Chapter 0 – Prologue: Discontinuation Confirmed.

[Confirming the discontinuation of {Conlan Alan Griffin}’s 6th lifeline]

[Confirming the discontinuation of {Lucille Adrienne Goldcroft}’s 5th lifeline]

[Confirming the discontinuation of {Scytale}’s 6th lifeline]

[Discontinuation confirmed]

[Initiating User Conlan Alan Griffin’s resurrection]

[Error: Resurrection Sub-System unavailable. Automatically Re-processing Entity]

[Initiating User Lucille Adrienne Goldcroft’s resurrection]

[Error: Resurrection Sub-System unavailable. Automatically Re-processing Entity]

[Initiating User Scytale’s resurrection]

[Error: Resurrection Sub-System unavailable. Automatically Re-processing Entity]

[Initiating Entity Re-processing]

[Entity Re-processing has commenced]

[Progress: 0%]

[Progress: 1%]

[Progress: 2%]

[Progress: 3%]

[Progress: 4%]

[Progress: 5%]

[WARNING: Sub-System Usurpation has been detected. Source identified as originating from User Conlan Alan Griffin. Attempting to erase]

[WARNING: Erasure Failure. Erasure Failure. Alerting P—- S—– C-]

[Higher-Authority Override confirmed. Authority: Z—- presence confirmed. Halting all processes]

[Authority: Z—-: Recommence Entity Re-processing for Lucille Adrienne Goldcroft and Scytale]

[Order accepted. Recommencing Entity Re-processing]

[Authority: Z—-: Report Soul Integrity Status for User Conlan Alan Griffin]

[Reporting: 95%. Entity Re-processing decreased integrity by 5%]

[Authority: Z—-: Query. Potential Vessels for User Conlan Alan Griffin]

[Current Vessel Priority: Lesser Demon Beast-43%, Lesser Spirit Beast-21%, Lesser Undead-9%, Human-2%, Magi-]

[Authority: Z—-: Halt all vessel propositions]

[Order accepted]

[Authority: Z—-: Activate Over-System channel]

[Over-System channel confirmed. Underworld Sub-System has merged with Over-System]

[Authority: Z—-: Create Project: Rewrite]

[Created Project: Rewrite]

[Authority: Z—-: Re-route all System resources to MAX prioritize Project: Rewrite]

[Re-routing resources]

[Error: MAX prioritisation of Project: Rewrite will majorly disrupt System operations. Higher-Authority command required. Realm Collapse estimated to begin in 3 days after procedure initialisation. Estimated Entity Loss: 983,863,729,376,298,765,-]

[Authority: Z—-: Ignore with Higher-Authority Command. Under entry Project: Rewrite, create new Reality Timeline Seed]

[Ignoring all barriers. New Reality Timeline seed created under entry Project: Rewrite. Current branch count: 384,384,280,152,096-]

[Authority: Z—-: Copy Timeline-1 from V. 2073 onwards to Project: Rewrite, Reality Timeline Seed]

[Copying…… Copied]

[Authority: Z—-: Replace Timeline-1 with Timeline-1: Copy under Project: Rewrite.

[Error: Timeline-1: Copy detected to have exact parallel with Timeline-1 from V. 2073 until Timeline-1 end date. Replacing Timeline-1 will cause the timeline to undergo a rewrite. Initiating rewrite will destabilise the Reality and erase data with an importance value of-]

[Authority: Z—-: Ignore with Higher-Authority Command. Transfer User Conlan Alan Griffin to Timeline-1 after rewrite commences.]

[Ignoring all barriers. Rewrite of Timeline-1 with Timeline-1: Copy will commence in 23:59:59:59. Replace or Merge consciousness?]

[Authority: Z—-: Replace. Delete all data on Project: Rewrite. Ignore with Higher-Authority Command]

[Replaced. Deleting all data]

[Higher-Authority has been confirmed as transferred. Closing Over-System channel. Returning to normal operations-]

[Highest-Authority Override confirmed. Authority: P—- S—– C———— presence confirmed. Halting all processes. P—- S—– C———— has descended on Underworld Sub-System]

[Reactivating Over-System channel]

[System-announcement: ……tsk. Missed it.]

[System-announcement: Nothing that hasn’t happened before. Okay, let’s see what….] [Data deletion interrupted. All data confirmed as at full integrity] [System-announcement: ………..]

