Chapter 15: Work Scheduling

When Alex first saw the [AI Shapeshifter – Legendary] in the system store earlier, he had already started piecing together the skeleton of a plan to create AI ’employees’ who could fill various positions at FitTech. He could have the AI Shapeshifter use different identities on different days to stay in line with various labor laws and not be accused of overworking his employees.

Looking at the AI standing in front of him, Alex couldn’t help his curiosity, “Can you really change your appearance with just a thought?”

“Of course, sir. Allow me to demonstrate,” the AI responded. It then proceeded to carry out what Alex could only perceive as ‘magical transformations’ and instantly shifted from one form to another in quick succession. From a tall man with black hair and brown eyes, to a young lady with red hair and hazel eyes, to an elderly Asian man, and finally, to a Nordic-looking man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Having just seen what he could only describe as real-life magic, Alex was taken aback for a few moments before he could gather his thoughts. “So here is what I’m thinking,” he starts. “Tell me if this is possible. I’d like for you to be able to take on a couple male and female identities and help me as general managers at the gym. I’ll have you shadow me for a couple shifts to learn what you need to know, and then I’m hoping you’ll be able to cover shifts on your own. Does that sound doable so far?”

“Easily doable, sir,” the AI responds. “As a product of the system, I come pre-programmed with many sub-routines to assist the user in store operations such as: sales, customer service, marketing, and security. I also have access to your human internet built-in so if there is something that I don’t know, I’ll be able to learn it quickly. As for different identities, that’s even less of an issue as you’ve already seen. I can take on even take on different personalities to make each identity more unique.”

“That’s fantastic!” exclaims Alex. “Also, you can just call me Alex. Sir is a bit formal for me.”

“Alright, Alex.” The AI nods in response.

“The plan to start with is to divide up the morning and night shifts,” Alex continues. “Both the morning and night shifts will be on an alternating 3 day on and off schedule, meaning one persona will work for 3 days and then have the next 3 days off before repeating the cycle.”

Alex suddenly thought of an idea he thought was great. “If another human employee like myself or Sydney is also working the same shift as you, you can also take some time to teach a few yoga classes in our classrooms. This way we can finally start putting those rooms to use and also add a new way to make money to the store. Do you know yoga?” he asks the AI.

“Not currently, Alex,” the AI shakes its head in a very human-like fashion. “I have an incredibly fast learning speed though as well as access to your Internet and countless YouTube tutorial videos. By morning I should have successfully mastered yoga.”

“That’s great then,” replies Alex. “Let’s come up with your identities then. Your two male identities will be named Jensen and Carter. As for your two female identities, let’s go with Rose and Olivia”

Alex and the AI put their heads together and fleshed out the appearances and backstories for the four personas and came up with the following:

– Jensen Abrams

Appearance: Jensen is a tall man at 6’0″ with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He has a strong jawline, piercing blue eyes, and short, dark hair that’s always neatly styled. He usually wears a suit and tie to work, and his professional attire only enhances his natural air of authority.

Backstory: Jensen grew up in a family of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. His father was a professional bodybuilder and his mother was a fitness instructor. Jensen spent his childhood in and out of gyms and grew to love the environment. After college, he landed a job as a personal trainer and quickly worked his way up to a management position. He has since managed several high-profile gyms and fitness centers, each time leaving a positive impact on the business and the community. Jensen’s passion for fitness is evident in his work, and he’s always looking for new and innovative ways to help people achieve their health and wellness goals.

– Carter Johnson

Appearance: Carter Johnson is a 6’3″ tall, athletic man with a lean physique that speaks to his commitment to health and fitness. He has piercing blue eyes that stand out against his deep tan, and a full head of sandy blonde hair that he keeps styled in a messy but fashionable cut. He has a friendly, approachable demeanor that puts people at ease, and a smile that’s both warm and infectious. His sense of style is casual but put-together, with a preference for comfortable clothes that still look polished and professional. He’s often seen wearing well-fitting yoga pants and a tank top, or a fitted t-shirt with athletic shorts.

Backstory: Carter Johnson grew up in a family of athletes and health enthusiasts, with a mother who was a professional yoga instructor and a father who was a competitive triathlete. From a young age, he was exposed to the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and quickly developed a passion for fitness and wellness. He became a certified yoga instructor in his early twenties and quickly gained a reputation for his skill and knowledge in the field. He went on to work at several prestigious yoga studios across the country, honing his craft and building a loyal following of students.

In his thirties, Carter decided to pursue a career in fitness management, seeking to apply his knowledge and experience to a larger organization. He joined FitTech as a yoga instructor and was quickly promoted to a managerial role, thanks to his talent for inspiring and motivating his students, as well as his natural leadership abilities. He’s now responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the gym, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and that each customer has a positive and rewarding experience. He’s committed to promoting a culture of health and wellness, both within the gym and in the wider community, and sees his role as a way to make a meaningful impact on people’s lives.

