Chapter 3 – Fixing Things

Chapter 3 – Fixing Things

The princess seemed puzzled by this. She looked at the rest of the students and then asked her priests.

“Why is it like this?”

“I don’t know either. Maybe it is an omen from the gods,” one of them answered.

The princess did not know what to do about this situation.

Looking at the high priest, she sent an urgent signal to him, expressing her deep concern. 

The high priest understood the princess’s concern about losing one of the summoned heroes. If they didn’t figure this out, it might affect their plans, so they needed to resolve this as soon as possible.

The high priest took over. Understanding what he needed to do. He looked at Nolen and then responded.

We can wait until his stats and skills appear. If they don’t, we have another way of fixing it.”

Elizabeth then gestured to the high priest to deal with the matter.

The high priest then leads Nolen to another room away from the kids.

“Now, we will check how much energy you have.”

The priest places his hand on Nolen and asks him to move to the center of the room.

“You should feel some kind of sensation.”

Nolen felt nothing.

The high priest acted puzzled and signaled to Nolen to wait. Then he left the room to check something.

Thinking the person needed to get something, he stayed where he was.

Suddenly, a bright light appears beneath Nolen.

He suddenly found himself plummeting towards a pool of boiling lava at an alarming rate. He realized that he had been dropped on top of a volcano.

All he could do was scream and continue to fall into the liquid flame.

A magma splash erupted, briefly glowing before he vanished beneath the molten liquid.

Back in the summoning room, no one was the wiser. No one seemed to care that their substitute teacher was gone. The students were too busy admiring the newfound powers.

One of the priests then looked at the girl.

“How about you, young heroine?”

“Me? Oh yeah, My job says Spear Knight. My skills seem amazing when I look at it. I can beat anyone up with my skills. I can’t wait to try it out!”

The princess then smiled at the girl.

“Can you demonstrate your skill for us, heroine?”

The princess then ordered one of the guards to bring her a spear. One of them got a spear from one of the nearby racks.

“Here you go. Take a swing.” Handing the girl the spear.

“Sure thing!” The girl enthusiastically responded.

She tightly grasped the spear with both hands and swung it towards the nearest target in the room. A wooden target covered with straw had been brought in a few minutes ago for the tests. She slashed the target in half, effortlessly splitting the wooden board. Beaming with pride, she turned to the other students and asked if they had witnessed what she had just done.

“Now you guys try,” Elizabeth told the students.

The princess then brought out a variety of weapons and stuff. She wanted to see what these heroes could do. She looked at the one named Tom.

“Okay, Tom, now it’s your turn.”


He was then handed a sword. It was a standard sword and did not have any unique properties.

“All right, now just swing it at the target.”

Tom slashed the target with great strength, cutting it in half. He lacked discipline on the slash, but his title as a hero and his skill in swordsmanship made up for it.

“Oh wow, this is nice. I guess it works like that, huh.”

Tom looks at the sword and then at the princess.

The princess was pleased to see the demonstrations of the newly summoned heroes, but she did not show them this. She remained calm and kept her smile, not expressing her emotions to the students about her feelings. She then turned to the other students.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Now, let us go to the castle.”

The students were puzzled momentarily, then nodded and followed the princess.


One of the priests led the students to the main room. The princess spoke to the high priest, who guided Nolen to the other room.

“What did you do with the one who called himself Nolen? Did you fix the issue?”

The priest responded,

“Yes, princess, the defective summon has been dealt with.”

The princess nodded and walked to where the children were as if nothing happened.

The princess looked at the kids and asked,

“So, what do you think of our magnificent kingdom so far?”

They all enthusiastically answered as they looked around the magnificent white marble castle.

“It’s Beautiful.”

“It is awesome! I wonder if we can get a tour around the castle?”

“It’s incredible!”

“Of course! You can go wherever you want. There are no restrictions on you, heroes. So, enjoy!” She responded before turning to Tom.

“And you, do you have anywhere in particular you would like to see in the castle?”

Tom thought for a moment before answering. He then told the princess,

“I would love to see the knights’ training area in the castle.”

The princess nods with a smile as she leads the students on a tour of her castle.

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