Chapter 9 – Negotiations

{[The word ‘meek’ comes from the old Norse word mjukr, meaning ‘gentle, controlled strength.’ The meek will inherit the world. It is not through weakness or raw violence, but through the means to fight for what’s right and protect those who can’t protect themselves.]}

Risa held Ashner tightly, somehow melting the ice inside his mind and heart. Sparks of warmth only a woman can provide. Ashner fought back his urge to cry. Deep down, he rationalized himself as a loser. Did he seriously cry over a single hug?

He pushed Risa away. “Stop it.” She jerked back then forward, squeezing him tighter.

“Ashner.” She clung to him, shivering and crying. “You told me I can always say no to your orders.”

Her breaths were erratic, and her body shook. Even if she was a trained and skilled warrior, she was still tiny and soft. Ashner debated how someone like her survived in this world. But something else came to him.

This isn’t just a hug to comfort me…

Ashner wrapped his arms around her and brought her head under his chin. He had a terrible beard, and it rubbed against her forehead. “Fine, do whatever you want.”

Risa clung tighter.

The sun rose higher on the horizon bringing more colors to the world. Eventually, Risa pushed away, still clinging to his arms. Her catlike eyes and cheeks were red.

“I put together what happened with Melissa…” Ashner’s body shook. “Humans hate you in your world.”

Risa gripped Ashner tightly when he shook. The very name of Melissa shuddered him to his core. “You didn’t take me… You didn’t force her.”

So she knows the whole story.

The hug lasted longer than Ashner expected and less than he wanted.

The group found themselves walking back towards the elves’ home, passing by the abandoned seaside towns. Ashner had identified several neglected settlements. But not once had he caught someone living out here. Maybe the war was responsible.

“Why is your world filled with forgotten homes?” Ashner asked.

“It wasn’t always that way.” Lina replied, “I was a child, three hundred years ago. When mankind was viewed as the inferior race, sure, they have the ability to use all types of magic, but compared to the strength and natural talents of demi’s, they didn’t stand a chance when they were weeded out and forced into slavery.”

Lina sighed, recalling a world long forgotten. “Slave crests did not exist in that era. A human who didn’t obey was beaten, sometimes near death. The capability for cruelty was boundless… It was no different than how things are now… Except our side held the whip… Eventually, humanity created a way to bind a soul to them and created the first slave seal. Even as frail and weak as they were. They fought back, overpowering demi’s and forcing the whip out of their hands. The air was bitter with the aroma of blood for months… Until our side lost.”

Gio and Ashner tuned in closely. This was common knowledge to the locals, but they were out of the loop.

“Our ancestors cursed us with their bitterness and hatred. We carry their arrogance on our crests… Those of us that have remained free, live among the monsters in the north. But the fact that mankind is letting demi’s get devoured is only increasing the threat up north, and it’s forcing us to move south.”

A tactic for more slaves. But they should know if the demi’s come north. Eventually, the monsters will too.

“That’s why I want us to leave this world… And live in yours.” Lina turned her head towards Ashner. Determination sparked in her eyes. “Please, our only options are submit, or die.”

“How many elves are hidden in that forest?”

Her eyes shot up. “Four hundred and fifty. I can promise you, if you take us as your slaves and give us a good life in your world, we will serve you and your children. You’ll be our king.”

Usually, Lina doesn’t openly admit what she wants, but she’s desperate about this. Even so.

“I can’t.” Lina’s ears dropped down along with her eyes. As proud as she was, Lina would throw that away to get the best life for her people. “My power makes it just about impossible for that. Maybe if I was around monsters and consistently killing them, but that’s dangerous. And if I die, then no one will be able to enter my world.”

“I understand.” She bowed, “I won’t pry again.”


As the group returned to the crumbling castle, they were greeted by two elves with swords. They kept a cautious gaze on Ashner and Gio. Lina tapped their shoulders, and they stepped aside, allowing them to enter their castle.

Hundreds of years of hatred won’t fade away in a day, even if my ancestors did nothing.

Wong was busy talking to the locals. He had a notebook out and wrote down the symptoms the elves were having. His medical supplies were scattered on a table. He was wearing his rubber gloves and handing medicine over to a small elf, giving him instructions to take two pills a day.

“Wong,” Ashner called out to him. When he was working, he was prone to forget things, like eating.

“You haven’t left yet?”

“No, we just got back. What’s the verdict with the elves?”

Ashner gazed into a room. It was massive, with dozens of beds lined next to each other. More than likely a soldier’s barrack’s room. From whoever built the castle. The elves kept cautious eyes on the three soldiers.

“Most of them require basic medication, some need doses of medicine we can’t buy in any store. And there are a few that I need to run tests on to diagnose them, what I can conclude. These people are exhausted, malnourished, and terrified.”

“So, are you going to help them?”

“Of course.” Wong’s face became insulted. “I just need to bribe one of my co-workers to test their blood.”

After a few hours of helping him, Ashner reached into his wallet and gave him a thousand dollars. Half his money.

“Use that to bribe your friend. And give us a list of things we need to buy them. I have a thousand left.”

“That’s not nearly enough.”

“If it’s not enough, then we’ll buy the essential things for them and focus on building up our company. One that’ll buy the gold… I know how to skip a few steps and get an audience with a few CEOs…” Ashner’s face became a grin.

“Your stepdad?”

“Yes… He never liked me. Even when he married my mom… After Melissa, he used that as an excuse to cut me away entirely from his life…”

“What about your mom?”

