Arc 12 Chapter 291: So fast?

“Roar!” the dying screams of the Dungeon guardian [Corrupted Child of the World Tree] echoed in the cramped lair of the Guardian which was filled with hundreds of trees that were trying to block the path of everyone inside.

The trees had been constantly moving so that they could cut off people from the main group.

With the Dungeon guardian’s death, the moving trees came to a complete stop looking like normal trees.

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You have cleared the [Corrupted Child Maze] dungeon!

+10 Honor, +10 fame!

Level up!

Akira picked up the dropped key and green core from the dead boss, his back seemingly unprotected with big sis Teresa and her underlings behind him.

His royal guards were all glancing sideways to see if the demigods’ greed would get the better of them.

But sister Teresa didn’t pay the key and the newly spawned green chest any attention, and just continued to talk with Rondie and her other guards.

Akira didn’t waste any more time on this test and quickly opened the chest to see what goodies were inside.

“…” he stood still in confusion as he looked at the empty chest.

‘Wait aren’t we the first to enter this dungeon? Why is there nothing inside?’

Puzzled at seeing nothing he put his hand inside to feel around to see if the items were invisible or hiding in a secret compartment.

As his hand was searching his eyes zeroed in on the only thing that looked out of place and was sitting at the bottom center of the chest.

It was a small green pebble no bigger than the tip of a pinkie finger. He had not seen it at first due to it blending in with the wood of the green chest.

‘This is the reward?’ thought Akira as he reached for the green pebble.

When his hand grabbed the pebble it went numb from a buzzing energy stored inside.

A green flash exploded out blinding Akira and those around him. When Akira regained his sight, he once again looked at the green pebble, which was now pulsing with a green light in a rhythmic beat almost like a heartbeat.

“Akira are you okay?” asked Klyn, rushing over to him ready to heal or cleans him of any bad effects with one of his holy chants.

Dolph and Vilkas grabbed Akira’s arms to steady him and make sure he did not fall.

“I’m fine,” said Akira in a slight daze as he looked at the new information window that appeared above the green pebble.


You have received a legendary pure seed of the [Child of the World Tree]!

[Child of the world tree]: When this seed is planted, the surrounding area in a 5-mile radius around the [Child of world tree] will receive a permanent buff to the growth of all plants while also making the land more fertile and less susceptible to crop failure as long as the [Child of world tree] stays alive.

When sprouted and grown into a young sapling the range of the buff extends to 10 miles. Side effects may appear at this time and cause an uptick of more wild animals and possible monsters due to the aura of the [Child of world tree].

When the [Child of world tree] has matured into an adult tree its effect range is extended to 100 miles.

“Wait… that looks familiar…!” In his shock, Klyn didn’t finish his sentence. He immediately looked toward the demigods behind him, fully alert.

Dolph, Vilkas, and the other guards did not know what the green pebble was but from both Akira and Klyn’s reactions, it was something important! Something others may kill for it.

They immediately surrounded Akira and formed a human wall between the demigods.

“What are you guys doing?” asked Rondie.

“Making sure you don’t attack us,” said Dolph, as he pulled Akira away from the chest and towards the other Orc and Werewolf warriors.

The demigods’ eyes all zeroed in on the green pebble in Akira’s hand.

“Is that the only thing inside?” asked Rondie.

“Yes, you can go check for yourself if you do not believe me,” said Akira.

“Everyone you can be at ease,” said sister Teresa. “We do not want to take your world-tree seed.”

“You’ve seen this before?” asked Akira.

“I have only heard rumors of another guild that received something similar on the main continent. They sold it to the desert country Cadia for a large sum of gold and a position in the country’s minor royalty. We have no interest in the seed.”

“We’ll leave first, we can continue our discussion outside,” said Akira as he walked up to the swirling white portal and touched it, instantly disappearing with his own people.

Teresa and the demigods appeared outside the dungeon entrance near Akira and other demon race soldiers. The two sides stared back at each other for a few minutes once again not saying anything.

“Sister Teresa, may I talk with you in private for a moment?” asked Akira, breaking the silence.

“You pervert! We won’t allow you to seduce our big sister!” shouted one of the low-level demigods.

“I’m already married with children!” shouted Akira trying to defend his honor.

“That makes it even worse!”

Teresa held up a hand to stop the chatter and nodded her head accepting Akira’s request.

Off to the side out of the range of everyone’s hearing, Akira spoke in a low voice trying to make sure that this was only heard by the two of them.

“You may not know this, but I accepted your offer of help as a sort of test of your character along with your fanatic underlings. It went about as well as I expected it to.”

“Why are you telling me this? Is there some greater meaning behind it? I am sorry for the ambush they planned. I have no control over the majority of them. The only ones that are loyal and listen to me are the ones still standing over there.”

“What about the majority of those that were killed the night before by the [BenDover] guild? Are there any others that are loyal to you?’”

Only allowed on

“No, they all have similar beliefs as those that attacked you today. Why?”

“This may sound bizarre or even distasteful for you but hear me out!”

“I’m listening.”

“I have a certain… ancestral ability that I have recently awakened. With it I can transform humans and… possibly even demigods into a [Minor Lycan] a sub-group under the Earth tribe,” said Akira, watching Sister Teresa’s face for any change in expression.

“Was that what all the crazy mist and intimidating aura around you was about back then?” asked sister Teresa.

Akira nodded.

“And this was why you tested us? You want me and the others around me to become [Minor Lycans]?”

“Yes, but this is just an offer. Nothing is set in stone as I can not make such a monumental decision on my own. If you accept this offer you and those you deem loyal to you and not a threat to the demon race will have to come back to Kodria to be questioned by the grand elders and chiefs of the tribes living in the dukedom of Kodria.”

Sister Teresa was only silent for a minute before she stood straight and nodded her head confidently, shoving her hand out for Akira to shake.

“I accept!”

“So fast? This is not a simple thing. There are many pros and cons to this as you will become part of the demon race,” said Akira.

“This will be more fun, and doing this will allow me to help more people!”


You have successfully recruited your first test subjects!

New title received!

Mad Scientist: Only the crazy would think of experimenting on a demigod!

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