Arc 8 Chapter 141: Twin Tail Snow Panthers Lair


Level up! You are now Level 71!
Command skill level up!

+1 Charisma!
+2 Toughness!

As Akira was chatting with a few of the wounded warriors, a sled pulled by a large reindeer stopped a short distance away from Akira and the warriors.

“Don’t forget to repair the snow wall,” Akira reminded the warriors who were now gathering materials from the dead monsters.

“Does anyone know where I can find the leader or leaders of this caravan? I must speak to them immediately,” said one of the two guards on the sled.

“I can take you to them, or I can give them the message for you,” said Akira as he walked over to the guard on the sled.

“I must speak to them personally.”

“Then follow me,” said Akira leading the guard towards the central area where the grand elders had gathered the civilians.

He found them talking with a small group of women and children that had puffy eyes from crying.

Akira and the city guard waited until the small group finished talking with the Grand elders.

“Grandfather, Grand Elders,” said Akira, bowing to them showing his respect. “This person said he needed to personally talk to you.”

“How can we help you?” asked Carl.

“I have come here straight from the governor. The governor has great respect for your strength and has a request that he hopes you will accept. For a few weeks now there have been numerous large scale monster attacks coming from the Chilam forest. We have been looking for the dungeon that they have been coming from but we were unsuccessful until today. The governor asks for your help in clearing the dungeon and any monsters you encounter on your way there. He knows this is a large request so as compensation the price of everything you want to buy will be cut in half.”

“Is there a reason you can not do it yourself?” asked Àaron.

“We are short on men right now due to several reasons. We can not head into an unknown dungeon and leave the trade city unprotected. The governor has put the city guards on high alert due to a report of demigods appearing near Froit city.”

“What type of dungeon is it? Do you know what type of monsters are hiding inside?” asked Wulfric.

“We were unable to go inside but we are sure that the [Twin Tail Snow Panther] came from inside,” said the guard.

Only allowed on

“If it was a dungeon outbreak then the dungeon should be empty right?” asked Akira.

“That is the odd thing, not all of the [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] left the dungeon. Reports came back from one of our scouts that they saw some of them return to the dungeon.”

“Give us a few moments to discuss this,” said Seoc as the four entered a tent behind them. They continued their quiet discussion for well over 5 minutes before exiting the tent again.

“We will accept the request, but… you must guide the warriors we send to the dungeon,” said Carl.

“I have no problem with that. When can your warriors leave?”

“Akira, we have decided to let you use this dungeon clearing as a chance to further prove that you have what it takes to lead the clan’s warriors. Take Klyn with you and find thirty volunteer warriors to clear the dungeon,” said Wulfric.


New mission received!

Defeat the [Twin Tail Snow Panthers Lair] dungeon!

The Grand Elders have accepted the governor’s request and have given you a task to gather a minimum of 30 warriors to clear the dungeon. 

This will be a test of your leadership skills.

This is an important mission that will affect your entire clan.

Difficulty: C

Rewards: Governor Scoit will view the Darkmoon clan as friends, all items market items will be half off for a limited time. Additional rewards depending on how successful the dungeon clearing is.

Nothing will be rewarded if you fail. The governor, as well as the city guards, will view the Darkmoon clan as a nuisance to the city and you will be asked to leave.

“I will not let you down,” said Akira as he bowed and immediately left the Grand elders with the guard following behind him.

The warriors were still licking their wounds. repairing the wall, and taking care of their weapons and armor when Akira returned.

“I need thirty volunteers to join me in clearing a dungeon!” shouted Akira in a loud booming voice.

Everyone around him stopped what they were doing and looked at him slowly letting the words sink in.

Seconds later hundreds of hands shot up. Among the hundreds of people that volunteered were those who were still recovering from their wounds from the last fight.

The warriors had all seen him commanding on the battlefield and saw his fighting prowess and were impressed with him.

Since he was the future leader of the Darkmoon clan there were many that wanted to have the privilege of hunting with him as well as show him their good traits so that they could get a better chance of getting a promotion in the future.

“Only those that are 100% healthy will be accepted. This is no time to be playing around, “said Akira.


Do you want to add 30 warriors to your party to use leadership skills and charisma stat?

