chapter – 165 – Born of a New Law Being

There was a different glint in them as Epsilon opened his eyes. He proceeded to immediately check his two different status panels at the same time to see any changes.


‘Epsilon (Nick)’

‘Level – Cardinal’

‘INT = 100.0’

‘Physical = Human & Magic Being’


‘Sonic Bullet (Variations – Poison Bullet, Machine Gun, Sonic Bullet etc)’

“Plasma Bullet (Variations – Plasma Automatic Bullet – Plasma Bomb etc)’

‘Creating energy bullet using a gun and basic firepower knowledge from Earth, as well as creating plasma bullets from using the knowledge from Earth.’

‘Wave Radar’

‘Radiating waves to pinpoint living beings, enemies, surroundings…’

‘Portal Teleportation – (Dismissed)’

‘Using portals to teleport to places that user can imagine and has been to…’

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‘Quantum Teleportation’

“Using quantum mechanics and molecular understanding to teleport without using dimensional or space-related knowledge or abilities.”

‘Vacuum Bomb’

‘Using knowledge of vacuum to create a bomb-type spell, can be improved with Plasma, which will result in Plasma Bomb.’

‘Reaper Anubite Summoning’

‘Summon ‘Reaper Anubite’ using magical death energy with Ether Stones. Anubite comes from the myth of Egypt, servants of Anubis, death warden of Egyptian myth.’

‘Anubite Summoning’

‘Summon ‘Regular Anubite’ using magical energy. Anubite comes from the myth of Egypt, servants of Anubis, death warden of Egyptian myth.’

‘Drone Creation (Creating technological and magical drones, capable of flight and space-faring abilities, as well as strong offensive capabilities rival to user himself and defensive capabilities rival to Magister Level Mages.’

‘3x Passive Shields’

‘Race Creation’

‘User can use biological knowledge to create races from scratch. Race creation is highly dangerous and hard to do. It consumes too much magical energy. The creation of the race begins with enough biological knowledge, magical energy to support life-creation, having fundamental and law-type knowledge that is consistent with the ideas of the user who is going to create the race. The law knowledge is needed on most occasions for the existence of intent and the creation of life itself.’

As Epsilon inspected his status and noticed no significant change, the new status system also appeared in front of him.

‘Epsilon – Confirmed’

‘Law Being – One Star’


‘Conceptual Law = Mobius Strip 10%’

Only allowed on

‘Mobius Strip (a conceptual law that had a connection with many other simple and powerful laws)’



‘10% more dimensional control, 10% more space control; 10% to all physical, magical and any type of spell power’

‘Special Abilities’

‘Mobius Infinium’ ( User can use words of ‘Mobius’ to form a ‘Mobius Strip’ above his head, the ‘Mobius Strip’ would be invisible to user’s enemies. If the user is killed while ‘Mobius Strip’ is activated, the Mobius Strip will start working and use ‘dimensional energy’ to form a new body and mind for the user. The power of user will be weaker than the original body and magical energy by 10%.’

Epsilon inspected his status to see if he had seen some changes because he already felt an unimaginable amount of magical energy inside him. The magical energy pulsating in him most likely was ten times higher than before. As he reached Cardinal Level power of his magic and magic energy, he already reached a degree that could be equated to that of a monster.

Epsilon smiled and started thinking. If he were to create the Crowia Race with his current magical energy, not to mention encountering a problem and blood loss, he would feel at ease like he was not accomplishing anything noteworthy at all. The reason for his magical increase must have come from the gratitude feeling that he suddenly started feeling towards the things he had.

Epsilon at this time did not know why he was feeling this without cause but he had no qualms with it as he believed it would only improve him further in the time to come.

The Trial of Law was effective against Epsilon. As expected, Epsilon himself did not remember a thing about the space he was in and what he needed to do for finding an answer for his heart and mind.

He discovered the answer but did not remember how he found it. Other than this result of ‘gratitude’ in his subconsious, he did not remember watching his thoughts or the extreme emotional see-saw he had ridden. The Trial of Law erased all this from his mind just as it had done to the several Law Beings preceding him. But that did not mean Epsilon did not get anything from it.

Because of his thoughts, understanding of events, and achieving a state of gratitude of emotions, his magical energy had a quality leap from the state it was in and made himself move from ‘Level Advanced Lord’ to ‘Cardinal Level’ directly.

One of the things that Epsilon himself did not know clearly was that passing through to the Cardinal level was not easy. It was too difficult for ordinary mages to make it to this Level, which was also called the Expert level, and they would be stuck at the bottleneck for ages.

Epsilon did know but Cardinal Level mages usually had more than 100 planets in their name and controlled trillions of beings and their fates. Just looking at these facts, it was evident how important it was to become a Cardinal Level without the help of any strong clan of the universe or other powerful beings as backers.

Epsilon did everything himself and he was proud of this. Whenever a good thing about him happened, he felt gratitude for it. He did know the reason behind it but it seemed it was now hard-wired into his mental system. Things appeared to be very good.

While there were no big changes in his Status, Epsilon did notice the change in his ‘Law Being’. Before this feeling of gratitude was imbibed into him, he did not see the ‘Confirmed’ label on his law status panel.

In other parts of the universe, that Epsilon was not aware of at the moment, all other Law Beings became aware that one more had entered their ranks. Every Law Being had a connection with the others. The awakening of another Law Being was a rare incident and when it happened, no matter the distance or what kind of living being was awakened, they could feel it without any time-lapse.

Most of the Law Beings were on good terms with each other as being enemies would not result in anything good and they also knew how hard it was to take out a Law Being.

The name Epsilon was now among these select set of individuals and he had a ‘Mobius Strip’ that symbolized the first law he built.

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