6th Story 9

9. False and True Daughter

After making such a decision, Ye Sasa immediately shook Liu Pang awake.

In the days that followed, she often ran here to discuss important matters with Liu Pang.

“Sasa, you are so kind to me.”

Facing Ye Sasa’s selfless help, Liu Pang was very moved.

He held Ye Sasa’s hand tightly, and made a cherished promise: “On the day when this happens, if I become the emperor, I will make you the queen.”

After hearing Liu Pang’s words, Ye Sasa’s heart warmed. .

She recalled the loving days she and Liu Pang spent in the harem in her previous life, and her eyes softened a lot.

Sure enough, only her husband Liu Pang was the one who would treat her well.

Whether it was Father Ye, Mother Ye, or Lin Xiaotang, they were just a bunch of ruthless people.

She would embark on such a road of rebellion, not of her own volition, but forced by them.

She must make them regret it!

Liu Pang would be decadent before, but because his family was ruined, he couldn’t accept this gap.

But he is a prince after all, has been carefully cultivated by the royal family, and has excellent political ability.

With the help of Ye Sasa, it didn’t take long for Liu Pang to get back on his feet and contact some old officials of the previous dynasty.

These courtiers are all loyal to the Liu family, and look down on Lin Xiaotang, who has a shallow foundation and a commoner background.

A mere girl, still want to be emperor?

In the morning of the rooster, only the rope of the family, letting women come to power will only bring disaster to the whole country!

Not to mention, Lin Xiaotang still relied on what “Tanghua Sect” to call himself emperor.

What good can these things that can only fool the people do for a country?

Driven by such thoughts, these people secretly huddled together and began to plan the restoration.

Ye Sasa also took this opportunity to tell them what she had foreseen.

At the beginning, these people didn’t quite believe Ye Sasa’s prophecy.

How could there be such a wonderful ability in this world?

But as several of her predictions came true, they fell into a rapture.

“God helps us!” An old Confucian scholar with white hair said excitedly, “Even God is on our side!”

At this time, he had forgotten how he attacked Tanghua Sect before, thinking that only ignorant people believe in heaven and ghosts.

However, no one cares about that either.

Under their arrangement, soon, a plan came out.

Lin Xiaotang didn’t know what was going on over Ye Sasa’s side.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for Ye Sasa’s identity as a heroine, she would have almost forgotten about this person.

In the following time, Lin Xiaotang and Lin Yiyi were busy with various events.

Under her deliberate tempering, Lin Yiyi’s political vision has become more and more sophisticated, and she has made several decisions that the courtiers are full of praise.

If Lin Xiaotang can become the emperor without being criticized, it is because of his status as “the saint of the Tanghua religion”.

So, Lin Yiyi’s ability to secure her status as a daughter depends on her own efforts.

Gradually, the courtiers and the common people accepted Lin Yiyi as the crown princess.

As long as the ability is strong enough, the gender is male or female, what’s the problem?

The emperors from the Liu family are all male, right?

But which one of them has the ability and skill to compare with Lin Xiaotang?

Judging a person by gender alone is wrong.

Under such circumstances, many people’s thinking has been subtly changed.

After the decision to “establish a female household” was approved by Lin Xiaotang, the status of women in many domestic families also improved a lot.

However, I don’t know what happened recently. Natural disasters broke out frequently. After the drought, there was another plague of locusts.

The treasury, which was already insufficient, was even more stretched.

Fortunately, during the uprising, Lin Xiaotang, as the goddess of Tanghua, brainwashed the believers, asking them to repair dams and plant crops such as potatoes and corn.

Relying on these crops and infrastructure, the people in the country barely survived these disasters.

However, three months later, Lin Xiaotang learned quite shocking news from the courtier’s mouth during the early court.

“You mean… the plague?”

Lin Xiaotang was slightly startled when she heard this.

“Go back to Your Majesty, yes.” The courtier knelt on the ground and replied with sincerity and fear.

About half a month ago, in Huainan, a group of villagers developed fever, headache, vomiting and diarrhea.

At the beginning, their relatives only regarded them as having changed the cold and didn’t pay much attention.

But it didn’t take long for the villagers around them to have similar symptoms.

After they realized that this was not an ordinary cold disease, the plague had infected an entire village.

The good thing is that after the outbreak was discovered, local officials made a decisive decision and immediately blocked the village and nearby towns to prevent the spread of the plague.

“…It’s just that, for some reason, there have also been outbreaks in Fujian and western Zhejiang.”

The official swallowed and said cautiously: “It stands to reason that the spread of the epidemic will not be so fast…”

The transportation of the ancients was not developed in the first place.

Even without the village being locked down, it would take a month for this kind of widespread infection in neighboring provinces.

But in just a few days, how did it spread to such an extent.

Could it be that these three places have epidemic sources at the same time?

Faced with this situation, the officials were so overwhelmed that there was nothing they could do.

They knelt down tremblingly on the ground, waiting for Lin Xiaotang’s order.


After hearing what these people said, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes narrowed instantly.

An abnormality that officials can detect, how could she be unresponsive?

The speed is not right.

Even the plague is too fast.

Either this is a real coincidence, or someone behind it is deliberately promoting the spread of the plague.

As the emperor, Lin Xiaotang was reluctant to believe any so-called “coincidence”.

“Send my will, find a group of doctors to enter the palace,” Lin Xiaotang thought for a while, and then gave an order, “I have some prescriptions, which are gifts from the goddess Tanghua, which can be used to treat epidemics.”

The person who won the first-level medical award, she has known about the ancient plagues.

Although the ancient medical facilities were poor, but with the efforts of doctors, effective treatment can still be achieved.

