Chapter 17: Trouble whether we go~

“Hello my old enemy~.” <Eel>

“Eh? Did one of those misters do something to you?” <Emily>

Emily chimed in with a worried voice which caused Eel in turn to feel bad but luckily Lyada had a better understanding of the situation due to having f***** the causes of it.

“No – just saying for theatrics. Got kicked out for being too young, has no grudge though.” <Lyada>

She would still get pouty over however Lyada decided to explain it, however.

As has probably been guessed by now, the three of them had decided to visit the adventurers guild for the kids to sign up and Lyada finally to get off her ass and rank up. She’d been avoiding doing it because apparently she disliked the instructor so wanted to get as strong as possible to ‘slap him out’.

<Whatever that meant…>

This would be the first time Emily had come here and obviously as she hadn’t had her magic lessons she couldn’t support Eel. However, it was decided it would be good for the two to show a bit of coordination and give Emily some practice with her dismantling which she had only read about so far (she had easily enough practice with harvesting with Eel around).

Obviously, Eel too would need to learn how to dismantle and such in case she’s ever by herself – though the need for cooked meat isn’t really a thing due to her {Dragon}-ness but she may also need money which means selling non-half chewed through materials. But, at the same time when you have a professional on your team why wouldn’t you remain on guard as she does her thing? Not like you could ever do a better job right? Well, for Eel, Emily was her little professional for these tasks so her training was secondary.

In fact, Emily’s new {Sub-Hero} {Class} was so much more specialized and with a… Well, plant, helping her she’d already amazingly achieved {Harvest Lvl 10}. It was a very easy skill to level up but that rate of progression was till something terrifying…

And so, the three of them continued into the guild past the swarm of people who were quite interested in the group of three.

There were those who wanted to approach Lyada for various reasons, some rather shady men with stacks of paper she assumed may be the ‘{Adventurer Whales}’. But, often they would be stopped by their more knowledgeable companions or the companions who had the coin to visit the brothel. Convincing the friends that said bunny was ‘one of Paradises girls’ was all it took for a path to clear.

It didn’t take long for the three to arrive at a desk where lazy looking teeth with greasy brown hair and half closed eyes glared at Lyada and the girls for one reason or another.

“What do you want?” <Desk Worker>

“Watch attitude or wake up with sore ass.” <Lyada>

<Eh… Lyada shouldn’t you be trying to avoid confrontation…>

The teen would at first get confused over what she meant but would get red faced and slam down on his desk, standing up to challenge the bunny.

“Was that a threat?! Who do you think you are, slut, to pick a fight with the guild!” <Desk Worker>

And, of course, his reaction was to escalate the personal conflict to the highest authority he was connected with. By now a small crowd had formed behind the three girls while the other guild employees were watching from behind the set of desks or trying to peek through from the collection points.

Looking around she would see many go white specifically as they saw her and run off somewhere.

“Hm? Do I look scary?” <Eel>

Turning to Emily with that simple question, Emily would tilt her head.

“Well you do have the {Intimidation} at a super high level so maybe you’ve accidentally released it again?” <Emily>

“And I thought I got better at controlling it…” <Eel>

And so, Eel would pout at her apparently accidental use of her skill… But for some reason when she pouted this got some of the guild staff more white.

“Not picking fight with guild. Picking fight with asshole that needs loosened.” <Lyada>

It was hard to tell since Lyada rarely showed emotion and (although more emotive facially) was less expressive with body language than Leaf… But Eel was pretty sure she was having fun since she didn’t really want to come anyway.

“We’ll see how long you ca-?!” <Desk Worker>

“What the f*** do you think your doing?!?” <Aggy>

That has got to be the angriest Eel has ever heard anyone, it felt like the yell/screech came right from the very pit of her stomach never mind lungs. It was to such a point that Eel who can face down three grown men without blinking stepped back instinctively… And, she wasn’t the only one.

The desk worker looked confused, scared but then began to grow confident again.

