Chapter 4: Little girl go ‘RAWR!’ (Non-Happy Edition)

Now standing alone in the bloodied alley one thought came to the new hero’s mind.

<Wah~ I need to pee!>

Making an uncomfortable grimace as the tension of the situation left her, leaving her body relaxing and the urge to relieve herself coming over. Looking back there was a small offshoot to stand outside of the building but still be safe from unpleasant weather.


The glow that was illuminating all around her soon dissipated and her eyes golden colour also settled – instead becoming an ash grey with a golden sheen on them. Very beautiful but considering she couldn’t afford clothes it would be unlikely she could use a mirror to see this change. Ducking into the hide away to the side she would crouch, lifting the back of her ‘skirt’ up only to look down on herself and frown.

“Was there even any point in using the bath and changing clothes if I’m more dirty than when I began… *Sigh*” <Elizabeth>

Giving the age old excuse given the parents across the world as to why their child shouldn’t have to be neat and clean in life, licking some blood from her cheek with a satisfied nod. Suddenly having an ‘interesting’ thought which she let just pass by her lips

“If I can’t find any food at least I now have some meat~!” <Elizabeth>

A moment of silence followed soon after.

“Maybe I let my {Dragon} side take over a bit too strongly there… Wouldn’t hurt if nobody found out however…” <Elizabeth>

Shaking off the dangerous, thinking it probably best to move onto something else. And so, she decided it to be as convenient a time to check her {Status} as any other as she relieved her bladder into the stone floor below.

<Name… Huh, surname? What’s the difference between a name and a surname? Age and sex are good… Oh, there’s Race. I’ve always been told that I was a half-breed thought Mr/Mrs Voice did also call me a High-Dragon… What does it mean by High-Dragon->

Her thoughts finding themselves interrupted as information filled her head in a similar fashion as before.

<| Showing {Appraisal Control} Result;
Status: {Core Race}

Name: {High-Dragon}

Attribute Points Per Level: 5

Details: They are said to be the rarest of all the races. It’s unknown whether there is even one around to this day – this is due to the naturally low birthrate of both Dragons and High-Elves are there as the rarity of the two species as a whole. They earn both the  unique {Racial Skills}, high {Stats}, high {AP} per level of a {Dragon} and magical talent of a {High-Elf}. Even more special is usually a half-breed will simply have access to the core element (earth, water, fire, wind) of their parent {Dragon} and an increased affinity (but no other elemental can be used similar to that of a regular dragon). However, the High-Dragon can gain access to all of them plus advanced elements (Electricity, Light, Dark, Arcane, Mass etc.) which means they have stronger elemental prowess than a regular {Dragon}. Because of this they are said to be nurtured if ever they are found – being classified as what one would consider a {Elf} to a {High-Elf} (a higher ranked form) by {Dragon} kind –  however they are truly just legends to most. They will also struggle to give birth and are to be assumed sterile as they cannot do so without aid. |>

Blinking once, blinking twice… And gone! No reaction from the little girl who is apparently rarer than the rarest yet is currently squatting in her own pee!

Well she technically did have a reaction, or rather a lot of them. All bursting to erupt – a mixture of surprise, shock, anger and confusion. By all rights, bastard or not, she should have still been looked after… So does that mean… Her father doesn’t even remember her mother…

A flame began to burn in her stomach, making her feel sick but not for herself. For the mother whose face she never knew. Clenching her little hands with strength she didn’t know she even had as she bit her bottom lip that quivered. Half wishing she wasn’t as sharp as the other kids because maybe then she wouldn’t have understood what this meant – not only was she not loved but neither was her mother.

Maybe if she understood what a prostitute was she wouldn’t be so angry however, as things stood, she only knew it was what bad girls and women did. Yet, she couldn’t find it in herself to believe that the woman had done something bad so all her hate began to be directed towards the other party involved.

Her eyes slowly drifted down and to the right, spying her Job {Abandoned Illegitimate Bastard} – it was simply a clutter of insults directed towards her (she knew that much) – she didn’t understand what they meant though…

Though that was what {Appraisal Control} was for.

<| Showing {Appraisal Control} result;
Status: {Job}

Abandoned Illegitimate Bastard: This job lists you as unwanted, unneeded and most likely unexpected to one or both of your parents. Not that your father likely even knows you exist. Perhaps it’s best to keep it that way?

