, Ashner glanced to his side, a man wearing elaborate and lime green clothes that draped to his side walked towards him.

“Are you perhaps interested in one?” He gave Ashner a fake smile.


“I have a collection of beautiful women. These demi’s can’t get pregnant and just between you and me.” He whispered into Ashner’s ear. “They’re virgins.”

The idea did intrigue Ashner. It had been far too long since he had last gotten laid. He focused on the five women the salesman had behind him. They were all demi’s, one with bunny ears, another with oddly shaped horns, and one with dog ears.

The one with dog ears gawked at Ashner. Something about her gripped his heart, like a ghost forcing itself onto him. She wasn’t just beautiful. She was divine even if she was dressed in ragged clothes.

“I see Alex caught your eye.” The slaver urged the girl to step forward. “She’s my most valuable possession since she’s a succubus.”


“Never ran into one before? She’s not a pure breed since she wasn’t born with wings. She resembles her mother’s demi side more.” He once-overed Ashner’s armor, taking a keen interest in it. “Normally, I’d charge ten mythril coins for her, but I’ve always been interested in the magical gear from the east.”

“I won’t trade my armor and weapons for her.”

“Oh, I don’t want the whole thing, just anything you’re willing to let go of.”

Let go of?

Ashner reviewed his armor, then his flash and stun grenades. His sidearm and then his land navigation gear. Something cheap and easily replaceable. He removed a compass that strapped like a watch from his wrist.

“What is that?”

Ashner reviewed the compass. Sure enough, it worked. “This isn’t a magical device, but it will always point north. It’s a way to ensure you don’t get lost.”

“That’s spectacular.” The man ogled it. As Ashner spun it, the compass’ arrow stayed north. “This is worth the trade for Alex.”

Should I buy her? I mean, I can barely support myself as things stand.

Ashner glanced at her, she was wearing thin clothes, but he got a glimpse of her chest and hips. They curved nicely. His face blushed, and he fought back his lust.

But I can always use someone helping me out, plus if she’s mine. Can I f*** her?

“Deal.” Ashner handed him the compass.

“Step here.” The man ordered the young girl. He brought out a knife. Ashner cautiously reached for his sidearm. “One drop of blood should do it.”


“Yes, to seal the contract. Your blood will bind her soul to yours. This will ensure she can never harm you or betray you.”

Ashner removed his glove and let the knife cut into his finger. The slaver brought the blood and smeared it against Alex’s chest. The blood went down between her chest and disappeared. On her chest, a star with odd shapes lit up and faded.

“Go on, Alex!” The slaver pushed her into Ashner. Her body was soft, and his lust spiked.

“Have fun with her tonight.” The man winked.

Ashner rationalized something.

Why did I buy her?

He reviewed her. She was just his type. Slim waist, a chest that’s not too large or not too big. Plus, a face that rivaled most models. Her dog ears were also a plus.

“Take me home, master.” She spoke with an alluring voice.

“Not yet.”

“Please, master,” her eyes widened, and Ashner’s heart raced. He sighed and complied.

Walking away from the city, he caught that all eyes were on Alex, even without makeup and in drags. Her allure ensnared everyone around her.

It didn’t take long to find the cave he used to enter the world. At the entrance, Ashner’s focus blurred.

She has ears and a tail. I can’t take her to my world. What was I thinking?

“Master,” the girl clasped his arm. “Please take me home.”

Ashner’s lust rose, his pulse raced, and his body became hot. Just being stroked by her was amazing.

“Sure, follow me.” He stepped into the cave, Alex followed behind curiously.

“Monster.” She spoke quietly and leaned against Ashner’s arm.

Sure enough, a slime rolled towards the two. Ashner reached for his sidearm and took a single shot.

The slime turned to black mist, and the coins fell.

Alex shook from the echo of the bullet. Then glanced at the gun.

Her eyes were both mystified and terrified.


Ashner grabbed the gold and the shell.

“That weapon is amazing,” Alex commented as she studied it. “Can you take me home now?”

This is a bad idea. Why do I want to take her to my world so desperately?