“She’s out somewhere, more than likely drunk or high on whatever drugs money can buy.” Lina and Risa tuned in. Ashner’s face held lots of regrets. “She’s not the woman who raised me… My stepdad took advantage of her when my real dad died, and now he’s the CEO of the third-largest steel manufacturing company in the world.”

Wong tapped his shoulder. “If you don’t want to talk to them.”

“No,” Ashner shook his head. “I need to face them. I won’t ask him for money, just for an opportunity.”

“Very well.”

“Where’s Gio?” Ashner pivoted around the room. He had gone ahead of the group, but now he was nowhere to be found.

“He’s more than likely playing his moves on the queen… I really hope she’s not the kind that chops off our heads if we piss her off.” Wong glanced at Lina. She shrugged. “That’s not very comforting.”

Wong led the way towards the white room. Ashner had left the gate open. Risa followed behind, and Lina stopped when she entered the white room. She tilted her head as the three walked into a world forbidden to her.


They were in the hospital. Time passed the same on this side, so it was the middle of the night. Ashner tracked Wong walking into a section off limits to visitors in the hospital.

“He has a good heart. Lina’s people will be fine in his hands.”

“Master.” Risa was timid with her words, then immediately stepped away. Ashner caught that she rationalized that whatever she was going to say would offend him. “Never mind.”

“No, tell me what you were going to say.”

She rubbed her shoe against the floor. “Why do you care so much for others… But when it comes to yourself, you neglect the basics… Your hair hasn’t been cut in months, and your beard doesn’t suit you.”

“What’s the point?”

“What’s the point?” She raised her eyebrow. “In my world, when you seek an audience with a noble, you make yourself as presentable as possible. Do you wish to ask your father for help looking like a man who sleeps in barns?”

She wants me to freshen up… Well, Risa is onto something. Suppose I meet those CEO vultures. Then I need to at least look like an up-and-coming CEO.

“Sure, tomorrow I’ll take you to a place that cuts hair… You also need clothes… So we’ll make a few stops.”

“I’m fine with these clothes.” She was wearing an old shirt that Ashner lent her. It was a little too large and brown cargo pants. Even Alex wore Ashner’s old clothes.

“No, if you want to be my guard, you need to be just as professional.”

She bowed. “As you command.”

“The results are in.” Wong walked back into the hallway holding half a dozen bottles of pills and a few shots. “Take these into the world. I’ll be right behind you… I just need to do something.”

Ashner nodded and took off with Risa into the white room.


Wong sighed and walked into the chief of surgery’s office. He was an older man with a fading hairline.

“Wong, what brings you here so late? I thought today was your day off.”

“Hey, Bob. I’m here because I’m quitting, effective immediately.”

The older man raised his eyebrow. “You? I’ve never seen someone as good as you. You’re already in multiple medical magazines… Not to mention you have several private practices practically begging you to join them… You wasted all those opportunities and stayed here in the free clinic… With your talent, you can easily take my position, or dare I say… Open your own practice.”

“I’m fully aware of my accomplishments… Being a surgeon was something I always wanted to be… But.”


“I have people in my life that need me. They tend to be reckless and act on their emotions… I’m not sure if I’ll ever return.”

“Always giving yourself up for others… Just answer me something… Are you happy with them?”


The older man nodded. “It’s a shame seeing you go. Just know this place will always have its doors open in case you need it.”

Wong smiled. “I’m aware of that too.”

Wong turned and stepped out of his office. He was alone in the hallway.

“What’s the point of living my dream if I have no one to share it with.” Wong stepped towards the white room. “Maybe I’ll open my own practice… In the other world… That sounds… Very fun.”


“HOW DARE YOU!” Elana drew her sword towards Gio. “HOW DO I STOP HER?”

She pointed at the small computer screen. On it, Gio’s favorite anime played. They were finishing up the first episode.

“You can’t stop her. That isn’t real.”

“How can it not be real? They’re moving and speaking. They’re alive.”

Gio paused the show. “See, it’s just a show.”

The queen bobbed her head from side to side. She was busty, and on several occasions, Gio glanced down at her body. They were in her chambers and lying on her bed. Her guards were outside. She was practically defenseless, but Gio wanted to ‘nerd her up’ as he would put it.

“Does your world have more of this type of entertainment?”

“It has thousands upon thousands of things to entertain us with.”

“Hmmm.” She pulled on her blue hair lightly. “It’s a shame this can’t be shared with all my kin… I’m sure the children would adore this. Sadly this is too small.” She tapped the computer.

“It’s possible to create a larger version,” Gio recalled the movie theaters. It wasn’t impossible to recreate that. “It’ll take some work, but I can make it.”

Elana’s eyes lit up for a second, and then she repressed her emotions. Her aura of royalty returned. “May I ask a favor of you, human Gio.”

“I’d prefer it if you just called me Gio.”

The queen pulled on her hair again. “Can you bring more of your world’s entertainment? Morale is low, and since you’re from another world. You may not know, but elves live long, happy lives… Without happiness, we wither away and die. Depression is as deadly as any dagger.”

“Depression can kill you?” Gio was curious, how did they survive this long? “I’ll bring lots of things, maybe create a small movie theater.”

“What is this movie theater?”

“It’s a room with hundreds of seats, with a massive screen. That way, all your people can watch a movie or a show together.”

She nodded. “I approve the construction of this… Movie theater.”

Gio giggled. “As you command, your highness.”

“For a human, you’re very smitten with me. More than most. Why is that?”

