Chapter 009

[The script has been completed and the rewards are being settled.

【Gained experience value: 500, game coins: 0

【Obtained items/equipment: None】

【Completed/accepted quests: 0/0

【Special, hidden mission completed: 0, deciphered world view: none】

[Scare Value Surge: 0 times, Maximum Scare Value: 0%, Average Scare Value: 0%] [Your fear rating is: full of courage, no additional rewards for this mode.

[Settlement is complete, please continue.

Here we have to explain some settings about the settlement in the multiplayer mode.

In Thrillerland, the number of monsters killed by hand will not affect the final experience gained, all experience is settled after the end of the script. Generally speaking, as long as there is no serious resistance to the script or counterproductive, then every survivor gets the same experience, unless the player’s performance is really in line with the so-called “pig-like teammates”, So the system will deduct some of his experience points during settlement.

This is also to limit the problem of “monster grabbing” and “excessive output”. Some players, when playing the game, in order to ensure the ownership of a certain monster items and experience share, will use very exaggerated means to attack, kill a dog will have to use the bazooka feeling, just to do more damage faster than teammates. This is not only individual behavior, but also a waste of team resources.

But the setting seems to create another problem: since the experience is the same, people who kill more monsters will only waste survival value and fitness value only, leading to a decrease in the motivation of players to fight. Actually not, players who are diligent and adept at fighting will be rewarded with skill values, which will be explained next.
In addition to killing monsters without additional experience, even the concept of “dropped treasure” does not exist. For example, a mummy died, his body is absolutely impossible to suddenly burst a knife, a shield, or even a gun and other things, if you have to get something from him, it is a decaying bandage or dried muscle, on this …… also have to let the player’s hands to tear, tear off after holding in your hand, the system will give you an item Description, the specific how dumb, please refer to the above appeared [stone].

In this game to get equipment, is a very “interesting” thing. In addition to entering some specific storage areas through puzzle solving, in most cases, including equipment, a large number of non-main line items must rely on the player to “find”. For example, there is a set of Spider-Man tights in the street window, which may be completely useless, or may be a set of fine equipment with attributes; or, for example, in a sewer, you may be able to find a series of weapons such as double knives, nunchaku and long stick ……

In short, to get equipment in the script, wisdom, luck, hard work, the three accounted for the same line, the first two can not be forced, the third, just spend more time to search, of course, the search requires the support of combat strength, generally speaking, the script will not let players have a long free time to move around, in addition, the player must also have enough physical value to move around.

As for the way to get equipment outside the script, the internal test stage is basically not yet available, but when the exchange opens in the public test, then you can rely on the game currency and skill value to buy.

The game coins, like most games, can be used to buy the “store goods” provided by the game, or go to the auction house to bid on the goods put up by other players, and can also be traded directly.

The skill value, on the other hand, is a relatively rare currency. Players can’t trade skill values with each other, and they don’t circulate in the exchange. The skill value can only be used in one place – the “Scare Box”. This is the name of the system’s special store, no one knows why it is named so, maybe they think players will be “shocked” when they see the goods inside.

The first is game currency, which players can exchange at a ratio of one to ten in one direction. The second is the items that cannot be taken out of the script, such as the [Blood Corpse Must Die] that Feng Bujue got in the novice tutorial. Obviously, this sword was similar to a plot item in his tutorial, and was designed to allow him to defeat the Blood Corpse, which was impossible to defeat with the strength of his character at the time. So at that time the sword did not appear on the level or specialization of the use of restrictions, and can not be brought out of the script.

Similar equipment, items, skills, etc. …… do not disappear from the system’s database at the end of the script, although the player can not take these things out, but they will enter a place similar to the recycling bin, this place is the scare box. These things will be sold here as commodities and can only be purchased with skill values, and their properties will change accordingly, such as the conditions of use of equipment will be adjusted, some special effects that are only applicable in a certain script will be changed, most of the card types of skill cards will become permanent, and of course, the learning conditions will rise.

The scare box was not opened in the beta because the “recycle bin” is still very empty, and after the start of the beta, it is bound to welcome a large number of players to enter, so it is necessary to accumulate a certain stock of goods during this period. After the official opening of this special store, in order to control the total amount of goods not too much and affect the browsing, since the shelves, the real time seven days still unsold items will be completely deleted by the system.

The capped level of the internal test is 20. As a game with a queue to pass the script, the level does not count for any advantage, while the game coins can be bought with money in the future. Therefore, the biggest advantage of the internal test players in the opening of the public test is undoubtedly the accumulated skill value, the first batch of goods after the operation of the scare box, only these players with skill value have the purchasing power to get, which is a priority.

This is a preference. When you look at the previous question about active fighting, it is better explained – fighting for skill value.