He found the door to his world. The mahogany wood and carefully carved illustrations were still there. Even if behind it, the house was utterly destroyed. Alex gave him a confused eyebrow raise.

Ashner gripped the door and opened it. She jumped back.

“You wanted to come home, right?” He stepped inside the room between worlds. She followed hesitantly.

“Welcome home.”

She glanced around the room, confused with half her mouth open and her eyebrows high on her face.

Alex evaluated the bed.

“I know why you bought me, what your heart truly desires. My succubus powers let me know everything that involves your lust.” She removed her top, showing everything to Ashner. Her body was more magnificent than he had ever hoped for. It was as if the aroma itself was turning him on. He tumbled on the bed as she mounted him.

This feels wrong.

Ashner shrugged his head.

Almost like I’m drunk. Menu, show self status.

Under Effect of Charm.

What? How do I stop it?

The menu scrolled.

Resist Succubus Charm Effects – 5XP



Nothing changed. Ashner’s eyesight shifted around the room. The sensation of falling overcame him, along with an uncontrollable desire for lust.

It didn’t work? Menu check status.

Under Effect of Charm.

What kind of charm? She mentioned being a succubus.

Under Incubus Charm Effects

Resist Incubus Charm Effects – 5XP

… What… The… F***!… BUY! BUY IT RIGHT F****** NOW!


The girl’s voice faded away.

The spell was broken.

Ashner viewed his pants.

The slave was no longer there. In fact, it had all just been an illusion.

“I’ll do whatever you want, master.”

The soldier leered at the man he had bought. He was sitting on the bed fiddling with his hands, his words lacked enthusiasm, but his eyes were glowing a deep red. Now that the spell was broken, he perceived how slim his body was.

“Oh, I’m going to kill you.”

Alex’s ear’s shot up. He was obviously not expecting him to say that. He focused harder on Ashner. His eyes glowed red once more.

“Don’t scare me like that, master.”

“Your little spell isn’t working anymore.” Ashner reached for his sidearm, quickly shifting it from safe to fire.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” Alex slid across the bed against the wall of the room.

“I traveled billions of miles across the stars, through a wormhole to another world… And somehow I managed to get f****** CATFISHED!” Ashner stood and aimed his handgun at his slave. “Why did you charm me!”

The slave lifted his arms up, covering his face. His pulse accelerated, and his body shook with fear. He had appraised firsthand what a gun did. His fear was rational.

Ashner sighed and controlled his rage.

“Talk.” Ashner sat down, lowering his weapon. His rage had settled, but he was still bummed out, and he needed answers.

After a few seconds, Alex dared to take a peek at him. Ashner was calm and collected.

“I’m not a succubus. I’m an incubus. When I first saw you and your armor, I saw a ticket out of poverty. So I charmed you, just how I charmed everyone else… I also overheard the conversation you had with the guards. You know nothing about slaves, so I assumed you would start buying lots of us, and I could just slip in between the cracks.”

Ashner raised his eyebrow.

“Male slaves are usually bought and sold off to work in the mines. Most of us don’t live more than a few months. And maybe, if you bought me, I would live in a mansion and eat lavish foods to my heart’s content. And if you desire more, I’d charm you and create an illusion to keep you happy… You know, a give and take relationship.”

Ashner sighed, switching his weapon from fire to safe. His hand went to his head. “I can’t believe I got catfished… I’m such a loser.”

Ashner bowed down on all fours on the floor. Bringing his head as low as possible.

“What are you doing?”

“I wasn’t aware you could break my charm. Now I have no way to serve you properly… Even after everything I went through, my plans backfired.”

“What did you go through?”

“I charmed the whole city, everyone there thinks I’m a woman, I even went through the female’s slave training… That was probably the most awkward part of the whole thing.”

“I’m pretty sure seducing me was worse… Unless you’re into men?”

“No, I’m only interested in women, but the ones with money are older and ugly. While men have money and food and did I mention mansions?” Alex refused to stand. He kept his head down on the floor. “I know I failed you. Please don’t abandon me. If you wish that, please just end my life. If a slave is abandoned by their master, the city makes a public example of them, killing them for sport.”