“You’re perfect. From your body to your voice and your purple eyes.” Gio stopped talking, catching that he might’ve just opened up a little too much. He kept his gaze on the queen.

Her face blushed a little. The complete opposite effect that Gio expected.

She stood up and paced out of her room. “I demand the construction of the movie theater to start immediately. I don’t like slackers in my kingdom.”

Her voice became higher, almost squeaky.

“And thank you for the compliment, for a human, you’re… not too bad looking… But it’s not like I’m interested. I’m just curious, that’s all… Now, if you excuse me.”

She closed the door leaving Gio inside her room alone.

“Oh my god.” Gio giggled. “She’s a tsundere… I love this world.”

He rolled over on the bed. “I’ve been given a chance to influence another world… Anime… It has to be anime. I won’t rest until this entire world is filled with demi-human weebs… This is going to be fun.”


Wong had a line of elves, they were getting shots, and he passed out pills giving every elf specific instructions. He quit his job and even stole two nineteen liter water bottles from his hospital. The elves drank them quickly, and they marveled at its purity.

The locals started bowing at Wong as they left. Out of all the humans, he was the one they respected the most. He asked for no money, nor did he ridicule them. Wong showed them the same respect he showed every patient in his own world.

He was an oddity to the elves.

All the humans were. But they kept their distance from Ashner.

Out of the three. He had an aura that kept everyone far away. Even if Gio’s face was meaner at first glance, he smiled at everyone, which made some approach him.

They spent the rest of the night helping Wong with patients until the three collapsed back to back. Former soldiers, exhausted from a hard day. They were sleeping against each other.

Lina put a blanket over the three and walked away.

Risa was monitoring from a distance, her eyes heavy and tired.

Lina walked up to the demi-cat. Risa reached for her sword.

“Do you still not trust me?” Risa moved her hand away from her sword. “I did free your people.”

“I’m grateful. And I haven’t decided yet if I should trust you… There is no trust among demi’s anyway… My people were sold out to humans by the yellow-spotted Neku clan.”

“If we can’t learn to trust each other, then this world will never improve.”

Risa relaxed. “Without those three, we can never make a change.” She glanced at the three sleeping warriors.

“You don’t have to worry about my people trying to harm them. They earned their respect.”

“That’s a relief.”

“Now, I want to earn yours. My goal is simple. I want to escape this world with all my people. Ashner told me it was almost impossible. He didn’t say it wasn’t possible.”

“Why are you so hellbent to leave?” Alex asked as he walked up to the two girls. “That world is different, but it has its own struggles, and it’s filled with nothing but humans. Your people despise them… You despise them as well, it’s obvious.”

“Yes, I do. But this world is dying… You two don’t sense it because your lifespans are short. I can feel it in the trees, in the air, and in the sunlight… The Dead God is growing in power. He will destroy and devour this entire world… Even with three compelling humans on our side. We can’t stop what’s coming. This world will die and become the vessel for a God that only wants death and destruction.”

The two demi’s glanced down.

“My people will go into their world. We will survive.” Lina’s eyes were filled with passion and rage. “That is my only objective, either help me or stay out of my way.”

“What of all the other demi’s?” Alex asked. “Hundreds of demi races. They’ll all die.”

“Let them die!” Lina leaned against the hallway. “Demi’s can’t trust each other. We’re backstabbing each other just to survive a few more days. Even if the humans trap us, we’ve all done terrible things just to survive.”

“Should we tell our master?” Asked Alex.

“No,” Risa spoke up. “Ashner is kind. He helps everyone who asks for it. That’s both a virtue and a vice. We follow what he desires, but let’s not create a situation that’ll force him to risk his life for demi’s who would happily kill him simply because he’s human.”

Lina smirked. “Now you’re getting it.”

Alex grabbed his arm and glanced down at the floor. “Not all of us are bad.”

“Even so,” Lina pushed against the wall. “We serve the same master. By the time the Dead God devours the world, we’ll be in his. Far away from the desolation of our planet.”

Lina walked off towards her room.

“Don’t forget, three men can’t save the world.”

Alex glanced at Risa, who stayed behind with her. “We should try saving everyone we can.”

She shook her head. “I know you mean well. But what would happen if we bring millions of demi’s into his world? A world without magic… Humans won’t have the means to protect themselves against the hatred demi’s have harbored for generations against humanity. They’ll slaughter and force them into submission.”

“You can’t be certain they’ll do that, not to mention the weapons that world possesses. They can defend themselves.”

Risa shook her head. “You learned how to use that sidearm.” She referred to Alex’s handgun. “If other demi’s learn how to use one, and add magic to that. Then they will be obliterated by demi’s… Our kind will enslave humanity, and once again, we’ll turn into the very thing we hate.”

Alex didn’t argue. He just cocooned into himself. “Go to sleep. I’ll keep watch.” Alex needed some time to reflect. He wanted to be alone.

Risa walked into the room and fell asleep on Ashner’s lap.


The morning was filled with laughter. Ashner woke up first, finding Risa cuddled up against his leg. She was petite and slept holding her sword. Elves ran into the room, waking up the three soldiers.

“Doctor Wong!” A child elf rushed towards him. “My voice has returned, listen.”

Wong smiled. “The medicine is taking effect. Now, remember what I said. Two pills a day until you run out. Once in the morning, and once at night. No more, no less.”

“Yes.” The boy ran off to play with his friends.

“They already love you,” Ashner commented.

“They rely on me to keep them healthy. It’s not love. It’s a necessity.”

“Whatever you say.”

The group readied themselves for the day. They had been working nonstop for three days.