Hearing this, the officials below were overjoyed and said in unison, “Yes!”

“Also, send someone to investigate whether there are rumors in the epidemic area.”

Lin Xiaotang thought for a while and added another sentence.

In the face of the fear of death, no matter how smart people are, they will do stupid things, let alone ordinary people.

Therefore, the more severe the disaster, the more likely there will be riots.

Since those people have spread the plague, they must have their purpose.

In this regard, she must be vigilant and not let go of any details.


Under the guidance of Lin Xiaotang, the epidemic prevention work was carried out in an orderly manner.

The doctors who learned the prescription rushed to the epidemic area overnight.

And in places where the epidemic has not yet occurred, everyone, under the propaganda of the officials, began to clean the house, wash their hands frequently, and wear what is called a “mask”.

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to mobilize so many people at one time.

There will always be a few stupid people who are unwilling to listen to the officials, and insist on being self-willed, believing in some monk and Taoist priest, and harming others as well as themselves.

A similar situation happened in the past.

An old man in a certain village, out of superstition, spent a lot of money to beg two goddesses.

Then, they called all the surrounding villagers over, everyone gathered together, and asked the goddess to exorcise them.

As a result, doing so not only failed to “kill” the plague, but also spread the disease from a dozen to hundreds of people overnight.

However, the current emperor, Lin Xiaotang, is the saintess appointed by the goddess Tanghua.

As soon as the emperor said that this could prevent the plague, even the most stubborn old lady sewed several masks overnight.

“My dear grandson, you must wear a mask properly, and don’t take it off,” the old people said, “It must have the divine power of a goddess on it. As long as you put it on, the goddess will protect us.”

The ancients value filial piety, and filial piety is the first.

Under the orders of these superstitious elders, even some people who thought it was troublesome to wear masks had to obediently wear them.

In this way, the epidemic has been reasonably controlled at a terrifying speed.

Good news comes from time to time in the epidemic area, and many people who are suffering from the epidemic have also recovered under the treatment of doctors.

The old courtiers in the imperial court who were still quite critical of the Tanghua Sect shut their mouths after seeing the strong action of the common people.

Religious governance is indeed a double-edged sword.

Excessive cult of personality, extolling those in power to the altar, and deifying them will do all the harm to the whole country without benefiting one.

But in the hands of a truly wise man, this double-edged sword can always be used justly.

The most cunning thing about Lin Xiaotang is that since she founded the Tanghua Sect, she has never said that the Tanghua Goddess is omnipotent.

She has never promised that as long as you believes in her, you will be able to live a prosperous life and no longer get sick.

She said it would keep them from starving and freezing, but all that if they grew their own crops.

She said it would make their hometown prosperous, but only if they built the roads themselves.

She uses actions and words to tell her followers that in times of distress, praying to the gods is the least useful thing to do.

To live a good life, they need to rely on their own hands.

Under such influence, in the face of these natural and man-made disasters, the people will not complain about the incompetence of the goddess Tanghua.

On the contrary, they also felt that the prescriptions and anti-epidemic measures delivered by the goddess through the saints were enough to satisfy them.

“Isn’t the goddess always like this?” they said, “she helped us in this way before.”

“Also, the goddess has returned to heaven, and she still remembers us. She’s really kind.”

“Ten years ago, there seemed to be a plague. At that time, the situation was much worse than now.”

“As long as we work hard, we will be able to survive as smoothly as before.”

With this kind of thinking in mind, the people responded positively when faced with the arrangements of the officials, and there was no conflict.

Those who were suspected of spreading the plague were also caught by the eye-catching people because of their strange behavior.

On the other hand, the staff sent by Lin Xiaotang finally discovered that something was wrong in the epidemic area-

there were a few sneaky people who were constantly spreading words that were unfavorable to the court to the people.

“They said that there are so many disasters in the country because Your Majesty has done something wrong, and God is punishing His Majesty,” the reporter said tremblingly, “They also said that only the Liu family is the orthodox royal family…”

Liu ‘s?

Isn’t that the people from the previous dynasty?

No wonder they wanted to make the disaster so big. It turned out that they wanted to take this opportunity to throw dirty water on her and restore the former dynasty.

When Lin Xiaotang heard this, she suddenly realized.

Under normal circumstances, these remnants of the previous dynasty would do this, and it would really be very effective.

Because in the eyes of most ancient people, the appearance of natural disasters is God expressing dissatisfaction.

In such a case, many emperors need to sacrifice to the sky or issue pardons.

If the disaster is too serious, they will issue an edict of their own sins and admit their mistakes to the world.

However, understanding is understanding, and such a method is too cruel.

Do those innocent people deserve to lose their lives for their political plans?

Lin Xiaotang recalled the death toll reported by the courtiers these days, and an anger rose in his heart in vain.

“Where are they? How many people have they caught?” She said coldly, “Can you confirm who the leader is?”

If she remembered correctly, the only surviving person in the Liu family should be the fourth prince Liu Pang. .

In any case, she has to catch this man and make him pay for his actions.

However, for some unknown reason, after listening to her words, the courtier below suddenly showed a strange look.

“It was caught, and there were quite a few,” he said hesitantly. “It’s just… a lot of people died.”

“How did they die?” Lin Xiaotang was stunned for a moment, and asked, “Did they commit suicide by taking poison? ”

“No” The courtier’s expression became more and more strange.

He glanced at the hem of Lin Xiaotang’s clothes and lowered his head again: “…they die because their words angered the local people and were beaten to death.”

Lin Xiaotang: “…”

Lin Xiaotang:? ? ?

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