“That’s a bit much, don’t you think?” Ashner stood, irritated with his stupid luck. “Stand up already.”

Alex obeyed. He didn’t peek at Ashner’s face.

“What else were you taught?”

“I mastered the art of cooking, cleaning, and night-time entertainment.” Alex smiled and gave a sly wink.

He recovers fast.

“I know I’m not what you wanted, but,” he gave another wink. “I can sense the last time you had sex was over a thousand days ago. If you’re ever feeling lonely, I can use my power on you again.”

The soldier sensed a vein pulse on his forehead.

Ashner slapped Alex hard across the face.

The echo vibrated for a few seconds.

“You slapped my face.” Alex’s head came back, filled with tears. “My beautiful, perfect, chiseled face!”

“So that’s your real personality.” Ashner stepped back away from his slave. “Don’t ever pretend to be something you’re not in front of me, half-assed compliments, fake smiles. I hate them all. The people who give those out will only stab you in the back when it’s convenient to them. From now on, just be yourself.”

Alex quickly submitted and lowered his head, keeping his gaze off Ashner. His eyes were darting around, confused with his comment.

“Don’t ever seduce me again. That’s not cool, regardless, I also won’t abandon you, or you’ll end up tortured and killed. But honestly. I can’t find a use for you. I do envy your powers, having the ability to seduce anyone. I’d kill for that power.”

I’m curious. Menu, show me XP required to charm.

The screen scrolled and stopped.

Incubus Powers Locked – Can Only Be Taught By A Consenting Incubus.

So he does have a use.

“Alright, Alex. I’m not happy with how things developed but,” Ashner made up his mind. “I’ll make you a deal. Teach me how to use your powers, and in return, you’ll end up living in a mansion, with foods your tongue has never tasted before.”

Alex’s eyes lit up. Saliva went down his side. “You don’t have to ask. I am your property.”

“I won’t order you to do anything you don’t want to do. Plus, I’d rather you consent to teaching me your powers.”

That is a requirement to learn his rad power. I can’t wait to use it. I’m going to have so much fun f****** girls in my world.

“If it’s my choice, then I accept, master.”

Ashner brought his hand and shook Alex’s hand, confusing the incubus.

“Oh, don’t call me master, just call me Ashner.” He evaluated the slave. He was skinny and a head shorter than him, his ears were down, but deep down, Ashner didn’t blame him. If anything, he admired his determination for a better life.

“I have a plan to get rich, and I’m going to need your help.”

Alex’s ears shot up. He tuned in curiously to Ashner’s plan.

You may be a slave, but your desire to live, to succeed, and push for a better future far outweighs my own. Someone like you shouldn’t be locked away. You should be free to live your life.

“No! I specifically charmed you to avoid being in dangerous situations.” Alex pouted. “Plus, you promised me food.”

“It won’t be that dangerous.” Ashner half lied. “We just have to attract most of the slimes and kill them.”

Alex shook his head. “If a slime gets on your skin, it will eat away your flesh. In a pack, they kill their prey slow and steady. That’s why everyone avoids this cave. Plus, their loot is worthless.”

Gold is worthless?

“That’s why we need to take advantage of our situation.” Ashner stood off the bed and walked up to a riot shield. He had a few, next to the weapons rack and half a dozen explosives. Next to that, he had a self reloading station for bullets and a second military armor set. “How well do you know war, Alex?”

“I know my ancestors fought against humanity and lost hundreds of years ago.” Alex leaned up, studying at all the equipment curiously. “I can’t say I know anything beyond that.”

“Really now?” Ashner dropped his spent brass into a bucket next to the self reloading station. “Then just take a guess, what’s the most effective way to destroy an army? If you have to do it on your own.”

“I don’t know.”

“You gather them in one spot, then eradicate them together,” Ashner smirked. “It’s called a death funnel.”

Alex raised his eyebrow.


Alex carried two riot shields while Ashner kept his M-4 Carbine at the ready, scanning the cave for slimes. He retraced his steps towards the small hole that led to the pool.

