Chapter 64: Judgment

Inside the court was far quieter and solemn than the hyper atmosphere outside.

Arron sat on a hovering parasteel plank bench that was chained to the hallway’s wall keeping in immobile. This was an entirely new experience for him as he had never been to a courthouse before and this was no small-time courthouse, it was where all the major cases that did not have to go to the 4th level were tried.

The troubled suspects that he had escorted into the court had been searched a second time by several white-suited Office of Reason agents and were now lined up next to the wall waiting to be called into the main courtroom.

On the opposite wall of the hallway, a holo-tv was broadcasting KNN.

“As you saw just moments before, a large group of suspicious people entered the building. Volture, Could one of them be the suspected [Killer criminal]?” asked Fela.

“That’s right Fela. They sure were suspicious, let’s go over each person and see if they fit the details. Who knows we might even find a separatist,” said Volture, a female field reporter for KNN.

“Hmm, this guy wearing a visor and basic work outfit looks like a nobody, next person…”

KNN completely ignored Azistant or his ties to the party of Mother and Father. They instead spent the rest of their time going over every detail they knew about the other petty criminals.

“Hey Kix, earlier I saw some of the people labeled with class one and class two terrorism what is that all about?”

“This,” said Kix, swiping a document over to Arron.

Arron opened the new document sent to his wrist-datapad and began reading the information.

[Class 1 terrorism(first degree): Explosions, Killing, High target assassination, etc. Punishment: Death.] 

[Class 2 terrorism(second degree): Using a hacked NerViz. Using alternate means to access the holonet not sanctioned by Mother and Father. Posting or viewing content using alternate means that are not sanctioned by Mother and Father. Posting information that is negative of Mother, Father, WHO, or any information that makes mentioned parties look bad. Punishment: Relearning camp or Death.]


Arron looked up from the document to see the thick parasteel door for courtroom 001 had opened. Three sweaty-looking white-suited Office of Reason agents exited the room.

Only allowed on

“Officer Upreme, Officer Wynterz, you may escort the Troubled inside,” said a female agent motioning for them to enter.

Arron stood up and walked to the open door, before he could pass through he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

“You two will be required to give a testimony for today’s main case,” said a male agent, his sweaty face still without any expression.

“…? Okay…?” said Arron. Only after agreeing, was the agent’s hand removed from his shoulder.

Arron stepped into courtroom 001 which was lit up by an uncomfortably bright white light that was made even worse by the white parasteel floor, walls, and ceiling.

He stepped to the right side of the door to let the other troubled file inside. Kix came in last and stood to the left of the door.

Unlike the hallway that was a normal temperature, courtroom 001 was sweltering hot, to the point that Arron could almost see a heatwave obscuring the opposite wall of the medium-sized courtroom.

Fortunately, Arron and Kix’s armor had temperature regulation so they were able to weather such an irregular temperature. But the troubled, and by the looks of the sweaty agents, all had to bear with the full brunt of the room’s heatwave.

At the front of the courtroom stood a humanoid Service bot that was painted to look like he wore a white suit of the Office of Reason.

Next to the Service bot stood a human male. There was nothing special about the man. He had short-cut hair and wore an expensive flying suit that showed off his wealth. He was currently muttering quietly to himself as he whipped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

When everyone was inside, the three Office or Reason agents split up, one standing in front of the door that had shut and one agent standing next to Kix on the left and Arron on the right.

At that moment a white box rose out of the floor and floated into the air. With a bright flash, a large white light exploded out and formed a large holographic head.

“It is time for judgment!” said the large head in a robotic voice.

“Case #3720066315 Meyka, step forward!” ordered the Ai judge.

A young female walked up to stand next to the white-suited service robot.

“Mother and father have issued you a free lawyer. For the crime of stealing regulated food, how does the troubled plead?” asked the Ai judge.

“I bought it with credits! I didn’t steal. How was I supposed to know they were selling me regulated food…” the protesting Meyka was interrupted by the white-suited service bot next to her.

“The troubled pleads… Guilty!” said the robotic lawyer.

“What? No I don’t!”

“Gathering information… Completed. In the case of #3720066315, you are sentenced to 1 year in the relearning camp #3.”

With the verdict passed down a door opened on the right wall next to the Office of Reason female agent. The female agent grabbed Meyka and shoved her through the open door which quickly shut behind her.

“Case #3720066316 Ines, step forward!” ordered the Ai judge.

Another female, this one in her mid 30’s, walked up confidently to stand next to the sweating man.

“You have paid for the service of a private lawyer. For the crime of murder how does the Troubled plead?” asked the Ai judge.

“She fit one of the criteria for being a Separatist!” said Ines.

 “My client has never gotten in trouble before and is a role model to everyone she knows. What she did was for Mother and Father! She pleads not guilty!” said the sweating human lawyer.

“Evidence?” asked the Ai judge.

“This,” said the lawyer as he tapped on his wrist-datapad searching for something, and then swiped a document towards the floating white box.

“Analyzing data… Completed. In the case of #3720066316… it is determined that you are an outstanding citizen. Not guilty.”

Hearing this verdict, Arron saw Azistant’s worried face become calm. It looked as if a smile would appear on his face at any moment. Their cases were similar so…

Ines was allowed to exit the courtroom no longer being restrained by the magnetic cuffs.

“Case #3720066317 Lupe, step forward!” ordered the Ai judge.

An adult teen male walked up to stand next to the male lawyer. But to his shock, the lawyer walked away and exited the room.

“Mother and father have issued you a free lawyer. For the crime of posting false news on the government social media Barker, how does the troubled plead?” asked the Ai Judge.

“Hey! I already paid for a lawyer!”

“The troubled pleads… Guilty!” said the robotic lawyer.

“Gathering information… Completed. In the case of #3720066317, you are sentenced to 10 years of hard relearning in camp #13.”

The female agent walked forward and dragged Lupe to the open door on the right wall and shoved him inside.

Such similar things happened to each troubled person. They were all represented by the robotic lawyer and found guilty of their crimes, each being sentenced to a certain amount of years at one of the many relearning camps.

“Special Case #3720066339 Azistant, step forward!” ordered the AI judge.

Azistant was the last troubled to be judged. He was looking around as if searching for the human lawyer by only saw the robotic Lawyer. Even without a human lawyer to represent him, Azistant was not all that worried due to his belief in his connections.

When Azistant reached the front of the room, the robotic lawyer who had stayed still the entire time surprised Azistant by stepping aside next to the wall.

In place of the robotic lawyer, the three Office of Reason agents surrounded Azistant.

“The Office of Reason has decided to represent you.”

Hearing this Azistant’s calm face cracked.

“This Special Case involves the troubled killer known as the [Killer criminal]. We have brought the two who captured him to attest that this man is the [Killer Criminal],” said a male Office of Reason agent.

“Proceed…” said the AI judge.

Both Arron and Kix were waved forward by the female agent that stood behind Azistant.

“Is this troubled man the [Killer Criminal] you captured?” asked the female agent.

“He is,” said Arron.

“Yes,” said Kix with an unhappy expression on his face.

“Gathering information… Complete! For the crimes of hacking into the Holo-net, using separatist software, trespassing, and hacking into a secure research facility… Recalculating… Due to the numerous class 2 terrorism violations, Special Case #3720066339 is sentenced with permanent Normalization.”

Azistant’s legs lost all strength and he fell to the ground.

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The three Office of Reason agents grabbed him and dragged him to the now open door on the left and disappeared along with him.

Seeing all this happen in front of him, all Arron could think about was the one thing that was missing in the sentencing. 

‘What about all the people he killed?’

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