chapter 18 – Forced Amputation

Nick carefully used his newly created spell to treat the wound on his left shoulder.

The spell took effect slowly, but the pain Nick felt already began diminishing. It would not help him to completely heal a wound like this, but it should nullify the life threat and the amputation risk to his left arm.

At least, Nick believed it would.

“I was too carefree. I am not on Earth anymore; this place is full of craziness.”

Nick resumed walking as he berated himself in his mind. The arrow was still lodged in his shoulder, entered from one end and out from the other. He blamed his over-confidence for being hurt like this.

If he can use spells, then other creatures and beings also must have something in their arsenal to attack him.

This place and this world that he was in, was not like novels. At least it was not like reading a novel at home.

Nick started inspecting the tip of the arrow as he was walking. Five to six seconds later, he smiled and nodded.

“There is no poison in the arrow tip, and I am lucky that the arrow tip is not barbed. So, I can pull it out without causing too much tissue damage.”

Nick reckoned that he had to take the arrow out sooner than later. If the arrow stayed in for too long, it would completely destroy his shoulder. Even if that did not cause a threat to life, it would require amputating his arm.

After walking for 20 minutes and finding a place to rest, he took a deep breath and pulled the arrow out slowly. With a scream, the arrow was finally out from his shoulder and the blood started gushing out.

“I need to be quick.”

First, he cast his healing spell and tried to treat the wound, while also protecting it against infections. Two minutes later, he stopped using the spell and took some leather papers out from Elena’s space ring to cover his bleeding shoulder.

After everything was over, the pain was reduced, and the wound stopped bleeding. Because of the spell effect, the wound was not infected and there should be no problem with the nerves.

He was not sure about the nerves, but he hoped so.

“I need to create a passive defensive spell for myself.”

Nick began planning this in his mind. The reasons why he wanted a passive defensive spell, which would always be active even in his sleep, were simple.

The first reason was the lesson from Elena’s death itself. If Elena had a passive defensive spell that protected her all the time, she would not be killed by Nick, because his sneak attack would have been blocked by the passive defensive spell.

The second reason was that if he had a passive defensive spell, the arrow would not hurt him, saving him from an almost thrashed left shoulder.

The downside though was that Nick was not sure what kind of defensive and passive spell he could create, or whether his current knowledge and his mana or his magical level could support it.

“I need to do more research if I want to create a spell that is worth something.”

Nick murmured to himself as he thought more about what he could do. His first plan was to escape by crossing the border and finding a place for magical research and power improvement. But from the looks of it, without enough power, this course of action was no different from suicide.

He had underestimated the wildlife threats of this new world.

Nick felt that he was hungry and needed water.

He opened the space ring and brought out water and food. At that time, he tried to use his left arm to reach for the food. But what he encountered next, shocked the daylights out of him.

He could not use his left arm at all. All the feeling and power in his arm was gone just like that. Nick’s mind was in turmoil, and he did not know what to do or what had happened.

After forcing himself to calm down, he asked the System, something he would normally never do.

“System, what is the situation with my left arm and shoulder?”

After about five seconds, a cold and mechanical voice sounded in Nick’s head.

“User’s left arm and left shoulder are injured beyond saving. With user’s power, they cannot be used any longer. Amputation needed. If not amputated, the left arm will poison and affect the health of the other limbs as well.”

The last thing that Nick had wanted to hear echoed right now in his head in the System’s voice. He had not expected something like this at all. He could not imagine what he would do without his left arm or how he would survive with only his right arm in this world.

Nick shook his head and tried to calm himself down. He started looking around, inhaled deeply, and whispered to himself.

“I am not on Earth anymore. I will find a way to restore my left arm in the future or create a new arm for myself.”

After Nick whispered these words, his eyes turned black. He slowly used his right hand to clean the papers on his left shoulder that he had used for stopping the blood. Once he was done with that, he closed his eyes. Because of his emotions and the feelings that coursed through him at the time, he created an amputation spell that while was not powerful, was improved by the power of imagination, which he then layered with limitations.

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‘Amputation Slash’

‘Point to magical energy to right-hand and arm’

‘Add sharpness qualities to Magical Energy’

‘Imagine a sharp knife’

– ‘Limitation: Can only be used in ‘Amputation’ and cannot be used in a battle; it can be used against a target who agreed to be amputated.’

In reality, Nick could not have created a magical spell like this where he could turn his arm into a sharp knife and use it to cut other things because his magical power and research were not sufficient.

Only allowed on

But because he had added the limitation of ‘Amputation’, only he could create it, as magical energy comes from the mind and body. The spell could feel the magical power and the soul of the creator, which meant the intent of the creator.

Because of the limitation, the spell creation process was easy.

Once the spell was created, a drop of tear trickled down from Nick’s eyes, followed by another — he started crying. Looking at his left shoulder, he slashed with his right arm and whispered.

“Amputation Slash.”

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