Arc 12 Chapter 259: Dukedom


Kodria has been upgraded to Rank 3 Capital!

Requirements for Creating a dukedom have been met!

Rank 3 Capital has changed to rank 3 Dukedom!

The Dukedom Kodria has been founded.

A notification will be sent out when you officially announce the Dukedom and take on the role of Duke.

Title received!

First Duker: Kodria is the first true dukedom to duke it out!


With the founding of the Kodria’s Dukedom, you have unlocked a new main quest!

Main quest Foradverold Kingdom Maker has started!

All who own land or manage to get land in the continent of Foradverold are allowed to join this main quest. The main objective of this quest is to create a kingdom by building or taking over towns, cities, territories, forts, and other dukedoms, to reach the points required to build a Kingdom.

Each conquered, settled, allied territory or town/city that joins will add points to your kingdom-building score.

All participants with a single territory, no matter the size, will start the main quest with that territory as their base of operations. If you lose your base of operations you will lose all benefits and must either quit or fight to regain a new base of operations.

Small, medium, and large towns/cities, along with forts, all have a different number of points and benefits that will be added to your score.

Along with the points you are able to receive a tax from them in gold, resources, and bodies to help build your armies to fight for or defend your territory as well as build up new and old towns and forts.

This mission can be completed by economic, conquest, or alliance.

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Current map of Foradverold faction control points.

[Detailed information will only be shown for areas that you have been to.]

A map of Foradverold appeared in front of Akira’s face full of colors and text. As he scanned through it, he was able to see just how devastating the Molten Onyx Plague had been to the North.

The northern coast even after having 8 months to recover, only had three large areas with different colors signifying three different factions, the rest was all gray. There were many dots of varying sizes pinpointing villages and towns that had the words [Abandoned] or [Wiped out] next to their names.

There were a few small dots of different color here and there if he looked closely but they did not stand out that much. The three main factions of the Northern coast were Coldpelt, and Saberfang, with the tag [Werewolf] under their territory’s name. The last was Froit, which had the tag [Demon hunters guild and allies]. Each had around +100 points next to their territories name.

Looking down from the top of the map there were hundreds of small colorful dots in the mass sea of gray pointing out the many small towns and territories of the humans and demon races in the north. Each one having around +10 or +20 points next to their names. That was not much as the empty and abandoned places all had a plus +1 or +2.

Below them was Jerora which was the largest colored faction in the area followed by the Dwarves both trailing behind the northern territories by a few points.

Looking at Kodria on the map he was able to see that both the inner and outer city were separated into two cities each with separate territorial points, [Inner +84], [Outer +69]. The three forts controlled by Kodria also added +10 points each as well as their defense bonuses to the overall territorial score.

Each of the demon races and their territories were colored on the map. Although it was not an exact position map it revealed a lot to those that could see it.

The two southern Smok mountains caught Akira’s attention as they were colored red and blue but the name for both of the two factions was [???]. Akira knew that that territory had to belong to Fleur and Borra’s fathers but was unsure why it was not labeled.

While Akira was fully focused on reading the new system messages and inspecting the map, the others were still dealing with the information brought up by Chop and Gnob.

“What do you plan on doing now that you are here and have delivered your message?” asked Nolan.

“If we can, I would like to relay the information that we gathered from our many fights to our warriors here so that when the demigods come knocking they will be more prepared,” said Chop.

“Giii,” said Gnob, agreeing.

“I am sure we can arrange a time for the both of you to give lectures to all of the soldiers as well as the trainees about the demigods,” said Varbu.

Only allowed on

Prince Gobbers was nodding his head in agreement.

“Anything that can help us fight the demigods will be appreciated, right Akira?” asked Varbu, turning to Akira.

Akira did not respond as he was in his own world drawing on a piece of large paper that he had pulled out of his bag. Everyone at the meeting noticed that he was drawing something and turned their attention to look at what it was.

Akira, in his spare time, had been working hard on his drawing skills and it showed. Now everyone could at least understand that the scribbles and squiggly lines put together were supposed to make up a map.

A few more silent minutes passed before Akira stopped drawing and started to scribble out a few names on the map.

When he put down his feather pen he looked up and said, “With the plague now completely taken care of, the demigods in the north just like those on the continent of Halrverold, will not sit still.”

Several of the delegates all nodded their heads including Chop and Gnob.

“This, and this,” said Akira pointing to two points on the map. “Will most likely be their main targets if they get their courage and strength up to attack.”

“That’s you and you,” said Akira, pointing to the Coldpelt and the Saberfang delegates.

“Us? We haven’t done anything to provoke them,” said Grand elder Dùghall.

“I don’t like the demigods any more than you guys, but in the dealings, our tribe has had with them, they did not seem to harbor any murderous intentions towards us,” said Erock Onama, Saberfang’s chief.

“As many of you know, the demigods that are now in control of Froit are known as the [Demon Hunters guild]. As you can tell by their name, they have one purpose… the hunting of demon races.”

Many grunts and nods of agreement came from the delegates.

“From the last reports we had about the city of Froit, several dozen such demigod guilds are residing within the city but they don’t get along all that well. They have been cooped up in the city due to the Plague and I believe they are now ready to break out and start causing problems and staking claims to the surrounding land and towns.”

“How do you know that this will happen?” asked the skeptical Erock.

“Did you not listen to what we said about the demigod’s movements in Halrverold?” asked Chop.

“What do you suggest we do then?” asked Dùghall.

“You have three options: 1 – stay and fight. You will need to immediately start working on your defenses and stockpiling resources for a siege. 2 – move south and plant your roots somewhere safer. Or 3 – move to Kodria, further strengthening our defenses and ability to fight against the demigods if they come knocking.”

Everyone was quiet as they mulled over the options trying to decide what was best for them.

“Jerora is not out of the woods either and you should also take some precautions and use the summer months to expand and further strengthen your defenses. If needed we can sell you some of the stone bricks we carve out to help solidify your walls,” said Akira.

“Why not just go and attack them at Froit?” asked Erock.

“We have no information on the number of enemies at Froit or their power. If you have information on the enemy there and it is possible then I would agree that taking the fight to them would be best.”

“Well… last I heard there were a few hundred demigods holed up in Froit… but that was before the plague hit and now another 8 months have passed. So… I am not sure if the information is accurate anymore.”

“I speak for the Coldfang clan and not the Coldpelts. The Coldfang clan will move to Kodria if that is Okay with you and the grand elders. I am sure that I can convince Brod and the other grand elders of the Coldpelt’s to come with us,” said Dùghall.

“We welcome all clans that are a part of the earth tribe to come to Kodria,” said Grand elder Hegir.

“I represent Saberfang and I feel that it would be best if we moved south. But we do not, and will not, allow ourselves to be ruled over by another clan. We will be finding a new place to set up down here,” said Erock.

“Alright, with that settled I have another matter to talk about,” said Akira.

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

“With the fast-paced growth of Kodria and the soon-to-be addition of the Coldfang and possibly Coldpelt clans I will be announcing the [The dukedom of Kodria]. It is time that we look to the future and make plans for our security to expand, gather resources, fortify certain areas against invasions, and have more breathing room for Kodria. I hope that you all will continue to support us.

Akira turned to Kodria’s Grand Elders and said, “Grand Elders, I hope you agree with my plans of expansion.”

“It is only natural,” said grand elder Seoc.

“It seems only like yesterday you were just a pup,” said grand elder Arron.

“With Kodria becoming a dukedom that will make you a Duke… This means you will hold an even more important role in Kodria. Don’t mess it up with one of your poorly thought-out adventures,” said Grand elder Hegir.

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