

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!!

A sweet yet surprising sound echoes through the room, waking Wasif from his sleep. Still a bit groggy, he looks around to find the source of the noise. His eyes search until they land on his phone, sitting innocently on his desk, making the enchanting melody that interrupted his peaceful rest. Reluctantly, but with no other option, he gets out of bed.

With messy hair resembling a bird’s nest and sleepy eyes, Wasif slowly walks across the room. Each step feels like a struggle against the warm comfort of his cozy bed. Finally reaching his desk, he grabs his phone. Its bright screen casts a magical glow on his messy appearance. The time shows 5:10 in the morning, and the darkness outside is still holding onto the horizon as the sun hides behind fluffy clouds.

As he tries to turn off the alarm, the room fills with the faint sound of birds chirping. Their lovely melody mixes with the fresh morning air coming through the slightly open veranda door. Wasif’s senses start to wake up as he splashes cool water on his face, getting himself ready for the day. The rhythmic act of washing away sleepiness energizes his tired body, preparing him for what’s to come.

Feeling refreshed, Wasif gets ready for his morning prayer. It’s a special time that brings him peace and connects him to something greater. He bows and prostrates, finding comfort in the close bond he shares with the divine. After finishing, he steps out of the washroom with determination, leaving behind his drowsiness.

“Abba, I’m going for a walk,” Wasif tells his father, his words filled with purpose.

“Okay,” his father responds, his voice still sleepy but supportive.

Embracing the new day and all the exciting possibilities it brings, Wasif opens the door and steps outside, ready to face whatever comes his way. The world greets him with soft colors, as the faint light of dawn tries to break free from the dark night. The air feels crisp and refreshing, carrying the promise of a new beginning and the delicate scent of blooming flowers.


“We have arrived at DU station. Please be careful with your things and keep them safe. Do not stand too close to the door. Thank you for riding with us.”

As the Metro doors open, a wave of passengers enters and exits, turning the station platform into a busy street. Office workers, students, and even vloggers gather in a synchronized dance, their fast steps matching the rhythm of the city’s heartbeat. The large crowd is a clear sign that it’s a weekday, with a busy day ahead.

In this sea of commuters, the Metro becomes a small version of city life. Each person, lost in their thoughts and plans, represents the countless possibilities and consequences that come with living in a bustling city. Despite the chaos, individuals find moments for themselves, their loved ones, or something completely unrelated to their daily routines.

Amidst the sounds of footsteps, quiet conversations, and music playing from headphones, there’s a feeling of togetherness—a shared understanding that, at this moment, everyone is on their own path but connected as part of humanity. It’s a reminder that even in a fast-paced city, people seek comfort, connection, and meaningful experiences beyond their busy schedules.

Among them, Wasif blends in effortlessly with his casual clothes. He looks relaxed in his comfortable attire, with a messenger bag hanging casually on his shoulder. His messy morning hair has been tamed and neatly combed, showing a tidiness that hides the chaos of earlier hours. He wears black glasses that add a touch of curiosity and sophistication to his face, framing his eyes with style.

As Wasif moves through the crowd, he becomes a single thread in the lively fabric of the Metro. Observing the diverse faces around him, he catches glimpses of stories written on tired faces and the sparkle of excitement in young eyes. The station becomes a mixing pot of dreams, ambitions, and untold tales, where each person carries their own world within the busy train.

Through the movement of passengers, there’s a collective energy in the air, fostering a sense of camaraderie amidst the anonymity. The Metro station becomes a temporary place where people coexist, pursuing their own destinations while briefly connecting with strangers along the way.

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In the midst of the busy crowd, Wasif realizes that even in the chaos of the city, people manage to find moments of reflection, love, and unexpected encounters. It’s a reminder that amidst the noise, one can find solace, inspiration, and surprises that can change the course of a day, a life, or even a soul.

With his class scheduled to start at 10 in the morning, Wasif feels a sense of urgency as he looks around, trying to find his way to his faculty. Among the rushing commuters, he spots four confident-looking young men, possibly his seniors.

A flicker of worry sparks within him, fueled by stories of bullying and ragging in university. Could he become their target if he misjudged the situation? Suppressing his unease, Wasif tells himself to stay calm, walk confidently, and continue on his path.

To steady his nerves, Wasif silently pep talks himself, reminding himself of his inner strength and resilience. “Relax, Wasif! You’re a strong person, not afraid of them. Well, maybe you are, but just ignore them. Ignore… ignore…” His thoughts echo in his mind, offering a sense of composure amid his racing heart.

Surprised by one of the seniors waving at him, Wasif reluctantly approaches the group. His voice, tinged with uncertainty, greets the waving senior politely, “Assalam u Alaikum, brother. Do you need something from me?” The words leave his lips, a mix of politeness and cautious curiosity.

The situation takes an unexpected turn, becoming slightly humorous. The seniors, initially puzzled by Wasif’s response, burst into laughter. One of them finally explains, “No, we were calling the person behind you.” The realization washes over Wasif, mixing relief and a bit of embarrassment.

Reacting to the seniors’ explanation, Wasif turns his gaze behind him and sees a confident man walking towards the group. “Ah,” he softly exclaims, feeling a mixture of relief and embarrassment. Grateful that he didn’t jump to conclusions, he can’t help but feel a bit awkward about how things unfolded.

Curiosity lingers as one of the seniors asks about Wasif’s faculty. With a hint of sheepishness, he replies, “Faculty of Pharmacy.” The unexpected question that follows catches him off guard, “Don’t you know the way?”

Wasif scrunches his face in self-deprecating amusement, “Oh, was it that obvious?” he wonders. The senior confirms his assumption with a nod, prompting Wasif to gather the courage to ask for directions, “Brother, can you guide me then?”

“Sure,” the senior kindly agrees, ready to help. He provides clear instructions, “Go straight, take a left, and keep walking for about 100 meters. You’ll find the Pharmacy Faculty building.”

“Okay, thanks,” Wasif gratefully responds, feeling a sense of relief. The conversation comes to an end, leaving him to follow the given directions and find his way to the faculty building. As he sets off, a weight lifts from his shoulders, grateful that the situation has resolved itself, at least for now.

As Wasif entered room 629, he noticed that it was already busy with activity. The professor was nowhere to be seen, even though the class was about to start in just a few minutes. Looking around, he saw many new faces, each one holding the potential for new connections, friendships, and exciting beginnings.

While scanning the room, Wasif’s eyes met someone else’s, and in that instant, something special passed between them. It was like a burst of energy as if fate had planned this unexpected meeting.

After a few heartbeats, Wasif’s focus shifted to a more practical matter – finding an empty seat next to her. His heart skipped a beat when he noticed there was a vacant spot by her side, inviting him to sit. Without hesitation, he confidently walked over, claiming the seat and making himself comfortable amidst the lively atmosphere. Strangely, despite the noise around them, a sense of calm surrounded them.

A minute went by, and it felt like time stood still as they exchanged silent glances, their eyes filled with curiosity and interest. In the soft light, Wasif admired the sparkle in her lovely brown eyes, captivated by their warmth and depth. It seemed as if the universe had conspired to bring them together.

Breaking the silence, one of them mustered the courage to take the first step. With a slight smile, they asked, “What’s your name?” The question hung in the air, eager to uncover the mysteries between them and start a journey of shared experiences.

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— New chapter is coming soon —
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