[+5{Con}, {Appraisal} Will Automatically Block Attempts to View Status without permission, {Appraisal Control} Will Automatically Display False Status] |>

<Ah so that means my father is the {Dragon} side… Count Kalakunana Shanta? His name sounds different to mine. Well Count – you best hope we will never meet!>

Throwing her left fist into the air as she would jump to her feet with a look of determination – her little smug smirk present on her face. Finding the world so much easier when you know exactly who to hate!

However… Being an orphan she didn’t know his name wasn’t actually ‘Count’ but rather that was {Count} the {Title} and {Job}. As long as she was happy right?

Releasing she hadn’t finished peeing – however – made her very not happy and very, very red-faced. She quickly got back into a squat; tried to rub her shins and thighs with her ‘dress’ but that only made wearing that uncomfortable.

Over all this was just going in a downward spiral so she decided she needed a distraction. So – tears in her eyes and trembling lip – she continued studying her status and decided to search through her second job.

<| Showing {Appraisal Control} result;
Status: {Job}
Urchin: You grew up as a kid on the street which means you’ve got to do whatever you can to live right?  

[+1{Dex}, Easier To Learn Rouge {Skills}, Easier To Learn a Rogue Style {Job}, Easier To Learn a Rogue Style {Class}] |> 

Nodding her head to the rhetorical question while waiting a second for it to reply… And waited… And waited a bit more until finally she clued in that perhaps the screen wouldn’t do anything else.

Her eyes gazed down and what she saw was math. 

She didn’t understand it, didn’t know anything past 7 and didn’t even have {Mathematics}. As such, she simply shook her head and moved on to see if there was anything else she didn’t understand in the {Skills} section… 

<Okay… I know most things other than my {Unique Skill} since people always bring up my ability to use them and I’m getting the hang of {Appraisal Control}. So~ what’s {Momentum Manipulation}!>

<| Showing {Appraisal Control} result;
Status: {Unique Skill}
Momentum Manipulation(Lvl 1):
The ability for the {Hero} {Elizabeth <No Surname>} to manipulate momentum.

-Level 1; Can supply additional momentum on a single limb upon a single vector. |>


She couldn’t help but yell out as such useless information being presented to her. What was momentum? What did it mean to manipulate it? What’s a f****** vector?! All these questions would naturally be in the mind of a little girl so fresh behind the ears she ended up peeing on herself because she was excited over finding an evil man.

Of course, she had no one to explain to her what each of these meant but she did hear something. A murmuring just beyond where she was – back on the mainstreet – and it didn’t sound like just one or two people.

Making sure she was done with her business she would peak out from her hiding place, fingers on the edge of the wall to let her pull her eyes just over the lip.

What greeted her vision shocked her… A crowd of people. What shocked her more was, while many had their hands looking at the bloody bodies she had left in the alleyway, more and more were now pointing towards her as she peaked out from the wall. A cold sweat forming on her brow for what should be obvious reasons.

<I’m… Not in trouble for murder am I? How are all these pe->

Her mind flashed back, yes, it flashed back to the flash of golden light that occurred when she opened her {Status} for the first time.

No wonder everyone is here – it would be hard to sleep through that…

“Is that them?” <?>

“Looks a bit scrawny for a hero..” <?>

“But look at his eyes! He’s got a golden sheen to them just like in the stories!” <?>

“But there can’t be more than one hero right? Surely it must be that young master from the earls family up north right?” <?>

Many of such exact, similar and different mutters were happening at the same time so she would decide to just slide back behind the safety of Mr.Wall while this all blows over.

<What you can’t see can’t hur->

“Move out the way! The lord of the surrounding towns and this fair city is here, Lord Shanta!” <Very Loud Man>

With that the sound people moving about, the complaints about such forceful movement, and a final cluster of strikes happening in unison as the guards slammed their spears down onto the floor to make way for the lord.

She couldn’t help it… She was too curious for her own good…

Slowly peeking around the wall once more she would see just as explained except some men in metal armour were walking towards her and the alleyway – kicking the bloody corpses to one side before themselves splitting off to form up to lines – backs against the walls. These guys also had long swords and kite shields instead of the basic spear the guards had. She’d heard of people like these, just about every hero story she heard of made sure the protagonist became one or at the very least had a companion that was one.

<Those guys must be knights so then…>

Her grey eyes widened as she found herself losing her thoughts before she’d even finished formulating them. Slowly walking out of her little toilet and into the centre of the road to get a better look at the man walking slowly towards him.

