Arc 9 Chapter 167: Crulak

While Akira was out hunting nearby monsters with the army the grand elders were making sure that the village was functioning well and continued with plans Akira had given them to build several new buildings for the village.

There were several new village school buildings being built in different parts of the village. At these schools, the kids would be able to learn to read, write, do math, and study the history of the clans and demigods.

There were now two village tiered hospitals with doctors and pharmacies to help those in need. Klyn, as the head shaman, had to keep an eye on the hospitals and make sure that everything was in order. The majority of healing herbs were divided between the two buildings while an emergency supply was saved in the warehouse.

There was now a flatbed ferry that was paid for by Akira that would take people from the village to the mines, or the watchtowers.


You have reached level 80!

Fluffball is now level 30!

Fluffball’s skills [Gnaw, Headbutt, and Scratch] have been upgraded to [Bite, Tackle, and Claw attack]!

Akira hurriedly put the bonus stats into the normal three and then brought up both his and Fluffball’s stat window.

Fluffball: Level: 30

Race: Mutated Snow wolf pup

Title: Yap!

Personality: Inquisitive

Hunger: 75%

Skills: Bite, Tackle, Claw attack

Due to mutation more XP is needed for each level.

“Yap,” said Fluffball who was still full of energy after tearing a [Drill nosed mole’s] neck apart.

They were quite the tricky monsters that drilled into the snow as well as the icy ground only to pop out of the ground right under your feet attacking with their sharp nose.

Akira watched Fluffball as he jumped around in the snow playfully with blood all over his furry little face. He could not tell if there was any difference in his size as he still looked like the cute little puppy he had met back in the woods up north. Akira for the 100th time hoped there was nothing wrong with him.

Fluffball sensed Akira watching him and ran over to Akira jumping up into his arms that were ready to catch him.

“Even while you’re such a small guy, you sure are gaining a lot of weight, we might need to put you on a diet,” said Akira as he held the heavy pup and wiped the blood off of Fluffball’s face which had turned away from him at the mention of a diet.

“That little guy is quite the oddball. Even Burkin and the other Dwarves who have fought with snow wolves for hundreds of years have not seen a small guy like him. By now he should already be a fully grown adult,” said Klyn who was standing next to Akira as part of his guard protection.

“Maybe he’s a late bloomer and will have a large growth spurt later.”

“In my studies, I have never heard anything about monsters having late growth spurts…but it could be a possibility.”

“Speaking of studies, how is your training with your grandfather?” asked Akira.

“Ugh…If training with you, fighting monsters, overseeing the hospitals, and managing all the other shamans wasn’t enough, I still have to endure my grandfather’s harsh training. He has only gotten harsher now that he is a grand elder and I have taken over as head shaman. I have the core healing chant down and I am now working on the intermediate level which is far stronger,” said Klyn.

“So how strong is the core skill?”

“Enough that if we were in the same situation as when your grandfather passed I would be able to stabilize him until we returned to the main camp where my grandfather could save him,” said Klyn.

At the mention of his grandfather, Akira’s mood fell a little as he remembered the fight with the demigods.

“Ah… Don’t worry about anything bad happening. I am far stronger now so I won’t let anything happen to you or your other companions,” said Klyn as he slapped Akira on the back to try and reassure him of his new abilities.


All training militia have reached level 60. The small army of Kodria has been officially formed!

With the army training completed the security status has been updated to 65%!

To keep the security level high you must continuously clear the monsters out of the surrounding woods.

Commanding skill has leveled up.

Akira looked at the warriors who were still in formation watching their surroundings for any enemy while waiting for Akira’s next orders.

“Soldiers! Let’s head back to the village and…”

“Awooooo~,” a howl was let out by a scout from the 6th skirmish squad who was keeping an eye out for monsters and enemies on their right.

“A large force of unknown people have been spotted…” said Akira to himself. Fluffball jumped out of his arms and hoped around since he was able to understand the howls and knew something big was going on.

The bodyguards around Akira all transformed and gathered around Akira.

“Could it be the Kamen tribe?” asked Klyn.

