Chapter 8: Bloody secrets, and can love and friendship solve everything?

The atmosphere of the small chapel was thick with tension, the air unpleasant. In the center, a pool filled with a sinister red liquid glowed ominously under the faint light.

Anthony’s eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with unease. “I told you. It’s meant for sacrifices. That’s blood.”

The metallic scent assaulted my nostrils. Like a breath on the back of my neck, Roger’s voice whispered, ‘It smells… ironish.’

Suddenly, a piercing scream echoed, sounding both near and impossibly distant. A chill raced down my spine.

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“Help, please!” The desperate cries echoed, the voice sounding like it was being pulled further and further away.

With determination in my voice, I said, “The screams are coming from here. I’m going in.” My gaze fixed on the crimson pool, a mixture of determination and disgust in my eyes.

Anthony looked at me, confusion evident on his face. “I swear, I hear nothing.”

I hesitated briefly; the idea of immersing myself in the blood was making my stomach churn. But the thought of someone suffering below pushed me forward. “Saving a life is more crucial than my disgust.”

Anthony tried to reassure me, “It should be a closed space. I don’t think there’s anything beneath. Maybe they just clean it from time to time.”

I stared at him, disbelief evident. “If it’s sealed, how am I hearing those screams?”

Anthony paused, thinking. After a brief moment, he said, “We must send a signal to Letitia; this might be related to her sister.”

I nodded, and then Anthony stepped out and released a blazing fireball, its vibrant path illuminating the chapel’s dark corners.

As the fireball streaked into the night sky, it became a beacon for Letitia. The flames’ reflection danced in my eyes, and I pondered the mysterious pool. Human vampires might be repulsed by animal blood. It could nourish them but lacked the delectable taste of human essence. So, perhaps this wasn’t related to the beast.

Taking a deep breath, I said, “Let’s go,” and plunged into the chilling depths of the blood pool.

Roger’s voice resonated with a mix of disgust and astonishment, ‘I know I’ve said ‘most’ a lot today, but this truly is the most revolting experience I’ve ever had.’

A smirk formed on my face underwater. ‘For once, we agree,’ I thought, pushing myself deeper into the crimson abyss.

Suddenly, a faint splash echoed above, followed by a familiar female scream. “What… are you doing?” Another splash sounded, indicating more company.

The depth was deceptive. After what felt like an eternity, about ten meters down, my hands brushed against the bottom. The distant screams now felt unnervingly close.

The floor of the pool was peculiar – soft, yet offering resistance. Roger mused, ‘It feels like rubber.’ A term I wasn’t familiar with.

Could it be? A concealed entrance? If I use enough force…

To my astonishment, my punch didn’t meet resistance. Instead, my hand went through the pool floor, revealing a void beyond. The sensation was eerie, like breaking the surface of an illusion.

“Roger, let’s synchronize our movements. Use our legs to propel us through this barrier,” I communicated mentally.

With synchronized effort, we broke through the deceptive floor. I emerged into an expansive cavern, its center dominated by a slow-moving river of blood. The very sight sent shivers down my spine.

Above, I noticed a commotion. Anthony’s hand burst through the barrier, flailing momentarily before forcefully passing himself through. He landed with a plop, brushing off his clothes with a frown.

“That damned person gave me a good kick,” Anthony complained, rubbing his rear. His sudden entry now made sense.

Soon after, another hand, graceful yet smeared with blood, penetrated the barrier. Its owner seemed to struggle, unable to find the same momentum Anthony had.

Anthony’s eyes darted between me and the struggling hand. “Should we help her?”

I hesitated for a moment, weighing the situation. “Leave her be. She won’t perish from this.” But as I turned away, a piercing, enraged scream echoed through the cavern, hinting at the imminent arrival of a furious woman.

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I leaped forward, grabbing the frantic hand and pulling with all my might. Letitia tumbled through, her wild eyes scanning the surroundings. The same eyes then locked onto mine, a mix of relief and fury.

“You wanted me to drown in that disgusting pool of animal blood?” she said, her voice dripping with venom.

I raised an eyebrow, challenging her. “Would it upset you if I said yes?”

Anthony intervened, his tone cold and commanding, “Enough. We have bigger issues at hand.” He glanced around, trying to find a direction. “Where are the screams coming from now?”

I pointed without hesitation, “That way.”

As we walked more profoundly into the cavern, I couldn’t help but notice the peculiar carvings adorning its walls—symbols and patterns I’d never seen before.

“What is this place?” Roger’s voice echoed with wonder and unease.

Only allowed on

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. This ancient, hidden realm lay right beneath the city I’d called home my entire life. How many secrets did it hold?

Following the trail of the haunting cries, we eventually arrived at a vast chamber. Numerous streams of blood converged, feeding into a central, larger pool. To one side, a figure lay curled up, seemingly in distress.

“Hey, look over there,” I whispered, pointing.

I squinted, trying to discern the features of the huddled figure. “Letitia, is that… your sister?” I questioned, hoping for clarity.

A flood of emotions washed over Letitia’s face. “I… I think it is,” she whispered, taking hesitant steps towards the figure.

Anthony’s hand shot out, barring her way. “Hold on. Don’t get any closer. It’s too risky.”

His gaze then shifted to me, eyes sharp with warning. “Ready yourself, Alex. If it comes to it, use a silver blade. Steel won’t do much against her.”

Ignoring the caution, Letitia continued her approach, her voice trembling with hope and fear. “Sister, it’s me! I’ve been searching everywhere for you. Let’s go home.”

I exchanged a bewildered look with Anthony. “Is she seriously going to embrace her?”

Anthony sighed a hint of exasperation in his tone. “In situations like this, some believe love can restore what’s broken. It’s a dangerous belief, especially with possession. But Letitia is nearly immortal. She’ll survive.”

A faint, rough voice broke our conversation. “Sis…ter?” It was a sign of recognition, a piece of humanity peeking through.

Tears shone in Letitia’s eyes as hope blossomed on her face. “Yes, it’s me, your sister. I’m so sorry for everything. Please, come back to us.”

Letitia, now mere feet away from the tormented creature, seemed to sense her sister’s internal struggle. The latter’s hands clutched her head as if trying to hold back a force threatening to burst forth.

“Eli, please! Fight this!” Letitia pleaded, bridging the final gap and wrapping her arms around her sister in a desperate embrace.

I started, “She actually did it. Maybe there’s a chance—” But my words were cut short by a sudden, violent movement.

Anthony’s voice dripped with a bitter ‘I-told-you-so’ tone, “Predictable.”

Letitia’s head was severed in a flash, soaring through the hollow air. What followed was a gruesome display as the monstrous version of Eli tore Letitia apart.

My voice remained eerily calm amidst the chaos, “Will she recover from that?”

Anthony nodded, determination evident in his eyes. “She will. But now, we need to capture that creature. Our goal? Make her look like the remnants of Letitia.”

I frowned, eyeing the beast’s formidable claws and the stark contrast between her and the Letitia I fought. “It won’t be easy, especially with those weapons she’s sporting.”

Anthony smirked, cracking his knuckles. “I’ve always been up for a challenge.”

— New chapter is coming soon —
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