Chapter 8 – Another Freshmen

The library was more different than what he expected it to be, rather than a library he found it to be more like an internet cafe with many private booths. And even worse there was the cruel most crucial factor is still missing the in the equation.

There were no books in the library.

Luon quickly asked CITA on the details to which the latter replied: “Due to the cost of paper all the world knowledge is stored digitally in the database which everyone has free access to.”

The government in support of preserving the environment protects and maintains trees removing books and other paper copies from any publically run facilities and only using paper for necessary documentation.

Luon was shocked, the old rustic smell, as well as the newly printed ink that he missed, is practically non-existent in this world.

Luon then thought and said, “CITA if books don’t exist, what’s the point of going to the library if all the information is stored on the internet?”

CITA replied blatantly, “Some people prefer to sit at a desk and read. Computers are also restricted material as well.”

To preserve metals and the likes for more war-ready applications against the Inzektors – computer production and model upgrading was very restricted there was no more excess waste from mass-production from large corporations producing similar models every year.

All new computers have the same Logo on it, Novera Corporation. Although one can still find custom-made units in smaller shops there is no more mass-production development on computers, merely an upgrade per year by Novera Corporation was good enough as many parts afterward are heavily recycled and reused for more practical applications.

After doing his questioning he noticed a message on his BMPU, it seemed like his private booth was labeled 206 after registering in which he forgot to ask before.

After walking around a bit, Luon found room 206 relatively close to the entrance. Luon entered the room and saw inside a chair, a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse.

Luon sat down and began to operate the system to fill his lacking knowledge of the world he has risen in.

The startup sequence was simple and straightforward like how operating systems in the past used to work. In a matter of seconds, the computer had turned itself on and was already on the search engine by default.

The search engine looked just like it was back several centuries ago, a simple search bar and a logo. The simplicity and practical application of this design seemed to last throughout the ages of humanity.

Before searching anything up Luon pondered on what to search first, there are so many things to do on the computer. Luon could try to read the current news or read some encyclopedia data, or maybe even read up on the history of the past few decades or centuries from the period he had simulated before.

Clueless as he was a sudden flash of inspiration occurred if he didn’t know what to do why not ask someone who can? Luon quickly turned on his BMPU and asked CITA, “CITA, what do people search for after waking up after being incubated I am clueless what to start with.”

CITA being the most helpful, practical AI ever answered with a list of things to look for to help Luon integrate into society more easily.

There was quite a hefty amount of things to look at in which if he were to spend his time doing so it would quickly take the whole month before school even starts. Luon then began prioritizing and organizing the more critical information first.

Luon looked into topics such as social studies that cover the culture, history, and political background of the many different races in the current society.

He was also interested in technological breakthroughs in the last few centuries, financing and resource management by the government, and more important information about Nexus University where he would be attending in the next month.

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Employment for many different occupations was allocated on the government’s website as well as there supplied monthly salary. However, what was notable was the four featured job listing on the site which stood out on its own.

The amount of Galaxia Coins listed for these featured jobs was to be determined and graded, and these job names felt more like factions. They were: Nightwalker family member, Mythos clan member, Novera Corporation subordinate and Nexus Military Division cadet.

It seemed like these factions were the most significant enterprises in the Nexus solar system, looking into it further Luon found they all have a massive role in the military.

Novera Corporation specialized in technology, the Mythos clan specialized in training soldiers, the Nightwalker family were very famous in commanding and strategy, and the Nexus Military Division was a government operated facility having traits of all three of them.

After reading up on a few job postings and details of large groups in his solar system, Luon paused and spent a few moments thinking about what he should do in the future.

Breaking out of his thoughts he decided to think more about the present situation – his BMPU had recommended a few careers already, but it was more important to look into Nexus University as Luon didn’t need to work yet as students get a student salary.

Luon operated the computer to find some information about his schooling.

The program and courses offered at Nexus University were majority made up of 2 different types, combat and logistics. The number of careers available was practically endless.

Even though the school had various amounts of programs and courses, Luon had to take the mandatory ones depending on the recommended career paths. Since Luon’s BMPU had recommended Luon to be an engineer, a soldier or a commander his course load would be a militaristic training structure. Luon’s body shook at the thought of it as he recalls the simulated military training he had experienced for several lifetimes, quietly asked himself why couldn’t he be an average citizen in his simulations and read during his free time until death comes for him.

In the end, his determination to read the next chapter of his favorite books during each simulation drove him further away from a casual bookworm life.

After reading a variety of documentation, manuals, and even some fictional stories, Luon grew peckish after a few hours had passed. Luon began to recall that before coming into this room there was a small cafe inside the library.

After exiting the room, Luon found the cafe as mentioned earlier in the library and using his Galaxia coins got a quick meal to eat.

Luon sat down at a table, and his meal consists of instant ramen, apple juice and some fresh vegetable sticks on the side.

After he started to eat he instinctively sensed someone had approached from behind, he turned and faced a relatively young girl similar to his age smiling towards him while holding a plate of fish sticks.

The girl was a little smaller than Luon, she had blonde-twin tails, creamy white skin and more importantly, she wore a unique lolita fashion. Her clothes which had many frills was dyed purple and black, and a very stylish eye-patch blocked one of her eyes. If a commoner had to say something about her appearance, they would either think that it looks cool or she has a mental problem.

Luon stopped slurping his noodles and with a gulp asked questioningly, “Can I help you?”

The girl giggled, she sat down at the table Luon was at and smiled at him.

“Were you the idiot yelling ‘What is this!’ making a huge fuss at the entrance?” said the girl with traces of ridicule.

Luon blushed at the question and said: “So what?”

“Oh nothing, I am just killing some time, and I found that scene of you struggling at the front to be interesting. It seems to me you just have woken up recently. My name is Belle Mirande. What’s your name?” Belle said with an angelic-like smile.

Luon attempted to regain his composure after hearing that she saw him at the front entrance. He coughed and said, “My name is Luon Fate, it is a pleasure the meet you.”

Belle then laughed and said “There is no need for formalities, what are you an old gramps in a young body? Since you have just woken up, you must be attending school soon, which school did your operator assigned an idiot like you?”

Luon didn’t like how she called him an idiot but seeing his embarrassing actions before he couldn’t retort at all. With pride, he said “I’ll have you know I am going to attend Nexus University in a month,” as he brings up a holographic projection displaying the label of which school he is going to attend.

“No way! Someone like you also got into the school? The standards must be low this year.” Belle shockingly said.

“Also? Does that mean you’re also attending Nexus University?” Luon said.

“Yes, I am, however, seeing how you just have woken up how about I teach you some basic things you need to know before attending Nexus University?” Belle with an expression full of excitement said.

Luon after seeing her excited nodded silently and after finishing his meal followed Belle as they exited the library. Although he doesn’t know what her intentions were, he needed to catch up on as many different things and Luon thought maybe following this girl would help him considerably, especially in regards to Nexus University.

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After a few minutes of walking, Luon couldn’t help but ask “Where are we going?”

“Somewhere fun and very important,” Belle smugly replied without looking at Luon.

“If it’s a game center or an arcade count me out I still have things to do,” replied Luon very bluntly.

“Don’t worry it’s kind of like a game but at the same time the most crucial and important factor the whole Alliance. Ah, we’re here.” Belle said boastingly and energetically.

In front of Luon and Belle was a massive facility labeled – Varz, the world famous Virtual War Simulator.

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