Chapter 6 – Resolve of a Slave

{[The meek will never rule the world. Only strong men who tame their strength will.]}

“A key that leads to another world.” Wong’s finger came up to his lip. “Can I see this key?”

Ashner reached for his neck and removed the key. He had attached it next to his dog tags.

“You’re still wearing those?”

“Yes,” Ashner’s eyes came down, his body sulked. “I know I was kicked out… And I hated every second I spent in the military… Even so… I never fit in anywhere else. Even if I was betrayed by the very people in it, in my heart, I am, and always will be a soldier.”

Wong reached for his neck and pulled out his own. One tag had his information.

The other was red and listed all his allergies.

The red one had started fading.

Ashner handed Wong the key. The doctor inspected it curiously.

He didn’t react when he touched the key. Maybe he isn’t a ‘Traveler’ like I am.

“Guys?” Gio’s voice was the deepest of the three. He leaned up. Even after two years in a coma, his body was still strong. “Where are we?”

Gio surveyed his friends. Immediately comprehending that they had both changed.

“You’ve both gotten smaller… Have you been skimming on PT?”

Wong shook his head. “What do you remember?”

“Ensley was giving me the order to retrieve a body, then a flash of light.”

“That light was an RPG.” Wong continued assessing his memory, doing his job as a proper doctor. “You’ve been in a coma for about two years now.”

“TWO YEARS!” Gio glanced around at both of them. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

Both Wong and Ashner pouted at him.

“Oh, right.” Gio glared at the machines next to him. “I’m assuming you two are out of the military. Wong, you’re a full-fledged doctor, and Ashner… Well, you look like s***.”

“A lot happened while you were out.”

“Tell me about it.” Gio sat up.

“It’s a long story.”

Gio’s eyebrow raised. “… I got time.”

Ashner sat down next to him and told them everything. He started the conversation with what happened with him and Ensley and how he had put him in jail. As he did, Gio gripped the bed covers, his eyes dilated and widened.

“Where is Ensley?-” Gio interrupted. “When I get my hands on that asshole.”

“You believe me?” Ashner was so distraught over his reaction.

He didn’t even question if I forced myself on her…

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” Gio’s tone was almost insulted. “We all know you have no game and freeze up when a pretty girl is around.”

Oh, that’s why.

“Tell me where Ensley is?” Wong tapped on his clipboard with the key. His eyes were daggers. Both Ashner and Gio rationalized that if Wong wanted to do something reckless, he would act out of impulse. The rest of the time he was calm. A contradiction to his character, but when it came to the people he loved. The doctor would show no mercy to his enemies. Now that Ashner confessed the truth, Wong was out for blood.

“I don’t know… But let’s drop it. Harming Ensley won’t change what he did to me… Or what he did to her.”

“Melissa.” Wong tapped his clipboard again. “That girl’s name is Melissa.”

Wong sighed, “you never knew her name?”

“The military kept all her information from me a secret.”

“Do you want to confront her?”

“Hell no.” Ashner’s body shook. “Never, it’s better for both of us to stay away from each other.”

Wong nodded.

Ashner continued. He talked about the key and the doorway to another world. Then he talked about Alex and Risa. Lastly, he told them both about Risa’s desire to set her people free from the Dead God.

Gio started laughing. His voice boomed through the hallways. “You seriously want a harem?”

“Don’t laugh… It’s an earnest dream of mine.” Ashner’s face reddened. He glanced at Wong.

Wong’s face was calm for a few seconds… Then he snorted and joined Gio with their mocking.

“I’m in.” Gio smiled. “A fantasy world with demi-humans. Do you think they have girls with horns and blue hair?”

“I did see some with green and even pink hair. But not blue.”

“Let’s go right now!” Gio tried getting up but his body refused to obey.

“Not so quick, killer.” Wong pushed him down. “You went years without walking. You’re going to need some time to recover.”

“Use your XP stuff on me.” Gio insisted. “I’ll help you.”

Menu, XP required to restore Gio to his former stats?

The menu popped up in front of him and spun.

Full Restoration – 100XP required.


“I can use it, but it’ll cost me a fourth of my XP, the only way I can restore it is if I kill monsters.”

“I meant to ask something.” Gio rubbed his head. “You destroyed the heart of that cave, cutting off your only sure supply of XP and gold. Why did you do that?”

