Arc 11 Chapter 235: Wandering Wind spirit


You have entered the Wandering Wind spirit dungeon!

Akira had only passed the door when he had received the notification.

“What the…? Fluffball, be on guard, this is not a normal tunnel. Nox, come out,” said Akira.

Only allowed on

Both Nox 1 and two jumped out of Akira’s shadow and stood to the left of Akira while Fluffball stood on the right.

Nox had been doing many covert missions recently and had been leveling up just as quickly as Fluffball.

‘What’s this? Only the two of us? It feels like old times,’ said Nox as he transmitted his voice to Akira.

“Yap!” said Fluffball letting Nox know he was there.

“I have no idea how to fight a wind spirit,” said Akira.

“Yap!” said Fluffball telling Akira to not worry so much.

“Alright, we’ll just wing it,” said Akira.

The three continued walking down the tunnel, its walls and the floor were extremely clean and had a dim green glow that lit up the tunnel.

As they continued to walk forward the path started to dip down and turn into another treacherous worn-out path that went deeper into the depths of the mountains.

Akira sighed as he tried to climb down the steps that looked to have almost eroded by time and wind.

When the ramp leveled out once again the sound of the wind was even louder.

“I hope this place is connected to a main tunnel or at least some sort of exit…” said Akira quietly as he walked forward cautiously with his shield held out in front. Both Fluffball and Nox hid behind him.

Akira could not afford to be trapped in this place for long since he only had enough food and water in his bag to last at most a week.

Akira’s gut feeling was telling him things were getting dangerous so he decided to transform.

The black aura surrounded him and his body grew larger and thicker turning his hands and feet into sharp claws. His teeth grew into sharp canines ready to tear through any flesh.

The thick black aura surrounding his armor and thick fur quickly faded only leaving a light black mist that continued to swirl around him.

Akira activated the skill [Life Detection] and his eyes let out a flash of yellow as he stared down the dim path into a cavernous room. No matter how long he looked he saw nothing change.

Although he hadn’t used this skill much he was certain that if there was something living it would show up.

“Yap,” said Fluffball warning Akira of something inside the room as he sniffed the air and confirmed Akira’s suspicions.

“Let’s do this,” said Akira, steeling himself as he led the way into the room.

The sound of the Roaring wind was just as loud as it had been outside. Although Akira found nothing at the bottom of the dome-like room, when he looked up, there was a small palm-sized green whirlwind floating up high above near the ceiling.

Above the small whirlwind was an equal small transparent green body that had two thin arms. Its mini head only had two black eyes. There was no nose, mouth, or hair.

[Wind spirit level 120]

Akira continued to slowly walk forward trying to make his way to the exit tunnel on the opposite side of the room.

Since he had no knowledge of any type of spirits he decided to try and pass it without fighting if he could.

Both Nox and Fluffball were extremely tense as they watched the wind spirit which had not moved yet.

When they had reached the center of the room the wind spirit jerked its head to look at the three below it. Its eyes shrank to two black pinpoints as it watched them slowly make their way to the entrance.

When Akira had taken two more steps forward the green whirlwind beneath the Wind Spirit expanded to cover its entire body.

The small whirlwind zipped forward at a high speed passing Akira, Nox, and Fluffball only to stop right in front of the exit tunnel.

The green whirlwind grew to the size of a human adult blocking the exit completely.

At the center of the green whirlwind were two large black eyes that were staring at Akira who was still walking towards the tunnel.

“If you want to block the way, then I’ll just have to push through,” said Akira.

A second later he activated [Shield Slam]. His leg muscles tensed up and then shot him forward at great speed with his shield held in front of him.

A muffled thud was heard as he crashed into the fierce whirlwind.

The green whirlwind curved in where Akira had slammed into it but it did not break.

Akira’s leg muscles bulged as he strained to push his way forward but the wind only grew stronger and pushed back him as it clawed at his armor.

Two green wind blades flew out of the whirlwind and slammed into his side and back.

The impact caused him to lose footing and be pushed back away from the entrance.

The Whirlwind was once again swirling normally.

Akira, not giving up, attacked with his warhammer but the attack just bounced off the wall of wind.

