Chapter 24

“Students, back to your seat. Our exam starts now.” Said the teacher while passing the exam paper to the students.

As usual, Xiao Tong would go to the shelter to practice lines with Yun Feng. While waiting for Yun Feng, Xiao Tong fed Cutie. “Cutie, you have gained weight.” Said Xiao Tong.

Xiao Tong continued, “Especially belly part.”

Xiao Tong softly patting Cutie’s belly and said, “Cutie, you are in a growing phase. So, it’s normal to be fat at your age. Don’t worry. Your food won’t cut down.”

A sudden voice from Xiao Tong’s behind, “Just like the owner, fat.”

Yun Feng said without emotion. He purposely teased Xiao Tong to see her angry expression. Not sure why but Yun Feng liked to tease Xiao Tong.

“Cutie, don’t listen to him.” Said Xiao Tong unhappily.

“I’ve lost weight. 4 kg last month!” Xiao Tong proudly said and lifted her uniform sleeve to showed her arm to Yun Feng.

“See, my arm is thinner now.” Said Xiao Tong without hesitation.

With proper diet and exercise, Xiao Tong managed to lost 4 kg. However, it didn’t show much as Xiao Tong was too fat to begin with.

Yun Feng looked left and right, up and down at Xiao Tong’s body. Then, finally, he shooked his head. “No difference, still the same,” said Yun Feng.

Yun Feng had a sharp eye and would know if Xiao Tong gains or lose a bit of weight. He had known Xiao Tong since she was small and purposely teased her. She did lose some fat—especially the arm and waist area.

“Cannot be! Serious. I’ve lost 4kg!” Xiao Tong couldn’t believe that Yun Feng couldn’t see the difference.

“You liars.” Said Xiao Tong.

“Alright. Alright. You did lose weight. You look thinner now. Satisfied?” Yun Feng surrendered. If he continued to tease Xiao Tong, she would upset, and their practice will last longer than expected. Seriously, don’t poke girl’s sensitive issues.

After practicing their lines, they took a break. Xiao Tong went to top up drinking water. While waiting for Xiao Tong, Yun Feng spotted a small gift box from Xiao Tong’s bag. Yun Feng took the gift and wondering what was stored inside. He opened the gift and saw a bracelet that was for men. Yun Feng’s mood immediately down. Xiao Tong still not gave up pursuing him. Yun Feng thought Xiao Tong had stopped her crazy mania chase after him since she wasn’t pestering as she used to.

“Hey, why are you touching people’s stuff without permission.”Xiao Tong scolded Yun Feng.

Yun Feng was shocked to hear Xiao Tong’s voice that he accidentally dropped the bracelet.

Xiao Tong immediately picked up the bracelet. She blew the sands away and wiped the bracelet, “Luckily, the bracelet is fine.”

Xiao Tong glared at Yun Feng and said, “This is not for you!”

Yun Feng was shocked and asked, “For who if not for me?”

“You have no right to know. Humph!” said Xiao Tong while grabbing the bag and left Yun Feng.

Yun Feng never thought that the gift was not for him. He was wondering if Xiao Tong had changed his tactic again. Could Xiao Tong give up on him and chase after another guy? Yun Feng felt uneasy if Xiao Tong really with another guy. Somehow his feeling was getting weirder.

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