They were going to return to their world that day. And the elves had prepared a farewell sending. They were offering them necklaces made of grass and oddities, like dolls and elven clothes.

The queen stood by the white room.

The group stopped by the door, and she made a declaration to the humans.

“Wong, thank you for healing my subjects. You’ll always be welcome in our domain.” She glanced at Ashner. “Thank you, Ashner, for protecting my kin and my little sister. You have my respect and my gratitude, and lastly… Gio.”

Her face grew a little red. “You showed me a part of your world everyone should experience… And I hope you visit soon.” Her voice’s pitch became higher. “If you want to, that is…”

Gio smiled.

“Master.” This time Lina spoke up. Her ears were higher than normal. “I wish to follow you into your world.”

Ashner raised his eyebrow.

Lina lowered herself to the ground, got on her knees, and kissed Ashner’s boots.

“What are you doing?” Ashner asked.

The queen wasn’t having it either. “Lina, stop degrading yourself!”

“I’m aware you need to waste your XP to allow someone to enter your world. You mentioned before that you could take one person with you… Please allow me to follow you. I’ll willingly become your slave for that honor.”

The locals were shocked. Ashner didn’t understand why but he figured she did something unheard of. They all waited for Ashner’s answer.

“Lina… Let go.”

She refused, clinging on to his leg like a child having a tantrum.

“Why do you want to go?”

“For my own curiosity.”

She’s lying. Lina isn’t the kind of girl to do something like this out of curiosity. She has some plan up her sleeve.

Ashner glanced at Alex and Risa. “Do you want her to come with us?”

Both of them gave him a confused gaze.

“Master, that’s not our place.”

“Zip it, decide. Should she come with us?”

Both of them gazed down at the busty elf until Risa spoke up. “Yes, I believe she means well. Plus, with her tagging along. You can strengthen your bond with the elves.”

“I see.”

Menu, buy everything required to allow her to enter my world.

The menu spun, and his XP dropped.


Lina felt it in her soul. She no longer sensed the pressure of the forbidden door. Both worlds were hers to explore.

She hugged Ashner’s leg with a devious smile. “Thank you, master.”

Ashner lifted her up. This caught her off guard. He didn’t look it, but he was strong.

They walked into the white room. As they did, the claps and farewell cheers of the elves echoed behind them. Then they closed the door.


A few days passed, Gio didn’t have a home, so he crashed on Ashner’s couch.

Most nights, he forced Alex to watch several types of animes. From horror to humor and even the perverted ones.

Until the day of change came.

“It’s so hard to say goodbye.” Alex’s eyes were watery.

“Why? It’s a piece of crap.” Ashner corrected him as he locked the door to his apartment up for the last time. Gio had earned some money from the army for being in a coma for years. So he found them a small apartment states away. In California. Ashner’s hometown.

It was also the place where his father worked. If he needed to ask for a favor, he had to do it face to face.

They had packed up everything they had and packed up in Wong’s van. They didn’t own much, but Wong did. He had a U-haul truck packed with his belongings. The three were going to move to a better city.

As they loaded up, Alex sniffed the air and glared towards the street. It was empty, minus a few hobos.

“What’s wrong, Alex?” Ashner asked as he loaded up a few gallons of water into the backseat.

“I smelled that ‘person’ again.” Ashner glanced down the road. Only a few homeless were out and about. Begging for money.

“We’re leaving so that ‘person’ won’t bother us again.” Ashner closed the door and moved to the front to drive. “It’s time to see another part of my world.”

“What part is that?”

“Where I grew up… Before I lived here. My family was very wealthy. But things didn’t fall through, and I lost it all… The whole city is wealthier and safer than this one.”

“How can anything be more beautiful than this city?” Alex asked and pointed down another road where a homeless man was peeing on a stop sign.

“Oh, you’ll find out.”

As they drove off, a figure wearing a gray hoodie observed them leave.


The first thing the group took in was the humidity. For most of the trip, Alex stuck his head out the window, allowing his demi-dog side to shine. Risa slept most of the trip but Lina kept her eyes outside and peered at the world. Occasionally her ears shot up when she gawked at something out of the ordinary for her.

I wonder what goes through their heads when they see something they can’t comprehend.

The city was filled with gorgeous men and women. So much that Alex glanced at Ashner and asked him, “How come you’re not as handsome as those guys?” Ashner pulled his tail, which made him howl. And Alex never asked again.

“First things first.” Gio pointed at a mall. “Ashner, you need to take care of yourself.

Ashner sighed.

As they readied themselves to explore the mall, Risa reached for her sword.

“You have to leave that here.” Ashner urged.

“Without my sword, I can’t protect you.” Risa gripped the sword tightly. Unwilling to give it up.

Menu, is it possible to hide her sword from everyone?

The menu popped up and spun.

Hidden Weapon – 100XP Required.

That’s expensive, but I think it’ll be worth the cost. Buy.


“You can take it with you.”

“Master?” She studied him. “I sensed magic go throughout my body. Did you waste XP on me?”

“Of course, if you want to protect me, then I need to ensure you have the means to.”

She bowed.

The first thing Ashner observed about the group was how many guys hit on Lina and Risa. It happened every fifty feet or so. Risa ignored them, but Lina rejected them all. She even enjoyed doing it. She was venting.

But none compared to Alex.

All eyes were on him. Some women tried to talk to him, but he would hesitate, and his voice would scratch. He was making women ‘Aww’ at him. Those three were a sight to behold.

