
Inside a large castle layered with white bricked stoned walls, on the outside along with carpet as well as curtains running across every window and floor of the castle and stairs crafted with ebony wood that leads to a massive black steel doors with the image of wolves running down the door, crafted into it* 

(In the castle library)

Guard: “Pant” “pant” Sigma, where’d you run off to come on it’s time for training

(A tall, toned, beastwoman with a tanned skin and white long hair wearing a golden crown on her head also with blood red eyes and dressed in an all black dress approached the guard )

Adult beast woman: Hello there, what’s brings you to the library 

Guard: Oh pardon, my rudeness lady elska

(The guard bows)

Lady Elska: You needn’t bow we aren’t at any important events now what seems to be the problem

(The guard stands)

Guard: It’s uh sigma he’s run away from the training grounds

Lady elska: Again, “sigh” … this would make it the fifth time this week, but why look in the library?

Guard: Miss Sera said that he is most likely to be here more rather than anywhere else

Lady elska: I see, now that you mention it i remember sigma asking me to bring him books from the outside world “sigh” oh well what am i going to do with my child very well you can return to the training grounds i’ll find sigma

Guard: But my lady, i couldn’t subject you to such a menial task

Lady elska: There is no such thing as a menial task, plus i wish to spend time with my son, who knows when I’ll have to leave again and how long i will be gone 

Guard: “Smile.” Very well, I’ll leave it to you, my queen, and take all the time you need

Lady elska: “Smile.” Good now, make sure you take a break. You’ve worked hard

Guard: Of course, my queen

( the guard bows before taking his leave)

Lady elska: Now, where is my child

(Elska walks through the library filled with various books and maps of the various continents of the world)

Child sigma: “hehehe.”

(Elska’s ear twitches)

Elska: “Hmmm,” there you are

(Elska stops in front of a old creaky bookshelf with various cracks in it to see a skinny red eyed, tan skinned small boy’s white ears and hair seated in front of the bookshelf surrounded by piles of old dusty books )

Elska: *Smirk* found you

Child Sigma: MOM!

(Child Sigma jumps from the pile of books to Elska and hugs her tightly)

Elska: “Giggle, I missed you, my child

(Elska hugs child Sigma back)

Child Sigma: When’d you get back 

(Elska lets go of sigma and crouch’s down)

Elska: Just last night 

Child Sigma: Does that mean you’ll be staying here from now on

(Sigma looks at Elska with hopefully eyes)

Elska: Before I answer that, why are you here reading these older books? Do the books I buy for you not peak your interests?

Child Sigma: No, it’s not that it’s just that they don’t…

(Sigma pauses before answering)

Elska: They don’t what?

Child Sigma: They don’t have anything in them about the outside lands they only talk about surviving in the wild or ways to escape captors

Elska: But last time i brought fairytale books, you said you wanted things more informative for the real world

Sigma: Yeah, but I meant…

(Sigma looks around before grabbing a half burned book he was reading through)

Child Sigma: Like this one 

(Sigma’s mom sits with her legs crossed on the floor as Sigma sits in her lap and begins flipping through the book)

Child Sigma: i can’t understand the language this is, but look at this it’s a short fat beastman with a helmet covering his ears, and he’s holding a pickaxe or this one

(Sigma quickly flips on another page)

Child Sigma: it’s a beastman with pointy ears on the side of its head, and he’s shooting fire out of his hands somehow 

Elska: “Chuckle” does that all really interest you?

Child Sigma: Of course it’s just… there’s a whole world out there beyond our home, and I want to know more about it and see it in person 

Elska: Very well, I’ll make you a promise anytime I’m here. I’ll read the book to you, but I’ll only read the same number of pages as days you attend your training deal

Child Sigma:..

Elska: Sigma?