Before they arrived, Ashner fired at two slimes.


“Won’t the sound of your weapon attract the slimes?”

“No, these things can’t hear, my guess, they have some form of vision that allows them to see in the dark. It would explain why none venture out of the darkness.”

One of Alex’s ear’s shot up while the other came down. “How long have you been killing slimes for?”

“I started this morning.”

“This morning?” Alex almost dropped one of the heavy shields. “And you figured that out already?”

“Yeah,” Ashner focused on another slime, “study your enemy to defeat them. That’s the basics in any type of warfare.”

He pulled the trigger.


The two arrived at the hole in the cave. Alex gazed at Ashner for guidance.

He wasn’t comfortable at all and just wanted to leave. Ashner didn’t blame him.

“Now what?” he asked.

“Now, we lay a trap.”

“How? You said they couldn’t hear.”

Ashner got into the hole and started crawling through, it was tight, but even with his gear, he managed just fine. Emerging on the other side was a lake with hundreds of slimes around it. Alex crawled out right after him. Once he reviewed the number of monsters, he turned tail.

“Nope! I’ll wait in the magical room!”

“Hold it.” Ashner gripped his shoulder, Alex just about cried. “If you try to run away, I will shoot your dick off. Then I will feed it to a slime in front of you.”

Alex turned around with a forced smile.

“How may I be of assistance, my master?” His tone was nervous, and his eyebrows shot up and down rapidly.

“Simple.” Ashner pulled a combat knife out. He had it secured on his back, under his Camelbak bladder. Tossing it up, he caught the blade and handed it to Alex. “You watch my back. If things go as planned, you won’t even have to fight.”

Alex stayed silent for a few seconds gripping the combat knife.

“You’re trusting a slave with a weapon?”

“Are you planning to stab me in the back?”


“Then you’ll be fine. Now let’s get the trap ready.”

Ashner duct-taped a strobe flashlight on top of the passageway. Crawling out, he turned it on. The quick and repetitive light shot into the cave.

“Now for these.” Ashner grabbed both riot shields and stuck them inside the passageway, making the exit of the hole smaller. Next, he dropped an extra two strobe flashlights outside the cave. Making the inside of the hole shine like a terribly lit rave.


“It’s Ashner.” The soldier started attaching a bipod to the front of his weapon rail system, twisting the knob until it locked on the jagged edge.

“Is this really going to work?” Alex held the knife hesitantly in both hands. He had kept his eyes open for slimes, and luckily none had emerged.

“Just wait and see.” Ashner lay on his stomach, positioned one leg in front of the other, tugged his weapon’s buttstock against his shoulder tightly, and aimed down his ACOG sight. Lastly, he turned off his night-vision goggles. The strobe flashlights were more than enough light for him. “Alex, your job is to make sure nothing sneaks up behind me. Do that right, and I’ll forgive you for catfishing me.”

“Umm.” Alex turned around with the knife, prepared for the worst. “As you wish, master.”

“It’s Ashner… Gosh, you’re going to kill a kink of mine.”

“What’s a kink?”

Ashner sighed. “You’re the worst incubus I’ve ever met.”

“That’s just mean!”

The slimes started emerging from the cave.

I was right. They can see the distortion in light.

The monsters rolled towards Ashner and Alex.

“Here we go, don’t forget to watch my back.” Ashner held the weapon tightly against his shoulder, controlled his breathing, and gently placed his finger on the trigger. His breathing was calm. In and out, in and out. In… and out… Ashner pulled the trigger.


Ashner breathed in. His chest expanded and brought his body up. Next, he smiled, a line of monsters died, and all it cost him was one bullet.

The bullet’s shell rolled to his side. Alex glanced towards the hole, his mouth dropped.

“Keep your eyes behind me, don’t let anything sneak up on us.”

Alex turned around quickly, keeping his eyes sharp for any type of threat.

Two dozen more slimes rolled towards them.

This is easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

Ashner fired again.

And again.

And again.

For hours.



“That should just about do it.” Satisfied, Ashner ogled the gold coins. They were piled up on top of each other like a pirate’s secret stash. “Now about you.”

