Worlds Adrift Lore Chapter- Yesli Standard Procedure- Extradimensionals

Procedure 112: Extradimensionals

Threat Level: Trivial-Calamity+

Description: An extradimensional is a being that can bring great fortune, great calamity, or both. Their point of origin is always in high mana density areas such as Olsvania, Alchen, or potentially the poles. Their methods of appearing are currently unknown, as any attempt at deciphering extradimensional artefacts have been unsuccessful. The physical description of these beings are quite literally limitless. From humans and demi-humans to non-carbon based life, the forms they take are limitless. 

These beings can also wield any type of weapon imaginable or unimaginable by human minds. The lethality of their weapons also varies. The lower end of the scale manage to slaughter insects while the higher end could end the world, should their wielders desire such. Some examples include sharpened sticks, spears, swords, bows, firearms, mundane or mana-based explosives, thermonuclear warheads, and star-killers. Every item in the above list could be enchanted with both scientific or esoteric effects, varying from trivial danger to calamity danger. 

The last, crucial aspect of extradimensional capability is their mana density and mana usage. In all known cases, extradimensionals have possessed extremely high mana-density all throughout their bodies. When actively reinforced, their bodies become a deep blue that makes all other reinforcement seen pale in comparison. It also has been observed that extradimensionals are immune to aging and the effects thereof. There have been cases of human extradimensionals traveling our world for centuries and remaining unchanged. Apart from their bodies’ mana density, extradimensionals are capable of any type of mana casting. Even human extradimensionals are able to wield magic unseen across the world, which goes for all other species as well.

Addendum: It has been recently discovered, in ancient documents, that some extradimensionals have the capability to learn the methods of esoteric orders and sects in extremely short times. Due to this, the maximum threat level of extradimensionals has been raised to a new rank: Calamity+.

Standard Procedure: All extradimensionals are different, each of which requiring a different approach when interacting with them. 

Cleansed Human Extradimensionals: Under the law, humans that do not consort with demi-humans are protected according to the Cleansed Bill of 1742. For agents deployed across the world, this means that any conflicts with extradimensionals must be resolved through diplomacy unless otherwise escalated. Fortunately, most extradimensionals are amiable to trades of knowledge and items in exchange of forgiveness of perceived transgressions. Unfortunately, any and all attempts at extradimensional recruitment have resulted in the death of the agent interacting with the subject. In most cases, however, they are content with being directed to the nearest high mana density zone, which is an efficient way of removing variables in agent activities.

Demi-human and Uncleansed Human Extradimensional: As a result of the Cleansed Bill, these beings must be killed as soon as possible. They are very willing to and capable of scheming against the Yesli Dominion and her people. Agents must use stealth to kill such beings, as an open battle will be impossible not only due to their strengthening but their weapons as well. Thankfully, weak points such as the skull and spine remain as such, even in extradimensionals. As a general rule, only the most capable of agents should be allowed to engage with these missions. 

There are ambiguous cases when examining extradimensionals, such as what constitutes a demi-human and what does not. Generally, simple alterations such as color, temperament, reproductive capability, and communication ability are not features that solely determine whether a human is a demi-human or a human. Things such as extra appendages, multiple forms, and anthropomorphic features are obvious pieces of evidence that determine a demi-human.

Non-human Extradimensionals: Beings that are in this category are, for the most part, unaddressed by the laws and customs of our world. Any being that is not, in any way, human, may be left alone at the agent’s discretion. In all known cases, non-human extradimensionals have shown themselves uninterested with the affairs of humanity. As such, the evidence suggests that an agent will never meet a non-human extradimensional in either open combat or for discussions. 

Human-formed Non-human Extradimensionals: Beings in this category have displayed the ability to shapeshift to match any and all number of forms and appearances, including that of a human and demi-human. These beings are to be exterminated at any cost. Ignoring any and all theological reason for their extermination, these beings pose a catastrophic threat to information security and the integrity of our organization. When dealing with them, it is critical to maintain surveillance on the being at all times. It is unknown how to kill a shapeshifting extradimensional, but there are theories stating that the center of their mind may lay in a centrally located core or similar organ.