“This slut and her brats came here to caus-” <Desk Worker>

“That ‘slut and her brats’ are part of the most powerful {Adventurer Agency} in the whole f****** city maybe country?! Are you so incompetent you forgot what makes the {Adventurer Guild} a f****** guild?! Get out of my sight and don’t come back!” <Aggy>

The teens’ faces obviously showed disbelief.

Until a few minutes ago he had one of the best paying and secure jobs in the entire city. He was even about to nap since the morning rush was about to end and nobody would bother him… Yet now his boss was yelling at him with a face so red it was hard to recognise the blunt but calm {Wood-Elf}.

“Wha- bu-?” <Desk Worker>

“NOW!” <Aggy>

With tears in his eyes he would stumble off before looking back to see the group of three that caused this. A heat burning in his eyes as he would bite his bottom lip causing blood to drip from it – this act causing him to wince in pain.

<Wah~ that’s not a face you can pull with that level of pain tolerance~!>

It didn’t take much more for the man to scurry off, however it seemed aimless as he had no idea what to do. Was he really fired? She told him to go on break? Everyone else who was in the know, knew fine well that causing trouble for ‘that purple haired elf’ was the same as getting their kind-hearted guild-master to hate him.

There are just certain people you can’t afford to mess with in this world and for the {Adventurer Guild}, a guild that prided itself on helping past {Hero}s, slapping a {Hero}s face was obviously a big no.

Even more convenient is that they could write it off as being because they pissed of a powerful {Adventurer Agency}…


“I am so, so very sorry.” <Aggy>

“It’s fine~!” <Eel>

Currently the trio and Aggy were alone in a private room, a luxury top {Adventurer Group}s could easily have since their talks with the guild tended to include more private topics.

“That doesn’t excuse my behaviour and certainly doesn’t excuse my subordinates’ clear lack of training…” <Aggy>

Aggy’s forehead was placed upon the side of the table as were her hands as three cups – two tea’s for the ‘adults’, a black coffee for Eel and a cup of fruit juice for Emily.

Eel was just feeling awkward however. She was a little happy that she got an apology but at the same time she felt she didn’t need one. At the time she was angry but…

“It’s really fine – if you didn’t kick me out then and I actually became an adventurer I probably would’ve fallen for a {Whale} scam and ended up as a combat turned sex slave… You kicking me out managed to let me meet Ali and here I am regardless…” <Eel>

Aggy would think for a second with her forehead on the desk before lifting herself up and letting out a sigh. Shaking her head softly.

“Fair enough, so, why are you all here today?” <Aggy>

“Came to take rank-up test and these join. Maybe also check not stressed.” <Lyada>

Aggy would just nod gently and take a long sip of her tea. Soon placing it back down as she would rise up.

“Well, I think that should be fine. I’ll go ahead and get the preparations for the rank-up test first and then we can privately handle the two girl’s registration under the excuse that your agency doesn’t wish to reveal their {Level} and {Skills}. Which, I guess, isn’t untrue.” <Aggy>

With a nod from Lyada as she sipped her own tea, Aggy would head out to do just as she said she would. Eel turned towards Lyada and decided to ask something which was on her mind.

“How many people are aware I’m the {Hero}?” <Eel>

It was something important she should be paying attention to but really hadn’t till now.

“Hm? Guess everyone from brothel, higher members of guild and the lord’s people should know but don’t think believe it true. Still think it a prank.” <Lyada>

“Why?” <Eel>

“Few reasons. First said to be only one {Hero} per generation. {Earl}’s son born with gold eyes – said to be {Hero} and is  skilled knight. Though the colour more solid than sheen of yours. Second would be gender – no records of female {Hero} and country favours males so would believe {Earl}’s son over you. May be different if father was more aware of you though likely be political tool then.” <Lyada>

“Huh… Makes sense I guess…” <Eel>

Nodding along to what was said she would just sip from her slightly large cup as they waited for Aggy’s return.

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