chapter 20


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It was almost 10 years now since hyung came to America with mom. I underwent a surgery and that helped me upto now. But I still had to take a lot of care of myself. I had made myself a name. I became a very famous popstar, a singer, and producer. I produced many of my music videos and a few co-produced with producers from my company. I was lucky enough as I very much loved by my American Label Music Company.

My brother accompanied me throughout my journey upto today along with my best friend Yugyeom. And today was the second day of  my concert. Yes, a solo concert with more than 50k people. My fans loved me. Previously even BTS, a well-known famous K-pop group held their 4 day concert here. Me being an Army secretly, performing at a venue same as the idols I admired was really a dream come true for me.

One of the reasons why I loved and admired them was my hyung could have been a maknae of that group. Yes, his two friends, Taehyung and Jimin that he spoke about almost daily were a part of BTS. Hyung would have been equally famous as me if I didn’t fall sick and he had to come here. I felt bad for him.

It was almost 4 hours since my concert had began and hyung wasn’t still here. I was wondering what was wrong. I couldn’t concentrate, but then Yugyeom told me hyung was on the way but was caught up with traffic. I felt relieved. But there was an unspoken sadness in Yugyeom’s eyes. But I didn’t bother, because I was already troubled.

After my next song, I came backstage and found Yugyeom in tears.  Dad was here too. from his eyes, he looked as if he had cried not long before.

“Dad, what’s wrong?” I asked him but he shook his head and then pulled me into a hug.

“Yugyeom, tell me what is wrong? Why are even you like this?” I asked while still hugging Dad.

“It’s hyung..” Yugyeom said and my whole world started collapsing.

I left my dad’s embrace and looked at him in his eyes in search of an answer. He cried again and he kneeled down.

“Dad, please..” I begged.

“Jungkook, it’s time to go back.” Said one of the staffs.

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I gave him a look which was enough for him to know that I wasn’t going back. He panicked, but I didn’t even give a f*ck. I looked back at dad.

“Jeongukk, he… met with an accident. A very bad one. His car was almost crushed. Doctors said he can’t.. ” Dad said and  cried.

“Let’s go.” I said and left out.

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