It was a man who wore beautifully refined fabrics, like nothing Elizabeth had even seen before, woven together with flawless stitching. Forming a sleeveless brown robe that would hang from his shoulders in front of his waist where a sash of black tied it together, shrouding his legs. His sculpted, muscular chest causing the little girl’s eyes to stay still as around his tanned skin would be brown scales that shimmered softly even in the night.

Behind him would be a long, scaled tail that would seem healthy and full of muscle. His arms matching his tail in that regard as they were well defined and fairly bulky. His face was as chiseled as his body – a sharp chin covered in brown stubble with a scar coming up to the left cheek. While his hair would be short but spiky and unruly to suit his savage form.

His slitted violet eyes met with her grey and golden sheened slitted eyes.

It didn’t take him long to be standing over the girl (which wasn’t hard consider him to be standing at 5’11 compared to her 3’11), her cheeks flushed red for a different reason than before – kinda glad she was caked in blood so he couldn’t see or smell the pee.

Soon his slim lips parted to let out a voice that sounded like gravel, making the girl shiver despite her fear long having fled her at the sight of the man. Her stomach felt warm for the first time since her mother’s muffled voice.

“Are you the one who unlocked the {Hero} {Class} lad?” <Lord Shanta>

“Y-yes but I’m not a boy I’m a-” <Elizabeth>

“*Tch* False alarm…”  <Lord Shanta>

She would be cut off by the man clicking his tongue as soon as she made her gender known; causing her to break out from her dream-like state to look upon the man in shock. Waiting for what was to come next for her as the hero from the city.

Looking past the man she would see a familiar face in the Receptionist girl behind the lord – just outside the alleyway – beside a man who made the Lord in front of her look a bit small. It would seem he was perhaps the guildmaster for the guild in the city but what may be considered shocking was his race.

He was an {Orc} as told by his pig like snout and large tusks protruding upwards from his bottom lip. He had a big gut and equally big boobs – bigger than the elf beside him – and he wasn’t afraid to show it. All he had one his top half was a short sleeveless, forest green jacket that would be open for all to see. Below that he would be wearing a matching pair of trousers that hugged him tightly. Hu~ge bulge between his thighs. With some surprisingly snappy classic oxford’s that were greased and polished to a nice black shine.

The girl would look shocked upon seeing Elizabeth – giving her a smug smile again – while the man would turn to the woman while listening to her words while unable to look away from the little girl.

Her own thoughts were cut as well as she would soon see the lord walking up to them in the distance with his knights – numbering more than she could count but not that many – following behind while she was distracted… Only to hear his next words.

“It’s just some {Sub-Dragon} made with the help of a wood-elf – likely asked the spirits to help her make up this prank in order to garner some attention. Just throw the child into the nearest brothel or something – I don’t care.” <Lord Shanta>

The Receptionist was surprised, the Orc was surprised and most importantly – Elizabeth was surprised. Yes, she just killed two men who tried to kidnap her… But the line of spears now pointed towards her as the city guards approached down the alleyway were a bit too much for her to deal with.

But more than that her surprise turned into pain as her heart felt like it was twisting itself into knots upon knots. Her smug smile sank into a frown as her shoulders fell. Nothing was going her way, it felt like this whole city was telling a joke with her misery as the punchline.

Biting down so hard that blood began to leak from her lips and down her throat, tears welling up in her already sore and red eyes she felt her throat getting hot.

Opening her mouth she screamed out, but instead of a scream what came out was more like a roar as she felt herself getting drained.


A golden aura engulfing her body as she heard dining in her mind as the people screamed from behind the crowd of guards, followed by what sounded like orders. Said crowd of guards being taken off their feet by whatever she had just done.

<| Congratulations {Intimidation Lvl 7} Became {Intimidation Lvl 8} |>

<| Congratulations {Momentum Manipulation Lvl 1} Became {Momentum Manipulation Lvl 2} |>

However, that sense of achievement was followed by a need to breathe and an empty feeling inside her. Her attempt to breathe instead came up as a pool of blood and tissue which she coughed up.

<| Congratulations {Regeneration Lvl 5} Became {Regeneration Lvl 6} |>

Now she was crying for another reason.

<It hurts…>

Stumbling backwards, somehow managing to take advantage of the situation as she ran her hardest away from the scene… Well, stumbled as it were. Hands clutching her chest as she ignored the angry shouts and screams from behind her. She instead just ran…

<| Congratulations {Intimidation Lvl 8} Became {Intimidation Lvl 9} |>

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