Chapter 14

Yang was barely standing on his legs, but he endured it. He lost a lot of blood, his vision was blurry, and he could no longer focus due to the pain he felt.

Yang: It seems I am more durable than I thought.

The monarch stood up, and his smile got even wider and more sinister, and he started clapping and walking closer to Yang. He didn’t bother to pick his blades up.

Monarch: Entertaining indeed.

Yang: What?

Monarch: But in your current state, you are not worth the trouble; I think I should help you to have a chance against me.

Yang: What are you talking about?!

The monarch appeared behind Yang, without him noticing, and touched Yang’s back. Yang was blown into the throne, shattering it completely, and that part of the room was covered with a black mist.

Monarch: Now that you are healed, our fun can finally begin!

The mist slowly faded, and Yang was left speechless after he stood up. He was completely healed.

Yang: Why did you heal me… And how did you do it?

Monarch: That is my own trick; also, I believe now that we will fight, I will get rid of this disguise as well.

The monarch’s body started cracking and then decayed, and in its place, a new, unfamiliar, black and blue being stood. The being had four eyes, had no ears and nose. The monster had no lips, so his razor-sharp teeth were clearly visible. Its eyes were blue, and they were glowing. AS for its body, its hands and legs were covered with scales, its fingers were sharper than any sword Yang had ever seen, and it also had a tail that was had a very sharp end. The being possessed a pair of wings, which moved around for a bit. The end of its body was blue mixed with blackness.

As it stood, it gave off an intense blue aura that pushed Yang into despair instantly, and he was shaking and sweating.

Tirips: Tirips is my name warrior; or should I say, warrior Yang?

Yang: What in the world is this being??!! There is no way I could beat it; I can feel that this is no ordinary being!

Tirips: I can tell that you have a great ability. The further you are pushed, the stronger you can be; I hope you will give me a challenge I seek so greatly.

Tirips pointed at Yang, and his aura intensified. Yang closed his eyes and stared back at him, but he couldn’t see Tirips’ skeleton, only a text beyond him: “Suppressed 600”.

Yang: Figureured… he is holding back but still… he is stronger than me, but I can’t give up yet. I still have to go back to my world!

Yang searched for the blades that were left beside the throne, and he found them in the ruble. He grabbed them and got ready. The weapons were too fancy for his taste because its cross was decorated with many gemstones, but a weapon is a weapon; he had to utilize it no matter what.

Tirips: Weapons hm… I don’t think you will be able to use them well against me, but it’s your choice.

Yang pointed both of his armaments at Tirips, but he pulled his right hand back; next to his chest.

Tirips: Now then…

Tirips dashed behind Yang at an unbelievable speed; Yang couldn’t even see him moving.

Tirips: Shall we begin?

Yang: I am so f****** dead!

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