“For a few reasons.” Ashner had debated against it at first in his own mind. “First, I was curious, if I destroyed the heart would I gain XP and how much? Second, when I entered that world, I was attacked by a slime. So what would happen if I opened the door one day and a swarm of slimes rushed me? Or if other monsters did? Worst case scenario, they end up in our world. I knew destroying it was a risk. Keeping it there was also a risk, so it had to be done.”

“That was either the smartest or dumbest decision you’ve made so far.”

“Either way, after I fought the massive slime, I realized I need help. Not just in that world, but in this one. With my power, I can make us wealthy… And I can give you your eye back.”

The doctor dropped his clipboard, he leaned down and picked it up. “Well… I’m interested now.”

“What are we waiting for?” Gio danced in his hospital bed. “Let’s go to the other world…”

“You still need a full-body checkout. Not to mention you need to sign your paperwork to get out of the military.” Wong lectured.

“Come on, Wong, don’t be a buzzkill… Demi girls… Magical world… Gold… Oh, only one rule for me… If they’re thick… I call dibs.”

“Girls aren’t Pokemon cards. You can’t just call dibs on them.”

Gio was too excited. The two of them recalled his personality. He was going to sneak out the moment all eyes were off him.

“Oh, that show with the elf and blue-haired maid… It got a second season.”

Gio’s kryptonite.

He debated it silently for a few seconds. “On second thought… I might need some more time on this bed… With the DVD’s.”

Wong went to one of the drawers and pulled out both a computer and the DVD. Gio yelped in joy. “This coma was a blessing.” Gio started up the machine and put on some headphones.

The doctor grabbed Ashner. “I can finish his paperwork by the end of the day. He just needs to sign a few things. Give me your phone number and address, and tomorrow we’ll head your way. I may not be obsessed with fantasy like Gio is… But the opportunity to roam a new world is something I won’t let pass me by.”

The two exchanged numbers. Wong tapped his shoulder. “This time, don’t push us away.”

Ashner nodded and took a few steps down the hallway. Eyeing the two talk brought back old memories.

Why was I so afraid to trust them? Menu, restore all stats to Gio, and restore Wong’s eye.

The menu spun, complying with its owner’s requests.


Both of them sensed the change in their bodies. Ashner smiled and left before either of them had the chance to stop him.


Ashner walked home, avoiding homeless men covered in filthy clothes. They held up a styrofoam cup. As he passed them, the aroma of alcohol weighed heavily on their breaths. Even so, Ashner was… Smiling.


As soon as Ashner opened his door, Risa greeted him. She had been on her knees waiting for his arrival. The girl knelt down as low as her body allowed. “Welcome home, master.”

What is she doing? Has she been waiting all day for me? Her poor knees.

“Get up. You don’t have to greet me that way. Where’s Alex?”

“Alex is preparing lunch. From my understanding, he said it’s a splendid meal from your world. He called it instant ramen.”

“So he’s slacking again.” Ashner stepped towards the kitchen, passing by Risa. “But then again, I didn’t fill the fridge up with food, so he’s making do with what we have.”

“Master.” Risa’s voice was melancholy.

Ashner glanced down at her. She was still kneeling.

“Risa, what is it?”

“I failed your expectations… Yet you haven’t punished me… I may be out of line, but please… The anxiety of waiting is terrible…”

“You want me to punish you? Over what happened the other night?”


Risa stayed knelt down on the floor. Her black ears and tail dipped down.

Is she depressed over this? But why?

Ashner came down to his knees and squeezed her ear. This made Risa squeak. Her other ear flickered forward, and her tail shot up slightly.

“You’re forgiven.” Ashner stood.


“My world has no demi’s, so being able to touch your ear… It’s something no human in my world has ever had the privilege of doing… That’s more than enough, in my opinion.”

Risa’s eyes shot around the room, then back down on the floor.

“It’s not good enough…”

She’s hopeless.

“I’ll decide something later. For now, let’s go eat.”

Risa paced behind Ashner like a puppy that had just been yelled at. She sat on the floor as Alex set the table.

“Get in the chair,” Ashner spoke in an irritated voice.

How do I break her out of that stupid mindset? It was much easier with Alex… Does she feel guilty over what happened?

The three sat and ate out of the hot cups. Both the slaves struggled to eat with the fork and mimicked Ashner as he spun his fork in the noodles.