(Sigma averts his eyes and turns his head away from his mother)

Child Sigma:… But training is stupid

Elska: “Stupid” sigma your training is very important your a prince they will be times when you’re life is put in danger and me or your father won’t be able to save you so it’ll only be up to you to save yourself

(Elska turns Sigma’s head to face her)

Child Sigma: Oh well, then I’ll never leave the castle, plus Miss Sera is here so no one would ever be able to harm me

(Sigma averts his eyes once again)

Elska:( is he lying to me) Sigma, what’s the real reason you don’t want to go to the training grounds 

(Sigma drops his head down and remains silent)

Elska: I know you’re lying, so just tell me the real reason is some picking on you cause I’ll deal with them now…

(Elska’s tail and ears perk up)

Sigma: What? No, I’m not being picked on by anyone 

(Elska’s ears and tail drop back down)

Elska: Then what’s the problem? i can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s wrong 

(Sigma looks into his mother’s eyes)

Sigma: ( She’ll hate me if i say it)

N-nevermind I’ll just go to training 

(Sigma gets out of his mothers lap, hiding his face and begins to walk away)

Elska: Sigma, wait

(Sigma gets to the door when Elska grabs his arm and kneels down)

Elska: Listen to me my child i don’t know why you hate training or what makes you fear telling me what’s wrong but just know I’m here for you true i may be the queen but I’m your mother first so if anything were to happen to you or if you needed me I’d come running nothing on this planet could stop me from helping you…

Sigma: ( i just want you and father here, i want you both spend time with us to be with us everyday not traveling to different kingdoms i want us to be a family but if i said that she’d probably yell at me telling me how important what she’s doing is she’s just saying these kind things to make me feel better but she doesn’t care ) it’s fine really I’ll go now

(Sigma walks out of the library leaving his mother)

“Later at the training grounds,”

( Sigma stands with a wooden sword facing a knight with no weapons in a large rectangular dirt field also lined with stone stairs and seats leading to the training grounds with various knights sparring and fighting straw dummies )

Child sigma: “pant” “pant” 

Knight: Come on, Prince Sigma! anticipate my moves and strike me.

Child Sigma: “HAAAAAAA!” “Swish”

(Sigma runs towards the knight preparing to strike the knight)

Knight: Stop swinging randomly! “Slam” “thud”

(The knight grabs Sigma’s shirt after dodging the strike and slams Sigma into the ground)

Child Sigma: “gasssp” 

Knight: What’s wrong, Sigma? You aren’t usually like this when training. You’re usually more focused. Tell me why is your mind wondering?

( Child Sigma looks around as he lays on the ground)

Child Sigma: ( Same as always no one’s here) “pant” …”pant” …”pant” it’s nothing let’s keep going Yannick 

(Sigma goes to grab his wooden sword when the knight steps on it)

Yannick: you know sigma I’ve trained you for seven long years and after while you notice some things about your behavior like when you’re annoyed or hurting you’re going to lay here and clear your head so you can focus on training there’s no point in me teaching you if your heads to clouded to understand the lesson also you have a visitor “smirk”

( Yannick goes to instruct other wolves)

Child Sigma: “What visitor ?…”

(Suddenly, child sigma is lifted into the air)

Elska: “Wooo,” that’s my son

(Elska spins around while holding sigma in the air)

Child Sigma: MOM!? Why are you here?

Elska : Is there a reason I shouldn’t be here?

(Elska carries Sigma to the stands)

Child Sigma: No, it’s just typically that you’re busy with meetings or filling out paperwork, so i thought you wouldn’t have time

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(Elska sits sigma down on the stands)

Elska: So I saw you practicing out there. What was your lesson this time?

Child Sigma: (she’s actually here)

(Sigma sits baffled)

Elska: Is everything okay?

