Chapter 6: Smuggling (Part 3)

After the cart entered the city, it proceeded towards the city center.

After a period of movement, the cart entered the center, which was bustling with activity. Where it was teeming with many merchants.

From those who put their goods on the road or on a table, to those who own the goods cart.

The cart that Nait was in continued to advance. In front of the crowd of people that walk inside the market.

The cart reached a luxury store and stopped in front of it.

The two people who were at the front of the carriage started to speak. “Listen, you’re sitting here guarding the cart and I’ll go to the customer to agree with him. If anything happens, put priority on the merchandise no matter what.”

The other nodded in approval of his companion. After all, it was he who acted as the cart guard.

The one who represented the cart driver and the seller stood and went towards the door of the luxury store that was in front of him.

When he entered, he could see the reception desk in front of him. And so is the receptionist behind him.

The receptionist was very old, with gray hair and a small beard on his chin that resembled an arrowhead. He was wearing a black suit.

The moment a receptionist notices a customer entering. He bent down a bit and waited for his arrival.

The receptionist said, “What does sir want to buy from this store? We have a lot of interesting things. If you are looking for something and it is not here we will try our best to provide it for you.”

The customer said, “Okay, I want to meet the shop owner.”

The employee’s expression changed after what he said, “Sir, the shopkeeper is too busy so maybe he can’t meet you.”

“I don’t care if he’s busy. I want to see him now. Go tell him someone wants to meet you.” the customer said.

Some panic appeared on the receptionist’s face thinking that he might have messed with a big figure without knowing.

Even so, he got scared even more when he imagined his master’s reaction if he made him angry, “But…”

Before he could finish, the customer said, “You don’t want to show me the shopkeeper. Well, don’t blame yourself for what happens to you next.” Turn around and start rolling back.

The receptionist panicked and walked out of the front desk behind the customer and said, “Sorry, sir, I’m going to go tell the shopkeeper you’re coming.”

“Good,” the customer nodded.

“Wait, I’ll be back in a little while,” said the employee, and then went away in a hurry. towards a staircase.

After a while, on one of the floors of the store. Inside the room, a fat man was sitting at his desk.

On a desk there were many gold coins scattered beside them were coins arranged in the form of a circular column.

That fat man was carrying the gold coins and arranging them into columns of coins.

“Caution… with caution.” He said, trying to put a gold coin on one of the pillars.

At that moment, he heard a knock on the door. This caused a glitch in his focus, which led to the fall of a column of gold coins. when he was trying to put another coin on it.

Anger appeared on his face and saliva flew from his mouth, “Who the hell, come in!”

Then the receptionist entered, ‘Sorry to disturb Sir Zendayer. But someone is looking for you.’

“Hmmm… who is this?” Zendayer said.

The receptionist replied, “Sir Zendayer, I don’t know him, he hasn’t been here before.”

Hearing the receptionist’s reply, anger appeared on Zhendayer’s face. He said, salivating more than before, “What?! What?! Tell him I’m busy. You seem old and you don’t hear words well, so is it wrong for me to hire you?”

When he heard his master’s words, panic appeared on the receptionist’s face with some drops of sweat on his face and said, “Sir Zhendayer, he said he wanted you in a very important matter and insisted on seeing you. I was afraid that he has a big personality. and if you reject him what will happen?”

When he heard an employee lowered some anger and said, “So then, if he was really someone of stature, that would be a big problem.”

His anger vanished, and he said, “If it’s an important person’s right, I won’t fire you. But if….not, you’ll see some hell.” He said his last words as he put his hands on his chin.

The receptionist swallowed his saliva and walked out of the room to fetch the customer.


At that moment someone came down the stairs from which the receptionist had gone up. He was the receptionist with a frown and thinking what he had done in his life to end up like this.

“The shopkeeper is waiting for you upstairs,” said the receptionist. “Come with me, please.”

“Okay.” The customer said

After a while, they reached the door of the shop owner’s office. The receptionist knocked and his hand was sweating.

After hearing a voice say “Enter.”

Then a customer entered and so did the receptionist.

They could see a fat figure in brown clothes fit for medieval merchants. Not like David, who was dressed in very luxurious merchant clothes.

Zendayer’s facial expression changed, as he looked at a customer, ‘Who is this, his clothes are very ordinary.’

He looked at the receptionist thinking about how he should treat this employee.

Expect to be the person he is looking for, in fancy clothes with many accessories. But he was disappointed after he looked at the person in the clothes of an ordinary merchant. Which made him think about whether the receptionist was blind.

‘Never mind… After ruining my own enjoyment, at least I should listen to him.’

Zendayer said with his hand on his cheek and a little dull in his face, “Please have a seat.”

The customer then sat in one of the  chairs at the desk. He looked at the fat man and said, “I came for a private business.” He pulled out a piece of paper and put it on the desk. “But first you have to read this.”

“Hmm….well.” He took the paper and began to read.

When he started reading it, his expression changed to a serious one, and then horror appeared on his face, and he said, as his saliva began to fly, “Ehh…?! What?!”

Because of his words, saliva flew down a customer’s face. When he noticed this, Zendayer quickly took out a handkerchief and started wiping the customer’s face.

Then, looking at the receptionist who was still in the room, he said, “You can get out of here.”

When the receptionist heard this, he walked out of the room with an expression of relief on his face. As if someone had been choking on it before.

Zendayer put down the paper, fear on his face, “Sorry about what happened, I didn’t expect you to be sent by Leader Carlos.”

“What did you say? You have a private business that was not mentioned in the paper. What do you want from me?”

“Good.” said the customer, “I want the bag in the cart parked on your storefront to escape from this kingdom.”

“Okay, I understand, but a bag? What do you mean?!” Zendayer asked.

The customer replied, “Someone entered a bag. You are required to take him to a place where he lives until he dies in agony.”

After he finished speaking, he pulled out three bags of money. “Take this to ensure that he arrived safely outside the kingdom.”

Zendayer was overjoyed after seeing so much money, “Don’t be afraid, I will get him out of this kingdom no matter what.”

“Good.” The customer said as he got up from the chair, “Our lives depend on you.”

Then a customer went to the cart and took out the bag that Nait was in and brought it into the store.

Author note:

– You can read the new chapters on the official publishing website of the novel: https://m.w***********/book/my-note-system_22118947805323005

– No new chapter will be released before the official website.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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