“We’re here,” Gio exclaimed in front of a barbershop. Ashner sighed. His hair was down to his neck. Whenever it got too long, he would just shave the whole thing off, not that he cared too much for it now, even if it was shaggy. “Haircut time… Please, you need it desperately.”

“Fine.” Ashner walked in before the rest of the group. “Let’s get this over with.”


The slaves inspected closely as the clippers cut through Ashner’s hair. This room was a marvel for them. What caught their attention was how much Ashner changed as the minutes passed.

Once his hair was done, the barber cut his badly grown beard, all of it. He ended up with his sides cut short and the top of his hair slicked back.

Lastly, the barber washed and conditioned his hair.

Once he was done, the slaves just kept gawking at him, completely in awe. So much that walking into another store was awkward.

“What is it?” Ashner asked them, irritated.

“You’re just so different,” Alex said his part.

“I’m surprised you cleaned up so good, master.” Lina smiled. “Why not try to look this way all the time? It’s appealing to my eyes.”

“Whatever.” Ashner walked ahead into a tailor shop. His father-in-law expected him to dress professionally.

Alex evaluated all the material and even chose an outfit for Ashner. It was expensive, but Gio swore he had more than enough and bought it, then and there it was tailored to fit Ashner.

At the same time, the other slaves found clothes they liked and bought them. Risa kept to a tomboy-ish look while Lina chose clothes that focused on revealing her chest. Alex went with a butler outfit.

The girls waited outside on seats. They were rejecting offers from random strangers. Risa and Lina had no idea what a cell phone number was and left several guys confused after they rejected them.

Ashner walked out of the dressing room. Sharp, professional, and clean.

Both Lina and Risa’s eyes widen.

“Master, is that you?” Lina teased with a smirk.

“Zip it. I’m not a fan of it either.”

“Master, you look like a noble from a faraway land.” She continued.

“Enough with the teasing. What do you think, Risa?” He asked the demi-cat.

She sat frozen.

“Whatever, let’s get out of here. This won’t be the most detestable experience I have to go through today.”

The group left, leaving Risa behind in her seat. Once she came to, she spoke.

“You look like a prince.” She managed, but no one was around to eavesdrop.

“Risa!” Alex waved her down from a few stores ahead. “Hurry up!”

She skipped towards them with a big smile.


Before they went to their new home, they had one stop to go to. Ashner tugged on his suit. Irritated by how much hotter it made him. The humidity was just making things worse. The group waited in the van as Ashner stepped forward towards a gated home. Two armed guards waited and spoke to him.

“Is this master’s home?” Alex asked in complete awe. The mansion was at least seven stories high and had its own driveway along with dozens of palm trees. “Is he secretly a cast-out prince!”

“No, but he was the only one of us who lived this kind of lifestyle, from what I know. His father passed away, and his mother lost her mind… When his mother remarried, the man she remarried hated Ashner. He stole his father’s company and even forced him to join the military. Claiming it was something a ‘real man’ does. He even promised to let him become part of his company. But after what happened, his stepfather cut all ties with him.”

“After what happened.” Lina studied Ashner’s former home.


Ashner waited in the living room. He grew up in it, often having the maids sneak snacks in for him. He recalled falling asleep in front of his fireplace and swimming in his pool with his former best friend Jorge, the man currently dating his ex, Iris.

At one time, they were inseparable. The three were childhood friends. Iris even joined the military with him, but when things got bad, she came back just to start dating his former best friend. What Ashner hated most was he didn’t hate Jorge. He was taking care of his son, after all.

And lastly, he recalled his father. A man Ashner admired, who made it his mission to ensure Ashner showed respect to everyone. From the most important person in a company to the least. Not by ordering him to do it, but by showing him. His father was adored in his company and often spent nights playing poker with his employees.

After he passed away, his entire company took a day off to mourn him. Ashner was fourteen when that happened. Then his mother broke and lost her mind. That’s where Mike came in. Four months after his father passed away, he suddenly started showing up day after day and slowly winning his mother’s heart. Until they got married, eight months after his father had passed.

His mother found some ease after his father’s passing, and Mike became the CEO of the company that was supposed to belong to Ashner.

Then after a few months, Mike pushed Ashner’s mother to drink, then later into drugs. Nowadays, she spends most of her days in and out of different rehab centers. The last time Ashner called her, she was so far gone she had forgotten she had a son.

After he joined the military and got wrongfully accused, Mike gave him a call, prohibiting him from ever returning home. But here he was, asking for an opportunity.

“I’m surprised you have the balls to show yourself here, after what you did to that poor woman.” Mike was a handsome man, much more handsome than Ashner. He wore a more expensive and better-tailored suit. With the salt and pepper look in his hair. And a face he kept looking young with surgery and Botox. “What brings a rapist into my home?”

Don’t get angry, after all. I need his help.

“I’m here to ask… No beg you for an opportunity.”

“I’m not giving you money, and I’m not hiring you. My company has a reputation to keep. Hiring sex offenders is bad for business… Even if you are my son-in-law.”

Ashner dug his nails into his pants.

Shut up. It’s my dad’s company… And it was supposed to be mine.

“I’m not here for any of that.” Ashner regained his composure. “I own a piece of land that just happened to have a large deposit of gold ore in it. I was hoping you can give me an audience with the CEOs of Taylor inc, Aqua corp, Solo Elective, Azur corp, and Tearju corp. They’re all heavily involved in buying gold.”

Mike laughed and grabbed an expensive bottle of liquor. He poured the drink into two glass cups.

Mike handed one cup to Ashner.

