4. You Have To Love Them

“My lord, what shall we do with the prisoners?” 

“Kill them. They have no worth and bring no money.” 

“And what shall we do about the human who is with them inside the prison right now?” 

“Tie him up. The emperor wishes to have him.” 

“But your majesty! He is our-” 

“Siegfried! Have you forgotten where you stand? When I tell you to do something you have to do it like a brave dog. Thats your role.” 

Siegfried clenched his fist as he turned around. 

“Haven’t you forgotten something?” The king said as he smiled. 

Siegfried then turned back to his king and kneeled down. 

“As you wish… Your highness…” 

“Good boy.” 




The orcs didn’t look good. Their wounds looked infected, and some had high fever. I knew that if their wounds stayed untreated, they would die. 

And so, I stood up and walked to the end of the room, to the place where the most have gathered. They all turned around and stood up. 

“Stay away human. If you take one step forwards, we will show you no mercy.” 

Their bloodlust was real, but they threats were empty. Even if they were at their prime. They wouldn’t stand a chance against me. And that wasn’t a feeling or boasting. That was a fact. 

I then continued to walk forward causing the Orcs around me to charge at me. Normal humans would’ve been torn to shreds but I was different. 

I was fueled with the faith of my children. 

I dodged each attack of them and countered with light attacks that softly brought them down. 

The other orc froze by the sight and gathered protectively around a person at the end of the room. 

It was clear that this person was someone important to them. And so, I unleashed my holy magic and wrapped each of the orcs in armors made of light. These then forced the orcs to walk to the side and allowed me to march to the person. 

It was an Orc. Bigger and stronger than any of the others. But he was in a way worse state than the others and about to die any seconds. 

I looked at him as I went down on my knees to lay his head on my lap. His eyes opened slightly as I done that, and his pupils slowly shifted over to me. 


“I’m a servant of God. My name is Lucius Creed. But I’m also known as The Father.” 

“The… Father…?” 

“Thats right. And I’m sure it’s part of God’s plan that we both have met.” 


The orc began to spit blood as he began to cough. 

“God has abandoned us long ago… I have done things not even your God can forgive…” 

I looked down at him as I remembered myself saying those things over and over again in my past live. I then laid both my hands on his cheeks as I looked directly at him. 

“Despite all that you’ve done, you are not beyond salvation.” 

The orcs eyes widened a little as he heard my words. 

“You’re not here by accident. You are here by the grace of God. You’ve been given a chance. Now it remains to be seen if you chose to embrace it… Or to cast it aside. “ 

The orc’s eyes stayed connected with mine until they closed again, sending him into a deep slumber again. 

“You’re truly a strong person. But even the strongest man needs help from time to time.” 

With that I activated my healing spell which instantly began to heal all orc inside the cell and return them to their usual state, maybe even better. 

The orcs which heard my words got on their knees as they witnessed my miracle. They asked me many questions, asking if they can still get on the right path, if God would forgive them their sins or if God would really accept them. 

“Don’t worry my children. If you truly give yourself to God and seek forgiveness, then I’m sure you will receive it. It doesn’t matter how you look, or which race you belong to, you all are creations of God and are no different from the other races.” 

The Orcs lowered their faces as tears began to drip down their faces. They probably never heard such words. 

“No matter when or where. You can always come to me and ask me anything you want. I will always welcome you with open arms and accept you.” 

I added as I walked towards the door and opened it. 

“You can always find me in the holy land Eden behind the holy mountains.” 

With that said I left the cell, leaving the door open. 

I was sure they would come to me sooner or later. Their bodies maybe don’t look human, but their hearts were no different from one. 

I hope they come out without any problems… 


A voice behind me screamed. 

“I want to follow you!” 

It said and once I turned around, I saw no other than the leader of the Orcs, on his knees. 

“You saved me! Please I beg you! Accept me and my people as one of your own and let me stand beside you! I will do anything you ask me to!” 

Beside me… 

In the moment where he said those words, I understood why God sent me to him. He was the right one to be given this gift. 

“As you wish. I will accept all of you as my children.” 

He began to smile as he heard my words. 

“Expect for you.” 

I added as I pointed at him. 

His smile slowly dropped but he didn’t say a word and just lowered his head.  

“You are not meant to be one of my children. You have a special role I trust you with. One I believe only you can do.” 

The orc looked up to me probably confused by my words as I walked over to him laying my hands on his cheeks once again. 

“You are meant to stand beside me as my brother, not as my child.” 

“But I’m an orc, I’m not worthy to be called your–” 

“This decision is not up to you, but to me. You can only choose to accept or deny my gift.” 

“Then… If… If it’s really okay… I accept.” 

I bent a knee down and laid my forehead against his while still holding his head with my hands. 

“Then from now on you’ll be my brother and the one who I entrust with the task ito protect our family.” 

The orc began to shine dimly as his eyes turned golden like mine. 

[Being called Samson has been chosen as apostle!] 


[A being which holds a special role given by a Saint. Apostles gain powerful abilities and a title that enhances their skills and infuses them with holy energy] 

“I see. Well then Samson, let us bring finish my little adventure by bringing salvation to the ones you once called you enemies.” 

“Yes brother.” 

“You can just call me Lucius. After all we’re family now.” 

The Orc’s eyes opened widely as tears began to slide down his face. He began to thank God for this gift he never thought would come true, and I once again saw how God brought salvation to someone just by sending me to him. 

It was truly a beautiful feeling. 

“Now then let us go my children. Let us bring Salvation!” 


All my children screamed motivated as they followed me through the prison. 

