His Plan


The Cooper family gathered for a meal together, and it was Aubrey’s first time sitting among them, with Evan by her side. As they began eating, Mr. Davis Cooper directed a question at Aubrey.

“So, Aubrey, what do your parents do?” Mr. Davis Cooper inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Before Aubrey could respond, Evan interjected, “She is an orphan.” Aubrey’s shy smile quickly vanished as Evan referred to her in that manner. She glanced at Mr. Davis and simply nodded in acknowledgment. Mr. Davis smiled kindly at Aubrey and proceeded to ask another question.

“Which university did you graduate from?” he asked, attempting to engage her in conversation.

“S University,” Evan answered nonchalantly, showing no interest in the question and preventing Aubrey from sharing her own university experience. However, Aubrey knew that she hadn’t been given the opportunity to attend university due to her mother’s battle with cancer. She was acutely aware that she was the only one at the table who hadn’t graduated. Evan set down his spoon, took a deep breath, and directed his gaze at Mr. Davis.

“What’s the point of asking these questions to my wife, Mr. Davis Cooper?” Evan questioned, tension seeping into his voice.

“What do you mean, Evan? I simply wanted to know a little about my beautiful daughter-in-law. There’s nothing wrong with that. After all, we are all family, and getting to know each other a little better won’t hurt,” Mr. Davis explained, his tone carrying a mocking edge.

“Families, do you even know what the word truly means?” Evan retorted rudely, continuing to provoke Mr. Davis.

“Evan, he didn’t ask anything offensive about your wife,” Grandma interjected, raising her voice. Aubrey didn’t feel it was her place to say anything and opted to remain silent.

“You’re right, Grandma. Just as Mr. Davis Cooper said, knowing a little about each other doesn’t harm anyone. So, Camila, what do your parents do? Which university did you graduate from?” Evan redirected his questioning towards Camila. Aubrey looked at Camila, sensing her embarrassment.

“EVAN!” Aubrey exclaimed as Mr. Davis slammed his hand on the table.

“What? Didn’t you say that getting to know each other doesn’t harm?” Evan smirked, tauntingly.

“Actually, I’m finished with my meal, so please excuse me,” Evan announced, getting up from his seat and turning his gaze towards Aubrey. Aubrey was puzzled by why he was looking at her until he extended his hand towards her.

“Let’s go,” Evan said, leaving Aubrey with no choice but to accompany him. Aubrey reached out and took his hand, standing up beside him.

“I’m sure you’ll enjoy the rest of dinner more without me,” he smiled, and they made their way towards the main gate, eventually leaving the house.

“Where are we going?” Aubrey asked, realizing she hadn’t had lunch and now dinner had also been interrupted.

“You haven’t had lunch or dinner, so we’re going out to eat,” Evan replied, making Aubrey feel as though he could read her thoughts. Aubrey felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he was aware she hadn’t eaten. Perhaps he was starting to pay her a little more attention. They arrived at a luxurious restaurant, where a waiter promptly led them to their table. Aubrey regretted not dressing up better; she was certain that anyone who saw her would be able to tell she was a maid. As she perused the menu, she couldn’t help but notice the exorbitant prices, as if they were selling precious gemstones. How could food be so expensive? Evan placed their order, and when Aubrey took her first bite of the costly dish, she was transported to a heavenly realm. It was absolutely delicious. Evan stared at her, observing her expressions as she savored the flavors. They continued their meal, during which Evan never once glanced at Aubrey, revealing his disinterest in her.

After dinner, they awaited their driver to retrieve their car. Aubrey felt a deep sense of satisfaction after having such a delectable meal, despite the exorbitant prices. Aubrey suddenly felt Evan’s fingers against her neck as he gently turned her face towards him. Before she could fully meet his gaze, Evan captured her lips in a swift motion. Aubrey was taken aback, trying to process what was happening. Evan licked her lips and sucked on them.

“Uhm,” Aubrey uttered, unsure of how to react. Evan nibbled on her lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth, making it difficult for her to catch her breath. Aubrey instinctively clutched onto Evan’s shirt, while his hand caressed her hair.

“E… Evan,” Aubrey heard someone call his name. Evan broke the kiss and looked back, leaving Aubrey to try and catch her breath.

“Cassie, what are you doing here?” Aubrey turned her gaze towards the person standing before her, and her eyes met Cassie’s furious glare. Aubrey sensed Cassie’s anger, as if she wanted to harm her. Aubrey shifted her gaze from Cassie to Evan, who wore a satisfied expression and a smirk. Aubrey felt a mix of sadness and hurt, realizing that Evan was using her simply to make his ex-girlfriend jealous.

“I was with my friends, and you know this is my favorite restaurant in the whole city,” Cassie said to Evan before being interrupted by someone calling her.

“I have to go back,” Cassie announced, leaving without waiting for Evan’s response. Aubrey stood there, caught between Evan and Cassie. She couldn’t help but wonder how she had become so overconfident, thinking that Evan’s small gestures were genuine when all he wanted was to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. Tears welled up in Aubrey’s eyes, silently falling down her cheeks.

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Their car arrived, and they climbed in. Aubrey couldn’t help but ask, “Did you know she would be there?” Evan kept his gaze fixed on his phone as he replied, “Yes, today is her best friend’s birthday, and this is her favorite restaurant, so I knew she would be there.” He responded with indifference to Aubrey’s feelings. Aubrey tried her best to hold back her tears in front of Evan.

“Why do we have to pretend in front of everyone when she wasn’t even there?” Aubrey inquired. Evan looked at her and grinned, saying, “Do you really think I’m only doing this to make her jealous? No, I want you as my wife, not just for her, but also for Mr. Davis.” He smiled as if he had something brewing in his mind.

“Don’t think for a moment that my father’s sudden return is without a plan. I won’t let his plan succeed. So, don’t make any mistakes that I’ll regret when I make you my partner,” he warned Aubrey in a stern tone. Aubrey nodded, her heart heavy with mixed emotions.

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