Anyone in your party will gain experience at a faster pace.

‘Yes,’ as he started picking warriors from the healthy volunteers they were automatically added to his party.

After gathering the required number of warriors and packing a few supplies for hunting in the dungeon, they rejoined the two city guards who were waiting for them on their sled.


There were very few fights on their way to the dungeon since most of the monsters that had been in the woods had been scared away by the [Twin Tail Snow Panther] rampage earlier.

It was almost pointless to have the city guards lead them to the dungeon as there was a wide and long path of destruction through the trees and snow that led them in a wandering zigzag path.

An hour passed before the guard’s sled stopped near the entrance of an ice cave that led underground.

“This the dungeon?” asked Akira pointing to the cave.

“It’s where the scouts claim to have seen the [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] exit. More than a hundred of them exited the dungeon. So you should expect the dungeon to be quite large if it was able to hold that many,” said one of the escorting guards.

Akira stared inside the dimly lit cave and tried to sniff out the presence of any [Twin Tail Snow Panther] but the only thing reaching his nose was from several hours ago.

“Klyn can you give everyone buffs?” asked Akira.

“That’s what I’m here for!” said Klyn as he went around casting several buffs on each of the warriors who all quietly thanked him.

No matter which clan you were from everyone respected a shaman that was skilled enough to give out powerful buffs. Throughout the history of the Earth tribe, many unwinnable wars and battles were won due to the constant support from the many shaman that had fought alongside them.

Akira was covered in a black misty light as he transformed into his werewolf form. When the dark light was gone it revealed his large muscular body and thick dark fur.

Most of the warriors had seen his amazing transformation before but were still in awe at the Aura they felt when standing so close to him.

“Transform and follow me!” ordered Akira in a gruff voice.

“What about Us?” asked the escort guard.

“You guys can stay here at the entrance or go back to the city,” said Akira.

As soon as he entered the dungeon a message popped up into his view.


You are the first to enter the [Twin Tail Snow Panthers Lair].

+10 fame!

Would you like to have your name recorded as the one who discovered the [Twin Tail Snow Panthers Lair]?

‘What is this? No, I don’t want to do something like that.’

Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.


The Dungeon leaderboard icon has now been added!

Complete certain tasks to receive fame and a position on the leaderboard!

The messages had stopped Akira for a few seconds causing those behind him to also stop.

“Ahem…” Akira cleared his throat. “Just making sure that there are no traps.”

Akira looked around the large empty underground cave that looked like any other cave he had ever seen. The only difference was the large piles of plants and other rubbish that the [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] has used as beds.

Although they had only entered a few steps into the dungeon it had already become noticeably colder and harder to breathe. The air seemed to have a certain unusual heaviness to it.

“Shields out and be careful, my gut is telling me that this place is not a normal dungeon,” warned Akira.

They passed through several dark gray cavernous rooms. They were all empty and the deeper they went the colder it became. The only light in the rooms was from a few glowing ice crystals on the ceiling that looked sharp enough to pierce through armor and flesh.

“I thought this was supposed to be a dungeon? Where are the monsters?” asked a warrior next to Akira.

By now they had already passed through ten empty cavernous rooms each with numerous empty beds.

“Stay focused,” warned Akira as they entered a new room and began their search for enemies or anything that could be sold for money back at the trade city.

“Captain! I found a path leading farther down into the ground for a long distance,” shouted another warrior on the far side of the cavernous room.

“Let’s go!” said Akira, gathering the warriors that were still looking around the empty cave.

He took the lead and cautiously walked down the ramp with his shield held in front of him at the ready to block any nasty surprises.

As they descended the cold became even more pronounced. A light wind blew past them as it traveled up the ramp.

The light from the ice crystals back in the cavern rooms did not reach into the tunnel making it so they were forced to rely on their sense of smell and hearing to move forward.

Akira did not want to use a torch or lamp and attract the attention of whatever monsters may or may not be hiding below.

His footsteps stopped as they neared the bottom of the ramp. A pair of golden eyes had opened and were now staring at the werewolves who were silently standing still.

Two more pairs of golden eyes opened and silently stared at them.