But we soon came across the guards once again. It were the same ones which put me inside the cell. The same tortured souls which hated themselves for what they’ve become. 

But that’s why I’m here. 

“Stop right there! Go back in your cell, immediately.” 

My children began to surround me like a wall ready to protect me at all cost, but I just pushed them aside as I walked over to those lost souls ready to free them from their chains. 

“Oh, you poor lost souls. You who gave everything for your loved ones and only received hate and rejection. I know how you feel.” 

The knights’ weapons began to lower themselves slowly the more they listened to my words. 

“But don’t worry I’m here to save you. To give you the live you truly deserve. You just have to accept it.” 

The Knights slowly began to lower their weapons, but some still hesitated. 

“I know changes can be scary, but they can also be liberating.” 

At this point not even the knights could stop themselves anymore and laid their weapons down. 

But at the same time, they fell on their knees and begged for forgiveness as they looked at me and my children. 

Of course, I already forgave them, but I couldn’t speak for my children. They were the ones which have been tortured and enslaved. 

The orcs first hesitated until Samson walked up to them and hugged the first one saying he forgives him for his actions and would be more than happy to call him his family. 

I could only smile by this sight.  

The others than followed his example and each hugged one as they told them the same. 

The eyes of the knights were filled with tears and regret as they hugged them back while thanking them and apologizing. 

I was more than proud to call these persons my children as I walked past them leaving them behind. 

Because what waited outside wouldn’t went as easy as this. 

“I waited long prisoner, or should I say The Father.” 

“Chose the one you like I don’t mind how you call me.” 

Once I arrived outside, I was surrounded by an army of knights. They all carried rusty swords or cheap spears alongside a big wood shield and a heavy old armor. 

But one was different. The leader, the one who started our conversation, wore a shining silver armor, which shined like the moon in a pitch-black night, with a gigantic silver great sword, which was too big to be called a sword.” 

“What’s your name shining knight?” 

“I’m Siegfried! The guardian of this city!” 

He was impressive and person truly worthy of the name Knight, but his eyes were so full of hatred, but to whom? 

The other knights were ready but still hesitated to attack. 

Of course, for me they were no different from the children I saved behind me, but I won’t let them lay a finger on them even if I have to kill all of them in the process. 

“Tell me Siegfried. Are you happy in this country? Your words sound rightous but your eyes are filled with hatred and I’m sure it isn’t towards anyone else than yourself.” 


The knight’s fists started tightening and his eyes opened for a quick second.  

“I may hate myself for the dog I became but that’s fine. I promised the last king to protect this kingdom to my last breath and nobody will stop me not even a tool of God.” 

“How harsh.” 

With that I summoned my book, which appeared in my hand, while Siegfried charged at me while drawing his sword out. 

His attack was strong, an attack no shield would be able to block without damage, but it was stopped by my wall of swords which easily blocked his attack. 

The faith of my children gave me strength, enough to fight with my fist alone, but my class was that of a magic user, no matter how strong I become I would still be better with magic since it too is fueled with the faith of my children. 


The knights screamed as they witnessed how their captains attack was stopped. 


“Are you surprised? I’m an instrument of God. Your power is far too weak to challenge me.” 

“Don’t get cocky!” 

Siegfried screamed as his sword began to glow, breaking one of my swords. 

“Not bad. But I have more of these.” 

With a snap of my fingers, I summoned twenty swords which all were pointed at him. 

“I believe it’s my turn now.” 

I said as I raised two finger which I then lowered again, shooting the swords towards the captain. 

His reactions were impressive. He raised his sword as if it was made of air and destroyed each of my swords. 

“I see… Samson wasn’t the only reason why I’m here…” 

“Thats it!” 

Siegfried screamed as he raised his sword. 

“He will do it?! Right here?!” 

The knights said as they began to run away. 

“This doesn’t sound good.” 

“I won’t fail even if I have to destroy the prison alongside you.” 

My eyes widened by his statement. Not only my children but also other people were still inside this prison. 

“Stop Siegfried! There are still people inside!” 

I screamed as loud as I could, but he didn’t hear me. His eyes were filled with fury as if something was controlling him. 

“Dragon’s arrival!” 

He screamed as he swung his sword with all his might creating a shockwave truly worthy of its name. 

It was strong but nothing I couldn’t stop after all I still had my second miracle. 

“Holy barrier.” 

I said as I pressed both my hands together into a praying position, creating a giant golden barrier around me and the whole prison. 

As soon as the attack connected with my barrier it bounced off, towards the sky and split it into two. 

“If this attack would’ve hit the city, it would be completely destroyed.” 

I mumbled as I looked towards the sky. 

But then I looked at Siegfried and froze. 

He looked like a hungry animal, ready to eat anything it’s eyes could see. 

He lifted his sword again but before he could even start his next move, I cut off his right hand with one of my remaining swords. 

But he didn’t react. 

He continued his attack as if he couldn’t feel any pain and charged at me. His sword began to glow while being dragged through the floor and left a white shining trace behind. 

“His power keeps rising but how?! It feels like…” 

And then I understood. 

His power or rather the magic in him right now isn’t his own but someone else’s. It explained the strange change in mana since his attack. 

However, that changed nothing. Even if I know that, his power just keeps rising. 

“This will be one tough battle.” 

With that I grabbed one of my swords and also charged at him. 

The moment our swords clashed against the ground began to split and the houses around us began to collapse. 

I have to stop him before he becomes too strong and destroys the city. 

But how do I do that. 

He already became stronger than me. 


— New chapter is coming soon —
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