chapter 36


Jungkook was live on Instagram, and within 5 minutes, the number of people watching his live was almost a million. Among them were the 6 members of BTS. Jungkook was too busy answering questions and this must have been the first time, that all of the BTS members went unnoticed joining Jungkook’s live.

“This boy is something. I mean, nobody realizes that we have joined the live. Its 10 minutes now. His fans are really loyal. Nice!!” Said Hobi hyung and all agreed.

“He had a big surgery. And still released new album??? hmm..” Suga hyung said.

“I know, I mean I remember, hyung, you had shoulder surgery, ahh we missed you so much!!” Jimin said and we all smiled remembering those days.

“My birthday? I think there’s still a whole month left. September 1st. Hmm.. To be exact its 37 days to go. I don’t have any plans yet. I am thinking of releasing a new song as a tribute to my hyung. I originally planned a whole album, but given my health, I am still restricted to overwork.”  Jungkook said in his live.

Dear Readers. Scrapers have recently been devasting our views. At this rate, the site (creativenovels .com) might...let's just hope it doesn't come to that. If you are reading on a scraper site. Please don't.

“Wait, so many con-incidences. Would you believe this guy?” Jin hyung said and others looked at him.

“I know, and now his birthday falls on the same day as Jeongukk. What else it can be? Is it possible he is Jeongukk and he is pretending not to know us? Or maybe he has lost his memory or something?” Taehyung asked.

“God knows. And he is restricted to overwork? What surgery he underwent?” Suga hyung asked.

Only allowed on

“we know you are an Army too. Yayy!!”

“What??? He is our fan?” Namjoon hyung asked.

“Well, let’s see what he replies…” Hobi hyung said.

“woah woah woah, you guys are so evil. How did you find out? Great!!! I am feeling great! I just finished a meeting and they were there too. They are amazing. Oh yes, I spoke to them yesterday. They are…..”  Jungkook paused.

“What? Is he thinking?” Jimin asked.

“He’s spaced out on a live?” Jin hyung said.

“they are kind. And I feel like I have always know them. Jin hyung has invited me for lunch at his place. I didn’t mean to hide it. I just never mentioned. Are you sad? I am sorry. I love you all though. I will come live often now, to see you guys, as I can’t do a concert up to next year.” He said further.

“Jin hyung, you will become famous now. He is telling a million people you invited him for a lunch. Great!!!! Your fans will surely ask when you go live. OR wait, just check weverse.” Taehyung told Jin hyung and winked.

Everybody was still in the company. Jin hyung said he was going to treat us to lunch today. So we were waiting for everyone, to go together. Just then we saw Jungkook and his manager leaving.

“Jungkook, are you leaving?” Jin hyung called out to him.

“Hyung..” He said and came running to where everybody was sitting.

“Ah, yes. I was leaving. I have an appointment with my doctor. I haven’t got my laptop. It’s back at home. So was kinda rushing.” Jungkook replied.

“You can mine, if you don’t mind.” Jin hyung told him.

Jungkook looked at Yugyeom who gave him a nod.

“Okay, fine. I can do that.” Jungkook replied with a smile.

“Wah, it’s rare I guess to see you smile.” Hobi hyung asked Jungkook.

“Well, they do say, I am so loved by my fans, so I should be very kind and blah blah.. But I am opposite. I don’t really get along with anyone I don’t know. I rather be called cold and arrogant. I don’t mind.” He replied and everybody was stunned to speak.

“Why us? How long have we known each other then?” A trap question from Namjoon hyung.

For almost a minute Jungkook didn’t answer. He looked out of the window. Then turned around.

“I will be honest. You guys don’t seem strangers at all. I constantly feel this like I know you.” He replied.

“Be more honest then, are you really Jungkook? Or you are Jeongukk? And you do know us, then why are you pretending?” Taehyung asked him looking straight in eyes.

Within seconds, Jungkook turned around, his face was red. Was he blushing? or was he angry? That specific name affected him, and he himself couldn’t deny it.

“Yugy, let’s go.” He said and started walking. Yugyeom followed him giving one last look to everyone and shaking his head in annoyance. 

“Huh, Don’t dare accept? Keep on pretending.” Taehyung was really pushing him.

“Face it already.” He said again which made Jungkook stop.

He turned around in a flash and walked towards Taehyung. He held Taehyung by his collar. Everybody stood up quickly. Jungkook’s eyes were red with anger.

“Jeongukk????” He asked tightening his hold on Taehyung’s collar.

“HE’S…… ” Jungkook paused. Tears ran down his eyes. 

“Kookie, stop. You will hurt yourself. Let him go. Kookie…” His manager tried to calm him.

“He’s gone too far, Yugyeom.” Jungkook said not leaving the hold on Taehyung’s collar.

“Kookie, I hate this, but you have to choose. Me or Taehyung? Now!!” His manager said and Jungkook quickly let go Taehyung’s collar.

“You of course.” He said wiping his tears.

“Great. Take this keys, get the car. I will be right back. Go.” His manager said and Jungkook very obediently listened to him and left without looking back.

Yugyeom turned to Taehyung. He looked very serious.

“Taehyung-shii, let me tell you guys something. I never wanted to tell you guys like this in this situation, but seeing how you treated him, I can’t really keep it in anymore. But then, why should I care about you guys? You’re nobody to me. But I care about him. He is more than just an artist for me. We grew up together. He almost died twice. And I have been with him.” Yugyeom said.

“What do you mean?” Jin hyung asked.

“Jeongukk. Jeongukk and Jungkook were twins. Yes, they are brothers.” Yugyeom said and all BTS members were left with their mouths open. They were shocked to death.

- my thoughts:
what do you think will happen next? How will the other members react? Follow the story for further updates. Next update on saturday..
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