“Meeeerrrrooooooowwwwwww!” a loud shrill noise came from the three sets of glowing eyes as they launched themselves at the werewolves.

“Shield bash!” Akira used the glowing eyes to slam his shield into the face of one of the [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] knocking it back into the second [Twin Tail Snow Panther] that had followed after it.

“Shield Up! Stick together!” ordered Akira.

The third [Twin Tail Snow Panther] was able to jump over the two [Twin Tail Snow Panther] who were struggling with each other on the ground trying to get untangled from the other.

Snap! The [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] large mouth bit nothing but air as Akira stepped to the side at the last moment.

He lunged forward and stabbed his sword into the side of the [Twin Tail Snow Panther].

“MEEEEWWWWW” the [Twin Tail Snow Panther] howled in pain. It tried to retaliate using its tails to weakly slam into his legs.

The warriors all jumped in using the sound of battle to direct their attacks while it was still pinned down by Akira’s sword. The [Twin Tail Snow Panther] went limp only moments later as the attacks overwhelmed it.

Those that were not attacking were now struggling with holding off the last two [Twin Tail Snow Panthers].

In a short few minutes, the remaining two [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] were also taken care of.

“Mrrrrrowwwwww!” several more golden eyes appeared at the bottom of the ramp. They had come due to the sound of battle and the smell of the frozen blood on the floor and walls of the cave.

“It looks like we found where they were hiding,” said Akira.

“More like they found us!” said Klyn.

They were forced to fight over twenty [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] on the ramp that was now getting cramped with all the dead bodies covering the ground.

“Was that the last of them?” asked one of the warriors.

“Is it me or were they harder to fight than the ones we fought outside?” asked another warrior.

“Quiet,” ordered Akira.

He stood still listening for any sounds coming from in front of them. Nothing.

Akira squinted at the dead bodies on the ground and saw a few sparkling coins and cores. He gathered everything he could see and put it in his bag.

“We need to keep moving, we’ll come back and gather the materials from these guys later. Their fur can create some warm clothing for several people of the clans. Or we can use it to barter for the items the clans need for our journey,” said Akira.

“We will follow you captain!” said the warriors with great vigor.

Moving through the second floor was slow as they were constantly attacked by [Twin Tail Snow Panther] who hid in the darkness.


Leadership skill has leveled up!

+2 Charisma!

Special leadership passive skill has been unlocked!

Due to fighting multiple battles in the dark, you have gained the Night-Battle passive skill!

Night-Battle: Those who fight in the dark or at night under your command will receive a small boost to their morale and their night senses, allowing them to fight without fear of the dark.

Thanks to Akira’s growing skills in commanding along with his stout defense on the front-line the warriors were able to keep calm even when they were ambushed by a group of [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] where one pushed its way through the shield bearers.

The [Twin Tail Snow Panthers] were quickly surrounded and taken care of by Akira and the others.

It was a surprise that there were little to no injuries after they cleared the second floor.

They stumbled their way around trying to find the next room or the way to the next floor if there was one.

“Fighting in the near dark is something new that I never knew would be this interesting,” commented one of the warriors.

“You got that….ooof!” the sound of the warrior falling could be heard as he rolled several feet away and with a crash hit one of the walls.

“What is it?”

“Owww… lost my footing…I think I found the path to the next floor,” said the warrior as he stood up.

“Everyone watch your step carefully, it would be a shame if you sprained a muscle due to a careless step,” said Akira as he took the lead again down the ramp to the third floor.

“Whoa!” Akira flung his hands out wildly trying to regain his balance before he fell onto his butt and started to slide down the ramp quickly picking up speed before he could stand back up.


“Hurry we have to follow him and make sure nothing happens to him!”

“Watch where you’re stepping, that’s my foot!”

“Stop pushing me….whoa!”

“Don’t pull me with you!”

The other 29 warriors along with Klyn slipped and slid down the ice-covered stone ramp all the way down to the third floor.

They found Akira standing in a small well lit room staring at swirling blue-white misty light that was in the form of an oval door floating in front of the far wall.

“What type of magic is this?” asked Klyn as he stood up from the pile of tangled werewolves.

Akira reached out with the tip of his sword and touched the door.

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