“Che, che, chee,” an odd echoing sound came out from within the whirlwind. The large black eyes slanted as if they were laughing at Akira’s ineffective attacks.

Akira tried to use [Shadow Chains] but nothing happened because it was a spirit and had no shadow.

Nox and Fluffball were staying nearby watching and inspecting their target trying to learn its weakness.

Putting the warhammer into his bag Akira took out [Poo’s Midget Sword] and activated [Sword Slash].

A blue crescent shot out and cut right through the whirlwind, slicing it in half for several seconds.

The odd laugh immediately stopped.

“CHEEEE!” Screeched the whirlwind enraged. The whirlwind quickly returned to normal as several green wind blades were launched at Akira while the wind spirit made its move to slam into Akira.

Although the [Sword Slash] seemed to anger the wind spirit, Akira could not see any permanent damage to the spirit.

He activated the black mist armor and it quickly grew thicker as it swirled around him and fought back against the tearing force of the whirlwind that was trying to envelop him and grind him down.

‘It’s only level 120 but I can’t do anything against It…’ though Akira as his mind was racing to try and figure out how to deal with the spirit.

“Damn it, if only Klyn was with me… Fluffball, Nox, do you have ideas?” asked Akira as he weathered the grinding whirlwind pressing against him.

His energy supplying the black mist armor was draining at a steady pace and if he didn’t do something it would be empty soon.

The blue candies he had were only enough for an emergency and unlike Fluffball he would need several of them to keep fighting at full strength which would cause them to run out quickly.

“Yap!” said Fluffball as he grew to his full size and his holy ice armor covered his entire body. He charged forward and slammed into the whirlwind trying to headbutt it away from Akira.


Fluffball was knocked back and sent sliding several dozen feet as he tried to regain his footing on the smooth stone floor. His ice armor showed several large gashes.

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A blue ball of icy light formed around his mouth and shot out straight into the whirlwind.

“Che!” said the agitated Wind spirit as the ice chunk shattered against the wind. The holy tribute seemed to cause the whirlwind to feel uncomfortable as the ice shard became thousands of small ice fragments that floated inside the wind and slammed against Akira causing his energy to deplete even faster.

“Fluffball don’t shoot it with ice anymore. You $%^& spirit look at me with your @#$% eyes,” shouted Akira using the [Potty mouth] skill.

“Chee!” The Wind spirit which had been getting ready to launch an attack towards Fluffball turned its attention back to Akira, increasing the pressure of the whirlwind trying to envelop Akira.

Feeling his energy was now running dangerously low, Akira decided to activate one last skill to see if it had any effect. He canceled the [Black Mist Armor] and activated [Reflection].

Two green wind blades slammed into his shield while the whirlwind slammed Akira as it tried to grind him into dust.


Reflection has taken effect!

10% of the enemy’s attack is directed back at them!


The whirlwind distanced itself from Akira as the large black eyes looked at him confused at how it just got hurt. It did not approach Akira and just looked at him for a second.

‘Let’s see what I can do!’ said Nox 1, as he launched himself forward and…

… bit deep into the confused Wind Spirit’s whirlwind.

“CHEEE!” The Wind Spirit let out a loud cry of pain as the whirlwind was torn apart by Nox 1.

The wind spirit in its rage turned its attention to Nox 1 who was biting and tearing at the whirlwind.

It moved to grind him down with the fierce whirlwind but got attacked from behind by Nox 2 who also started to bite and tear large chunks of the whirlwind as well.

Both Nox 1 and two’s shadow bodies were being torn apart as they tried to tear the whirlwind to shreds.

It was a fierce fight as the two sides tried to tear or grind the other out of existence.

On a hunch, Akira activated [Darkness Domain] covering the entire area in a dark mist.

It had no major effect on the wind spirit… but both Nox 1 and two’s bodies started to heal their shadow bodies faster than the wind spirit could grind them down.

The whirlwind was now growing unstable and large gaps were appearing.

“Chee!” with an angry shout the whirlwind shrunk and speedily escaped back to the ceiling far above them.

The green whirlwind disappeared from the upper body of the wind spirit as it stared at the three down below it with a pouting expression.

“Che!” said the spirit as it turned its back on them not wanting to play with them anymore.

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