As a result, Sheng Yeting just happened to rise to Xia Xingcheng’s gaze. Xia Xingcheng felt embarrassed, being caught peeking. She quickly turned her eyes away as if nothing had happened. However, her red cheeks still were seen by Sheng Yeting. Xia Xingcheng quickly got up, put her laptop aside and ran upstairs as fast as she could. When Sheng ...

I say kill them for how rude they are – they’ve basically just used magic on a random person for no reason. More than enough reason for a duke to murder them never mind a god.
Shouldn’t Eveny and Effie know about Ariel’s true appearance already? I thought they were all hanging out in their birthday suits during volume 5 when they had to burn their clothes to avoid the pursuit of the abyss demonic beings. I know that at least one of the princesses should have been there at the time. The other one joined later so she may not have seen Ariel, but both of them shouldn’t have been confused about her beauty.
Thanks for the chapter, I guess they are new random mass generated Savior like the one from the blood clan place ? I even wonder if the girls will get special attention or just be captured and handed to Aisha/Noesha
once in a while I want to see the Saviors as enemy because so far Bella’s enemy can be considered a darkness camp all