– Rose Montgomery

Appearance: Rose Montgomery is a 5′ 6″ short and slender woman with wavy, chestnut brown hair that falls just below her shoulders. She has bright green eyes and a warm smile that lights up her face. She is always impeccably dressed in form-fitting yoga pants and colorful, flowy tops that show off her toned arms and midriff. Her yoga mat is a constant companion, slung over her shoulder and ready to go whenever she has a spare moment. Despite her athletic build, she exudes a sense of calm and grace that draws people to her.

Backstory: Rose Montgomery has been practicing yoga for over a decade and teaching for the past five years. Originally from a small town in the Pacific Northwest, she moved to the city to pursue her passion for yoga and open her own studio. She quickly built a reputation as a skilled instructor who could help students of all levels deepen their practice and find inner peace. She was approached by FitTech to manage their yoga program, and she jumped at the opportunity to share her love of yoga with a wider audience. In addition to teaching classes, she also trains and mentors other yoga instructors at the gym. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, gardening, and spending time with her dog, a friendly golden retriever named Luna.

– Olivia West

Appearance: Olivia West is a 5′ 9″tall and athletic woman with long, wavy blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She has a toned and fit physique that suggests an active lifestyle, which is consistent with her career as a yoga instructor. Olivia is often seen wearing colorful yoga pants and tops that show off her figure, and she has a warm and welcoming smile that puts people at ease.

Backstory: Olivia grew up in a small town and was always fascinated by the human body and its potential for movement and flexibility. She became interested in yoga at a young age and quickly fell in love with the practice. After studying various forms of yoga and earning her teaching certification, Olivia began teaching classes at local studios and gyms. Her teaching style is known for its emphasis on proper alignment and breath control, and she has helped many students improve their overall physical and mental health through yoga.

Olivia’s passion for yoga eventually led her to FitTech, where she was hired as the new manager and yoga instructor. She is excited to share her knowledge and experience with the FitTech community and help members achieve their fitness and wellness goals.

With all of the identities taken care of, Alex decided that Jensen and Rose would share the morning shifts, alternating their 3 days on and off. Olivia and Carter would do the same on the night shift. In this way if a male was working in the morning, a female would be working in the evening and vise versa. This had a certain symmetry that Alex appreciated.

Now that he had additional employee’s, Alex could finally adjust the gym’s working hours. The morning shift would work from 6am to 2pm and the night shift would work from 2pm to 10pm. In this way, Alex could finally get rid of the awkward lunchtime store closure and add 4 more working hours to the store(3 more during lunch time and one additional in the evening).

As for the awkward moment when the morning shift would hand off to the evening shift, the AI assured Alex that with it’s security and reconnaissance programming it could slip in and out of the store quickly and change it’s identities without anyone noticing. Alex decided not to think too much about it and just accepted it.

It was already approaching 10pm at this point so Alex decided to quickly update the new store hours on the FitTech Social Media and Website. As for the plethora of new equipment throughout the store, he was tired and decided to take an understated approach and let the customer’s discover it on their own and share it with others.

Alex also texted Sydney the new store hours and let her know that she could either keep the hours they’d already worked out, or extend to the full 8 hour shifts and he would increase her salary accordingly. Sydney replied fairly quickly that she already felt guilty about how much she was being paid so she would work the full shifts for the salary that they had already agreed upon. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Alex acquiesced and thanked her, promising her that loyalty would be rewarded.

Alex was in a great mood from everything that had happened today and decided to call his girlfriend Kaitlyn and talk before going to bed.  He asked her about her life in college and she told him about her classes and all the things that she had been up to lately including all the extra-curricular activities that they used to go to together before Alex left.

Alex updated her on his life and how things were going with FitTech. He told her about all the things he’d been working on like the Website, getting new equipment and products, and hiring new employees and managing their schedules. He finally felt like he was putting some of the business administration knowledge to use that he was learning about in school. As they both had this common interest, Kaitlyn was a great listener and interjected with ideas for marketing and advertising his business which gave Alex a lot to think about.

It was getting late and they both had to get up early the next day so they said goodnight and hung up. Alex Showered and brushed his teeth before getting into bed. Alex thought about how his life would start to get a little easier now that he had other employee’s working in the store.  Once the AI Shapeshifter was settled into the job he would finally be able to live his secret dream of being a salted fish store owner like he read about in fantasy web novels as a child. All he was lacking was the tsundere loli which would be super illegal with US child labor laws. He supposed Sydney was the closest he would get in this life.

In all honest, Alex decided to use his new free time and start spending more time working out in the gym.  He wanted to see what would happen once he started to raise his physical stats. Could he become like Batman, fighting crime in LA instead of Gotham? Play professional sports? Alex didn’t really know what he wanted but was excited to see what his future would hold for him. With those thoughts in mind, he set the alarm on his phone and fell asleep.

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