Chapter 14:A Yandere, Seriously?

James kept on backing off,he kept on screaming,why the hell are you screaming like a girl? this is the first time I saw James like this.

I looked at Luna, she’s smiling,it looked like she knows why he’s screaming.The cat jumped off her and approached James.Based on my research from the recent fight, people who release their aura first usually don’t use their animal to attack their opponent,some kind of seal to prevent them and when they release their aura,the animals seems to attack them sometimes.

But what makes me wonder why the hell is James screaming. “WHAT THE HELL YOU’RE SCREAMING FOR?” I shouted at James “The cat bro, I’M AFRAID AND ALLERGIC TO CATS” James replied back. Oh,I see but those are just images and aura.

“Don’t worry bro,that’s just an aura and an image so it’s not a real cat” I said to him but he still looked scared. “Don’t worry, James,” Luna said reassuringly. “That’s just a harmless little kitty. It’s nothing to be afraid of.”

James swallowed nervously, his gaze locked on the cat as it approached them. Luna could see the panic in his eyes and couldn’t resist teasing him a little.

James just screamed as the cat approached, suddenly he started glowing, aura only appears when your angry and dangerous situation, well, looks the cat is the dangerous situation. A brown spotted cat out of nowhere jumped at Luna’s cat, they fought. James screamed more as he saw the new cat.

Wait, you can only have one animal. I looked at James glowing brown with spotted around him, it is an evidence that he owned the cat. Okay so let me get this straight, so James is afraid and allergic to cats but they are his favorite, seriously?

Both of the cat fight on the floor, “IT IS JUST AN IMAGE SO DON’T BE AFRAID” I shouted again at James. James glowed, he walk forward and didn’t care about the cats, it looks like releasing your aura destroys your weaknesses, I’ll soon take a note of that.

James went forward face to face Luna, both of them went stance to stance. The Cat Vs. The Cat

James suddenly lunged at her, his cat abilities honed in on her movements. Luna, with her cat-like reflexes, dodged his attack and countered with a swipe of her claws. The two of them engaged in a fierce battle, their abilities clashing as they fought for control of the artifact.

Despite his fear of cats, James fought bravely, determined to prove himself against Luna’s superior skills. However, Luna’s cat-like abilities gave her the upper hand, and she soon gained the advantage over him. James knew he was outmatched, but he refused to back down, his pride pushing him to continue fighting.

As the battle raged on, Luna and James gradually wore each other down, their attacks becoming more desperate and fierce. The sound of claws scraping against skin echoed the room, they kept on hissing each other like a cat, interspersed with the occasional yowl of pain or triumph.They both stand up and looked tired

Luna again wasted no time in springing into action, using her superior agility to dodge James’ attacks and retaliate with swift strikes of her own. James, however, proved to be a formidable opponent, matching Luna’s every move with his own lightning-fast reflexes.

As the battle raged on, Luna began to gain the upper hand, using her cat-like abilities to outmaneuver James and land blow after blow. James, realizing he was being outmatched, resorted to a cunning tactic to turn the tide in his favor.

With a sly grin on his face, James let out a loud whistle, causing Luna to momentarily lose focus. In that split second, James seized the opportunity to deliver a powerful blow that sent Luna reeling backwards.

Despite the setback, Luna refused to give up. She rallied her strength and lunged at James with determination, determined to emerge victorious. But James had other plans.

With a swift movement, James somersaulted out of Luna’s reach and went behind me. James slashed the ropes that tied in my hand and hastily slashed the rope that tied to my fight, the cut was purrrrrr-fect.

I stood up but Luna is approaching us, I know she won’t hurt me so I hug her tight to keep her still “Jump now to the window” I said to James, Luna struggled to my arms. James opened and jumped to the window.

After seeing him jump,I let go of Luna and run to the window and jumped. I saw James running and I landed and catch up to him. “Hey what kind of animal is your favorite?” I asked James, “Savannah cat why?” He replied “Nothing just asking,oh yeah,so your afraid of cats and your favorite animal is a cat, how does that make any sense?” I asked again.

“It’s just that the cats looked cute okay” he replied, I laughed while we both ran and we ran non-stop to our home.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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