At some point, Alex got bored. He was currently taking a nap next to Ashner.

“I gave him one job…” Ashner stood up quickly and tuned into something. Alex’s stomach was growling.

He’s very skinny. In fact, all the girls that slaver had were. Maybe he purposely starves them to make them look more appealing.

Ashner’s mind returned to the war, to the people who lived in that barren wasteland. The ones in the cities were better off. The ones in the towns often suffered from malaria. They were easy to identify since they were usually covered in flies. When they were at that stage, death was their only option. It was terrible witnessing an adult go that way, worse when it was a child.

“Wong took good care of those kids… I wonder what he’s up to nowadays…”

Alex turned to his side.

“Even if I bought you, I can’t really think of you as my property.”

Ashner stood and started collecting the gold coins, putting them inside a backpack. The coins jingling in the backpack woke up Alex. The first thing his eyes focused on was a granola bar in front of him.


“It’s Ashner.”

“Is this for me?” He pointed at the food.

“Yes.” Ashner finished picking up the coins and tugged the backpack. He smiled for a second. Then his muscles retracted back.

That’s odd. Why does it hurt to smile?

By the time Ashner finished, Alex was done with his food. He stayed on the floor, bewildered.

“Alex?” Once Ashner mentioned his name, his tail wagged.

So all it took was a little food to make you happy?

“We can’t stay here. I need to test a few things before we decide if we want to stay here or in my world.”


“Yes, ‘we.’ If you’re going to help me, then you drop the whole master, slave b*******. You have something I desperately need.”

“What is that?”

“Knowledge from your world.”

The two walked back to the door inside the cave. Ashner carried his backpack filled with brass and gold and his assault rifle. Alex carried both riot shields. He barely kept up.


The two entered the white room. Alex glanced around it, taking it in.

The culture shock might break him. What if I leave him here? No, this is a small room. It’s no different than a jail cell… I wouldn’t wish that on someone innocent.

His menu popped up.

Access Denied for Slave.

That complicates things. Menu, is there any way I can take him along to my world?

The menu scrolled.


XP Share – 100XP required.

That much! But it’s better than keeping him here alone, plus if they find him alone, he’s a goner… Well, at least it’s not that bad. Accept.


The menu opened up and expanded.

Requirements for Entering your world are as Follows.

Language Proficiency in Speaking and Writing

Illusion of Human ears

Illusion to Remove dog ears

Illusion to Remove dog tail

Basic Algebra

Basic Geometry

Basic Chemistry

Basic Physics

Basic Earth Biology

Basic Earth Geology

Vaccine for Chickenpox

Vaccine for Diphtheria

Vaccine for Whooping cough

Vaccine for Measles

Vaccine for Polio

Vaccine for Pneumococcal

Vaccine for Hepatitis A

Vaccine for Hepatitis B

Vaccine for Flu

Vaccine for HPV

Basic Computer Literacy

Basic Computer Typing

Basic Understanding of Laws

XP Required – 500

Ashner pouted. “F*** it, accept.”


How did I end up with the same XP?

He glanced at Alex. One of his ears went up.

He doesn’t look like he changed much.

Tugging on his shoulder, he smiled, once again, the sensation on his muscles faded quickly. His luck was finally taking a turn.


They exited inside the storage room. With all his weapons stashed in the white room, he didn’t required the storage anymore.

Ashner no longer wore his armor, and Alex wore some spare clothes Ashner had. It was a little too big on him, but he made do with it.

Ashner studied the security guard as they passed them. He just gave Ashner and Alex a nod as they left.

So they can’t see his ears and tail. But I can. This is helpful.

Ashner made Alex wait outside as he talked to the same pawnshop owner. He wasn’t able to sell all the gold, but he managed to sell most of it.

Ten grand.

Ashner walked outside to Alex, who was shivering in the cold.

“Put this on.” Ashner handed him a jacket and a pair of shoes. “It’s winter on this side.”

Alex had been oddly silent since they left. His eyes were curious with the outside world, but he hadn’t mentioned anything. Ashner didn’t pry. Instead, he led the way home.


