Arc Chapter 181: Yuki’s special ceremony

“It’s quite amazing that the city has mostly been built out of ice,” said Akira as he looked around at the several shops and houses that he and his companions were passing as they walked the streets of the capital of IsKald.

“It’s damn cold in this city! There is too much ice here,” said Mileena who was bundled up in full winter gear.

“I’m glad you like our city. There are several different types of ice that we can use when building. We have people who specialize in building with each type of ice and so they are put in charge of taking care of everything,” said Nollan.

The queen had ordered him to be the group’s guide partly as a punishment as well as to keep him busy while the rest of the city finished the preparations for the princesses ceremony that had been stalled while they waited for her to return.

“Isn’t this city very fragile? What if there is an unexpected warm month here or a massive fire happens?” asked Maya.

“You saw the greenhouse getting built back at Kodria right? Our buildings are made out of Ice that can withstand and will not be easily affected by fire. There is no need for us to worry,” said Nollan.

“Sire! The Queen has requested that you and our guest return to the throne room to talk about the alliance,” said a messenger guard who wore a blue leather armor as he ran up to the group and pointed to Akira.


Akira stood at the spot in front of the raised ice dais where Yuki had stood earlier in the day. The only two people allowed to join Akira were Dolph and Vilkas.

Zundar, Chack, and the girls were ordered to stay in the lobby while the meeting took place.

Looking around Akira saw that only one side of the room was filled with people who didn’t look to be fighters. The only fight they may have ever been in was probably only with ink and paper.

On the dais were three thrones, two larger ones in the center, and a smaller one that sat to the side and a little behind the Queen’s own throne.

This was the seat that Yuki was sitting in. She seemed to not notice Akira standing only a few yards away as she was staring off into the distance in a daze.

“Minister Putzz have you finished studying the alliance documents?” asked King Fross.

“We have sire!”

“What is your opinion?”

“There are no demerits that we could find but…”

“What is it?” asked Queen Yukiko coldly.

“The alliance looks good on paper but… we believe that it would lead us to more danger with the hostile Demigods that have an interest in the werewolves,” said Minister Putzz.

Only allowed on

Several other ministers spoke up agreeing with Minister Putzz.

“Noted, Mr. Akira I have no reason to refuse the alliance but they do have a point about the demigods,” said King Fross.

“I disagree,” said Akira.

“Hmph! Of course you would!” said minister Putzz.

“Quiet Putzz. Mr. Wolf, would you care to explain why?” asked Queen Yukiko.

“You may only know or view the demigods as old legends in a book that some historians wrote about long ago. But I have learned about them and dealt with them since I was a young kid. I have seen what they are really like. They do not care who they fight, humans, demons, or even other demigods.

During the third great war, I was too young to fight on the front lines but I saw and experienced many things during that war. Many people I knew were killed by demigods. They don’t care for their lives, once they find something they want, they don’t stop until they have it or until they have crushed it so no one else can,” said Akira remembering the death of Rodger.

“This is exactly why we need to keep to ourselves!” said Minister Putzz.

“That won’t protect you against them! The only way is to join together and fight them!”

“You just want us to save you,” said a female minster sitting next to Putzz.

“Do you not know how many countries they have crushed? There were over 20 human and demon countries, only a few of them had ever talked to a demigod the rest who ignored them were wiped out.

After 3 great wars, there are now only 4 large countries left. Several of the demon races and the kingdoms they ruled were exterminated. The situation we find ourselves in now is far different than the past.

The demigods have always disappeared after causing mayhem but now they seem to be here for good. There is no telling how strong they will get. If we do not stick together we will be picked off one by one,” said Akira who was getting angry.

The air around him was getting quite tense which put both Vilkas and Dolph on guard.

“You’re just a bunch of weak cowards that ran away and brought your troubles here,” said the haughty female minister.

Both Vilkas and Dolph transformed and stepped up next to Akira.

“Is this how you treat your guest? Insulting our lord’s honor as well as all those of the Earth tribe who have fought and died?” asked Dolph in a flat voice.

“Lord please do not take this to heart. They are ignorant because they have not fought in the wars against the demigods. If they do not want an alliance we should leave,” said Vilkas quietly.

“…” Akira stayed silent for a few seconds before he raised his hand to stop the two from saying anything else. It was pointless to argue with the female minister and those that supported her.

“Are you really that against the alliance with Kodria? Do all of you agree with Putzz?” asked King Fross.

“Yes, I am, and no not everyone agrees with me,” said Putzz as she glared at the people who sat on the far side of the benches away from her and her supporters.

“So what…” said Yuki.

“Do you have something to say?” asked Queen Yukiko curiously.

“So what if the demigods are here. Mother, I don’t know why you are listening to these spineless people.”

“Yuki, you shouldn’t say things like that out loud,” said Queen Yukiko.