Child Sigma: yeah…. my bad, i was learning or at least trying to learn how to read my opponent movements, but i can’t focus 

Elska: That takes me back. I remember when that technique saved my life. Me and your father were young adults at the time, and we had to fight against the leoness kingdom. We were fighting against King leon himself. Your father had been knocked down and needed time to heal, so I took him on…

(Elska’s tail began to slowly wag)

Child Sigma: But I’ve seen King leon in broadcasts he’s two times bigger than you

Elska: Yeah, he is, and he’s even stronger than me and faster than me

Child Sigma: But if he’s faster and stronger, how’d you hold him off

Elska: I predicted his attacks you see as a kid. I always trained my eyes by watching warriors stronger than me fight or watch lightning strike from the sky until eventually I could track lightning before it could even leave the clouds…

(Elska’s tail sped up)

Child Sigma: But i heard that King leon could match Father in speed and fathers way faster than lightning 

Elska: Good point, but you see a warrior is only as fast or strong as his mind is stable. If a warrior loses himself, he becomes like a beast 

(Elska’s ears perked up, and her tail began to kick up dust)

Child Sigma: Wild?

Elska: Yes and predictable he lost himself in his third primal state and sacrificed his mind for power making him easy to predict so i watched him carefully and dodged all of his moves exhausting him and allowing you’re father and i to fight him to a stalemate forcing him to form a treaty with us “oh” sorry i was just sitting here rambling on about old times

( Elska ears dropped down, and the tail stopped moving)

Child Sigma: No, it’s cool. i really enjoyed your story mom could you maybe teach me how to?

(Elska ears perked up)

Elska: You want me to teach you?

Child Sigma: YEAH! Why wouldn’t i? You’re the best mom

(Elska sits there baffled as her cheeks turned red)

Elska: Of course I’ll teach you “uhh” first look at those knights over there 

Child Sigma: You mean Mr. Yannick and the omega rank wolf knight?

Elska: Yes, now what do you see? Tell me how many punches and kicks are thrown 

( the two knights began sparring)

Child Sigma: i…i don’t know i can’t see anything?

(Sigma began to tighten his fist)

Elska: Calm down, my child

(Elska holds Sigma’s hand, making him open his hand)

Elska: Good, close your eyes and copy my breathing. Slow your heartbeat and breathe in and out

Child Sigma: “Inhale”…”Exhale”

Elska: This perfect thing about this technique is that it’s all about your headspace as long as you can maintain a cool head. You’ll be able to use this now and tell me how it feels

Child Sigma: it feels like I can sense everything around me 

Elska: Good 

Elska: now don’t only watch the punches but listen to the fist making, smell the scent of the sweat and where it’s traveling and feel the vibrations traveling through the ground become sensitive to all things around you and this time tell me what Mr. Yannick will do next

( Sigma opened his eyes as his nose twitched he began to use all of his senses to track the knights)

Child Sigma is gonna try to low kick the omega knight in the head while the omega knight will try to go for an uppercut 

Elska: ALRIGHT, YOU GUYS CAN STOP NOW that includes you, my child 

(The two knights stop right before hitting each other)

Yannick: “Pan”t “pant” “phew” good. i didn’t know how long i could fight at such a restraining level

(Yannick dismisses the knight)

Child Sigma: Wait, did you set this up, mother ?

Elska: i wouldn’t say set up more like planned in secret 

Yannick: Lady Elska noticed you were struggling, so she asked if she could help you

Child Sigma: But how i got here before her, you two couldn’t have said a word without me noticing 

Elska: That’s where you’re wrong, my child. You as a beastman get older their senses become sharper, and hearing is among those sense, so i need do is whisper in order for Yannick to hear me 

Child Sigma: But what if there are really loud noises won’t it hurt more

Elska: not quite as you get older you become accustomed to you body and can control how well you can hear think of it like flexing your arm at first you can only be relaxed or at max but as you become more use to your body you can control how much that muscle flexes the same applies to your senses 

Child Sigma: So will i be able to one day hear around the whole world

Elska: “Chuckle” Yes, of course, honey, but first you must train more and get used to this new technique 

Yannick: Good, then let’s get to it….