Other notes: Some extradimensionals are capable of conversation through the use of artefacts and others are not. There is no difference between the voice of an extradimensional using a translation artefact and a normal human.

Previous Extraordinary Extradimensionals: 

The Great Witch of Calamity and Chaos: The Great Witch of Calamity and Chaos, or The Great Witch, was a Human-formed Non-human Extradimensional of truly cataclysmic proportions. She was first seen in the Orit Atoll, an island chain in the Fion Ocean, 539 years ago. During the first three years after her arrival, it is believed that she studied under a number of esoteric cults, sects, and orders. It was at this time that the early Purity Popes began their holy crusade against the demi-humans, a development The Great Witch found displeasure in as evinced by her passive participation in the numerous counter-crusades. By the time the Popes were beaten back, almost all of those of the faith were slain and the remaining faithful were forced underground. For another fifty years, she played a hand in the hunting of faithful Purists until her sudden disappearance in 1328. It is believed that she simply left through the Orit Atoll, but a number of paramilitary heretical cults posit that she was a divine being.

Gilmand Aruo: Gilmand was a Non-human Extradimensional that skirted the line between Non-human and Demi-human. He had the tail of a Naga, the scales of a lizard, and the snout of a lizard beast-mix, making the only human-like parts of him his torso and arms. After a heated debate with the Council of the Faithful, Gilmand was determined to not be sufficiently human to qualify for Cleansing. As such, he was given approval to travel toward the island of Olsvania, where he was never seen again.

Soul-Killer: Codenamed Soul Killer, this demi-human was the most despicable terrorist in the world. He was able to kill anyone he wished by simply waving his antlers in their direction, making them simply cease all activity. When Saintess Paulina asked how he slew his foes, he simply said that he killed the soul. After rampaging through numerous kingdoms, he was last seen heading to the north pole. Despite numerous advancements in arctic-traversing technology, any and all signs of his existence are missing from the area.

Carmine Rys: As the only demi-human extradimensional to have been killed by the people of this world, Carmine Rys has been studied for centuries through the use of esoteric preservation methods. It is not known how she died, but it is known that she appeared upon the doorstep of the Speakers’ main sect. Little has left the hallowed halls of the sect, but what is known is that her DNA was nothing like that of even the demi-humans of the Abyss. She apparently was so dissimilar to normal cellular biology that she was deemed too unique to study and has been preserved ever since.

The Scarlet Grove: The Scarlet Grove is the only plant-based extradimensional to have entered our world that has been recorded. It came into the world somewhere in the Xumet continent, and spent a few centuries moving across it before disappearing on the continent’s eastern shore. It was entirely passive to anyone who traveled through it, but would eradicate any who attacked it.

Taylor Sava: The most recent visitor to our world, she arrived a decade ago and spent multiple years studying under the newest esoteric sects and cults. After her studies were complete, she traveled the world, studying everything from the pagan technology of the Abyssal nations to the hallowed halls of the council of popes. During her journey, she was seen killing a pope and nailing his body to a cross, putting it in front of the Yesli Papal Palace. After a brief chase, she was last seen on the island of Olsvania.

Post-Procedure Note: How did you forget the fact that The Great Witch of Calamity and Chaos is in fact Taylor Save? She left a clear and concise letter on the matter, a letter we still have, by the way, and proved her claim by stating things only the witch should have known. By the time the Holy Faithful learned about it, she was already gone, into the void or wherever she went. Get the story right. -Gary Humit


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6 years ago

“The mast was still hiding his face” -> The mask is still hiding his face

““All I did was change the world” -> “All I did was to change the world

Pedro Fernando
6 years ago

thanks for the chapter

6 years ago

Thanks for the chapter

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