“You’re trying to crawl out of the mud.” He took a sip. “Drink in honor of better days.”

Ashner grabbed the cup, he wanted to smash it against Mike’s face, but the military had taught him to control his anger. He sipped the drink.

“First of all, Ashner, I doubt what you’re saying is true.” He savored the taste of both the alcohol and insulting Ashner. “And second, you’re a loser. Why would I help you in any way, shape, or form?”

Ashner reached into his pocket and slammed a gold ingot on the table. This earned him an eye raise from Mike.

“I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a liar.” Ashner sipped on the drink. “You can keep that one. I have plenty more.”

Mike laughed. “You sure know how to keep me entertained… But what makes you so sure anyone will ever negotiate with someone as despicable as you.”

Mike slammed his drink.

“You may hate me… But I’m not a fool.” Ashner drank the last of his shot and tossed the cup glass into the fireplace, shattering it. “I respected my father more than any other man in this world. Even if he’s gone, he didn’t wiggle his way into a company through a marriage. He worked from the bottom and became a legend… I know he gave me sixty percent of the company… So I’ll make you a deal… Arrange a meeting with these CEOs, and I promise I won’t fight tooth and nail to take back my company… And run it to the ground… Leaving us both crawling in the mud…”

Mike glared at him and poured himself more of his drink.

“It would be a long and expensive legal battle to win your percentage back.”

“As you can see, that gold is genuine. Go and get it tested if you don’t believe me. Regardless of what I do, I will become wealthy. So if you want a legal battle, then bring it on. I’ll bury us both.”

Mike chugged the rest of his drink with a bitter growl.

“Fine, you win… I’ll make a few calls. Not because I’m scared of you, but because I know no one will ever take you seriously. If I help, win or lose. Leave my company alone.”

“Let’s shake on it.” Ashner stood and held out his hand. “If I fail this opportunity that you’re giving me. I’ll leave you alone forever.”

Mike stood and distastefully shook Ashner’s hand. “You’re aware this is a bad gamble on your part. But you and your father are both men of your word. So we have a deal. I’ll have my assistant call you to arrange the date. I expect to never see you again after this day.”

Ashner ended the handshake and stole the expensive bottle of alcohol. “Oh, you can count on that, Mike.”

Ashner left pissed off and sipping on the drink. After laying eyes on Mike again, he needed the night to get wasted.


Two days later, he got the call. Ashner was ready to negotiate.

Ashner, Lina, Risa, and Alex walked across the highest room of a multi-billion dollar company building. They glanced out the window into the world below. They were so high up clouds were actually below them, covering the earth.

Only Ashner was fully aware of how ruthless these corporate heads were. If you so much as flinched wrong, they would kick you out with your tail between your legs. Nevertheless, they needed a partner to make money.

“Enter.” The delicate voice of the room’s receptionist allowed them to proceed. Ashner walked in first.

To Ashner’s expectations, five females sat in front of them, each worth at least a billion dollars. All of them dressed in the latest fashion, decorated with millions of dollars in jewelry.

Each one was a fierce lioness in the cut-throat world of business. They each rose the ranks and ran their own companies.

Ashner caught something else. They were all drop-dead gorgeous.

Beauty bought with endless funds.

Only one of them looked like she was in her mid-twenties. The rest were in their mid to late thirties.

Ashner sat on one of the seats. Even cleaned up, he still wore a suit that wasn’t much to stare at. The five women immediately made their decisions in their minds to deny whatever offer he had until Risa and Lina walked in. Both women who easily surpassed the five women in beauty.

Now the CEOs were curious, what did this man have that money couldn’t acquire?

Risa kept her eyes on all the women, her hand on her sword. Not that any of the women saw it with the XP that Ashner had spent on her. Risa didn’t care about how these women appraised her. Only Ashner’s safety mattered.

Lina smirked as she sat down. Even the most beautiful women barely held a candle to an elf. Even if they didn’t scope out her ears, the businesswomen compared themselves to the girls. Lina found it laughable.

Lastly, Alex walked in. Immediately his eyes turned red. He charmed the women. Even without his powers, Alex subconsciously created an aura of lust that enchanted all females.

The women all found their hearts and minds racing. One by one, they started crossing their legs. One even covered her chest, which she had obviously had work done on.

From the right sat a young blonde with curly hair and blue eyes, a brunette with deep brown eyes, then a redhead with a large and natural chest, then another blonde with short hair and a rebellious gaze, lastly, a short and petite Asian woman with a slim body.

“Let’s begin,” Ashner stated as he opened his briefcase and took out several contracts, one for each woman around and one for himself. Contracts for exclusive rights to sell gold to their companies.

Ashner handed the paperwork to Alex, who stepped forward. He was dressed as a butler and played the part. He got closer to the youngest woman and put the paperwork down. The girl’s face became burning red, like a ripe tomato. Next, he went to the next woman and handed her a contract.

“I have a small company, we recently discovered a huge deposit of gold ore, and we have the equipment and manpower to retrieve it. We also have the ability to smelt it into gold bars.” The women glanced at Alex, who gave them all a smile. All five shuttered into themselves, their legs shaking under the table, their bodies warming up with an unbearable need to f***. One of the women brought her hand down under the table, squeezing her leg tightly.

Good job. These women are so turned on they’ll listen to any ridiculous offer I give just to rush into the nearest bathroom to get off.

The redhead skimmed the paperwork. She was the only one who wasn’t in a complete trance.

She shook her head.

