Page 0 – Fallen Star


I can only open my eyes halfway…

…. Oh no

To be precise, I couldn’t move my eyelids at all. I woke up after falling asleep with my eyes half-open. I can’t close it, nor open it fully.

“… huuh ..” I sighed softly.

Just a little movement of my breath, I feel it.

My head hurts.

My throat hurts.

And my whole body hurts.

Like a broken machine. Only pain I can feel.

The first sight I could see when I woke up.

‘Oh… Red…’

Everything is red. Or… Only my eyes are covered with something that has a red color?

I try to focus my eyes.

My head hurts, but it doesn’t matter. I need to know, why is it red?

A few moments passed, after getting used to the pain.

My vision became clearer.

Ah, red… Blood… A pool of blood…

I was silent for a moment. My head still feels sore and heavy. But I still try to remember.

‘… my blood…?’

Memories… What do I remember?

When I try to concentrate my thoughts, various kinds of pictures appeared in my head.

My face kept changing, revealing what I had remembered all along.

Nervousness, joy, happiness, relief, disappointment, anger, sadness, and various kinds of emotions were released freely in my mind.

Until finally I stopped at the point where I felt helpless and gave up.

‘Oh… Right… I remember… I’m going to die.’

I think that’s very unfortunate. That’s how I feel right now.

I tried to move my gaze that was looking at the floor, directing it towards the sky. Leaning the whole body against the wall. Find a comfortable sitting position. While moving, there was a sound of chain scraping.

I see.

My hands suspend in the air, tied with chains.

But I don’t care, I’m used to it.

This place is very dark.

The only thing that could give me a light was the moonlight coming through the transparent roof. Looking into that distant sky, I felt like a frog at the bottom of a well.

Quiet in silence.

Looking at the moon that seems close to me.


I was quiet and calmly looking at the sky, looking in awe of the little stars above, watching the full moon surrounded by those clusters of stars.


I thought, seeing the color.

‘… Beautiful…’

The last view I can comment on.

‘Karina … Sorry …’

My remaining regrets.

‘… Raka … I hope you don’t follow me …’

My little request that I can’t convey.


A farewell that only I can hear, and no one replies.

My breath is getting smaller until finally, I can’t exhale anymore.

I ended my life with relief mixed with regret. Without being able to close my eyelids and leave them open, enjoying the beauty of the night from the sky beyond the roof.


At the same time after he stopped breathing. One of the seven stars that were shining brighter than the others fell from its position.


A temple in the middle of the mountains.

“One star has fallen … In the end it’s still happening …”

There, you can see the shadow of a girl from behind, sitting on the edge of the temple floor, facing herself towards the full moon.

“The turning point … Oh, why are you so stubborn … haah.” Sigh softly with a hint of regret.


In a narrow alley, in the middle of the city.

“Boss … Everything is settled, we can return much earlier than expect.”

A man said it’s just that the ‘Boss’ who he was called didn’t answer. Behind him were several people holding another man who looked battered.

“Boss?” Asked the man again with a tone of caution.

“Tsk!” That was the only answer. The man and the other comrades turned their gaze towards their boss.

“Did something happen, boss?” Asked another man wearing glasses.

The boss still didn’t answer, silently directed his sight towards the sky, where the moon was surrounded by stars.

Inside, he grumbled, ‘Damn it! What’s with this anxiety?!’

After being silent for a long time, he moved, “We’re back to the base!”

“Yes sir!” answered all his men in unison.


In some mountains in a hidden valley.


You can see a shadow of a man standing still in an upright posture. Staring at the moon with a gaze filled with seriousness. From behind him came the sound of footsteps leading to his position.

“You’ve been standing in that position for more than 2 hours. How long are you going to stand there, hmm? Captain?” Asked the newcomer.

The man called ‘captain’ remained silent and did not answer him. Meanwhile, the newcomer stood upright beside him, putting his hands into his trouser pockets. Follow his captain to enjoy the moon in the sky surrounded by tiny stars.

After not answering for a long time, he finally opened his voice, “Robby …”

The newcomer who was being called by his name turned his gaze towards the captain.

“For the plan, there will be a little change … And I hope you can improvise it according to your own opinion. If anything happens to me…” He paused and then continued, “You will replace me.”

A flash of light crossed Robby’s eyes, without thinking he straightened his body then raised his right hand and saluted, “Yes sir!”

Robby took the orders he had been given with utmost seriousness.


In a dark room. On the bed, there was a girl who was sleeping peacefully. Suddenly her left eye opened halfway, revealing a glowing light with a golden yellow pupil.

In her sleep, she muttered with a few broken words, “… One… Star… Fall… Point… Turn…”

After saying those few words, her left eye lost its light and returned to its normal black eye without the slightest oddity. Then closed her eyes and resumed her deep sleep.


Red, yellow, blue, purple, orange, indigo, white, and various other colors enveloped the entire flower garden. In the middle, there was a girl dancing cheerfully while talking even though no one was there.

“Hmm? Oh… Wow, what is this? My little darling, why are you restless?… Something interesting?… A shooting star?… Fufu I hope, it doesn’t disappoint me … Ok ok let’s sing again! “

“Seven parts meet… Following an invisible thread… hum hum…-“


“Space…” There was a deep and majestic voice resounding throughout the room engulfed by darkness. No one knows where the voice came from.

“Continue to the next mission… If you can complete it as well as before. I will help you avenge your brother.” Continue the sound.

The room fell silent again, a moment later another voice said, “… I understand.”

“Go.” That heavy voice command.

“Yes!” Reply.


A gust of wind passed.

The room was quiet and calm again. The owner of the deep voice remained in the room without the slightest ray of light.

“I’ve got one… After three failures, this is just the beginning.”

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