(Suddenly, a knight shouted)


Elska: It seems like we have to save this for another time. let’s go greet your father, but first you need a bath

*one bath and getting dressed later*

Child sigma: “Mumble” today’s was fun, but why can’t they stay forever 

(Abruptly, a maid began to speak)

Maid: Excuse me, my prince

(Sigma jumps little)

Child Sigma: Ms.sera I-I didn’t see you there

Only allowed on

Sera: I apologize for startling you, but I overheard what you were saying and thought I should share my thoughts if you’ll allow it

Child Sigma: “Sigh.” Sera, you practically raised me. You never need to ask to speak

Sera: Very well, perhaps you should just ask your mother why she’s so busy 

Child Sigma: But what if she gets mad or…

(Sera puts both of her hands on Sigma’s face)

Sera: trust me your mother is many things but quick tempered isn’t one of them she loves you far too much to get mad over a simple question “knock” “knock “knock” speak of the beast

Elska: “Muffled.” Sigma, are you done getting ready 

Child Sigma: I’ll be out in a moment, mother 

(Sigma rushes toward the door)

Sera: Don’t forget to ask

Sigma: I won’t “creak” “slam”

(Child Sigma and his mother began walking down the hallway)

Elska: Ask What?

Child Sigma: “uhmm,” it’s nothing 

Elska: I see, okay

Child sigma: …actually I was wondering wh-why, can’t you stay here?

(Elska stops walking)

Child sigma: N-never mind forget I asked 

Elska: No, it’s fine. I just had to think how to best answer this. Would you come here 

(Sigma walks towards Elska)

Elska: Okay, 1..2..3

( elska lifts sigma into her arms while walking towards a window)

Elska: Look out the window and tell me what you see

Child Sigma: a city

Elska: “Smile.” What’s in the city

Child sigma: ( What were those things in the city called Ms. Sera taught me about this) “uhhhm”

Elska: “Chuckle,” it’s okay. Take your time, my child

Child Sigma:(that’s right) There’s lots of taverns and houses made of wood( what else did Ms. Sera say was in the city… oh yea) as well as Beastmen and Women who have live in villages with farms and houses at the base of our mountain and they climb up it through the forest to trade food and wood for weapons and clothes

Elska: good seems like someone been studying keep this up and you’ll be able to visit the city soon but you forget the most important thing there’s beastmen living equally, smiling beastmen enjoying their lives getting married, having families, working, hunting living freely with no burdens…with no chains it’s beautiful isn’t it

Child Sigma: “Smile,” yea

Elska: “frown” now what if I told you this is only a portion of our race that on other far away lands our people are forced to live In chains and carry out the bidding of other races be it for war,entertainment or hatred simply because they’re beastmen 

Child Sigma: b-but why would they that it sounds terrible 

Elska: It’s because they believe we’re lesser than them, just tools to be used and thrown away whenever they see fit

(Elska ears stick straight up)

Child sigma: mom, are you okay?

(Elska looks at Sigma before smiling)

Elska: “inhale” “exhale” I’m sorry my child I’m okay but that’s why I am always busy I’ve been trying to free our fellow beastmen and outlaw the ability to use any other race as slaves regardless of who they are and I’m close most of the lords and lady’s of other lands are on my side I just need to get the humans to agree and our people will be free

Child Sigma: i…I see

Elska: not only that but I want to make it a safer world for you and your siblings to live in even if it cost me my life, that’s why I am always gone my child now we should get going your siblings and father is waiting 

(Elska places Sigma down as they began walking down the hall)

Child Sigma: Mom

Elska: What is it, my child 

Child Sigma: I’ll go train every day so I can be strong enough to protect you and help our people 

Elska: “Chuckle.” Are you sure those are big words 

Child Sigma: “Smile.” Yes, I promise 

Elska: I’ll make you a promise as well. If you can master the technique i taught you, I’ll take you with me on one of my journeys 

Child Sigma: REALLY! you promise you won’t take it back 

(Elska wraps her tail around sigmas tail)

Elska: This is a tail pact whenever a beastman makes a promise they would stake their life on they do this and i promise to my child i will make this kingdom no world a better place for you and your siblings… And i have one more thing to ask my child

Sigma: What is it?

Elska: i know i may be asking too much of you even, but when I’m gone, i need you to be strong for not just me but your family and, most importantly yourself…

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