Let the games…begin

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[Anomaly detected. Immediate action is being taken to remove the anomaly.]

‘Huh, was that Siri…? Damn, my head hurts like a son of a bitch, wait, what the hell? I’m dead, aren’t I?….oh, yeah, I remember; I swore I’d take everything from the mother f***** that made my life hell.’

Looking around, I’m in what looks like a waiting room. The walls are painted in a light gray color with yellow trim. It’s ugly as hell, and it smells like mothballs. There are two sets of lounge chairs and one couch; the chairs are made from leather, I think, and the couch is made from velvet. While I’m sitting there taking this all in, I hear something close to the ring of an iPhone receiving a message.

Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.


“The God of $@&#¥+ has taken an interest in you. It will allow you to be in its presence, feel honored that the God of $@&#¥+ gave you this great opportu-“

“F*** you. You can kiss my lily-white ass if you think I’m gonna take sh¡t from you.”


Skill created

[Obstinate will] [Notice unique skill created, soul space now filled reincarnation progressing.]

‘What? Oh fuuuck yeah, I’m going to beat some stuck-up god ass when I get to this new world. Wait, if I’m going to a new world, does that mean this ‘God’ is from there? Hmm… Okay, if he is, then that means I just pissed a guy off that can easily kill me and make my life a s*** hole again. Alright, well, let’s see if this works…’

A green screen pops up in front of me, showing
me, well, my status.

Name: Alex Karys 
Race: Human
HP: 0
strength: 0
Agility: 0

Dexterity: 0
Intelligence: 0
[Obstinate will- (Unique): An unbreakable will; prevents all mental attacks, calms the mind down, preventing the mind from being overloaded by emotions or information. Impose your will forcing ‘others’ to bend to your own; must be in a mind-scape or under mental attack to enforce this effect.]

‘Okay, then that skill is complete and utterly OP. If I can use this to influence the will of ‘others’ not stating a specific target, maybe I can affect the system? If this works, I’m a f***¡ng genius.’

I picture as hard as I can the ‘systems’ “will” bending to my own.

“System, give skill [Appraisal].”

… [<—- nothing is happening 😉 ]

“DAMN IT, that sucks ball-“


I feel my body vibrate like I’m sitting atop an industrial size washer on ‘spin’ cycle.


The voice of Siri starts to scream so loudly it’s like she has a megaphone an inch from my ear.

«Measures being taken to stop the intrusion.»

Only allowed on Creativenovels.com


«Unique skill in use can not prevent intrusion.»


A satisfying sound plays in my ears.

Skill assimilated




[The God of $@&#¥+ is intervening]


[The God of $@&#¥+ curses you and states it will erase you.]

“HAHAHA, if you could do that, you would have already!”

I say loudly with a maniacal demeanor.

“I will come and kill you all! I’ll grow so fast you won’t be able to stop me!”

Skill assimilated

[Increasing Returns]

“I’ll hide so deep, so far from your reach you will never be able to find me, not until it’s to late!”

Skill assimilated

[Veiled presence]

“My power will never be stopped, and I will continue to grow until I die, HAHAHAHA!!! AND THEN EVEN MORE!”

Skill assimilated

[Imposition Break]

“I’ll rip everything away from you as it was taken from me, then my revenge will be set on the God that made my life the way it was. I WILL TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU!!”

Skill assimilated

[Liberating repossession]


Skill created

[System Subsidiary]


[Soul space already occupied by a unique skill, forceful increase initiated. 13.7% chance success rate, failure to succeed will result in permanent soul damage causing the user to be crippled or die without the possibility of reincarnation.]

I read the notification, confused as to what the system meant, and started to panic a little. Thinking as fast as I can to improve my chances, I make use of my unique skill.

“Oh s***, System, give skill [DIVINE LUCK]!”

«Skill failed to be created. The system cannot create Divine skills, only name them. »

Skill assimilated


“Wait, what are all these other skills!? S***, I wasn’t paying attention, DAMN IT!”

[The God of $@&#¥+ places a seal on [System Subsidary]. The God of $@&#¥+ tries to seal[Liberating repossession].


[Unlawful Divine intervention detected. {Liberating repossession} remains unaffected for balance. You must unlock the seal on {System Subsidiary} to use all the functions of said skill.]


«Soul expansion will commence now.»


As soon as Siri said that, my body was racked with pain. It felt like I was being dipped into a pit of lava while drinking acid and rubbing salt into my flesh. I have never felt something so excruciating before.

Soon enough, I pass out from the pain drifting off to la-la land; however, before I pass out, I see a green screen pop up in front of me.

«Forcefully removing the anomaly. Anomaly removed, system repair commenc…

— New chapter is coming soon —
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