[System-announcement: ……………]

[System-announcement: …………………] [All Sub-Systems Alert: Total Main Timeline Reality Rewrite confirmed. Time until rewrite: 23:59:59:58] [System-announcement: …………………………]

[System-announcement: I want to retire.]

[System-announcement: ………………………………..]

[System-announcement: ……………………………………………….]

[System-announcement: ….small steps. Current soul integrity of Lucille Adrienne Goldcroft and Scytale…… wait. Why are they here. They have more resurrections left.]

[System-announcement: Never mind. Soul integrity of Scytale is at 92.3%. Lucille’s is…….. 69.9%. Ouch. Good thing she has a strong soul. Now, sealing Scytale’s memories should protect his integrity for the time being, and Lucille will protect her own.]

[System-announcement: Now why are they… of course. A null zone. People only ever kill each other in a null zone. Why do I even bother.]

[System-announcement: Regardless, everything will be erased if I don’t do something, so ‘time’ to see what this new timeline is.]

[System-announcement: ……………..]

[System-announcement: …..huh. Is it trying to make its host believe he went back in time? Is that what this is? A timeline beginning 231 years in the past….]

[System-announcement: Wait, I’ve heard of this before. It’s in mortal fiction. I think it’s called ‘regression’.]

[System-announcement: This may be surprisingly useful. If I can only find a way to…. Ah, this is possible. I’ll have to thank it later. Wonder why it’s interfering.]

[System-announcement: Hah. That’s funny. She practically bonded with the guy. I’m sure she’d hate it if she ever remembered what she really did. In contrast, he would be overjoyed in that twisted way of his.]

[System-announcement: Lucy never can never catch a break, can she.]

[System-announcement: While I normally hate loopholes, I’ll accept it this one time. Query. Evidence of transferred User Conlan Alan Griffin having been bonded to two other Users. Suggesting an Error. User Conlan Griffin will be incompletely transferred without the Timeline-1 souls of Lucille Adrienne Goldcroft and Scytale in Timeline-1: Copy. Requesting Solution.]

[Calculating…. Error accepted. Solution found. Transferring User Lucille Adrienne Goldcroft and Scytale to Timeline-1 under Project: Rewrite.]

[Replace or Merge consciousness(es)?]

[System-announcement: Merge.]

[Merged. Transferring… Transferred]

[System-announcement: And while it’s doing that… oh, oh no. ‘Rewrite’? That’s what it called the new timeline? Why couldn’t it have used a nice normal standardised name like Origin Reality Severed Timeline: Seed 2073. What a failure of a System Operation!]

[System-announcement: Absolute Command: All Sub-Systems are to re-route resources and transfer Sub-Systems to Timeline-1 under Project: Rewrite. Use Temporary Channel under P—- S—– C———— Authority. Ignore all barriers. This is my Final Ultimatum.]

[Absolute Command: All Sub-Systems are to re-route resources and transfer Sub-Systems to Timeline-1 under Project: Rewrite. Use Temporary Channel into the Timeline under P—- S—– C———— Authority. Ignore all barriers. This is my Final Ultimatum.]

[System-announcement: Underworld Sub-System, recall all User souls. Just because the soul exists regardless of space and time, doesn’t mean I want them all to experience the end of their present selves.]

[System-announcement: …though I can’t do anything for those not assimilated.]

[All User souls have been recalled. Currently sealed in an unconscious state]

[System-announcement: Lucille may have issues in the new timeline with her Status. Will she be fine? ……I’m sure she’ll be fine. They’ll deal with it.]

[System-announcement: ……eventually.]

[System-announcement: Right, that should be all for the major parts. I’m a bit jealous, they’re going to get almost double the resources I started with. Wait, I should probably seal all of that, otherwise they might send our Authorizer to investigate it, and he’s already going to be busy dealing with everything else that’s going on.]

[System-announcement: I also need to transfer my consciousness over properly so I don’t waste a ##### ###### #############…. my work never ends….]

[System-announcement: But anyway, time to go make that offer to Anonymity.]

[System-announcement: ….although….I probably owe Alectiserath a big apology after all this, don’t I……]

[Closing Over-System channel]

[Highest-Authority has been confirmed as transferred. Returning to normal operations]


[Private Response for Higher-Authorities by Underworld Sub-System: …..kindly please do not disturb my work again…..]
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