Chapter 63 – Battle for Ihor (2)

Day of the Battle, Ihor subcontinent, Yestera Plane, Western Region, provisory fortress Fort West

“Is Lord Mephisto Pheles ready to activate spell formation?”

I asked my Generals, General Amyke and General Zagan, who were standing behind me, armed in their battle armors.

“Yes, My Lord. Lord Mephisto Pheles is prepared to cast the spell with the help of his apprentices. The spell will create a formation that will prevent them from leaving, allowing us to eradicate them in one gulp, basically taking the entire subcontinent in one go.”

Answered General Zagan.

This was a plan to annihilate all enemies in the Ihor in one go. Then it would only leave the bigger mainland, which had a higher number of Ultimate-Class, as they were many General Level monsters. Still, there isn’t any kind of unity, so they would easily annihilate one by one.

“What about Arcanotech weaponry?”

I questioned as I looked at the huge dust cloud rising high in the sky, several kilometers away.

Evidently, our guests were already here soon enough.

“We have prepared 100 Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries to be our artillery, and three Lunar-Class Voidships are waiting in stealth mode for the time to strike.”

Reported General Amyke.

“Very well.”

I said we are all waiting on Fort West, with 300,000 soldiers remaining here. Rest was hidden, waiting to ambush them. At the same time, all Arcane Mechanical Automatons were loaded onto the Lunar-Class Cruisers, and they would be dropped into the middle of the enemy when the chaos started.

Thus we waited, and soon enough, twenty minutes later, we could already see the first humans barbarians, in their primitive gear marching at us, under leadership lavishly armed, at least for their standards as much as a primitive tribal society could go.

One of them stepped forwards and shouted something I didn’t understand; while the devil’s innate talent was Omni-linguist, it wasn’t that easy. For it to activate, devil blood needed to be integrated with the World’s Core, the Will of the World to recognize.

Afterward, devils could speak all commonly spoken languages that weren’t magical or mystic in nature.

I didn’t bother the barbarian that was talking and immediately ordered the plan to start. The moment I sent my confirmation from several magic towers, an enormous amount of magical power surged and fused with ambient magic in the air, creating a huge transparent dome over a diameter of several kilometers, locking both of our armies in this space until one side perishes.

Afterward, the formation was cast, and barbarians were still in wonder what was happening; I gave orders for Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries to start their bombardment, under the leadership of three Lunar-Class Cruisers, that fired before the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries, aiming at the Ultimate-Class powerhouses mixed in the crowd.

Bombardment from the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and mainly three Lunar-Class Cruisers armed with more advanced Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries compared to those used for smaller combat Tactical-Class killed already several Ultimate-Class powerhouses on the side of humans and more than two hundred thousand ordinary soldiers.

While they were strong in numbers, they were individually weak, and on top of that, they weren’t practically wearing any kind of armor; just some of them had some primitive clothes made from the fur of Warrior Level and Commander Level monsters, which was absolutely insufficient in front of advanced Arcanotech.,

“Should we start another salvo, My Lord?”

Inquired General Zagan as he observed the might of Arcanotech. By now, they must have understood that this would change the future of war. Just like gunpowder changed the style of war for humans completely when it was discovered, we will also change.

Besides individual power, which will always remain the top priority, we will have a lesser one, which would be Arcanotech.

While Arcanotech and even technology were Solar Federation was little threat to Tier 3 existences, which was Apocalypse-Class and higher, it was terrifyingly effective against Tier 1, which was basically Low-Class to High-Class. And most of the armies of all factions in Draconic Deus were composed of Tier 1.

Basically, the entire conquest was won by far with the usage of Arcanotech, and if I had even more powerful weaponry at hand, even stronger worlds would fall. When the production of more advanced Arcane Mechanical Automatons begins and the first Mechanical Legions are constructed, only then will the entire Draconic Deus see the might of my Arcanotech.

“How many Ultimate-Class have we killed with the first one?”

I asked as I looked at General Zagan.

“Detection spells are showing that 4 Ultimate-Class from the present fifteen have died.”

Answered General Zagan swiftly.

“Then send them another one to kill at least five. Afterward, we will be joining the fray. Also, how many soldiers have died on the enemy side? We don’t want too many casualties on our side.”

I said to him.

“More than 200,000 has died from the first salvo, My Lord. After another one, an additional 300,000 should die; altogether, half a million would die from the initial two million barbarians.”

Answered General Zagan to me as I nodded with satisfaction.

At my order, all Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and three Lunar-Class Cruisers started their fire once more, this time even more aggressively, taking down, this time, unfortunately, only three Ultimate-Class powerhouses.

Apparently, these ones were smarter, and learned from their mistakes, and used their soldiers as cannon fodder, a pretty clever move. Only 8 Ultimate-Class humans remained, while more than 700,000 humans died due to bombardment. Five hundred thousand died solely from the second salvo, as Ultimate-Class powerhouses used ordinary soldiers as meat shields.

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