“You’ll be cutting out a huge portion of our profits with this ridiculous offer. Normally we just buy the gold mine at an appropriate sum and work from there…” That woman still had some fight in her, the most beautiful of the five. She was also sitting in the center of the CEOs, the only redhead. “If you really found a gold mine, then let us appraise it. We can easily give you about ten million dollars.”

She’s trying to get the most profit with the least amount of risk… Commendable, but you don’t have the power of an incubus on your side. Plus, I intend to become richer than all of you.

Alex walked behind the girls. As his footsteps echoed behind them, the women sensed a spark go up against their spine. He stopped behind the only woman who had some resolve and handed her one of the contracts. As soon as she reached for it, her fingers grazed Alex’s. His power rushed into her.

She moaned softly.

Ashner tilted his head. “Are you okay?”

She had just moaned. Her eyes reached Ashner’s.

His eyes were filled with fake concern. Risa and Lina were both very aware of what that moan was.

“It’s my back,” the redhead stretched back in her seat. Bringing her large chest up, trying to play it off. “It’s been bothering me lately.”

“I see.” Ashner glanced at Alex. “Don’t just stand there. Give her a back massage.”

Before the woman retaliated, Alex’s hands gripped her shoulders, and he squeezed her muscles. This made the redhead melt. Slowly but surely, her nipples got hard and visible.

The women around her focused on Alex, who gave them all a delightful smile.

“I think we can make an exception.” The redhead spoke, her face blushing. Her body shaking, and her p**** dripping. She wore underwear that cost a small fortune, but she wouldn’t mind if Alex ripped it off her and had his way. The table was fine. In fact, she didn’t mind if everyone there watched. “We’ll be taking a huge cut, so we need something in return.”

“I have a small company. I can’t offer much.” Ashner urged.

“We won’t ask for much, just twenty percent on top of the ten we take for the gold. Even with this offer, you’ll still make a fortune, depending on how much gold you bring to us and its quality.”

“The gold we can bring in is about ninety-five percent pure.”

That’s what that scummy pawn shop owner told me after he tested it.

“That’ll make it… More… Valuable.” The woman stopped herself. Her fingers had gotten dangerously close to her most sensitive part. Even if they were hidden under the table from Ashner and the two girls in front of her.

Alex walked to the next girl and handed her the contract. The short-haired blonde wasn’t the kind of woman to hide what she wanted. She grabbed Alex’s hands and forced him to rub her shoulders as well.

That woman smiled and immediately brought her hands under the table. She wore a medium-sized skirt. Her fingers quickly found their way under, and while Alex massaged her, she rubbed herself. An ecstasy unknown to her, a lust denied to all women.

The true nature of an incubus.

Her legs spasmed under the table, her body fell forward, hair covering her face. She fought back her moans but squirted, getting her juices in the inside of her dress and dripping down her legs.

Ashner smiled, and the girls next to her suspected what she had just done. Lina and Risa sat silently. Alex wasn’t using his power on the other slaves. What they were witnessing was lust in its rawest form.

Risa leered at the woman as she orgasmed, and her eyes met Ashner’s, then she quickly shot them away. Lina smiled. She was curious how those women would react if it had been her who slid her fingers under the desk. Lina’s own lust rose. It had been far too long since she had slept with a woman. After decades of fearing humans, a part of her was curious, what would one be like if she slept with her? The sight before her turned the elf on.

The short-haired blonde brought her head and body up with a big smile. The four women around her shared one emotion.


The redhead glared at her. “Did you seriously?”

The blonde nodded with a smile. Shame was not something she had.

The woman furthest to the right was an Asian woman with jet black hair. She was the shortest. She stood and gripped Alex’s cheeks. Leaving the demi-dog confused. She brought her mouth to his and forced a kiss, one that made her entire body shake with lust. Just kissing him was enough to get her to the razor’s edge of an orgasm.

“You too?” The redhead expected this from her blonde friend, but not her Asian one. All four women crowded Alex, now finally letting their lust take control. Alex wasn’t a tall man. He was about as tall as the average woman.

One woman held Alex’s arms, tearing his butler’s buttons off, they bounced around the corporate table. Another kissed his lips, and the blonde kissed his neck.

Alex glanced at Ashner. Nobody was expecting these women to take it this far.

“This falls under sexual harassment,” Ashner commented, the redhead was the only one of the four that wasn’t forcing herself on Alex, but deep down, her lust burned like a raging infernal.

“New deal.” She stood. As she did, Ashner got a full view of a clear liquid running down her leg. “Let us have your butler.”

Ashner debated it as Alex’s shirt was torn off by the lust-filled vultures. He didn’t hate the situation he was in, but he didn’t want to be traded to another human. “Ashner?” He gave his best puppy eyes, begging to remain his.

Ashner sighed. “Unfortunately, my butler isn’t for sale. Nor are his services. He’s mine, and he’s loyal.”

The woman pressed her arms together, squeezing her chest, and brought her body forward, using her own form of seduction.

“We’ll return him to you on weekends.” She begged.

Ashner smiled.

Now you’re negotiating with me. I have this contract in the bag.

“No, he actually has a job. I won’t force him to work two.”

“Fine, fine, weekends.”

Ashner shook his head. “Once again, those are the days I give him off. Doing that will force him to work every day of the year.”

The women ripped Alex’s shirt off and tossed it behind them. They also unzipped his pants. As soon as they pulled them down, Lina smiled. Risa kept her eyes on the redhead and just the redhead. She was the only one who was still a threat.

“Master?” Alex was now conflicted, he was still a virgin, and this was turning him on.

