
Aylin Elric;

The 2nd princess and loves her friends.

Iris Evergarden;

The only princess and she loves cats.She has a cat ‘Cathyon’.

Elina Ackermen;

The younger of two siblings and a naughty one.

Harlin Hoeinheim;

The 3rd princess and she loves to be loved.

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Eren Wistaria;

The 1st prince and a flirty one. He can be serious from time to time.

Erwin Wistaria;

The 2nd aka Eren’s younger fraternal twin who is kinda a green flag.

Zen Wistaria;

The 3rd prince and he is not much of a talkative one.

Austin Wistaria;

Last but not the least, Zen’s fraternal twin aka the 4rth prince. He is not much of a green flag but a possessive one…

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- my thoughts:
Love you always, Byeeee....
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