Chapter 004

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Disconnecting the nerve connection and unlocking the game pod, Feng Bujue sat up from inside and took a breath.

Only allowed on

 It was noon and the sun was shining outside the house.

 Feng Bujue lives in an apartment building, the thirteenth floor (the top floor), the kind where you have to pay rent, and lives alone. His parents learned that they had no chance to appear in the book, so they were angry and passed away a few years ago. Leaving behind a lonely and lonely protagonist, and saving me the trouble of editing two more names,It is true that they died when the book was written, hiding their glory and their fame

    Looking at the time, Feng Bujue found that he had just played for only fifteen minutes. Thriller Paradise in the non-sleep mode, the game time perception and reality experience is two to one, that is, just now he was in the game for half an hour feeling. In the sleep mode, the depth of the neural connection is different, the time ratio can reach ten to one, as the so-called “dream without time”, if the player insists not to go online, a sleep can complete eighty hours of game content. Of course, this is equal to a night of eight hours of continuous dreaming, the next day up will certainly have a headache. The manual of the game pod states that it is not recommended for players to play for more than four hours in sleep mode, a statement that Feng Bujue obviously read and remembered ……

    At this time Feng Bujue came out of the game pod, not because he needed to rest, but because he and a friend had agreed to play the game together. Today is the first day of the internal test, the service opened at eight in the morning, and that person happens to be unavailable during the day today, so Feng Bujue wanted to wait for him, just now on line to familiarize himself with the game, and did not want to level up too high, causing a disconnect between the two game processes.

    Speaking of which, in the middle of the day, there’s nothing to do?Feng Bujue

    Yes, he had nothing to do…

He was a Inferential Novelist, and now one must wonder if he is one of those great writers who can write nothing and live on it.

    Obviously, it’s not ……

    Feng Bujue is famous, but not a household name by any means. His books are good, every one of them gets published, and publishers are willing to work with him. He’s one of those novelists who doesn’t make a lot of money, but doesn’t starve either.

    He took up a two-page column in a weekly magazine, serialized a detective story, once a month to turn in a manuscript, you have to submit all the serialized content needed for the next month, if the quality is not good will be returned, at the latest by the end of the month to be finished, the work of the manuscript fee is paid monthly.

    But relying solely on this income, he can only barely make ends meet in the city of S city. So he is also writing a long detective novel series, which is the type of physical book that costs printing and sales. Every time he writes such a book, he can make some money and save it, which is a bit of a surplus.

    But why would he have nothing to do in the middle of the day?

    This is also very easy to explain, using Feng Bujue’s own words to describe his writing and life state, that is: “Inspiration is abundant, the manuscript is delivered on time, the mountain of food and seafood is hot cut cake; literary ideas are depleted, only words are difficult to write, a bowl of soup boiled noodles.” Obviously, recently he is in a state where he can’t write words.

    This person is very easy-going, can not write, hard to squeeze also no meaning, so he played …… not only play, but also called himself this is “collecting material”.

   So basically, it’s a myth to expect Feng Bujue to deliver his manuscript on time.

    In the middle of every month, you’d see the editor of the magazine come to him door with a knife. His landlady, with a big axe and a spare key, opened the door and cut him down.

   Whenever Feng Bujue comes to this day, he is usually prepared, ready for the day, immediately crossed the army, Tahiti gold felling drums, just waiting for the two to kill, and the battle with the 300 rounds, faint, the wind and clouds change, and finally left in the sky eight big words: want money no, waste draft a whisk.

   Well, not so exaggerated, anyway, his state of existence is so comfortable.

    The first thing I want to talk about is the friend of Feng Bujue. According to the saying, things are gathered together, people are divided by groups, Feng Bujue’s friend, can it still be high wealthy and handsome?

    That’s right, it’s rich and handsome ……

   This person’s name is Wang Sighing, Feng Bujue’s childhood, in S City dialect, it is called “bare-assed brothers”, from kindergarten, they are classmates, until high school graduation, Wang Sighing entered medical school, while Feng Bujue became a social loafers.

    How good the relationship between these two men is can be illustrated in both factual and hypothetical ways. First of all, why did Wang Sighing go to medical school? That’s because Feng Bujue grew up aspiring to be Sherlock Holmes, and Sherlock Holmes’ assistant Watson was an old army doctor, so he went to ……

    Then come to the hypothesis, suppose Wang Sighing is a woman, then the nature of my novel has changed, because Wang girl may have lost her body to Feng Bujue for many years.

  Given the assumptions just made, and the nonsense that’s going on in my head right now, I’d like to say one more thing here, please rest assured that it’s just an assumption that they’re both male and both heterosexual.

   Wang Sighzhi’s family is very rich, it does not matter exactly how much, anyway, he does not have to work at all in this life to get by just fine. He also looks slightly handsome, a little taller than Feng Bujue, exactly one meter eight, mild, kind, slightly cowardly, not a show-off, modest and tolerant.

    In short, it is hard to find flaws in a person, in contrast to Feng Bujue, a strange person. Wang Sighzhi can be described as a good young man, while Feng Bujue is often evaluated as cynical, cynical, grumpy, and a literary scoundrel.

    But things in the world are so magical, such two people can become brothers.

    The afternoon passed quickly, and Feng Bujue spent another hour reviewing some of the information on the official website, because he had already entered the game and completed the newbie tutorial, and now he read the instructions again, and many parts were clearer.

    The rest of the time, he was making hanging noodles, not because he particularly loved it, he just saved the money he spent on instant noodles and used it to buy flour ……

This is a strange man, he actually went to calculate his food consumption, down to each meal, and came up with a specific figure of how much food he needed to not starve to death, and then used all his savings in the bank (which was not much) to buy a game pod, and the rest of the money was used to buy flour, pay utility bills and so on ……

    You say he is careful, he will spend a close to their own limit of expenses to buy a luxury (the new game cabin is very expensive). You say he is profligate, but he will never let himself embarrassed to the point of uncovering.

    In the evening, Feng Bujue had a bowl of noodles in a clear soup and settled for dinner.

   Wang sighed  called, said he had logged into the game, just finished the newbie tutorial, scared half to death, all in a cold sweat, came offline to make a phone call, just to calm down.

  Feng Bujue have not experienced cold sweat for months.

    The two exchanged a few words, informed each other of their in-game nicknames, and prepared to go online to start a fight.

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