Not everyone is good at solving puzzles, but everyone can participate in battles. The skill value is set to “reward skill value for all actions that improve the efficiency of the game”, which can be reflected not only in puzzle solving, but also in combat, where there are often opportunities to get skill value, such as high yield and low loss kills, consecutive kills, group kills, special kills with scenario conditions, etc… …

The example is very good, still take the new tutorial of Feng Bu Jue, if he did not look for the key in the square room, but choose to kick the door, he can also get the skill value. The key depends on how he kicks, most people will face the door, with the sole of the foot stomping, many movie characters also do the same thing. In fact, this is the most labor-intensive method, with a side kick or roundhouse kick to kick much less effort. At that time Feng Bujue if you use a more efficient way to kick the door, will get the same skill value, but perhaps not as much as solving the puzzle, but about 10 points is always there.

This is two ways to play, two different paths to growth. Players who like to reason, relying on the act of solving puzzles, cracking the world view and so on, can get a lot of skill value at once; while players who like to fight, constantly honing their combat skills, can also get skill value through force. In general, in fact, or take the combat route of the player to get more, puzzle solvers even if they have reasoned to the last step, as long as they have not been able to crack, skill value half point. The martial arts players can accumulate little by little.

But no matter how to play, the most taboo in this game is the “brain-damaged” behavior, a variety of horror elements are set up only to make people lose their cool, to make similar to kill the dog with a bazooka action to. In Thrillerland, the most reasonable way to fight, in order to get the most benefits. With a bazooka, you will only get a bunch of scraps, but if you use the dog fighting method, you will get a homemade fur and a pot of stew.


When Feng Bujue went back to the login space to read the settlement data and opened the menu again, he found that he went straight up to level 4 and his fitness value was raised to 400/400, while his experience is now 0/400. It seems that the upgrade experience in this game is not exaggerated, at least now it still increases in increments of one hundred caps per level, in line with the increase in fitness value. However, the official website does not give specific game data on how much experience is needed for each level, and those who wrote the strategy did not mention this, so we cannot rule out the situation that the upgrade experience needed after the level is high is getting exaggerated.

“Brother Jue, I’m directly to the third level hey! And 30 experience points short of level four!” Wang Sighzhi’s voice rang out from the communication channel.

“I know.” In fact, Feng Bujue had already calculated Xiao Sigh’s experience, and compared to him, the difference was only the 30 points of skill value added in that novice tutorial, “If we play another multiplayer training, we should all go up to level five. But …… this mode is really not very cost-effective, to the fifth level, we naturally want to play team survival mode, that is the core content of this game. But now we are seriously lacking in equipment, not to mention good equipment, general, so that after entering the team may slow down others ……”

“Ah? Team? Dragging others down? Who ah?” Wang sigh of froze.

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“You really do not read the game instructions ……” Feng Bujue explained: “The number of people in team survival mode is two to six randomly, not directly open the script to enter, but in the form of a queue to enter. If we had a full group of six people in line, it wouldn’t matter. But we are two people team, as long as the encounter is not two people script, in three, four, five, six people script, we will need to cooperate with others.

If our strength is too weak, it is likely to die in the course of the script, even if others finally succeeded in passing, we can only be based on ourself Game over before the contribution made to share the corresponding experience value, and not get the settlement rewards after passing.

Not to mention that in that mode, there is also a problem of sharing the spoils, there is no team relationship between the players, found equipment, skills, naturally, who found it will go to whom. Unless there is something that cannot be taken out of the script and cannot be used by yourself, no one will easily share the equipment or skills searched for.

This is the mentality of …… some people even if they find a junk stuff, they can’t sell it in the exchange, they can only earn a few dozen game points by selling it to the system, and they won’t want to give it to other players in the script for free. You must give them something in exchange, so that they feel earned.”

Wang Sighing  hear here to pick up: “In short …… that is, if we do not take advantage of now to improve the hard strength of some characters, and after five will be very difficult, specialization level is not open, even if people want to replace the equipment or junk skills as a favor to us, we can not use. “

Feng Bujue said, “Just understand. So, let’s disband the team first and start the single player survival mode

“So much for being ready to dump me and go it alone!”

Feng Bujue laughed and said, “The multiplayer training mode just now, we should be considered to have completed beyond the normal, it is reasonable to say that we will not get as much as 500 experience value. I mulled over …… this BOSS is simply not made for us to kill, this script can play out the chances of killing the pass is extremely small. Normal to escape the ending pass, it is estimated that you can get a 300 points up and down it.

Only allowed on

But since the level has risen faster than expected, it is now best that we each pass a single survival mode to reach level five. After that’s done, the strength should improve significantly, and at least open up one or two more specializations and pick up another piece or two of equipment or skills or whatever.”

“Okay, then let’s start with single row, you can see my game status in the friends list, right?” Wang Tanzhi said.

“Well, you can.” Feng Bujue returned, “Anyway, if whoever finishes first, wait for the other. No surprises, at most an hour, we can all pass and reach level five, and then we can try out the legendary team survival mode ……”

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