“You’re finally calling me by my name. What is it?”

“What did you do to me? All this is new to me, but I know what most of it is.” He pointed down the street. “That’s a car, and that’s a streetlight.”

“You know how your world has magic? I have my own type of magic. I can share my experience with others. But it requires me to kill monsters.”

“So those slimes you killed today, they were for my benefit?”

“Hmmm, I guess it came out that way.”

“You’re different from all the other humans I know. Why is that?”

“Different?” Ashner and Alex made a turn towards his apartment complex, and of course, Iris was waiting for him. With two female police officers. “… F***.”

She wore high heels, expensive jewelry, and a purse worth a small fortune. Ashner and Iris were both aware that she didn’t need the money. She just got off, knowing she was making Ashner’s life harder.

“There he is.” The officer’s walked towards Ashner. He glanced away.

“You have failed to pay your child support this entire year. Per her request, we’re going to have to arrest you.”

Iris stood behind them, with a small smile.

“Wait!” Ashner reached into his pocket and took out his wallet. “How much do I owe her? I can pay her right now.”

“You have eight grand?” Iris scoffed.

“Yes, I do.” Ashner’s heart raced. He didn’t want to go to jail again, especially over something this stupid.

“Officer’s, he’s lying. Please arrest him.”

The two women walked towards him. Ashner glared away.

Again! It’s happening again! Having shitty luck is only worse if I have a shot at bettering it, only to have it all taken from me again… F*** IT ALL!

“That won’t be necessary,” Alex spoke up, unaware to everyone around them, excluding Ashner. His eyes glowed red. His charm influenced the three girls. “If he has the money, why are you wasting your time arresting him?”

He’s helping me? But why?

The three females glanced at Alex, their faces blushed red, and one of the police officer’s brought her hand down her leg, stopping herself right before she fondled her girly bits.

That was kind of hot.

“You know what.” Iris’ tone shifted. It was more cheery and feminine. “If you have the money with you, I don’t see why I shouldn’t let this go.”

Ashner sighed and pulled out the money from his wallet. She was leaving him and Alex with two thousand dollars.

One of the police officers took the money, counted it, and gave it to Iris.

They took their leave, eyeballing Alex. As they drove off, one gave him a flirtatious wink.

That lucky bastard.

Iris counted the money and dug it inside her purse. Her eyes were a mix of emotions. Like her plans had been ruined. She squinted at Alex. “Who’s your friend?”

“I’m Alex.”

“Did you know Mr. Alex?” She leaned closer to them. “You should choose your friends carefully…”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Did you wonder why this loser has no job, no girlfriend, and frankly no life?”

Ashner shook in fear. Alex caught that detail but kept listening.

“He’s… A… Rapist…”

Alex had a single ear lift up along with his eyebrow. Ashner’s hands became fists. He squeezed so tightly his knuckles were becoming white.

I didn’t do it.

“Two years ago, when he was still in the military, he was caught red-handed raping a girl. That girl just happened to be a friend of mine.” Alex glanced at Ashner. “Just helping you out, so you don’t involve yourself with someone like him… You’re welcome.”

She walked back to her car, before she did, she whispered into Ashner’s ear. “Don’t ever forget what you are.”

Ashner gritted his teeth.

I didn’t do it… I never touched her.

“You don’t even fight it anymore, well, once a rapist, always a rapist.”

Satisfied, she left in her car. Both the men stood outside in the cold under a dim street light.

Ashner kept taking deep breaths. They were visible thanks to the cold.

“Ashner… About what she said.”

“Just drop it!” Ashner made his way into the house. “Sleep on the couch… Just don’t talk about what she said.”

Alex submitted and lowered his head. “As you wish.”

Ashner slammed the door behind him.

“She said two years ago… You hadn’t had sex in over a thousand days… You couldn’t have done it… What scars do you carry, master?”


Soldiers are known for a few things. Fighting, drinking, and f******. Ashner joined right out of high school. And within two years found himself in the midst of the battlefield. He had survived with invisible scars. Weekends in the single soldier’s barracks were always a party.