“I have listened to many of the first-hand stories from many of those who fought in the last two wars. Every kingdom and every race was drawn into the wars no matter if they wanted to or not. When I went to Kodria for the alliance talk I found out that one of those people who used to tell me stories of the past had been killed by the demigods. They have already started stirring up trouble with other demon races causing them to fight with each other. If we don’t start preparing now then we will be in the same place that they were in during the first great war.”

“Your majesty, I think we must agree to the alliance, but we need to know more about who our enemies are,” said minister Glarce who sat on the opposite side of the bench far away from Putzz.

“I really have no intention of declining the alliance proposal. But I agree with the ministers in the sense that we only know of the dangers they pose and need more information on the demigods so that we can deal with them properly.”

“If it is information on the demigods, then I have a copy of all the information we have on them. If that is all you need you can have it,” said Akira, taking out a small stack of notes that Klyn had copied for him.

A messenger came forward and took the notes while constantly glancing back and forth between the two transformed werewolves on either side of Akira who were glaring at him.

“For now, we will agree to the alliance but we will have to go over these to see what type of support we can give you. Minister Glarce, please study these notes thoroughly. Everyone is dismissed,” said King Fross.

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A temporary trade and shaky defense alliance has been created with the Yuki-onna race!

“Now that this is settled can we just hurry up and get the wedding ceremony and the rituals finished already?” asked Yuki when the ministers and nobles had left the room.

“Oh? Are you secretly really eager to get married?” asked King Fross.

“My cute daughter is finally all grown up and going to get married… haaa… time sure flies by…” said Queen Yukiko.

“You guys are just as bad as grandfather,” said Yuki. “Can Akira and the others join the wedding and the rituals?”

“Don’t compare me with my father, and you know outsiders are not allowed to watch or take part in the rituals. They can stay in the capital for a while if you want to talk to them after.”


Ding-a ling~, Dum, Dum, several crystal clear ice bells as well as drums rang out everywhere in celebration of the day’s special wedding ceremony and rituals.

They had started several hours before and had continued the whole time as Akira and the others waited outside the large ballroom.

“Ah, what nice music!… I lie this noise is getting annoying!” said Chack as he held his gloved hands to his ears that were already covered by multiple hats.

“This is so exciting! I’m so happy that Yuki is getting married!” said Mileena as she kept looking at Akira who was ignoring her constant quick glances at him.

“Ah yeah….” said Akira, unsure what to say.

Boom! With the loud drum beats and the chimes stopped when the doors to the large ballroom opened.

Yuki exited the ballroom with a man who had a similar age and hair color as her. He was quite handsome looking. Both of them were dressed in very fancy looking dress robes that looked very expensive.

“Yuki! I’m so jealous! Who’s the lucky guy? Is everything finished now?” asked Mileena as she ran over to Yuki and hugged her and looked back at Akira.

“Hi, you must be Mileena. I’ve heard a lot about you guys from Yuki. My name is Glace Glazier. I’m kinda her only childhood friend so yeah…” said Glace.

“Your last name is Glazier? Any relation to minister Glarce?” asked Akira.

“He is my father.”

“Hmm, makes sense,” said Akira nodding his head.

“I have a present for you Yuki, to celebrate your marriage,” said Akira with a smile.

“Why does everyone have to make a big deal about this and keep calling it a celebration!” complained Yuki.

Akira took out the ice staff that had been dropped by the dead demigod ice mage. He had replaced the weaker gem that was in it with a stronger Cute ice slime stone.

“Cool bag,” said Glace as he watched Akira pull out the large staff.

“What’s this?” asked Yuki as she took the blue staff.

“It is a type of weapon that the demigods use. You should have seen similar ones when we fought the demigods on our trip here. I replaced the old gem with a better one so it should be far stronger than before.

If you use this I’m sure that it will help with fine-tuning your control over your ice ability and give you a boost as well. I’m not sure how well it will work for you since it came from a demigod,” said Akira.

“Hmmm… is it really that great? I’ll have to test it out on some targets later,” said Yuki as she curiously inspected the staff.

“I’m sure that if it works, you will be able to kick anyone’s butt!” said Mileena.

“So what happens now that you two are married?” asked Maya.

“We’ll… I’m not all that sure, but my mother said now that we are married, we have to start helping her and my father with taking care of everything. Glace is going to help and learn from my father while I have to help my mother.”

“We are now officially the next in line after Yuki’s parents. So they are trying to finish teaching us how to be proper monarchs for when they retire in the future,” said Glace.

“Ah~, I want to get married like you Yuki,” said Mileena as she looked directly at Akira.

“Yes, Yes. Hurry up and get married so that I can train your children on how to crush their enemies!” said Zundar as he nodded his head in agreement.

“What!? You guys already have a kid?” asked Glace shocked.

“No! Don’t pay attention to them! They’re crazy!” said Akira.

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