a nice date

Aubrey’s Pov:

The aroma of the food filled the air as Lucas took a bite of the meal I had prepared. “Delicious! I’m tired of eating foreign hamburgers and crunchy fries,” he groaned, expressing his satisfaction. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy seeing that he enjoyed the food I had cooked. We all sat down for breakfast, and I noticed that Evan’s temper seemed to be better than the previous night.

“It’s absolutely delicious, Grandma. I wish I could take the chef with me,” Lucas exclaimed, his enthusiasm evident. Grandma chuckled and replied, “You can’t take your sister-in-law away from your brother.” As she spoke, my gaze shifted towards Evan, who was also looking at me. There was a subtle connection between us, an unspoken understanding.

“Aubrey, you’re incredibly talented in the kitchen. I’m envious of your skills, my dear sister,” Lucas complimented me, leaving me at a loss for words. Before I could respond, Lucas turned to his mother, Camilla, and playfully remarked, “Mom, find me a bride like Aubrey.” Mrs. Jane, overhearing the conversation, interjected with a sharp tone, “Why don’t you just ask Evan to divorce Aubrey and marry you instead?” Her eyes were fixed on me, making the atmosphere uncomfortable. I glanced at Evan, who appeared disinterested in the entire exchange, focusing solely on his breakfast. The tension hung in the air, making me uneasy.

“I don’t want to ruin her happiness. She’s already deeply in love with her husband,” Lucas genuinely smiled at me, attempting to diffuse the discomfort. I knew he was trying to ease the tension and make things easier for me. I looked at him, returning his smile with gratitude, appreciating his effort.

In Evan’s room, I found myself standing in front of my wardrobe, contemplating what to wear. Evan joined me, his presence comforting. “What should I put on?” I pondered aloud. Without a word, Evan reached out and presented me with a white dress accompanied by a blue denim jacket. “Isn’t it too hot to wear a jacket?” I questioned, examining the garments in my hands. He looked at me intently, his gaze filled with warmth. “It might get chilly later in the evening. The jacket will keep you warm,” he explained, his words bringing a sense of happiness to my heart. “Okay,” I responded with a smile, appreciating his thoughtfulness. I proceeded to change into the dress and jacket, emerging from the bathroom to find Evan still standing there. Our eyes met in the mirror, and I couldn’t help but feel a flicker of anticipation.

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“Something seems to be missing,” Evan mused, rubbing his chin in thought. I scrutinized my reflection but couldn’t discern what he was referring to. “What’s missing?” I inquired, curious about his observation. He gently took hold of my hand and said, “Come with me.” I followed him obediently, my mind filled with questions. We stepped into the car, and Evan drove us to a nearby mall. Confusion clouded my mind as I looked around, trying to understand the purpose of our visit. “Why are we here?” I asked, seeking clarification. However, Evan remained silent, and I simply followed his lead. We entered the mall, and I couldn’t help but notice the admiring gazes directed at Evan.

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“Hello, Mr. Cooper. We can show you to the personal shopper room,” one of the staff members offered, clearly recognizing Evan. He smiled politely and declined, tightening his grip on my hand. “No, we’ll shop on our own today. My guest doesn’t require such assistance,” he replied, asserting his decision. We ventured into a store, and Evan turned to me, saying, “Take a look around. If you find anything you like, let me know.” I explored the various dresses on display, and although some caught my eye, the price tags left me astounded. How could a piece of cloth be so expensive? With a heavy heart, I placed them back on the racks. Observing my actions, Evan approached me and remarked, “Allow me to choose for you.” Without paying attention to the price tags, he began selecting dresses and handed me a bundle. “Try them on, and if you need a different size, inform me,” he instructed me.

I made my way to the changing room, trying on dress after dress. Among them was a floral mini dress with an off-shoulder design and ruffled sleeves. It was an exquisite garment that accentuated my features. Stepping out of the changing room, I caught Evan engrossed in his phone. I cleared my throat lightly to capture his attention, and as his gaze shifted towards me, I noticed a flicker of awe in his eyes. He stared at me in silence, seemingly unable to find the right words. Doubts crept into my mind, assuming that the dress didn’t suit me. However, the salesperson present offered a flurry of compliments, praising my physique, likening me to a model or an actress, and commending my ability to pull off such a vibrant color. Their kind words filled me with happiness, and I blushed while expressing my gratitude. My gaze then returned to Evan, waiting for his opinion. “I think it looks beautiful on you. What do you think? Do you like it?” he inquired, seeking my input. I replied, somewhat shyly, “I’m not well-versed in fashion, but I’m simply happy that you find it appealing.” He beckoned me closer, pulling out a hairband from my hair. “I thought I’d tidy you up a bit,” he said, brushing my hair with his fingers. “Now you’re perfect,” he proclaimed, turning me towards the mirror. As I looked at my reflection, I saw a completely transformed version of myself.

I tried on over fifty dresses, and Evan bought them all. I couldn’t comprehend his reasoning behind it. If he was pretending, he deserved an acting career. His natural demeanor outshone mine.

“Are you tired? Shall we take a break?” he suggested, noticing my fatigue. I welcomed the idea, admitting, “That sounds good. I’m a bit worn out from all the changing.” He took hold of my hand, his touch comforting, and proposed, “Let’s go for some coffee.” I nodded, and after enjoying a cup of coffee, we continued exploring other shops. Time flew by, and before we knew it, evening had descended. Observing Evan’s behavior, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was his usual demeanor while dating someone. It was difficult for me to envision him behaving this way.

“Thank you. You didn’t have to buy all those dresses for me,” I expressed my gratitude as we decided to head back home after our excursion. Evan glanced at me, his eyes filled with curiosity, and questioned, “Why do you work day and night, taking care of my family?” I met his gaze, aware that in his family’s eyes, I didn’t truly count as a member. “I’m not doing it to gain anything. I’m simply taking care of my family, even if you don’t consider me a part of yours. I may seem pitiful to you, but to me, Grandma, Mrs. Jane, Jennifer, and even you are my family. I know you and they harbor resentment towards me because of my mother’s actions. However, they were kind to me and my mother before our marriage,” I confessed, laying bare my feelings. “Mrs. Jane always shared her clothes with my mother, and Jennifer gifted me her old toys and dresses,” I murmured, recounting the instances of kindness. Although the items were secondhand, they were given with genuine affection. Arriving at our destination, Evan handed me the clothes he had purchased. “I expect to see you actually wearing these outfits,” he stated, his words carrying a mix of expectation and sincerity. “I will,” I assured him, accepting his gesture with gratitude.

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