Akira shrugged before he started transforming a dark black mist covering his body for a few seconds before emerging with his tall dark fur and powerful stature sharp teeth and claws. A heavy aura emanated from him giving off a feel of killing intent that had been honed over many battles.

“Awoooooo~,” Akira sent out a command for the city guards and militia to be ready for action.

“Forward march, double time!” Growled Akira as he led the soldiers through the woods towards the skirmishers who were waiting for the rest of the army to join with them.

As Akira lead the army out of the woods in line formation he could see in the distance a large gathering of shabby-looking people marching towards them.

While watching the approaching group several flags with a large plain rock on it were raised by the approaching group to let Akira know who they were.

“So it is the Kamen,” said Klyn with a sigh. He was glad that it was not a group of demigods.

“Don’t let your guard down. We still don’t know if they are friendly or not,” said Dolph who was standing next to Akira on his right while Vilkas was standing on his left.

As the large group of Kamen warriors came closer Akira was able to see their weapons and armor, well mostly the lack of it.

The group of Kamen who numbered over 500 stopped a hundred feet away from the two hundred werewolves who were on full alert ready to take action if they made a wrong move.

The two sides stared back at each other for over a minute as they inspected one another.

They were like night and day in their differences. The Kamen were poorly equipped with mostly clubs, rusty weapons, and thick fur armor that was stinky enough to be smelt even from 100 yards away. There was no sense of order as they just stood around fidgeting with their weapons while they looked at the werewolves.

They looked rather barbaric and very ragged compared to the shiny new armor and weapons that the werewolves wore as well as their silent shield wall lined out in front of them.

A flag bearing the stone started moving through the crowd of Kamen warriors who moved aside letting the flag bearer and several people behind him move forward.

The flag bearer stopped halfway between the two groups and planted the flag into the snowy ground.

“Crulak, leader of the Kamen tribe, has come to seek an audience with the leader or leaders of the Kodria village!” shouted the flag bearer.

Seeing the flag Akira was reminded that he still needed to find his own flag bearer as he did not have anyone that was responsible for such a task yet. He would have to figure that out later, maybe picking a person from his bodyguards to do it.

A bald man fully equipped in metal armor stepped forward standing next to the flag with two armored warriors following him.

He was around the age of Dolph and Vilkas and had a far bigger crown of horns on his head than all other warriors around him. [Crulak leader of Kamen tribe, Lvl 70]

Akira walked out from behind the shield wall with Dolph and Vilkas to his right and left while Klyn followed behind him. They were all still transformed in case a fight broke out.

When they stopped right in front of the Kamen flag Dolph spoke, “Akira, commander of the Kodria army, head chief of the Darkmoon clan, and leader of the Kodria village!”

Akira took another step forward so that he was close enough to reach out to Crulak and let him know who to speak to.

Crulak and Akira looked at each other for a few seconds. Frafrak who had gone to bring back Crulak quietly whispered some words to Crulak who had an awkward smile on his face as he rubbed his bald head.

“I am honored that such a person as yourself would come out to meet me,” said Crulak as he still looked at Akira’s tall muscular body.

“Ah yeah… It is an honor to meet you as well,” said Akira, not wanting to say that it was just a coincidence that he was already out here. “We have much to talk about. If you would please order your men to follow the guide to the lake we will follow behind and make sure no monsters attack.”

“The sooner we settle this the better it is for both our clans,” said Crulak skillfully ignoring the fact that Akira did not trust them and enough to follow behind the werewolf army.

When they reached the lake Akira rejoined Crulak with his guards.

“For the village’s safety, I can not allow your army to enter the village. You may bring your guards with you while we go speak with the Grand elders to solve this mess,” said Akira.

“Hold on! We can’t let our leader go into hostile territory with little protection,” said Frafrak.

“We are not barbarians and have our own honor to uphold. Crulak will be safe while meeting with the Grand elders. My warriors will keep you company while we discuss important matters,” said Akira.


“Frafrak, enough. We are not here to start more trouble with Kodria. I accept your conditions as long as you keep to your honor and see to it that I and my men come to no harm,” said Crulak putting his hand out for Akira to shake.