She did say she was a warrior. Maybe if I appeal to that side of her, she’ll start to fade away from her own shame… Not that it’s her fault… She’s just not giving me another alternative.

“I need to go back into your world,” Ashner spoke as he finished his lunch. His eyes went to Risa. “I need a warrior to watch my back… Will you join me?”

“Yes!” Risa shot up off her seat so quickly she knocked her chair back.

First impressions are hard to erase. But this girl wants to prove her worth. So why not let her?

Risa’s eyes were delighted. She gobbled down her food quickly and waited on her knees next to the door, which was incidentally a door to his boiler room. But he had tapped the key on it, and the magical door was ready.

“Here.” Ashner handed her his combat knife. “Use this, for now, when we head into the city, I’ll buy you a sword.”

She studied the blade and practiced jabbing it into the air. “This weapon is magnificent. But it isn’t enchanted.”

You can enchant weapons? That would be scary in my world. I shouldn’t bring weapons from that side here.

They entered the white room, and Ashner readied himself with his armor and his M4-Carbine, along with his Beretta M9. Risa studied him closely. Curious about how his armor and weapons worked.

“Let’s go, Risa. The cave is clear, so we won’t have to fight our way out. Maybe I should get you some armor as well.”

“I fight better with light armor. My attribute is wind. Speed is my weapon.”


Ashner opened the door and stepped into the cave. His nods lit up, and he moved with his weapon at the ready. He didn’t expect any monsters to be here, but it never hurts to be careful.

It’s clear from monsters.

They took a turn towards the exit of the cave. Ashner removed his nods before that.

It took his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light.

Risa gasped.

The aroma of iron filled the air. At his feet lay bodies. Most of them were males. Some were females. One thing stood out, other than their white and green clothes.

Their ears were long and pointy.

They were elves.

“Show us your ears!” An echo ran from the cave.

I’m surrounded… How did they sneak up on me? Magic perhaps…

Ashner removed his helmet. Immediately all the humans sighed in relief. They had hidden behind stalagmites. One of them just appeared out of thin air.

Invisibility? They’re using magic… And the one that hid was able to hide his body temperature, that’s why my nods didn’t detect him…

“We found a group of elves. They claim to have accidentally crossed into our lands.”

The men walked towards Ashner and Risa, leading them towards the exit of the cave. Ashner kept his hand on his weapon.

They led them outside, where a dozen or so female elves were bound by their hands. They were crying, wearing no shoes. Some were wounded, by what Ashner presumed, they were sword wounds… And two were stripped naked, cuddling each other.

Risa’s breathing became rapid.

Two magic users behind me in the cave, six in front of me…

“If you’re looking for a bargain, we’ll sell you one of the girls we just finished with.”

The two naked elves cuddled each other more closely.

“But this one.” One of the men, the largest one, grabbed a pretty elf. She was busty and a little shorter than Ashner. He grabbed her shirt and ripped it off her body. Leaving her bare for all to inspect.

Her green hair came down to her butt, and her purple eyes glared at the man that had stripped her.

“Don’t look at me that way. With my authority, I order you to smile.”

The crest on her chest lit up bright red, and her facial expression shifted into a fake and desperate smile. Her face obeyed, but her eyes were rebellious. She wanted blood.

Risa was still holding the combat knife so tightly her knuckles had become white.

“So, do you want one?” Asked their leader as he took the girl’s pants off.

The two men from inside the cave walked closer to Ashner. Their eyes were on Risa. She was a beauty, in his world, if she wanted to. She had the potential to make it as a model. But all the female elves were beautiful.

“I realize I haven’t punished you yet.” Ashner tilted his head towards Risa, her eyes were down on the grass, and she controlled her rage. “I order you, by my authority as your master… Tell me what you want to do to those men…”

“… Kill…” She whispered. “I want to kill them.”

The slavers giggled and mocked her. After all, she was just a slave. The elves behind the men stayed silent. To them, this was just a pause in their suffering.

“You have a pretty dark heart, Risa…” Ashner commented. “But I suppose… That in this world… That’s the only way to survive… So as your punishment… My order…”

Ashner drew his Beretta M9 from his holster quickly and fired it at the two closest slavers. Their blood stained Risa’s face and shirt.

Ashner never moved his eyes away from Risa. The echo of the gunshot stopped all the laughter… As the slaver’s bodies fell limp, their allies screamed.

“Kill them all.”


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4 years ago

I effin love your story!

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