chapter 34


Today we were having our meeting again. Yesterday we cancelled because Jungkook wasn’t well. I hope he is fine and we finish it today. I wanted to focus on my new album which I was preparing for. There was lot to do. I was planning to release it this September on Jeongukk’s birthday as a tribute to him. It was already the last week of July now. That means I had only one more month left with me.

We were all gathered in the conference room. We were waiting for Jungkook to arrive. He wasn’t late, it was just that we were a bit early. We had some commotion outside so we looked down. Of course it was Jungkook. He was handsome, but very cold. His manager was quite cute though. But it seemed they were more than just an artist and manager. They shared a bond greater than that and it was evident the way he was protective over Jungkook.

Jungkook and his manager came in and everybody stood up to welcome him. He bowed to everyone.

“Good morning. Hope I’m not late.” He said with a blank face.

“Ah, no no. It’s just that we came in early today.” Jin hyung said to him.

“Then it’s fine. I thought I was late.” he said replying to Jin hyung with a smile.

Our CEO came in and we all stood up and bowed and he did too.  He signalled us to sit and we took our seats. Arrgghh!!! Why was he doing time pass now. Get this done quickly now. I was really bored by now. I just wanted to go home and sleep.

“Alright, firstly, Jungkook, welcome on board.” Our CEO said and Jungkook stood and thanked him and sat back.

“Also, thank you for signing with us. Give my regards to you manager. It was all thanks to him. He reviewed our contract and all terms and adjusted them so that you have no problem in signing with us. I was in contact with him. But he was unreachable and your company then gave me your father’s contact who gave me your new manager’s contact. But you contacted us first. So I was taken by surprise actually, when you called up and said that you have already signed the contract and mailed me. I couldn’t believe until I got your mail. Thanks again.” Our CEO said to Jungkook whose face changed expressions.

“Well, first, I am sure your kind regards have reached my brother. Yeah, since I started as a singer, I have had only manager. This is my manager, Yugyeom. Also we have been friends since school. So he knows me best.” Jungkook said pointing to his manager who looked at him with a smile.

“Then who was the one who spoke to me about the contract?” CEO asked him.

“That was my hyung.. Actually, people knew he was my hyung only at his funeral, when they saw my family taking care of everything. Everybody knew him as my manager until then, because my hyung didn’t like to be in limelight. He hated fame and stardom. But as I was born sick, he accompanied me as my manager, so he could be with me and also avoid publicity.” Jungkook said and Me, Jimin and Jin hyung shared looks.

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“Well, I don’t you guys to misunderstand me, or think I’m being rude here. But I had decided to renew my contract with my old company after I recovered. But, I found out that the contract was already kept ready in my brother’s study, when the doctor in charge of my brother, read me his last note. So I decided to do it. Although I have never been here, it still feels very familiar.” Jungkook replied.

This boy, why did he have to be so mysterious???

“Oh sorry for your loss. My condolences. Your brother was indeed a good man to cooperate with.” Our CEO said to Jungkook who just smiled in response.

Only allowed on

“Alright, once again welcome to South Korea, welcome to HYBE family. Should we do our introductions then?” Our CEO asked and he nodded.

“Hi everyone, I am probably gonna be the youngest, according to the company hierarchy. But I’m almost 28 and I guess most of you are around my age, So you can call me Jungkook or JK. Also please don’t call me hyung even if you are younger than me. I wish we have a happy co-operations for the coming years.” Jungkook said and everybody clapped for him.

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