“You have my word as the leader of Kodria and commander of the army. You and your men will come to no harm as long as you or your men do not try anything,” said Akira as he grabbed Crulak’s hand with his strong furry paw.

“Yap,” Fluffball let out his own vow to not bite or pee on Crulak unless he became hostile to Akira. Akira rubbed Fluffball’s head and then looked back to Crulak.

“Right this way. The ferry is already waiting to transport us to the village,” said Akira.


“…again I am sorry that we had such a mishap like this happen. I do not blame you for defending your territory. We were fooled and used by these fellows you call demigods. I now see that they used us as a punching bag, to the point we have lost hundreds of our warriors.”

“The demigods are sly like that. You need to make preparations for the future so that when they come again with even more strength you will be ready for them,” said Àaron.

“Although we four grand elders understand the circumstances. The fact still remains that it was your warriors that attacked and killed several of our own villagers. Your warriors, their weapons and armor, will be held until the ransom is paid,” said Grand elder Carl.

“I understand all of that although it is a little late to worry about the spilled moomer milk. I feel mad at myself for allowing something like this to happen and even angrier at the demigods for playing us like fools. I thank you for not killing my warriors after they surrendered. You can rest assured that I will pay the ransom for those alive along with their weapons and armor.”

“Do you have enough gold to pay for it?” asked Akira who had seen the shabby state the Kamen warriors were in.

“We have a small amount of gold from a recent trade with a small dwarf trader some weeks ago, but we mainly deal in bartering with other wandering clans. If the gold we have is not enough we can pay with special minerals or gems that we have gathered,” said Crulak as he waved for one of his guards to bring forward a sack of gold.

The heavy-looking sack clinked and clanked as it was placed onto the table in front of Crulak.

Crulak pushed the sack of gold towards Akira who sat several feet away from Crulak’s right side. He did not have any emotion on his face as he handed over the large sum of gold.

Akira looked inside and estimated the amount by the weight and what he could see. 10 gold for each warrior and their equipment.

“It looks to be the right amount,” said Akira as he handed the sack to Samuel who was standing behind him.

“With the matter of ransom finished what is everyone’s opinion on the three requests from Crulak,” asked Hegir.

The grand elders all looked at Akira first, wanting him to give his opinion first.


You must make a verdict on Crulak’s requests.
This will have a large effect on the relationship between Kodria and the Kamen tribe.

“I think it is too early for us to be close allies as we have only just met each other and not on the best of terms…”

Crulak’s blank expression fell, showing sadness for a second before he caught himself and returned to a neutral expression. The Grand elders remained silent as they waited for Akira to continue.

“…however, that does not mean we can not agree to sign a non-aggression pact between Kodria and the Kamen tribe. I believe the pact will ensure that something like this will not happen again at least between the two of us.”

“I agree.” “Agree.” “I as well.” “Same.” Each of the Grand elders agreed and accepted Akira’s decision on the matter.

“And the matter of them creating a village nearby?” asked Carl.

“I can not accept something like that if it is within several days’ distance from our own village,” said Akira.

“Right, it would be too much of a security risk for us to have a possible enemy so close that could lead an army to our village within a few days away,” said Àaron.

“There is no need to worry about that. There is no suitable land nearby. The place I have already decided on is 5 days away if the weather is nice. It is one of the camping grounds that my tribe normally stays at for a few weeks before moving on.

We are forced to constantly move from one place to another to gather what we need to survive as we can not supply everything at one campsite.

But if you agree with accepting a trade agreement with my tribe we will pay you with valuable minerals, gems, and other items we gather for the food and other resources we need.

With your village acting as the new trade hub It will allow us to finally build a permanent home. I believe this will benefit both of us,” said Crulak.

“Grand elders your opinion on this?” asked Akira.

“As long as the Kamen tribe does not build their village near Kodria I have no issue with accepting a trade agreement with them,” said Seoc who had been quiet for most of the meeting.


Non-aggression pact and trade agreement has been formed between the Kodria village and the Kamen tribe.


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