Ashner walked through it, buzzing. He had been back a few days from deployment. He stumbled past drunk soldiers until an odd noise caught his attention. “Stop it.” Ashner gave his attention to a room.

It was closed but not locked. He gripped the handle and opened it.

Inside were six men and a woman. She was tied up to her bed.

Her eyes were dilated, and her body was drugged. The men were forcing themselves on her. Ashner focused enough to rationalize what was happening.

“Ashner?” A voice he recognized.

“What are you doing here?” It was sergeant Ensley, his first-line supervisor and a piece of crap leader. Every time they were engaged, he would take cover and give orders. Often staying inside the armored truck. While others died, he had managed to be called a hero, even if he was a coward.

“What are you doing to her?” Ashner asked, surmising the answer ahead of time.

“Nothing. Now get out.”

“Stop it.” Her voice was weak, but it was there.

Ashner’s eyes sharpened, he took the first swing, knocking the sergeant back. Elbowing another, he forced his way forward towards the girl.

Doing the right thing isn’t easy, but back then, he didn’t hesitate. Ashner needed to act. He needed to help her… He was strong enough to beat a guy down to the ground, two at once if he was lucky. But not three, and certainly not six.

In a manner of seconds, Ashner was on the ground. Two sergeants had forced him down.

Ensley stood up and swung, striking him across the head, then the world started fading to darkness.

“We’re f***** now.” One of the voices spoke, but it started fading slowly.

“No,” Ensley replied, “this situation can work for us.”


A scream woke Ashner up. He glanced forward. The girl he had tried to save was tied up, spread full eagle. Her eyes were locked on Ashner.

Ashner’s senses were faded and wavering like he was blinking in and out of existence. And his head, it pulsed painfully with his heartbeat.

The girl… Is she okay?

She started crying. Ashner didn’t need to ask her why. After what had happened the prior night. After what Ensley and his friends did to her. But where were they? And why was he here? The last thing he recalled was being held by the arms and Ensley taking a swing.

The door opened, and in came two MP’s. They assessed the room and charged towards Ashner.

I know who did this… I’ll help you find them.

Ashner’s head came down, and he got a good glance at his pants.

They were down.

And on the top of his dick was a condom, something he hadn’t put on himself.

What the f***?

The MP’s flipped Ashner to his side, handcuffed him with his pants down, and started reading him his Miranda rights.

Do they think I did it?

They lifted him up and dragged him across the hallway. Nobody cared that his dick was out. As he was being dragged, the commotion woke up the other soldiers. Both males and females opened their doors to Ashner’s shame.

The look in their eyes, the disgust, the hatred… I was the villain to them, I was the man who forced himself on the new soldier.

He glanced at a soldier in his platoon. His eyes were enraged.

I didn’t do it.

His eyes glanced at a soldier Ashner had talked to a few times. She was a cook. Her hand came to her mouth. Her eyes widen with disbelief.

I didn’t do it.

Ashner’s eyes went from face to face. They either glanced away, bared their fangs, or glared at him. Nobody showed him any mercy.

Why doesn’t anyone believe me? I DIDN’T DO IT! I TRIED TO STOP IT!

“Sergeant Ensley.” The MP stopped in front of his first-line supervisor. “You were right. Your soldier was there, just like you said.”

Ashner’s heart fell into his stomach. He wasn’t enraged. Instead, he was shocked.

His eyes went up. Ensley and the two other sergeants. The men who had held him as they raped the girl. All three of them held a smug leer.

Ashner put everything together quickly.

“I do everything to ensure all our soldiers are safe.” Ensley lied. “Nothing gets past me.”

Ensley addressed everyone in the barracks with a few claps.

“Everyone! Carry on with your day! We arrested a rapist!”

Their murmurs rapidly became gossip. Ashner’s chin came down to his chest.

Ensley leaned closer to Ashner and whispered in his ear. “Say the truth… I dare you… After today, nobody is going to believe you… Rapist.”


“I learned something that day. Only fools are heroes.”


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4 years ago

Ty ^_^

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