“I’m your mistress now.” The Asian woman bit his collar bone.

The blonde kissed his neck, the brunette sucked his nipple, and the youngest girl licked his ribs but quickly came down his stomach and stopped at his manhood.

Alex twitched.

The youngest woman smiled with his reaction, opened wide, and slid it inside her mouth. Bobbing back and forth.

Alex was no longer able to speak with the pleasure.

Ashner was silent, tapping his fingers on the paperwork.

“We’re here to conduct business, not have an orgy…” He pointed up at the camera’s inside the room. “I’m curious how your human resource department will handle this.”

“Wait! Wait!” The redhead lost what remained of her composure. She removed her leather top, revealing a thin white blouse. “Don’t report us… And twice a month.”

“That’s better.” Ashner smiled, “You will only keep ten percent of all profits, and you will never send anyone from your departments to our company. We won’t work under you, nor will we report to any one of your companies.”

“Twenty percent.” She retaliated.

“Ten percent, if you try to raise the percentage again, my butler is off the table.”

The redhead digested every word, but the lust was overwhelming. She undid her first blouse’s buttons, revealing her red bra to Ashner and the girls. She was sweating, and the gags of the b****** were turning her on.

One of the CEOs grabbed Alex’s hand and forced him to finger her. As soon as his fingers went inside, she moaned like she was losing her virginity for the first time. The orgasm was so intense she fell back-first on the corporate table and spasmed, squirting her juices on Alex and the other girls. She removed her shirt and moaned loudly in front of everyone.

“And my butler can, and always has the right to refuse all of your advances. Under no circumstances is he your living d****.” The redhead nodded quickly, her fingers slid under her skirt, and she started playing with herself, finally broken from all dignity and resolve.

“Whatever you say… Just finish this cause I need to join in.” Her eyes were wild and savage.

“Luckily for you, everything I discussed is already part of the contract. The only thing we need to add is my butler’s part. I wasn’t expecting you, women, to want him that badly.”

Ashner was also prepared for that. On the back of every contract, he left a few blank pages. He grabbed each one and added the new clause. One that stated Alex had every right to refuse their advances but would visit the women twice a month, on any day he wanted.

As he finished the redhead’s contract, he reached for the other’s that Alex had already passed out. He stood and pushed the blonde girl, who was still recovering from her orgasm, to her side. She was on top of her contract recovering from the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. When he roughed her up, she shot him a smile. Not that Ashner was interested. He didn’t want to mix business and pleasure.

Despite everything, the woman wasn’t offended. She was shaking and dripping juices down her legs, getting the edge of the table wet.

As soon as Ashner finished adding the new conditions. He went to the women f****** Alex. They happily signed their contracts. It was an odd sight, making them sign the paperwork as they were cumming, getting fingered, or blowing his friend.

Once their negotiations were completed, Ashner sat back down. He glanced at Alex, who now had two girls blowing him and the other two with his fingers in their p******.

The redhead held her ground. Even if she was exposing her chest, she had held back. Negotiations came first. She walked towards Ashner, Risa quickly stepped between them. Ashner tapped her shoulder, which meant that it was okay.

Risa stepped away, and the woman caressed Ashner’s chest. Her lust was still burning, but her mind was more intrigued. She had never met a man that had taken so much control away from her.

“If you want…” She ripped her bra off showing her natural breasts and pink nipples. “You can stay, and all of us can sign this contract with our bodies.”

Ashner sighed and handed her the pen to sign her contract.

“Unfortunately for you… I don’t share girls with other guys.”

The redhead smiled, even being rejected by a man like Ashner was a turn on… She always wanted what she couldn’t have, but as soon as she obtained it, she got bored… Having someone she wants but can never obtain was unheard of for someone as gorgeous and wealthy as her.

She signed the contract.

“There. The worst deal I’ve ever signed for my business.” She then glanced at Alex, who was also fighting back his moans. “But the best one I signed for myself.”

Alex faded his power, but their lust wasn’t going away. “Master?” Alex’s eyes were worried. He had overdone it.

“I need your permission. A slave cannot have sex without the approval of their master.”

Ashner understood. That was another part of the seal on his chest. “You have my permission to lose your virginity… To five women at once…”

Alex just about cried, but his eyes turned red once more.

Ashner put his arm on the redhead. “Get him a ride home. Today is a freebee for all you girls. I expect him home by midnight… it was a pleasure doing business with you ladies.”

The redhead stepped away from Ashner and tore her skirt off, dropped her skirt, and threw Alex on top of the table.

She was the first to slide his junk inside her. As soon as it happened, her four friends complained.

“Shut up! All of you had your turns, and I had to finish the contract so you bitches can get off, so shut up!”

Alex reached his hand towards Ashner, who was putting the contracts inside his briefcase. “Ashner… I’m so happy I got to share this moment with you…”

You were a total Chad right until that moment. Regardless, you deserve this.

“Enjoy your night… That’s an order.”

Alex smiled brightly as the redhead jumped up and down, finally pleasing herself after denying her lust for what felt like years.

The group stepped outside of the office. And they were greeted by a very confused receptionist.

They were one hundred and fifty floors up. So getting to the bottom was going to take some time. They got inside the elevator. That’s when Ashner punched the wall.

“Master?” Risa palmed Ashner’s shoulder. “Are you okay? Did the negotiations not fair well?”

“No, everything went better than I expected. Isn’t it obvious why I’m angry?” Ashner rubbed his knuckles. “I’m so jealous of him.”

Both the girls stared at each other then started cracking up.


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2 years ago


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